ISOLDE 44Ti meeting notes
31 Oct 2018
==ENSAR2 status==
We have some information from people, but not enough.
When is the deadline?
==Meetings at CERN next week==
*Beam energy w/ Alberto
*Crane use w/ Olof
*Survey team w/ Peter Skypes
*RILIS people for laser ideas
*Find Liam if we need the alpha source
==To be ordered==
*PPE (Safety)
Boots and hardhats for new members
*New valves for gas flow system
Done. Peter will help weld it up later.
*Gas cell stands for each gas cell
Order is completed. We are awaiting M2 screws now.
Order of 10 to arrive 7 Nov
*Au foils
Paul at STFC confirmed the order.
==To be repaired / replaced==
*Manual gate valve between SEC and Edinburgh chamber
New one has arrived - plan to leak check it
Awaiting clamps that were ordererd
Repair kit was ordered. Maybe Katie can enjoy this.
*Silena 7100 Quad Bias supply showed false readings during 59Cu exp.
Responsible: Katie, Daid, ...
Not yet repaired, Peter searches for manual
Alternative module was found and tagged for our use, needs testing
*ORTEC 474 TFA was returned to Edinburgh, owing to 10 V baseline shift
Responsible: Katie, Daid, ...
Useful for photodiode trigger. Take replacement back to CERN.
Tagged for repair.
Alternative module was found and tagged for our use, needs testing
*Take additional Pre-amp to CERN for Photodiode?
There are several in the Miniball cupboard...
*Chamber stand wheel struts
These were mailed to CERN attn: Karl Johnston. He confirmed with DHL.
*How shall we integrate the beam intensity delivered to target?
Total integrated current, with efficiency-calibrated Ge detector
Gold foil w/ back-scattering to photodiode?
Needs foil, mounts for foil & photodiode. Other parts prepared.
Alpha scattering in SSDs is most preferred.
*Photodiode degrader foil for isobaric check
10, 15, 20 um Al are prepared at CERN, 2 blank frames in Edinburgh
What thickness is sufficient for 44Sc / 44Ti separation?
(...or other suspected contamination...)
Need to know the beam energies! This is quick work.
*Target ladder setup -- IMPORTANT
Peter has made a jig for us, it looks promising.
How many targets can fit & what should they be?
3 mm collimator
Photodiodes (takes two slots)
Viewing screen (?)
1 mm collimator (?)
Blank target frame (?)
*Gas cell
Responsible: Katie, Conor
Gas cell eventually needs to go to CERN.
**Window material / thickness
9, 12.5 um Al
3, 6 um Ti
2.5 um Havar
3 um Ti, 12.5 um Al are installed with leak rates < 1 Torr/hr.
*Chamber alignment
Responsible: Peter Black
Previously, we contacted the survey team to come assist.
We'll have a chat next week. Peter can join w/ Skype.
Alignment parts are all at CERN, _except a gas cell prism holder_
*DAQ PC has any further issues to get on the network?
Responsible: Daid, Tom Davinson
(If PC is turned on, contact Ruchi as she would like some data.)
*Cobbling things together at CERN next week
Responsible: Daid, Conor, ...
What should we take?
Rainbows and unicorns.
What should we bring back?
Some chocolate, maybe
==Simulation code==
Responsible: Daid, Alex, Conor, ...
Sounds like some people are reinventing the wheel in Canada.
What's the best way to collaborate and share? Probably git.