ISOLDE 44Ti meeting notes
19 Jul 2018
==To be ordered==
*Entrance window foils, TBD
6um Ti from Goodfellow?
*Gas bottles at CERN - Helium and (likely) Argon.
ISOLDE might provide them, but they never did for N2 gas
Gas bottle will need a regulator (new or old one)
*Spanners to help repair water chiller leak.
We need the right imperial size (x2) for Swagelok.
Sizes? Email says 2x 9/16" but let's confirm
*High precision balance
No new updates. Do we really need it?
==To be repaired / replaced==
*Manual gate valve between SEC and Edinburgh chamber
Responsible: Peter, Daid, CERN Vacuum Team ...
The old one had a leak, likely from the O-ring
(Automated fast-acting gate valve could be required)
At some point, we may have to decide w/o input
Path of least resistance: fix existing one
(The old manual one should be around Peter's office...what's the beam pipe size?)
*Silena 7100 Quad Bias supply showed false readings during 59Cu exp.
Responsible: Daid, ...
Not yet repaired, Peter searches for manual
Alternative module was found and tagged for our use, needs testing
*ORTEC 474 TFA was returned to Edinburgh, owing to 10 V baseline shift
Responsible: Daid, ...
Useful for photodiode trigger. Take replacement back to CERN.
Tagged for repair.
Alternative module was found and tagged for our use, needs testing
*Teflon chamber feet stands
Responsible: Toby Fu
The original foot engraving diameter was too small, by mistake. The chamber could be shifted after alignment
But what are the design specifications?
*How shall we integrate the beam intensity delivered to target?
Gold foil w/ back-scattering to photodiode?
Needs foil, mounts for foil & photodiode. Other parts prepared.
Alpha scattering in SSDs is another option
*Photodiode degrader foil for isobaric check
Which Al foil(s) are prepared?
In Edinburgh or CERN?
What thickness is sufficient for 44Sc / 44Ti separation?
*Gas cell entrance window material / thickness
*Decide beam energies
Responsible: Conor, Alex, Daid
1.2, 1.55, 1.88, 2.2 and 2.8 MeV/u were stated as available
*Model effect of beam spot size.
Responsible: Conor
~3 mm FWHM was achieved for 59Cu
*Gas cell
Responsible: Katie, Conor
Vacuum system is set up in Edinburgh, and He gas is available
He gas bottle needs a mounting support prior to use.
Everything is in Physics Stores
We can continue to investigate true leak rate, gas cell handling, assembly
Gas cell eventually needs to go to CERN.
Are we satisfied with the setup, or shall we get new parts?
(e.g. several new valves, ...)
*Chamber alignment
Responsible: Peter Black
Chamber is currently disconnected from the beam line.
Previously, we contacted the survey team to come assist.
*DAQ PC has any further issues to get on the network?
Responsible: Tom Davinson
(If PC is turned on, contact Ruchi as she would like some data.)
ISOLDE 44Ti meeting notes
27 Sept 2018
==To be ordered==
*Entrance window foils, TBD
4um Ti from Goodfellow?
9, 12 um Al from Goodfellow?
(Some existing queries regarding Havar, et al.)
*Gas bottles at CERN - Helium and (likely) Argon.
ISOLDE might provide them, but they never did for N2 gas
Gas bottle will need a regulator (new or old one)
*Spanners to help repair water chiller leak.
NB: Might damage piping during re-assembly
We need the right imperial size (x2) for Swagelok.
Sizes? Email says 2x 9/16" but let's confirm
*High precision balance
Daid still needs to show Katie and Conor where the room is and what to do.
We are welcome to use the one in the chem lab on 2nd floor
Just wear a lab coat, and don't move other people's stuff
*PPE (Safety)
Boots and hardhats for new members
==To be repaired / replaced==
*Manual gate valve between SEC and Edinburgh chamber
Responsible: (Your name here)
Lesker quotes £123 for a repair kit. Check the elog. Does anyone volunteer?
New one has arrived - plan to leak check it
We need a KF-50 to ~ KF-25 (need to check) converter
Responsible: Daid
We have 3 at CERN, but no more in Edinburgh. Order more!
*Silena 7100 Quad Bias supply showed false readings during 59Cu exp.
Responsible: Katie, Daid, ...
Not yet repaired, Peter searches for manual
Alternative module was found and tagged for our use, needs testing
*ORTEC 474 TFA was returned to Edinburgh, owing to 10 V baseline shift
Responsible: Katie, Daid, ...
Useful for photodiode trigger. Take replacement back to CERN.
Tagged for repair.
Alternative module was found and tagged for our use, needs testing
*Take additional Pre-amp to CERN for Photodiode?
There are several in the Miniball cupboard...
*Teflon chamber feet stands
Responsible: Toby, Daid
The original foot engraving diameter was too small, by mistake.
They are at Daid's desk, with tracings of the proper size.
*Chamber stand wheel struts
Responsible: Peter, Daid, Conor, Ruchi
Original ones are damaged at the ends, and also too long
Maria suggested 120 cm. We measured ~121 cm opening towards garage
To make less top-heavy, we can add a lower shelf and stack weight on it
Need a measurement of bolt spacing, Ruchi has a friend who can help us.
*How shall we integrate the beam intensity delivered to target?
Total integrated current, with efficiency-calibrated Ge detector
Talk to Liam?
Gold foil w/ back-scattering to photodiode?
Needs foil, mounts for foil & photodiode. Other parts prepared.
Daid should contact Paul Morrall
Alpha scattering in SSDs is most preferred.
*Photodiode degrader foil for isobaric check
10, 15, 20 um Al are prepared at CERN, 2 blank frames in Edinburgh
What thickness is sufficient for 44Sc / 44Ti separation?
(...or other suspected contamination...)
*Gas cell entrance window material / thickness
*Target ladder setup
How many targets can fit & what should they be?
3 mm collimator
Photodiodes (takes two slots)
Viewing screen (?)
1 mm collimator (?)
Blank target frame (?)
*Determine beam energies
Responsible: Conor, Alex, Daid, Karl, Alberto, ...
1.2, 1.55, 1.88, 2.2 and 2.8 MeV/u were stated as available
Karl mentioned the possibility of a beam test.
Previous beam was 44Ti+13. 40Ar may be a good pilot?
*Model effect of beam spot size -- still relevant?
Responsible: Conor
~3 mm FWHM was achieved for 59Cu
*Gas cell
Responsible: Katie, Conor
Vacuum system is set up in Edinburgh, and He gas is available
Gas cell eventually needs to go to CERN.
New needle valves and some piping for the gas flow control.
*Chamber alignment
Responsible: Peter Black
Chamber is currently disconnected from the beam line.
Previously, we contacted the survey team to come assist.
Alignment parts are all at CERN.
*DAQ PC has any further issues to get on the network?
Responsible: Tom Davinson
(If PC is turned on, contact Ruchi as she would like some data.)
ISOLDE 44Ti meeting notes
23 Oct 2018
==To be ordered==
*Gas bottles at CERN - Helium and (likely) Argon.
Gas bottles for He, Ar can be supplied by CERN
N2 was also approved, but bear in mind volume required
*Spanners to help repair water chiller leak.
Ordered but did they arrive?
*PPE (Safety)
Boots and hardhats for new members
*New valves for gas flow system
*Gas cell stands for each gas cell
Order was submitted.
Order of 10 to arrive 7 Nov
*Au foils
Order placed with Paul at STFC
==To be repaired / replaced==
*Manual gate valve between SEC and Edinburgh chamber
New one has arrived - plan to leak check it
Converter flange to check w/ He sniffer ordered arrived
Awaiting clamps that were ordererd
Repair kit was ordered.
*Silena 7100 Quad Bias supply showed false readings during 59Cu exp.
Responsible: Katie, Daid, ...
Not yet repaired, Peter searches for manual
Alternative module was found and tagged for our use, needs testing
*ORTEC 474 TFA was returned to Edinburgh, owing to 10 V baseline shift
Responsible: Katie, Daid, ...
Useful for photodiode trigger. Take replacement back to CERN.
Tagged for repair.
Alternative module was found and tagged for our use, needs testing
*Take additional Pre-amp to CERN for Photodiode?
There are several in the Miniball cupboard...
*Teflon chamber feet stands - done
*Chamber stand wheel struts
Responsible: Peter, Daid
We have the necessary preparations, we await Peter.
We will use 118 cm since garage direction is ~121 cm
*How shall we integrate the beam intensity delivered to target?
Total integrated current, with efficiency-calibrated Ge detector
Gold foil w/ back-scattering to photodiode?
Needs foil, mounts for foil & photodiode. Other parts prepared.
Alpha scattering in SSDs is most preferred.
*Photodiode degrader foil for isobaric check
10, 15, 20 um Al are prepared at CERN, 2 blank frames in Edinburgh
What thickness is sufficient for 44Sc / 44Ti separation?
(...or other suspected contamination...)
Need to know the beam energies! This is quick work.
*Target ladder setup -- IMPORTANT
How many targets can fit & what should they be?
3 mm collimator
Photodiodes (takes two slots)
Viewing screen (?)
1 mm collimator (?)
Blank target frame (?)
*Gas cell
Responsible: Katie, Conor
Gas cell eventually needs to go to CERN.
New needle valves and some piping for the gas flow control.
**Window material / thickness
9, 12.5 um Al
3, 6 um Ti
2.5 um Havar
3 um Ti, 12.5 um Al are installed with leak rates < 1 Torr/hr.
*Chamber alignment
Responsible: Peter Black
Previously, we contacted the survey team to come assist.
Alignment parts are all at CERN.
*DAQ PC has any further issues to get on the network?
Responsible: Tom Davinson
(If PC is turned on, contact Ruchi as she would like some data.)