AIDA, Page 2 of 46  ELOG logo
ID Date Author Subject
  926   Wed Nov 22 13:44:36 2023 NHReport - Cannot change per-ASIC Settings
On ASIC settings page trynig to change the settings for one ASIC (e.g. ASIC1 of aida09) seems to cause all 4 ASIC settings to change

1. Ensure act on all FEEs and act on all ASICs unticked
2. Change aida09 asic1 low_ref to 0x1 
3: Change to aida09 asic4
4: aida09 asic4 low_ref also changed to 0x1 
  925   Tue Nov 21 13:56:59 2023 NH, CC, HA, MP, AM, VPTuesday 21 November
Connect the BB7 on top of the snout to the former aida05 (FEE above aida01)
Also remove copper busbar that is unused

Power on AIDA... rates terrible (attachment 1)

Reground AIDA stand to platform base ... small improvement but nothng major

Decide to power OFF, recheck all connections, aida02 ERNI maybe a bit loose, otherwise all good.
Remove BB7 to try to restore status quo ante

Power on again and rates much improved (attachments 2 & 3)
Looks similar to attachment 44 on Aida test 17/11/23
-> Back to status quo?

15:05 : BB7 put back on the snout and connected (ground + HV)
No significant change has been noticed (attachments 4 & 5)

Attach cables 14 to FEE that BB7 is connected - then will configure DHCP for aida09

Start up aida, configure as before. AIDA09 appears but is not configured (ASIC settings just copied from aida08 for now)

Rates on aida look OK still (attachment 6)

HV (attachment 7)

Temps (attachment 8)
  924   Sat Nov 18 02:28:26 2023 TD, NH, JBSaturday 18 November
03.20 c. 3k per spill 13N beam to S4
      Observe scatter of events at all energies for LEC

      Switch LE -> MEC
      aida02 & aida04 slow comparator 0xf -> 0x3 ( c.1.5MeV )
      All other ( p+n ) FEE64s slow comparator 0xa ( c. 5MeV )
      For c. 700MeV/u 14N + 6cm s.steel -> c. 350MeV/u 14N -> c. 30MeV energy loss in 1mm Silicon, c. 45MeV energy loss in 3mm plastic

      per n+n FEE64 1.8L spectra - attachment 1
      observe 3x peaks above threshold - different Z fragments?
      per FEE64 Stat spectra

04.10 DSSSD bias -150V leakage current -5.380uA - attachment 3
      FEE64 temps OK - attachment 4
      ADC data item stats - attachment 5
      per FEE64 Stat spectra - attachment 6
      per FEE64 1.8.L spectra - attachments 7-8
      per FEE64 1.8.W spectra - 20us FSR - attachments 9-10

05.03 aida02 & aida04 slow comparators 0x3 -> 0xa
      All spectra zero'd

c. 06.30 Beam tests end
         DAQ stopped. DSSSD HV OFF. AIDA power OFF.
  923   Fri Nov 17 15:53:03 2023 TD, JB, JGFriday 17 November contd.
AIDA ASIC settuings 2023Nov16-18.55.20
     low comparator p+n FEE64s 0xa, n+n 0xf

     BNC PB-5 settings
     amplitide 10.0V
     attenuation x10
     decay time 1ms
     polarity + ( connected to FEE64 aida01 only )
     frequency 22Hz
     tail pulse
     remote control

16.46 per p+n FEE64 1.8.W spectra - 20us, 200us, 2ms & 20ms FSR - attachments 1-4
      per n+n FEE64 1.8.W spectra - 20us, 200us, 2ms & 20ms FSR - attachments 5-8

      DSSSD bias -150V leakage -5.690uA - attachment 9
      RH 32.7% ambient 2+3.2 deg C d.p. +5.9 deg C
      FEE64 temps OK - attachment 10

     bPlast configuration
     1x long and 1x short side connected to 3x bPlast booster PCBs
     Rohde & Schawrtz HMP4040 PSU ch 4 +4V ( ref'd to PSU chassis ground ) 
     Mesytec SiPM bias
     Screens of flat cables from bPlast to booster cards electrically connected together and to bPlast NIM bin c( below AIDA stand ) chassis
     bPlast NIM bin and TAMEX electrically isolated from AIDA stand/DESPEC platform

     Photos - attachments 11-16

17.00 Connect SC21 L disc o/p fan-out -> ESN LA8000 TTl output -> BNC PB-5 pulser ext trig
      Should enable triggering ( and delay ) of pulser from heavy-ions in scintillator SC21

17.17 LEC/MEC selection 0x -> 0x1
      ADC data item stats - attachment 20
      per FEE64 1.8.W spectra - 20us FSR - attachments 18-19
      per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 17
      BNC PB-5 pulser to aida01 - some channels missing asic # 2, 3 & 4
      aida04 asic# 1 rates still high but aida06 ( was aida10 ) high rates  in only two channels of asic #4
      Otherwise system very quiet as expected for MEC ( 1GeV FSR ).

17.56 LEC/MEC selection 0x1 -> 0x0

22.10 NH starts data transfer to Merger and TapeServer ( no storage mode ). Date Relay to MBS also started - see attachments  21-25

22.18 aida04 asic #1 slow comparator 0xf -> 0xff
      aida06 asic #4 slow comparator 0xa -> 0xff
      Merger data transfer c. 500k data items/s

  922   Fri Nov 17 09:19:41 2023 TD, CC, VPAIDA test 17/11/2023
We restarted AIDA (a10277ttachment 6) this morning and checked rates (attachments 3/4) and waveforms (attachments 1/2). Temperatures are shown in attachment 5.
It seems consistent with what was observed yesterday.

AIDA stopped and platform moved.

The power cable from USB main power relay was connected to the wall and not the DESPEC 19" racks as expected. It has been corrected : it is now connected to the DESPEC 19" rack, has it should be.
AIDA was restarted after that. bPlast was disconnected from 2 booster cards.
We checked the rates (attachments 7,10 and 11 [linear scale]). They are quite similar, although aida01 rate has increased (maybe a cable issue), and rate from aida07 significantly decreased (it was really low yesterday as well).
The waveforms (attachments 8 & 9) are similar as the ones obtained earlier.

bPlast has been reconnected to all booster cards. Rate increased a little (attachment 12) but broadly similar to that observed first thing this morning.
Then 2 booster cards were grounded, and the rates went up (attachments 13-16)

Afterwards, one power cable was connected to the booster card on the short side, increasing the noise, as observed yesterday (attachments 17-20)
The Rohde Schwarz PSU output was referenced to PSU ground ( 3mm cable to ground socket front panel ). It did not reduced much the noise (attachment 21)
Finally, the power supply was switched on, increasing the noise in AIDA (attachment 22).

After the meeting, we have chosen to reconnect bPlast to the booster : now all LIMOs are connected to the booster cards, the cards are powered and the SiPM are biased. The alarm for the short side has triggered (not full bias)
The Rohde & Scwarz PSU outputs is till referenced to its chassis ground.
See attachments 23-26 for the rates and waveforms in AIDA

14.57 JG/JB added additional black cloth to reduce nPlast SiPM dark current : now it is around 16uA. Updated noise observations

per FEE64 1.8.W spectra 20us FSR - attachments 27-28
per FEE64 1Rate spectra - attachment 29
ADC data item stats - attachment 30

aida02 asics #2-4 remain noisy c. kHz/channel 
Most other p+n FEE64s are OK - the usual 'hot' channels but most other channel rates low 

15.07 JG removed ground reference for Rohde & Schwarz PSU +4V output to bPlast booster cards
      ADC data items atst - attachment 31
      Most FEE64s have significantly higher rates so the ground reference is doing 'something'

15.12 JG re-ground ref'd Rohde & Schwarz PSU +4V output to bPlast booster cards
      ADC data item stats - attachment 32 
      Rates for most FEE64s are reduced - some significantly - PSU ground ref is doing something reproducible 

15.25 Christoph Scheidenberger reports FRS magnets ON

16.01 JG/JB TAMEX & NIM bin electrically isolated from AIDA stand/DESPEC platform. Screens of flat cables from  bPlast to booster cards grounded to snout.
      ADC data item stats - attachment 33
      per FEE64 1.8.W spectra 20us FSR - attachments 36-37
      per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachments 34-35

16.20 TAMEX & NIM bin electrically isolated from AIDA stand/DESPEC platform. Screens of flat cables from  bPlast to booster cards now connected together but electrically floating

     ADC data item stats - attachment 40
      per FEE64 1.8.W spectra 20us FSR - attachments 38-39
      per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 41
      Noted improvement in most FEE64 rates - aida04 improved significantly

16.31 TAMEX & NIM bin electrically isolated from AIDA stand/DESPEC platform. Screens of flat cables from  bPlast to booster cards now connected together and grounded to NIM bin chassis.
      ADC data item stats - attachment 42
      per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 43-44
      per FEE64 1.8.W spectra 20us FSR - attachments 44-46
      Continued, imcremental improvement in FEE64 rates 
  921   Thu Nov 16 17:43:25 2023 TD, JB, CC, VPAIDA test 16/11/2023 cont.

Screenshot uploads as I hit the 50 image upload limit.

  920   Thu Nov 16 09:09:58 2023 TD, JB, CC, VPAIDA tests 16/11/2023
Viewing AIDA status on Thursday morning 16/11/2023. 

Rates and histograms are observed with bPlast HV connected but not powered. The LIMO cables to the booster cards of bPlast are connected and the TAMEX crate is powered.

The following details the various tests of bPlast configurations and AIDA response:

1. The rates and status are the same as yesterday evening (15/11/2023) where we had the same configuration (bPlast connected to HV but not powered). (Attachment 1-3)

2. The rates and status are the same as in 1. when trying a different power supply but it is not turned on (Attachment 4-5). The R&S HMP4040 HV supply is a linearly regulated supply while the new supply is suspected to be switching regulated (?).

3. The rates and status are the same as in 1.,2. if the HV supply is connected. In fact they seem to increase when disconnecting the HV supply. (Attachment 6).

4. The rates and status are brought back to acceptable levels when disconnecting all the LIMOs of the bPlast booster board to TAMEX. (Attachment 7-8).

5. The rates and status are fairly worse when connecting a single LIMO (attachment 9) and when connecting the Mesytec module that powers the booster board (attachment 10).

6. The rates and status increase a little favourably when connecting a single LIMO to an odd numbered channel. (Attachment 11).

7. The rates and status are dramatically worse when connecting two LIMOs and a Mesytec module to the bPlast booster card. (Attachment 12).

The next tests will be dismounting the snout and trying to shield the bPlast ribbon cables with copper tape.

Tests resumed after lunch 14:00:00:

- The bPlast ribbon cables running to the booster boards were insulated with copper tape and kapton tape, and for the moment grounded freely with a tinned copper braid. A multimeter check of the ribbon cable showed that it is isolated from the snout as desired.

- Remounting the snout we found the following result on the AIDA rates and hit patterns (Attachment 15 & 16). The rates and hit patterns appear to be the same as it was before bPlast was mounted in the snout. The connector cable of AIDA01 was found to be broken for ASICs 1&2 (3&4 are still connected), and the noise on AIDA04 has increased slightly relative to previous tests.

8. The wave forms of the AIDA modules show regular structure. There are some high frequency 'beats' present in some of the AIDA modules (Attachment 13-14). The waveform of AIDA01 has the pulser signal (25 Hz), but has no noise as ASIC 1&2 is missing.

9. The next test carried out was that all the ribbon cables ground were connected to the separate grounds on the item frame and on the frame carrying the booster cards. The bPlast ribbon cables were also plugged into the booster board. (attachment 17-20).

10. The next test we connect all the ribbon cables to the same ground on the item frame and the ribbon cables were disconnected from the booster cards. (attachment 21 -24).

11. The test thereafter we connect all the grounds together but not grounded to anything, just floating in air. The ribbons were still disconnected from the booster cards. Rates were observed to decreased back to normal levels from the previous grounding configuration. (Attachment 25-28)

12. The final test carried out from the grounding tests was connecting the bPlast ribbon cables with floating air ground to the booster cards mounted around the snout. The rates and wave forms observed are back to normal and transience in some of the wave forms from (Attachment 20-28) have gone away after adjusting the LED and wave form capture threshold from 8900 -> 8000/8200. The rates and wave forms are back to the same point when we started the tests after lunch (Attachment 29-32).  

The next series of tests involved connecting and/or powering the bPlast HV and LIMOs individually to see their input to AIDA. Each of the tests were carried out individually, resetting back to the configuration from (Attachment 29-32, test 12.): 

13. The first test carried out was connecting a LIMO from the TAMEX card to the long side booster card of the bPlast. (Attachment 33-36). The rates, wave form and hit patterns seem to be dramatically affected by simply connecting 1 LIMO to the long side booster card.

14. The second test was connecting the HV supply of the booster card on the short side (right relative to the beam axis) and powering it with the R&S HMP4040 supply. Results are given by (Attachments 37-40). Rates, hit pattern and wave forms change and increase drastically.

15. The third test was simply connecting the booster card HV supply (R&S HMP4040) but not powering it at all. Results are given by (attachment 41-44). Simply connecting the HV supply is introducing a considerable amount of noise into AIDA. (Maybe grounding the supply, or changing its position relative to the DESPEC setup is a next possible test).

16. The fourth test was biasing the SiPMs on the short side booster card ie. right side of the bPlast with the Mesytec module 29.00 V @ 4 uA. The results are given by (attachment 45-48). The rates, hit patterns and wave forms return to more reasonable levels, however, it is clear that biasing the SiPMs is still introducing a great deal of noise into some of the ASICs based on the proximity. eg. aida03 ASIC1. 

17. The fifth and final test of the day was under-biasing the SiPMs of the long side of the bPlast with the Mesytec module 26.80 V @ 19 uA. The results are given by (attachment 1-4 in AIDA tests 16/11/2023 cont.). The rates, hit patterns and wave forms are the same as that which was carried out in test 16.

The tests wrap up with suspicion to the HV supply of the booster cards, whether it is grounded or not and its position in the setup. The grounding of the booster cards is also seen to affect AIDA substantially. Isolating and grounding the ribbon cables has proved to be helpful when biasing the SiPMs as the noise in AIDA is reduced in comparison to previous tests. The wave forms when connecting the HV supply seems to show a 100 kHz signal (HV supply cross-talk?).
  919   Wed Nov 15 10:37:00 2023 TDWednesday 15 November
11.36 Water flow, pressure & temperature ( 19 deg C ) OK

      Power ON

      Detector configuration - installed yesterday pm

      Extant ( May 2022 campaign ) snout
      1x MSL type BB18(DS)-1000 24cm x 8cm 'triple' DSSSD
      1x ( downstream ) bPlast

      2x additional Al foil sheets over end cap to ensure light tight ( zero dark current ) for bPlast
      Dark current c 0.4uA measured for extant 2x Al foil sheets only

      FEE64 configuration - aida01 - aida08
      aida02 & aida04 n+n Ohmic strips, other FEE64s p+n junction strips
      NH re-named FEE64s using dhcpd.conf - *no* changes to AIDA PSU cabling to FEE64s 

      All system wide checks OK

      DSSSD bias -150V leakage current -5.140uA - attachment 1
      FEE64 temps OK - attachment 2

      ASIC settings 2021Apr29-13-16-00
      Manually change ASIC settings aida06 & aida08 from - to + input

      BNC PB-5 pulser to aida08

      Slow comparator 0x64 all FEE64s
      ADC data item stats - attachment 3

      Increased rates and noise cf yesterday's test
      See attachments 4-9
      Per FEE64 Rate spectra
      Per FEE64 1.8.L spectra
      Per FEE64 1.8.W spectra - 20us FSR

12.10 Disconnected power cables(?) from 3x bPlast cards around AIDA snout 
      1x card hanging to side of snout - aida04 side, 2x resting on top of AIDA snout ( inserted 2 sheets folded A4 paper between AIDA snout and PCBs )

      Per FEE64 1.8.W spectra - 20us FSR - attachments 10 & 11
      Per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 12
      Significant improvement observed

      Slow comparators 0xa p+n FEE64s, 0xf n+n FEE64s
      pwer FEE64 1.8.W spectra - 20us FSR - attachments 13-15
      ADC data item stats  - attachment 16
      per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachments 17 & 18

14.16 Removed bPlast cards from around snout - small improvment ADC stats
      Attachments 19-22

15.10 aida01 FEE64 adaptor PCB re-seated ( c. 1 pin row out of position )

      ASIC data item stats - attachment 23
      Significant improvement which approaches previous noise performance

      CC now assembling bPlast adaptor cards on a standoff Minitek frame
      HA/IK have confirmed that bPlast cables are screened on one side only - CC demonstrated that surfaces of both sides of the bPlast cabling are non-conductive

      Once assembled ( cards + power cables + input cables to bPlast detector ), observed increased noise similar to that observed this am

      Attempt to return to status quo ante did not reduce noise but observed problems with aida01 ( asics #3 & #4 did not load ) - attachment 24
      An unusual error message - power cycled and rebooted FEE64s

      Slow comparator 0x64
      ADC data item stats - attachment 27

     Slow comparators 0xa p+n FEE64s, 0xf n+n FEE64s
     ADC data item stats  - attachments 26
     per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 25

     This appears to have ( largely ) restored status quo ante. Large number of hot channels but other typically close to previously observed rates.

  918   Tue Nov 14 17:19:11 2023 TDTapeServer, Merger, NetVar etc status
  917   Tue Nov 14 17:08:49 2023 TDReport - high - unable to change ASIC settings directory in Options
Attempting to change the text string specifying the ASIC settings directory ( 2023Nov14-15.25.24 ) in Options produces an error - see attachments 1 & 2

System aida-gsi, anydesk 246 067 683
  916   Tue Nov 14 16:52:54 2023 TDTuesday 14 November
15.06 Quick test of AIDA 24cm x 8cm 'triple' DSSSD before dismounting to install 1x bPlast detector downstream of the DSSSD

      Water flow, pressure and temperature OK

      Power Up OK

      All system wide checks OK

      DSSSD bias -150V leakage current -5.29uA 

      ASIC settings 2021Apr29-13-16-00
      FEE64s re-configured to aida01 - aida08 by NH
      aida02, aida04 negative input, all other FEE64s positive input
      Currently unable to specify settings directory for Options so aida06 & auida08 are still defined as negative input FEE64s - need to change ASIC settings manually

      slow comparator p+n FEE64s 0x64->0xa, n+n FEE64s 0x64->0xf

      per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 1
      ADC data item stats OK - attachment 2
      p+n FEE64 rates dominated by 'hot' channels, other channels < 1Hz
      n+n FEE64 rates ~ 10Hz 
      Known issues with aida04 asic #1 and aida10 ( now aida06 asic # 4 ) remain to addressed/investigated

      No chnages in performance cf. &

  915   Mon Nov 6 17:30:44 2023 NHAida Alpha Analysis
Analysis of tape folder /TapeData/BG18OCT23

Using Go4

Figure 1: Hit pattern (XY)
Figure 2: Energy 1D Spectra, alpha peaks visible
Figure 3: Energy X vs Energy Y
Figure 4: 1D Strip (0-386 = X 0-386, 386-512 = Y 0-128) and Energy

Some gaps at 112-114, 121-128 = aida05 
Hot channels at 368, 381, 382 = aida06 (high rate seen)
Gap at 435-450 = aida04 (ASIC#4 which is faulty)

Generally 1-10 counts per strip, 1 ch wide gaps may be statistics or issues
  914   Wed Oct 25 12:42:18 2023 CCAIDA test
Started AIDA at 1:41 pm, writing to disk: file BG18OCT2/R6, stopped at  17:26
pict1: HV supply
pict2: temperature
pict3: spectrum in stat, layout2
pict4: statistics
  913   Tue Oct 24 10:54:14 2023 at 19:14NH, CCAIDA test
Started AIDA at 11:54am, writing to disk: file BG18OCT2/R5, stopped at 19:14

pict1: HV supply
pict2: temperature
pict3: spectrum in stat, layout2
pict4: statistics

pict5: sum spectra at 18:20 (3.4 hours)

system power off and unbiased
  912   Mon Oct 23 14:08:06 2023 NH, CCAIDA test
Started AIDA at 3:05pm, writing to disk: file BG18OCT2/R4, stopped 18.30

pict1: HV supply
pict2: temperature
pict3: spectrum in stat, layout2
pict4: statistics

pict5: sum spectra at 18:20 (3.4 hours)

system power off and unbiased
  911   Mon Oct 23 10:52:06 2023 NH, CCAIDA test
Started AIDA at 11:50, writing to disk: file BG18OCT2/R3, stopped around 3 pm

pict1: HV supply
pict2: temperature
pict3: spectrum in stat, layout2
pict4: statistics
  910   Thu Oct 19 10:39:20 2023 NHThursday 19 October
Water Temp: 20 C - Flow felt on pipe
AIDA interlock OVERRIDE 

One USB Hub for the FEE64 TTYs was unplugged on cable tray, replugged in
 (may fix Pi_Monitor)

Bias DSSD (Ch 3) 
Leakage current stays at 17 uA during ramp up. At 150 V it quickly drops back to 6 uA
 Fig 1

Current FEE mapping
p+n aida09 aida01 aida10
    aida11 aida03 aida12

n+n aida02 aida04

Unused aida06 aida08

Due to merger need 8 FEEs 1-8 to merge properly will temporarily renumber for 1 DSSSD test
 - Will revert to this numbering for experiment!

Power up with unchanged configuration to test

Fee Temps OK Figure 2

Start DAQ at 0x64 threshold (1 MeV)
 Most channels 0 rate (expected)
 ASIC01 of AIDA4 very hot 
 2 channels in aida10 very hot
 Figure 3

Pulser OFF and only connected to aida11 aida03 aida12
 LOCAL operation at present 10V/10X level, positive tail, 25 Hz

STOP and Power off to renumber 

New mapping for now:

p+n aida05 aida01 aida06
    aida07 aida03 aida08

n+n aida02 aida04

aida09 ---> aida05
aida10 ---> aida06
aida11 ---> aida07
aida12 ---> aida08


Backup dhcpd.conf -> dhcpd.conf231019
Update to only first 8 fees
only turn on Relay 1

Update MIDAS Tcl
list aida01... aida08

new folder

copy to /tmp


Reboot MIDAS and Power on Relay 1
Power OFF
Reboot dhcp!

Anydesk Connection Lost??

Make new DB key 2023Oct19-13.46.30
Copy aida01/CONTENTS (p+n) to aida06 and aida08 
Cannot update Options http://localhost:8015/AIDA/Options/Options.tml ? Error 500
Figure 4
Load settings manually and check-load ASIC
TODO: Manually change files, or?


ADC items + rates figures 5, 6

Restart Merger
xfer Links (bad)
Netvar -> Inquire Registers
NetVar.MERGE.RunOptions WRITE 1

Merger now shows xfer Links => Merger
Merger GO

Open file BG18OCT23  R1

Data Xfer #1 Enable

See merger links all GSI_triple_test_renumber
Enable output to data storage
xfer Links => Merger => storage

See tape rate: 3 MB/s (!)

Also start MBS on x86l-119 (new AIDA FDR) and try MBS relay
rate seen in MBS

Figure 8 - Accumulated statistics for ca 3 hours
 Figs 9, 10 - ADC spectra

System turned off and DSSSD biased down for end of work day, due to water issue
  909   Wed Oct 18 17:18:57 2023 TDWednesday 18 October
  908   Thu Oct 12 16:40:21 2023 TDbackground alpha
start 14.55
  907   Thu Oct 12 13:02:50 2023 TDThursday 12 October contd.
      ASIC settings 2021Apr29-13-16-00
      slow comparator 0xa ( all p+n junction FEE64s ) and 0xf ( all n+n Ohmic FEE64s )

      BNC PB-5
      amplitude 10.0V
      attenuation x10
      tail pulse
      decay time 1ms
      frequency 25Hz
      polarity -

      PB-5 output direct to aida02 *only*

      CAEN N1419ET non-floating outputs ( internal LK fitted )
      ch2 - polarity

      HV cable - standard coaxial cable to aida12 chained to aida03 & aida11
      chain ( Lemo-00 cables ) adaptor PCB gnd from aida09 to aida01 & aida10
      ground cable from aida04 adaptor PCB gnd to aida12, aida02 & aida09
      aida04 LK1 ( local gnd ) fitted
      aida03 LK3 fitted ( DSSSD PCB gnd )

      DSSSD bias -150V -6.510uA - attachment 1
      ADC data item stats - attachment 2
       p+n rates dominated by hot channels - most p+n channels < 1Hz/channel
       n+n rates c. 10Hz/channel 
      per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 3-5

      aida02 1.8.L pulser peak width 102 ch FWHM ( 70 keV FWHM )

      aida02 *.*.L spectra - attachments 6-9
       common x & y scales for all spectra - peak height proxy for peak width
       all channels have similar pulser peak widths 

      aida02 3.*.W spectra - 20us, 200us, 2ms & 20ms FSR - attachments 10-17

      per p+n FEE64 1.8.W spectra - 20us, 200us, 2ms & 20ms FSR - attachments 18-25

      per n+n FEE64 1.8.W spectra - 20us, 200us, 2ms & 20ms FSR - attachments 26-33

      DSSSD bias -150V -6.510uA - attachment 34
      ADC data item stats - attachment 35
       p+n rates dominated by hot channels - most p+n channels < 1Hz/channel
       n+n rates c. 10Hz/channel 
      per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 36-38

      aida12 1.8.L pulser peak width 56 ch FWHM ( 39keV FWHM )

      aida12 *.*.L spectra - attachments 39-42
       common x & y scales for all spectra - peak height proxy for peak width
       60 channels have similar pulser peak widths
       4 channels show peak widths c. 2x larger ( 'hot' channels )

      aida12 3.*.W spectra - 20us, 200us, 2ms & 20ms FSR - attachments 43-50
ELOG V3.1.4-unknown