ID |
Date |
Author |
Subject |
Tue Mar 18 13:28:30 2025 |
Emmanuel | B10 and LiF data with Fast Fourier Transform |
Attached is the B10 and LiF data with Fast Fourier Transform and varying time constants. |
Attachment 1: B10.pdf
Attachment 2: Li.pdf
Wed Feb 12 13:51:02 2025 |
CLW | expected counts B and Li |
The rootfiles countsB.root and countsLi.root contain histograms of count spectra that would be expected at n_TOF for a 10B and a 6Li target, respectively. The units in y are arbitrary. This can be used to check, if we can reproduce the expected trend with our Li and B measurements. So the histograms called "counts" can be directly compared to the histograms called "energy" in Sili_deed.c (they should have the same binning). You need to scale the histogram to get a decent overlap. You can use this also to estimate the neutron energy calibration - the thermal bump at low energy will give you a good idea of the flight path length. Structure at high energy will give you a better idea on the offset.
The files 6Li_endf.root and 10B_endf.root are the original cross section files, and countrate_calc.C is the file used to produce the count spectra.
Attachment 1: 6Li_endf.root
Attachment 2: 10B_endf.root
Attachment 3: countsB.root
Attachment 4: evaluated_flux_EAR2_DEC2022.root
Attachment 5: countrate_calc.C
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include <cmath>
#include "TRandom.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <TPolyLine.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "TTree.h"
#include <TROOT.h>
#include <TApplication.h>
#include <TRint.h>
#include <TSystem.h>
#include <TH1.h>
#include <TH2.h>
#include <TAxis.h>
#include <TGaxis.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TGraph.h>
#include <TGraphErrors.h>
#include <TGraphAsymmErrors.h>
#include <TMultiGraph.h>
#include <TStyle.h>
#include <TKey.h>
#include <TLegend.h>
#include <TColor.h>
#include <TPad.h>
#include <TText.h>
#include <TPaveText.h>
#include <TBox.h>
#include <TLine.h>
#include <TMarker.h>
#include <TLatex.h>
#include <TMath.h>
#include <TF1.h>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TClass.h>
#include "Math/Minimizer.h"
#include "Math/Factory.h"
#include "Math/Functor.h"
#include <TVirtualFitter.h>
using namespace std;
void RebinProperly(TH1F* hin, TH1F* hout);
Char_t *inputfile="6Li_endf.root";
Char_t *histo="xshighbin";
Char_t *outputfile="countsLi.root";
Char_t *output="counts";
int k=1;
void run()
// Read the flux
TFile *fflux = new TFile("evaluated_flux_EAR2_DEC2022.root", "read");
TH1F *eval = (TH1F*)fflux->Get("h_flux_ear2");
//Read the cross section
TFile *fcross=new TFile("10B_endf.root", "read");;
TH1F *hcross =(TH1F*)fcross->Get("xshighbin");
// create counr histogram with logarithmic binning for x axis, commonly used for neutron energy histograms
float Ene[20001];
for(Int_t u=0;u<=20000;u++)
TH1F *hcounts =new TH1F("","histo",20000,Ene);
// function to rebin the cross section histogram to the same binning as the counts histogram
Int_t auxbin1;
Float_t scaler1;
// multiply by the n_TOF neutron flux (binning is in units of ExdPhi/dE, so independent of binning)
for(Int_t i=1; i<=hcounts->GetNbinsX(); i++)
auxbin1 = eval->FindBin(hcounts->GetBinCenter(i));
scaler1 = TMath::Log(hcounts->GetBinLowEdge(i+1)/hcounts->GetBinLowEdge(i));
if(hcounts->GetBinContent(i)>0 && eval->GetBinContent(auxbin1)>0)hcounts->SetBinContent(i, hcounts->GetBinContent(i)*eval->GetBinContent(auxbin1)*scaler1);
for(int i=1;i<=hcounts->GetNbinsX();i++){
hcounts->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Neutron Energy (eV)");
hcounts->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Counts (arbitrary)");
TFile *fnew=new TFile(outputfile,"recreate");
void RebinProperly(TH1F* hin, TH1F* hout){
for(int i=1;i<=hout->GetNbinsX();i++)
float content=0;
float error=0;
float errorsquare=0;
int zahler=0;
float specedgelow=hout->GetBinLowEdge(i);
float specedgehigh=hout->GetBinLowEdge(i+1);
int binlow=hin->FindBin(specedgelow);
int binup=hin->FindBin(specedgehigh);
if(binlow==binup){content=hin->GetBinContent(binup);error=hin->GetBinError(binup);} // (stat) error probably under-estimated in this case
content=content+hin->GetBinContent(binlow)*(hin->GetBinLowEdge(binlow+1)-specedgelow); //add first bin
content=content+hin->GetBinContent(binup)*(-hin->GetBinLowEdge(binup)+specedgehigh); //add last bin
//cout<<hin->GetBinLowEdge(binlow+1)-specedgelow<<" "<<-hin->GetBinLowEdge(binup)+specedgehigh<<endl;
for(int q=binlow+1;q<binup;q++){content=content+hin->GetBinContent(q)*hin->GetBinWidth(q);} //add intermediate bins
// error calculation
errorsquare=errorsquare+hin->GetBinError(binup)*(-hin->GetBinLowEdge(binup)+specedgehigh)*hin->GetBinError(binup)*(-hin->GetBinLowEdge(binup)+specedgehigh); //add last bin
for(int q=binlow+1;q<binup;q++){errorsquare=errorsquare+hin->GetBinError(q)*hin->GetBinWidth(q)*hin->GetBinError(q)*hin->GetBinWidth(q);} //add intermediate bins
Attachment 6: countsLi.root
Mon Sep 16 12:36:45 2024 |
TD | 34-way IDC to 37-way D connector ribbon cables |
The 2x sets of 34-way IDC to 37-way D connctor ribbon cables used at GSI for the two-alpha decay measurement have been located - see attachments 1-4.
They have been packed for shipment to CERN and delivered to stores for shipment. Awaiting quotation and P&M PO. |
Attachment 1: 20240916_121057_(1).jpg
Attachment 2: 20240916_121052_(1).jpg
Attachment 3: 20240916_121047_(1).jpg
Attachment 4: 20240916_121003_(1).jpg
Sat Sep 14 09:30:40 2024 |
TD | Neutron beam profile |
Neutron beam profile - film exposure overnight 12/13.9.24 |
Attachment 1: 20240914_101751.jpg
Thu Sep 12 15:26:30 2024 |
Nick | EAR2 Periodic Noise |
Attachment 1: IMG_20240912_161937023_HDR.jpg
Thu Sep 12 11:07:29 2024 |
Nick | 40K Borrowed Items |
We borrowed from n_TOF:
1x O-ring for circular side-flanges on the chamber (the borrowed part has a small green marker cross on it)
10x LIMO-to-BNC connectors (BNC female) from electronics lab outside EAR1 |
Tue Apr 16 12:24:01 2024 |
Emmanuel | MWD amplitude (dE and E) |
Attachment 1: 26Al_PDF.pdf
Mon Mar 25 12:57:30 2024 |
Clw | Adapters for ntof setup |
10 new Adapters for lemo to bnc on my desk |
Attachment 1: 20240325_125536.jpg
Attachment 2: 20240325_125528.jpg
Thu Dec 7 09:48:23 2023 |
Emmanuel | MWDdetector and User Input |
MWDdetector and UserInput |
Attachment 1: UserInput_Silicons.h
DETECTOR SPECIFIC PARAMETERS (Lines may be commented with '#' sign!)
PKUP 0 PSA 350/6 0 0 3 100 100000 0 100. 1. 0 -1 300 0 100 0.0 2000 1 4000 0
# Date: 10-Aug-2023 #
# Threshold Polarity PoleZeroCorr DeconWindow AvergWin MAWindows gain/offset Gamma_Threshold Amp_Threshold fixed Dead time(ns) time_diff_baselne tailtime time_const
EDET 1 MWD 1600 -1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6500 550 1500 2 20
EDET 2 MWD 1600 -1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6500 550 1500 2 20
EDET 3 MWD 1600 -1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6500 550 1500 2 20
EDET 4 MWD 1600 -1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6500 550 1500 2 20
EDET 5 MWD 1600 -1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6500 550 1500 2 20
EDET 6 MWD 1600 -1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6500 550 1500 2 20
EDET 7 MWD 1600 -1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6500 550 1500 2 20
EDET 8 MWD 1600 -1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6500 550 1500 2 20
EDET 9 MWD 1600 -1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6500 550 1500 2 20
EDET 10 MWD 1600 -1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6500 550 1500 2 20
EDET 11 MWD 1600 -1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6500 550 1500 2 20
EDET 12 MWD 1600 -1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6500 550 1500 2 20
EDET 13 MWD 1600 -1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6500 550 1500 2 20
EDET 14 MWD 1600 -1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6500 550 1500 2 20
EDET 15 MWD 1600 -1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6500 550 1500 2 20
EDET 16 MWD 1600 -1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6500 550 1500 2 20
EDET 17 MWD 800 1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6800 550 1500 2 20
EDET 18 MWD 800 1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6800 550 1500 2 20
EDET 19 MWD 800 1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6800 550 1500 2 20
EDET 20 MWD 800 1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6800 550 1500 2 20
EDET 21 MWD 800 1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6800 550 1500 2 20
EDET 22 MWD 800 1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6800 550 1500 2 20
EDET 23 MWD 800 1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6800 550 1500 2 20
EDET 24 MWD 800 1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6800 550 1500 2 20
EDET 25 MWD 800 1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6800 550 1500 2 20
EDET 26 MWD 800 1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6800 550 1500 2 20
EDET 27 MWD 800 1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6800 550 1500 2 20
EDET 28 MWD 800 1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6800 550 1500 2 20
EDET 29 MWD 800 1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6800 550 1500 2 20
EDET 30 MWD 800 1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6800 550 1500 2 20
EDET 31 MWD 800 1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6800 550 1500 2 20
EDET 32 MWD 800 1 5E5 150 40 1 60 16.0/0.0 100 6800 550 1500 2 20
DEED 1 MWD 30 -1 5E5 150 40 1 51 1.0/0.0 100 200 550 1500 2 20
DEED 2 MWD 30 -1 5E5 150 40 1 51 1.0/0.0 100 200 550 1500 2 20
DEED 3 MWD 30 -1 5E5 150 40 1 51 1.0/0.0 100 200 550 1500 2 20
DEED 4 MWD 30 -1 5E5 150 40 1 51 1.0/0.0 100 200 550 1500 2 20
DEED 5 MWD 30 -1 5E5 150 40 1 51 1.0/0.0 100 200 550 1500 2 20
DEED 6 MWD 30 -1 5E5 150 40 1 51 1.0/0.0 100 200 550 1500 2 20
DEED 7 MWD 30 -1 5E5 150 40 1 51 1.0/0.0 100 200 550 1500 2 20
DEED 8 MWD 30 -1 5E5 150 40 1 51 1.0/0.0 100 200 550 1500 2 20
DEED 9 MWD 30 -1 5E5 150 40 1 51 1.0/0.0 100 200 550 1500 2 20
DEED 10 MWD 30 -1 5E5 150 40 1 51 1.0/0.0 100 200 550 1500 2 20
DEED 11 MWD 30 -1 5E5 150 40 1 51 1.0/0.0 100 200 550 1500 2 20
DEED 12 MWD 30 -1 5E5 150 40 1 51 1.0/0.0 100 200 550 1500 2 20
DEED 13 MWD 30 -1 5E5 150 40 1 51 1.0/0.0 100 200 550 1500 2 20
DEED 14 MWD 30 -1 5E5 150 40 1 51 1.0/0.0 100 200 550 1500 2 20
DEED 15 MWD 30 -1 5E5 150 40 1 51 1.0/0.0 100 200 550 1500 2 20
DEED 16 MWD 30 -1 5E5 150 40 1 51 1.0/0.0 100 200 550 1500 2 20
Attachment 2: MWDdetector.cc
* $Id$
* Author: Sarah-Jane Lonsdale
* Date: 02-Dec-2015
* Version: 5.1 (8-Aug-2017)
* Update: Claudia Lederer-Woods
* Date: 31-May-2018
* Version: 6.0 (31-May-2018)
* Update: Nikolay Sosnin
* Date: 24-Nov-2022
* Version: 6.1 (24-Nov-2022)
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TH1F.h>
#include <TString.h>
using namespace std;
#include "MWDdetector.h"
void FormatHist(TH1D* h, TString name, TString title, TString xtitle, TString ytitle, int color, int width, int marker_color, int marker_style);
bool MWDDetector::parseConfigLine(char* line, const char* settings_file)
cout << "Config: " << line << endl;
if (!Detector::parseConfigLine(line)) return false;
// threshold
char* pch = strtok(NULL," ");
if (!pch) {
cerr << "UserInput: Invalid Threshold" << endl;
return false;
threshold = atof(pch);
// polarity
pch = strtok(NULL," ");
if (!pch) {
cerr << "UserInput: Invalid negative polarity" << endl;
return false;
polarity = atoi(pch);
if (polarity>=0)
polarity = 1;
polarity = -1;
// pole zero correction
pch = strtok(NULL," ");
if (!pch) {
cerr << "UserInput: Invalid pole zero correction" << endl;
return false;
pz = atof(pch);
// deconvolution window
pch = strtok(NULL," ");
if (!pch) {
cerr << "UserInput: Invalid deconvolution window" << endl;
return false;
m = atoi(pch);
// average window
pch = strtok(NULL," ");
if (!pch) {
cerr << "UserInput: Invalid average window" << endl;
return false;
l = atoi(pch);
// presample
pch = strtok(NULL," "); //NS: 27.07.2023
if (!pch) {
cerr << "UserInput: Invalid presample" << endl;
return false;
presample = atoi(pch);
//averaging windows 2
pch = strtok(NULL," "); //NS: 27.07.2023
if (!pch) {
cerr << "UserInput: Invalid presample" << endl;
return false;
window = atoi(pch);
// presample/averaging window 2
/*if (!parse2real(&presample, &window)) {
cerr << "UserInput: Invalid averager 1/2" << endl;
return false;
// gain/offset
if (!parse2real(&gain, &offset)) {
cerr << "UserInput: Invalid gain/offset" << endl;
return false;
// gamma flash search start
pch = strtok(NULL," ");
if (!pch) {
cerr << "UserInput: Invalid gamma_threshold" << endl;
return false;
g_threshold = atoi(pch);
// minimum amp_threshold
pch = strtok(NULL," ");
if (!pch) {
cerr << "UserInput: Invalid amp_threshold" << endl;
return false;
amp_threshold = atoi(pch);
// gamma flash primary (additional) offset
pch = strtok(NULL," ");
if (!pch) {
cerr << "UserInput: Invalid fixed Dead time(ns)" << endl;
return false;
gamma_time_primary = atoi(pch);//SL 08/07/17
// time different for baseline determination
pch = strtok(NULL," ");
if (!pch) {
cerr << "UserInput: time_diff_baselne" << endl;
return false;
time_diff_baseline = atoi(pch);//SL 08/07/17
// time after g flash which has undershoot
pch = strtok(NULL," ");
if (!pch) {
cerr << "UserInput: tailtime" << endl;
return false;
tailtime = atoi(pch);//SL 08/07/17
// Time constant
pch = strtok(NULL," ");
if (!pch) {
cerr << "UserInput: time_const" << endl;
return false;
time_const = atoi(pch); // 28/08/23
return true;
} // parseConfigLine
int MWDDetector::analysis(
ntof::lib::ReaderStructEVEH& eveh, // EVEH event information
ntof::lib::ReaderStructMODH& modh, // MODH header information
ntof::lib::ReaderStructACQC& acqc, // ACQC pulse record
PulseVector* pulsevec, // vector of pulses
int movie_number,
bool html) // I: movie number
Detector::analysis(eveh, modh, acqc, pulsevec, movie_number, html);
double rate = modh.getSampleRate();
int NofPeaks = 0;
TString name = modh.getDetectorType();
//double g_threshold = 2000; //move to .h file //CHANGED
double tdiffsig = gamma_time_primary;
double tdiffbase = time_diff_baseline; // consider moving to h file
int aver = presample; //
//double tailtime = 100000; // time up to which there is an undershoot after gflash
double* x = new double[length_of_movie];
double* xsmooth = new double[length_of_movie]; //13.3.18
double* xsmooth_ma = new double[length_of_movie]; //NS 22.05.2023
double* y = new double[length_of_movie];
double* z = new double[length_of_movie];
double* zdiff = new double[length_of_movie]; //13.3.18
double* mwd_m = new double[length_of_movie];
double* ma_l = new double[length_of_movie]; // moving average array
double* mwd_deriv = new double[length_of_movie]; // mwd derivative
double timeScale = 1000.0 / rate; // in ns/Sample
for(int i = 0; i < length_of_movie; i++){
x[i] = polarity * (acqc[i] * gain + offset);
y[i] = z[i] = zdiff[i] = xsmooth[i] = 0.0; //13.3.18
int startofevent = aver / 2;
//Averaging preamplifier output
for(int i = startofevent; i < length_of_movie; i++){
xsmooth[i] = 0.;
for(int j = -1 * (aver - 1) / 2; j <= (aver - 1) / 2; j++){
xsmooth[i] += x[i + j];
xsmooth[i] /= aver;
//Extra moving average test
//const double window = 39.;
int startofevent2 = window / 2; //NS 22.05.2023
for(int i = startofevent2; i < length_of_movie; i++){
xsmooth_ma[i] = 0.;
for(int j = -1 * (window - 1) / 2; j <= (window - 1) / 2; j++){
xsmooth_ma[i] += xsmooth[i + j];
xsmooth_ma[i] /= window;
// Locating maximum and minimum of derivative
if(verbose){cout << "Begin amplitude extraction." << endl;}
// Parameters for semi-gauss discriminator
//const double time_const = 0; // SL 12/08/16 Emmanuel
const double pole_zero = 5.e5;
double a0, a1, b1;
b1 = exp(-1. / int(time_const));
a0 = (1. + b1) / 2.0;
a1 = -1. * (1. + b1) / 2.0;
// Single pole high pass with pz correction
for(int i = 1; i < length_of_movie; i++){
//y[i] = b1 * y[i - 1] + a0 * xsmooth[i] + a1 * xsmooth[i - 1] + xsmooth[i - 1] / pole_zero;
y[i] = b1 * y[i - 1] + a0 * xsmooth_ma[i] + a1 * xsmooth_ma[i - 1] + xsmooth_ma[i - 1] / pz;
// Single pole low pass filter
for(int i = 1; i < length_of_movie; i++){
z[i] = b1 * z[i - 1] + a0 * y[i];
// devirative of filters
for(int i = 1; i < length_of_movie; i++){
zdiff[i] = -1. * z[i - 1] + z[i];
//bool beamType = false;
//if(eveh.getBeamType() != 1){beamType = true;}
double twait = 16000.; // introduce different time window for baseline depending on ded or par CLW 31/05/18
/*if(eveh.getBeamType() == 2){twait = 13000.;} // dedicated
if(eveh.getBeamType() == 3){twait = 19000.;} // parasitic
else{twait = 16000.;}*/
// MWD and filtering //
// moving window deconvolution
for(int i = startofevent + m; i < length_of_movie; i++){ // SL 10/08/16 // 13/03/18 MWD on smoothed
//double d_m = xsmooth[i] - xsmooth[i - m];
double d_m = xsmooth_ma[i] - xsmooth_ma[i - m];
double ma_m = 0.;
for(int j = (i - m); j < (i - 1); j++) {
//ma_m += xsmooth[j];
ma_m += xsmooth_ma[j];
mwd_m[i] = d_m + ma_m / pz;
// moving average
//for(int i = l + m + gamma_flash; i < length_of_movie; i++){ // SL 10/08/16
for(int i = l + m; i < length_of_movie; i++){ // NS 31.07.2023
ma_l[i] = 0.;
... 285 more lines ...
Mon Oct 2 08:53:06 2023 |
Emmanuel | Empty Frame |
An empty frame (on the top) was placed on Friday night. |
Attachment 1: Empty_Frame.jpeg
Thu Sep 28 15:32:16 2023 |
Emmanuel | LiF sample in |
We switched from 10B target (number 1) to LiF target (number 3). We planned to take this measurement for one day. |
Attachment 1: 20230928_154334.jpg
Attachment 2: 20230928_155923.jpg
Attachment 3: 20230926_115053.jpg
Attachment 4: 20230928_155747.jpg
Wed Sep 27 09:54:06 2023 |
Emmanuel | 10B sample in |
We switched from Aluminium target to Boron Target (number 1) on Tuesday (26th of Sept.). The Aluminium target was placed in the material room by the RP. We will change to LiF (number 3) on Thursday (28th of Sept.) |
Attachment 1: 20230926_113136.jpg
Attachment 2: 20230926_113811.jpg
Attachment 3: 20230926_115036.jpg
Attachment 4: 20230926_115053.jpg
Attachment 5: 20230926_111737.jpg
Tue Sep 5 16:09:45 2023 |
Emmanuel | Drop in gain for DEED 14 |
Dear all,
There was an issue with one of the strips of the deltaE detector (DEED 14), for run216644. The gain dropped to almost a factor of 3. Find attached.
Somehow, it was fixed, but still lags, when compared to other strips of deltaE. This was tested for a more recent run, run216651. Find attached.
I also checked a bit older run (run216637) and they look similar.. Find attached. Maybe we should figure out if this will be a problem for the DEED14 strips.
NOTE: The plots have the run number at the top-center.
Emmanuel Odusina
Attachment 1: alndeed14.png
Attachment 2: alndeed14b.png
Attachment 3: alndeed14old.png
Mon Aug 21 12:08:59 2023 |
TD | RAL108 +/-15V PSU test - JCMB 21.8.23 |
PSU Calex
Setup, PSU and ac mains filter - attachments 1-3
DSO ch#1 +15V AC/1M, ch#2 -15V AC/1M - y: 50mV/div x: 100ns, 200ns, 1us, 2us, 10us/div
Without ac mains filter - attachments 4-8
DSO ch#1 +15V AC/1M, ch#2 -15V AC/1M - y: 10mV/div x: 100ns, 200ns, 1us, 2us, 10us/div
With ac mains filter - attachments 9-13
Conclusion - Claud Lyons Ltd STF Series Surge & Transient Power Filter produces c. x 2 attenuation of HF noise transients |
Attachment 1: 20230821_115139.jpg
Attachment 2: 20230821_115314.jpg
Attachment 3: 20230821_115259.jpg
Attachment 4: 20230821_115144.jpg
Attachment 5: 20230821_115156.jpg
Attachment 6: 20230821_115206.jpg
Attachment 7: 20230821_115216.jpg
Attachment 8: 20230821_115229.jpg
Attachment 9: 20230821_115415.jpg
Attachment 10: 20230821_115424.jpg
Attachment 11: 20230821_115438.jpg
Attachment 12: 20230821_115447.jpg
Attachment 13: 20230821_115457.jpg
Sat Aug 19 14:14:26 2023 |
TD | RAL108 +/-15V PSU test - JCMB 18.8.23 |
PSU Calex
Setup and PSU details - attachments 1-3
DSO ch#1 +15V AC/1M, ch#2 -15V AC/1M - y: 20mV/div x: 100ns, 200ns, 1us, 2us, 10us, 20us & 100us/div - attachments 4-10 |
Attachment 1: 20230818_115256.jpg
Attachment 2: 20230818_120358.jpg
Attachment 3: 20230818_120127.jpg
Attachment 4: 20230818_115311.jpg
Attachment 5: 20230818_115329.jpg
Attachment 6: 20230818_115250.jpg
Attachment 7: 20230818_115421.jpg
Attachment 8: 20230818_115341.jpg
Attachment 9: 20230818_115409.jpg
Attachment 10: 20230818_115352.jpg
Thu Aug 17 10:26:51 2023 |
Nikolay Sosnin | Data Processing |
To run raw2root on LXPLUS, you will need to add the following line to your .bashrc, performed using
gedit ~/.bashrc &
then paste line at the bottome of the file
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/afs/cern.ch/user/n/ntofuser/public
then save and close the gedit (a linux text editor similar to Windows Notepad). Text file .bashrc is responsible for setting correct paths to various system settings when you log in. The line above sets correct libraries for raw2root from the n_TOF official directories.
The old version of raw2root which I use is stored in a directory on EOS accessible via LXPLUS:
cd /eos/home-n/nsosnin/public/raw2root
If you examine the contents of the directory using command ls, there will be two folders: ntoflib and prg. The relative location of these folders on your system should always be the same, and you do not need to do anything in the ntoflib directory, so we can explore the next directory
cd prg && ls
Command cd means change directory and ls is list contents, double-& chains commands in a sequence. Your terminal should now display two more directories: detector and raw2root. detector is a list of codes for various detector types, examine its contents with ls detector. We use MWDdetector.cc and its library header file MWDdetector.h. All the filters are defined and can be changed in MWDdetector.cc, which is a C++ code. You can browse and change its contents with gedit. raw2root codes, however, are run from the raw2root directory, so let's change to it
cd raw2root && ls
When you list the contents of this directory there will be many files, none of which you need to edit. There will also be a directory called Traces, which I created as the default location for signal traces to be written, if relevant sections of MWDdetector.cc are uncommented (discussed below). If you are happy with the contents of MWDdetector.cc, you need to re-compile raw2root. Using C++ code, unlike some others, is a two-step process: compilation and execution. Various bits of code in raw2root and its libraries are put together into one executable file called raw2root during compilation stage, and then the code can be run by executing the executable. To compile raw2root, you need to be in its directory, which you can check by typing in
which should then display /eos/home-n/nsosnin/public/raw2root/prg/raw2root and if you it displays something else, use
cd /eos/home-n/nsosnin/public/raw2root/prg/raw2root
To compile raw2root in this directory use
make clean && make proper && make
The code will start compiling and do so for a while. It will display some warnings associated with other older n_TOF codes. There should, however, be no errors. If there are errors, something went wrong in MWDdetector.cc, so try troubleshooting it by Googling the errors (the line with the error will also display two numbers, something like error: MWDdetector.cc:1211:45, and the the second number is the line where the problem occurred). C++ errors are a dark art though, so feel free to contact me for help.
If the compilation displays no errors (woo!), the code compiled successfully. To test it, two things are needed: UserInput file and .raw.finished file. UserInput file called UserInput_Silicons.h, which I use, is already stored in that directory. If you examine it with gedit, you will see lines with detector names and numbers and the filtering parameters. The parameters are read in at the top of MWDdetector.cc in order, so you can follow the variables they are read into throughout the code to figure out which parameter does what (this is not an easy task!).
.raw.finished files are binary data files with detector signal traces, which raw2root filters and makes into ROOT files. These need to be downloaded from CERN servers (I left two example ones in the directory though). While the experiment is running these are stored, but will eventually be deleted, so if they don't download, contact me on staging data (i.e. writing it onto servers again after deletion). To download such a binary file for this experiment to the directory you are in use
xrdcp xroot://eosctapublicdisk.cern.ch//eos/ctapublicdisk/archive/ntof/2023/EAR2/26Al_DSSSD/216408/stream1/run216408_1_s1.raw.finished .
Here, xrdcp command is CERN's own copying command, which takes data from the directory listed in the command. I have highlighted above in yellow the bits you may need to change in the command. The first two are simply run number. The last one is the data segment. n_TOF data within a run are subdivided into 20 proton bunch segments, so one such .raw.finished file that you download contains 20 bunches (which is a very small amount of data, so if you need mass_processing, contact me or Fran (francisco.garcia.infantes@cern.ch) at n_TOF). You can download different segments by changing this number. Bunches 1-20 are in segment 0, bunches 21-40 in segment 1, etc.
Once you have downloaded the file of interest execute raw2root with command
./raw2root -p UserInput_Silicons.h -f run216408_1_s1.raw.finished -r rootout.root
This will run for some time, applying settings from UserInput to filters in MWDdetector.cc, and running the filters over data in the .raw.finished file. This will produce an output file called rootout.root, but feel free to change the name in the command to whatever you like, otherwise you will just keep overwriting the old files. This output file will have the amplitudes, times etc. of all the extracted signals listed, but it will not produce traces, as that is not standard raw2root functionality, and requires my code, which I added to MWDdetector.cc
To print traces, open MWDdetector.cc using
gedit ../detector/MWDdetector.cc &
Note, ".." on Linux means "previous directory", so the command above will leave raw2root directory, go to detector directory and open the code. In this code, uncomment (i.e. remove // or /* or */ characters in C++) from lines 310-312, 441, 442, 465 and 529. This will now print trace ROOT files into the Traces directory. Warning: this runs very slowly, as it's a lot of data being written to disk!
The if() statment on line 465 allows you to gate on specific bunches and detectors for producing traces. The contents of histograms inside the output files can be understood in terms of what MWDdetector.cc does by reading the lines 514-522 of that code. This should be everything you need to get started with processing traces and filtering outputs. Good luck! |
Tue Aug 15 11:41:27 2023 |
TD, NS | Monday 14 August - vacuum chamber pressure |
08.35 Vacuum chamber pressure OK - see attachment 1 |
Attachment 1: 20230814_083514.jpg
Tue Aug 15 10:17:39 2023 |
TD, NS | RAL108 +/-15V PSU test at EAR2, n_TOF Monday 14 August |
On the morning of Monday 14 August 2x RAL108 +/-15V PSUs were borrowed from the Edinburgh equipment in the ISOLDE hall to check whether the same transient
noise is observed at the +/-15V PSU outputs.
PSU #2 Farnell MX2
Setup - attachment 1
DSO ch#1 +15V AC/1M, ch#2 -15V AC/1M - y: 50mV/div x: 1us, 500ns, 250ns & 25us/div - attachments 2-5
PSU #1 Coutant HSC15-3.0
Setup - attachment 6
DSO ch#1 +15V AC/1M, ch#2 -15V AC/1M - y: 50mV/div x: 25us/div - attachment 7
Observe same amplitude and HF structure with all 3x RAL108 +/-15V PSUs |
Attachment 1: 20230814_083448.jpg
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Attachment 7: 20230814_083319.jpg
Mon Aug 14 11:00:13 2023 |
TD | RAL108 +/-15V PSU test in ISOLDE hall |
This morning 2x RAL108 +/-15V PSUs were borrowed from the Edinburgh equipment in the ISOLDE hall to check whether the same transient noise is observed at the +/-15V PSU
outputs - this was confirmed. See https://elog.ph.ed.ac.uk/nToF/63
Following this test the same 2x RAL108 +/-15V PSUs were tested in the ISOLDE hall ( 19" rack adjacent to the HIE-ISOLDE GP scattering chamber ).
PSU #1 Coutant HSC15-3.0
Setup and PSU details - attachments 1-4
DSO ch#1 +15V AC/1M, ch#2 -15V AC/1M - y: 5mV/div x: 400ns, 4us & 40us/div - attachments 5-7
PSU #2 Farnell MX2
Setup and PSU details - attachments 8-10
DSO ch#1 +15V AC/1M, ch#2 -15V AC/1M - y: 5mV/div x: 400ns, 4us & 40us/div - attachments 11-13
The noise of the 2x RAL108 +/-15V PSUs differed somewhat ( frequency and structure of HF transients ) from each other in the ISOLDE test.
Compared to the EAR2, n_TOF test the amplitudes were c. 10x smaller and the HF transient frequency and structure differed.
This appears to confirm that the primary problem is the ac mains power in EAR2, n_TOF - input and/or output filtering is required. |
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Attachment 13: 20230814_110105.jpg
Sat Aug 12 09:24:19 2023 |
Nikolay Sosnin | 26Al Protons |
Here is a Google spreadsheet for counting protons for the runs:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1INX8G9GAu-M70SdZdz55qXnMZNXKXLW7xfFH-eaLuQw/edit?usp=sharing |