AIDA, Page 44 of 46  ELOG logo
  ID Date Author Subject
  58   Mon Apr 20 07:39:49 2015 CG, TDRasberry Pi : USB ac mains switch + USB serial link to FEE64 console
It would appear that you cannot reliably startup the Raspberry Pi (nnrpi1)
connected to both the USB ac mains switch *and* the USB-serial link to FEE64
console. This is because the Rly16 Service to the USB ac mains switch expects
to use /dev/ttyUSB0. However this is often assigned (at Raspberry Pi startup)
to the USB-serial link.

You can use the command 'dmesg' to observe device assignments. 


- connect USB cable from USB ac mains witch to powered USB hub socket 
- switch off & disconnect USB-serial cable from powered USB hub socket to FEE64 console
- power up Raspberry Pi (nnrpi1)

At startup the USB ac mains switch should be assigned to the first available
device /dev/ttyUSB0 - as required.

- connect & switch on USB-serial cable from powered USB hub socket to FEE64 console

The USB-serial connection should be assigned to the next available devoce /dev/ttyUSB1 
- as required. Further instructions can be found at:
  57   Mon Apr 20 06:53:24 2015 CG, TDProgress 20th April + RPi procedure


1200: Complete all points on first part of check list, except checking the PSU voltages.

          System now in powered and has all network/HDMI cables attached.

1300: Connect RPi to power switch but when powered on it didn't find the switch. A reliable procedure to start seems to be...

  • connect USB power switch to RPI, make sure serial cable is disconnected from hub
  • power up RPi and power switch
  • check connection using dmesg, should see ...FT232RL for USB power switch on USB0
  • check connection from aidas1 by pinging RPi inet address
  • if good, Rly16 page should work from aidas1
  • connect serial cable, open PuTTY session, select AIDA console settings, open
  • should assign serial cable as USB1 an allow use of both the power switch and FEE console.

       Currently this all works, we can control the power switch both from the RPi and aidas1, and see the FEE console via PuTTY session.

1400: Powered on system and tried to set up DAQ but received error (attachment 1) when doing the initial system reset in Run Control.

          DAQ still usable for spectrum/temperature viewing, and all FEEs can be accessed to check ASIC control, but it seems timestamping will not be correct.

          Tried to perform manual ReSync from master timestamp window and received similar error (attachment 2).

1430: nnaida8 running quite hot (ASIC temp ~65oC) and ASIC temp on nnaida7+15 read as 0.00oC. Otherwise, from pulser/stats data, both seem to be working correctly.

          Unplugged power cable for nnaida7+8 at PSU end.

1600: Could timestamping issue originate from MACBs?

          In rebuilding AIDA MACB -> FEE cabling redone. Should it follow a particular pattern/tree?

          Current tree structure looks like (with MACB numbering going 1->11 L->R as you look at it):

                  MACB1(setting: 0) ------- out 1: MACB2 (setting: 2) ---------- out 1: MACB3 (setting: 2) -> nnaida3+4, 11+12

                                                                                                    ---------- out 2: MACB4 (setting: 3) -> nnaida19+20, 27+28

                                                                                                    ---------- out 3: MACB5 (setting: 3) -> nniada1+2, 9+10

                                                                                                    ---------- out 4: MACB6 (setting: 3) -> nnaida17+18, 25+26

                                              --------- out 2: MACB7 (setting: 3) ---------- out 1: MACB8 (setting: 3) -> nnaida21+22, 29+30

                                                                                                    ---------- out 2: MACB9 (setting: 3) -> nnaida7+8, 15+16

                                                                                                    ---------- out 3: MACB10 (setting: 3) -> nnaida5+6, 13+14   -----> nnaida5 is the master and this comes from output2.

                                                                                                    ---------- out 4: MACB11 (setting: 3) -> nnaida23+24, 31+32

          Patrick - Is this set up OK? Do certain FEEs need to receive the MACB signal from certain MACBs or just all at the same point in the tree?

                        Also, MACBs 2+3 are on setting 2 on the dial, whereas the others (except MACB1, the 'grandparent') are set to 3. It seems like a hard thing to change accidentally so are they supposed to be like this or should they all be on the same setting?

1630: Voltages to nnaida7+8 OK at PSU output (+6V, +6V, +6V, -6.5V, +8V). Issue with contact to cooling rack?

          With pulser input to all FEEs, only see pulser data in spectra for n-side (nnaida3+4, 7+8, 11+12, 15+16) FEEs. Other FEEs all show zero statistics.



  56   Sat Apr 18 09:30:11 2015 CGTo do list 19/04/15 - 21/04/15

To do (roughly in order):

  •  Move shipped boxes down from Gabor's office to the experimental area. Check contents. Should include:
    • 3x 3Tb HDD
    • NIM floating HV supply
    • 2x Si detector boxes, containing MSL type BB18 detectors 3131-9 + 3131-11 and 3058-9 + 3058-25
    • flex circuit tester
    • misc items including Al plates, grub nuts etc.
  • Put everything back into working positions @ F11.
  • Put computer table back to normal. Turn on/check aidas1.
  • Reconnect power to chiller. Check water levels, fill if needed. Turn on and check for leaks.
  • Install PSUs, USB and network switches in new AIDA base.
  • Set up Raspberry Pi.
  • Check modified PSU voltages.
  • Reconnect FEE64s (power/network/HDMI). Label everything.
  • Power on. Check
    • Basic pusler test to check function and server. Confirm FWHMs are as expected.


Late Monday or on Tuesday:

  • Talk to Shunji re. AIDA/BRIKEN + EURICA setup requirements.
  • Install Al/Si accordingly.
  • Complete AIDA build with snout, kaptons etc.
  • Acquire sources (Am/Bi) for source test ------> Speak to Gabor first thing about this.
  55   Mon Mar 9 16:51:26 2015 TDAIDA adaptor PCB configuration - RIKEN - Feb 2015
  54   Mon Mar 9 16:45:35 2015 TDJulabo FL11006 Recirculating Chiller: connection to 3ph ac mains
3ph 100VAC/50Hz to Julabo FL11006 3ph 230VAC/50Hz via local transformer
  53   Mon Mar 9 13:59:32 2015 TDNew AIDA support frame for F11/F12 @ RIKEN
  52   Mon Mar 9 09:02:03 2015 Patrick Coleman-SmithAdding Filters to the AIDA PSU.

 This guide is to help with the filter pcb assembly and installation into the AIDA power supply.

  51   Thu Mar 5 12:11:44 2015 TDTo Do list - March 2015
A draft 'to do' list in preparation for further AIDA tests at RIKEN from mid-April.

Please feel free to add your comments, suggestions, other items etc.

High Priority

- [VP] fix problem with new merger program which crashes (SEGV) at startup

- [PCS/Edinburgh] fit 4x AIDA FEE64 PSUs with LCR filters and return to RIKEN

- [PM] transfer AIDA support assembly from original base to new RIKEN F11 base

Medium Priority

- [VP] TapeServer 'no storage' mode should not create files (cf. MIDAS VME DAQ TapeServer behaviour) ... ?

- [VP] TapeServer should check for existence of file before opening new file
  (and possibly overwriting an existing file) as a workaround for umode 022 file perms

- [VP] Define robust procedure for starting/stopping MIDAS DAQ/Merger/TapeService

- [VP/PCS] Critically review data synchronisation methodology
  see and

Low Priority

- [Edinburgh] modify USB ac mains switches - relays default to off state - ship to RIKEN

- [Edinburgh] purchase 3x 3TB SATA disks for installation in aidas1 
  50   Wed Mar 4 17:38:06 2015 CGLog book for Feb 2015 tests


Please find attached a scan of the log book for the Feb 2015 AIDA tests at RIKEN. 

  49   Wed Feb 25 09:59:28 2015 CG, AEWeds 25th Feb progress


1200: Swapped out old green power switch for new one from UoE (having previously tested them both yesterday and found them to work fine).

           With first switch connected and PuTTY session opened cannot get RPi to connect to it. See (bodged) screen shots below.

           Tried many permutations of trying to connect using ttyUSB0/1/2 with various permissions set, none yielded any results other than the error messages below.

1500: Swapped 1st UoE power switch out for the second. Plugged it straight in and it works... ???

           Later unplugged it and when reconnected saw the same errors as before. We got rid of these by plugging in the USB cable once the unit was powered on. Does this make any sense, or was it just luck?

           Carried out pulser walkthrough to file R22_0. Use same "best" settings as yesterday.

           Changed polarity of detector bias (from -100V to +100) and observed a similar leakage current as previously (11.5uA) and normal rates/spectra for each detector. No obvious changes from -ve bias polarity. GOOD.

1830: Looked at effect of supplying each FEE64 from various power supplies (as per request PC-S email on Sun 22nd Feb).

           Original configuration :     |  1   2  |  4   3  |  5   7  |  8   6  |    (all in one PSU)

           Changed to:     |  1   -  |  -    -  |  -    -  |  -   -  |       PSU#1

                                    |  3   -  |  -    -  |  -    -  |  -   -  |       PSU#2

                                    |  6   -  |  -    -  |  -    -  |  -   -  |       PSU#3

                                    |  8   -  |  -    -  |  -    -  |  -   -  |       PSU#4

                      with PSUs #3+4 completely unplugged apart from nnaida6+8. In PSUs #1+2, the remainder of the slots were connected as previously (apart from for nnaida3,6,8, in which case they were swapped for another FEE64 at random).

           Initially all PSUs were plugged into one half of the power switch, but the fuse blew. We replaced it with a spare fuse from the unused supply and distributed the PSUs 2 to each half of the switch.

           This configuration yielded larger FWHM than original set up  ---> worsened performance.




  48   Tue Feb 24 03:04:59 2015 CG, TDTues 24th Feb progress


1200: Update the FEE firmware on nnaida1-16 without problem.

           Gone from file FEE_Oct12_27Nov13.bin ----> FEE_Riken_Apr14_24.bin

           Included are a screen shot of the temperature window showing the new firmware versions and a stats screen.


12.15 Update MIDAS DAQ software


           cp -r /MIDAS@aiidas /MIDAS@aidas.240214  ( /MIDAS is a link to /MIDAS@aidas )



           cd <update directory>

           cp -r Data_Acq /MIDAS

           cp -r Merger /MIDAS

           cp -r TclHttpd /MIDAS


           New versions of merge64.AD and master64 were installed in /MIDAS/Merger but the process crashed at startup

           with multiple messages of the type:

           MIDAS Data Link (12345) : Received SEGV signal; exiting.

          (see attachment 3)


          Is this related to the recent changes to the MIDAS TapeServer software to resolve problems with MIDAS Data

          libraries  and ?


           As a temporary workaround I have copied the backups of merge64.AD and master64 back to the install

           directory /MIDAS/Merger. With the old verison of the merger we continue to obtain error messages

           (see attachments 4-8)


  47   Mon Feb 23 11:10:44 2015 TDOutline test plan - RIKEN - Feb 2015
With the exception of one AIDA FEE64 PSU configuration test (5) and the upgrades
of the AIDA FEE64 firmware (8) and MIDAS DAQ software (9) we have now completed all
of tasks described in the outline plan.
  46   Mon Feb 23 07:23:08 2015 J. Agramunt, H. Baba, A. EstradeDAQ correlation test
The attached figure shows the configuration used to test the synchronization of the DAQ systems using a
correlation scalar counted from a common clock signal (DAQcorrelation_diagram.pdf). 

The chosen solution was to use a 25 MHz clock generated by the MACB modules of AIDA, which was distributed to
the other two systems by a SIS36/38xx module in the BRIKEN VME crate. 

The correlation can be monitored online using the MIDAS DataXfer and DataSpy libraries 
( Each system operates a
DataRelay program that sends a data stream consisting only of IDs and time-stamps to a common DataSink (this
requires a DataRelay code that does some filtering of the raw data for each system). The scheme is shown in
attached diagram (DAQsoftware.pdf).

The DataPeek_Merge and SyncCheck codes use C++11 for parallelization of tasks, which is a helpful feature to
improve the efficiency of finding coincidences between the correlation pulses. Thus, the code will not run in
PCs with any Linux version. For example, it requires version 7 of ScientificLinux, which installed in the PC 
being used for BRIKEN DAQ control that will stay at RIBF for the time being.


The figure correlation_25Hz.png shows a correlation plot for the BRIKEN+RIBF+AIDA running with correlations done
by a pulser at 25 Hz. A large fraction of the pulsers appear in the double-coincidence plots (top row; same plots,
except the 'Partial' one is automatically cleared every ~10seconds).

The bottom plots show the pair-wise correlations between BRIKEN and RIBF or AIDA. BRIKEN was defined as the
'master' in this test, but current version of the program is flexible to select any stream as the master one.

The second figure (correlation_random.png) shows the same test, but using a non-periodic pulser to trigger the
correlation scalar. We observed the same level of synchronization (peaks look brader just because of the zoom level).
  45   Mon Feb 23 07:03:10 2015 TD, AE & CGMonday 23 February 2015

14.30 Saved nnaida1-16 ASIC + Waveform configurations to directory (Data Base Key)


          (directory aidas1:/MIDAS/DB/EXPERIMENTS/AIDA/2015Feb23-12.11.40)

          nnaida 1-2, 5-6, 9-10, 13-14 positive input ( front p+n junction strips )

          nnaida 3-4, 7-8, 11-12, 15-16 negative input ( back n+n ohmic strips )


           Standard ASIC configurations except

          - shaping time 0xb (6,5us)

          - peaking time 0x8 (16us)

         - slow comparator 0x10 (~160keV)

         - fast comparator (LEC/MEC) 0xff

         - fast comparator (HEC) 0xff


          nnaida 1-2, 5-6, 9-10, 13-14 negative input ( AIDA ASIC preamp output inverts input,

                                                                                 i.e. preamp with positive input produces negative input for sampling ADC )

          nnaida 3-4, 7-8, 11-12, 15-16 positive input

         Standard Waveform configurations except

         - threshold 1000

         - pre-trigger 0x100

         - all channels disabled


         2015Feb23-12.11.40 is now the default configuration file


Note:  The directory (Data Base Key) which will contain the saved settings is created uid: npg, gid: npgstaff, perms 755.

However, its contents are written uid: nfsnobody, gid nfsnobody, perms 777. The default directory (Data Base  Key) permissions

do not work - it is necessary to change the directory (Data Base Key)  to perms 777 after its creation and before saving the

individual FEE64 configuration directories/files to it.








  44   Sun Feb 22 06:47:23 2015 CG, AE, TDSunday 22 February 2015


am    Testing various grounding configurations for the connection between the DSSSD and the FEE64 modules.


15.45 Obtaining error messages from Merger TTY console (see attachment 1)

1700: Summary of AM testing of grounding configurations.

           Set up system as it was when we left last night to check reproducibility -> peak FWHMs all same to within 10%.

           Throughout tests yesterday, nnaida8 was consistently worse than the other nnaida, why? Can it be improved?

           Most obvious difference between 8 and the rest was that the nose was grounded through nnaida8.

           Removed nose grounding cable and left to hang -> no appreciable difference in FWHMs.

           It was then attached to the Cu piping using a croc clip -> no change.

           Connected to nnaida6 -> no change.

           The heavy duty Cu braiding was removed from all nnaida and the pulser FWHM in all nnaida increase significantly.

                 => clearly the braiding is helping.

           Put Cu braiding back in place and added shielding plates to nnaida1,3,8 (kapton in way on nnaida5/6, also useful as a reference point).

           Each shield plate was fit onto the set screws with two spacers and sat over the kaptons, black tape was put over the vias to prevent them touching the plates.

           No change with respect to the first measurements this morning.

                 => the grounding changes implemented today have had no effect at the current noise level, but that is not to say they may not have an effect in combination with production detectors, new kaptons etc.

1715: Tested the new USB mains power switches for function (without load). All seem to function correctly and are controllable from the RPi.



  43   Sat Feb 21 06:37:52 2015 CG, AE, TDSat 21st Feb progress


1230: Developing the software to check synchronisation between DAQs. Below line runs program on aidas1 - sends data from TapeServer to BELEN.

            ./DataRelayFilter -n -p 10307 -I 2

1500: Investigating pulser peak FWHMs as function of bias voltage.

           Constant shaping time of 0x3, slow comp thresh 0x20, fast comp thresholds of 0xff. All other setting as standard. Detector MSL BB18 2977-20.

           Results summarised in table directly below.

  Pulser peak FWHM (ch)
    nnaida1 nnaida3 nnaida6 nnaida8
Bias (v) Leakage current (uA) 1.9.L 2.10.L 1.9.L 2.9.L 2.10.L 3.11.L 2.10.L 3.9.L
75 10.700 166 133 174 156 176 168 271 285
100 10.905 165 131 174 158 168 166 272 285
125 11.090 167 151 175 158 167 160 271 285
150 11.410 179 140 178 158 169 166 271 283
200 12.275 ----- ------ 175 159 ------ ------ 272


             At bias of -200V nnaida1+6 stopped outputting data but continued to produce SYNCs. Good event rate dropped from ~few thousand per sec to ~300 per sec.

             After returning bias to -150V, nnaida1+6 started producing data again. No effect was seen in nnaida3+8.

             nnaida8 peaks are not particularly Gaussian in shape. Look more skewed with one rolling edge and one side a relatively sharp drop.

            No obvious trends with changing bias voltage. Will return to -100V.

1545: Investigating pulser peak FWHMs as function of shaping time.

           Bias returned to -100V, with leakage current 11.000uA.

           Settings for all nnaida: slow comp thresh = 0x20, fast comp thresh = 0xff, hold time = 0x4 if shaping time <= 0x8, 0x8 if shaping time > 0x8.

Pulser peak FWHM (ch)
  nnaida1 nnaida3 nnaida6 nnaida8
Shaping time (Hex) 1.9.L 2.10.L 1.9.L 2.9.L 2.10.L 3.11.L 2.10.L 3.9.L
0x0 254 172 151 160 172 164 287 293
0x1 237 167 176 172 184 176 328 367
0x2 193 146 184 168 180 175 306 321
0x4 149 119 171 152 159 155 252 261
0x8 129 122 154 147 139 137 195 201
0xb 133 129 160 148 137 135 184 188
0xf 139 139 169 159 141 142 184 183

           Visual 'analysis' suggested 0xb to be the optimal value so used that as shaping time in further tests.

           (Graph to follow)

1900: Investigating effect of changes to slow comparator thresholds.

           Settings: bias = -100V, hold timing = 0x8, shaping time = 0xb, fast comp thresholds = 0xff. Otherwise, standard settings.

Position of threshold (ch)
  nnaida1 nnaida3 nnaida6 nnaida8
Slow comp threshold 1.9.L 2.10.L 1.9.L 2.9.L 2.10.L 3.11.L 2.10.L 3.9.L
0x20 32164 32378 33102 32990 32427 32261 33433 33433
0x18 32271 32481 32997 32890 32529 32369 33334 33349
0x10 32389 32589 32898 32788 32648 32449 33225 33260
0xd 32420 32596 32858 32755 ------ ? ----- ? ----- ? ----- ?

          With threshold at 0xd, threshold position was very hard to determine for nnaida6+8, assume discirminator is running in the noise. Will ignore data for 0xd.

          Assuming central position of 32768 and energy per channel of 0.7 keV, below table gives approximate position of threshold in keV.

Position of threshold (ch)
  nnaida1 nnaida3 nnaida6 nnaida8
Slow comp threshold 1.9.L 2.10.L 1.9.L 2.9.L 2.10.L 3.11.L 2.10.L 3.9.L
0x20 423 273 234 155 239 355 467 467
0x18 348 201 160 85 167 279 396 407
0x10 265 125 91 14 84 223 320 344

           Thus (very roughly), between 0x10 and 0x20, the above table shows the threshold moving by about 10 keV per increment in the threshold.

           With the threshold at 0x10, the data rate show on the TapeServer window was ~3Mb/s (uncompressed?).

           This was with 1 detector (BB18 2977-20) connected to 4 FEE64s with above settings, a 25Hz pulser and 241Am+207Bi sources (activities in ELog entry 40).

           The Good Events rate averaged around 30,000-60,000/s per FEE64 card, with only a few Pause/Resumes coming through.

           Example stats screen and hit patterns included below for final configuration.

  42   Fri Feb 20 10:48:09 2015 TDHow To Connect the FEE64 System Console Using PuTTY
Set permissions for the USB-serial device using the command

sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0

Note: Vic Pucknell reports that he has sometime observed the device
rotate between /dev/ttyUSB0, /dev/ttyUSB1, /dev/ttyUSB2 etc - make\
sure you are using the correct device name with the command:

ls -l /dev/ttyUSB*

Start PuTTY

Select Connection Type 'Serial' 
Enter Serial Line (/dev/ttyUSB0 or /dev/ttyUSB1)
Enter speed (9600)
Select 'Open'

Note: permissions for the USB-serial device will revert to their
default (mode 440) when the OS notices the change but by then
the serial line connection will have been established.
  41   Fri Feb 20 10:04:29 2015 CG, AE, TDFri 20th progress


1400: Measured leakage current as function of bias V for the Caen 1419B high voltage supply and detector BB18 2977-20. (see attachment #1)

1500: Modified MACB installed and connected to BELEN and RIBF DAQs (see attachment #2 for signal flow diagram).

          Increased noise in several nnaida, possibly due to grounding issues introduced by inclusion of modules for other DAQs.

  40   Thu Feb 19 08:21:33 2015 CG, AE, TDThrus 19th Feb progress


1000: Check system gives same resolution as yesterday, removing only the Cu braiding connecting and grounding all adapter PCBs (also moved bias braid back to nnaida3).

           Pulser FWHM in each FEE... nnaida1 ~800ch, nnaida3 ~110ch, nnaida6 ~2300ch, nnaida8 ~950ch. Rate in 6 and 8 ~5kHz per strip.

           Re-added Cu braids, clipping on to LEMO connectors of adapter PCBs.

           FWHM and rate/strip in nnaida1,3,6,8 now (respectively): ~600ch and 100Hz, ~120ch and 25Hz, ~2100ch and 6kHz, 1000ch and 6kHz. => small reduction in nnaida1+6

           nnaida8 also has non-Gaussian pulser peaks.

           No clear effect, but minor improvement and no negative effects mean we will keep Cu braids attached.

1045: Grounded nose to adapter PCB attached to nnaida7+8.  No clear effect.

1055: Changed pre-amp reference settings in nnaida1+8.

            nnaida1 0x30 -> 0x60. nnaida8 0xb2 -> 0x82.

            No clear change. Reverted back to original settings.

1130: Changed to detector BB18 2977-20 and added 241Am (1uCi) and 207Bi (few uCi) sources 2cm from front of detector (see attached photos for arrangement).

           Bias set at -100V with leakage current -10.9uA.

           Pulser peak FWHMs for each nnaida are: #1 ~600ch, #3 ~150ch, #6 ~1300ch, #8 ~ 700ch. Minor improvement over previous detector.

1345: nnaida3 still much more well behaved than other nnaida. To test if kapton cables are source of issue, swapped kaptons for nnaida3+8 at FEE end.

           Peak FWHMs and rates for nnaida3+8 having swapped cables are: #3 ~700ch and 300Hz, #8 ~200ch and 30Hz.

          => noise moved with kapton! Kaptons could be the issue. (For completeness, FWHM in nnaida1 ~800ch and nnaida6 ~1100ch.)

1435: Disconnected kaptons at detector end (still connected to FEE adapters).

           Pulser FWHMs and rates/strip per strip now: nnaida1 - ~250ch and 25Hz, nnaida3 - ~120ch and 25Hz, nnaida6 - ~160ch and 25Hz, nnaida8 - ~120ch and 25Hz.

           Waveforms for all nnaida looked similar and with little noise => no way of telling a 'bad' cable from a 'good' one, just from FEE + cable (without detector).

           Current cable configuration/pairings: nnaida1-kapton A, 3-B, 6-C, 8-D.

           Kapton B shows no alpha/beta spectrum from sources in 1.1.L, a problem which tracked across to nnaida8 when cables were swapped => suggesting break in cable for this channel.

           Waveforms in all nnaida look relatively noise free (nnaida1 slightly noisier) and as expected.

1520: Changed some of the kaptons to check all were functioning properly. Kept nnaida3-kapton B combo as this was working as expected from DL tests.

           Changed nnaida1 A->E (neither isolated), nnaida6 C->F, nnaida8 D->G.

           After removal. noticed outgoing kaptons C+D did not have "Isolated" label on them (B does).

           Without connecting new cables to detector, FWHMs and rates/strip in all nnaida ~130-150ch and ~25Hz, respectively.

1545: Connected kaptons to detector 2977-20 and with alpha+beta sources 2cm in front of detector.

           Bias connected via nnaida6 (-ve core) and nnaida3 (low V ref braid). nnaida3+8 grounded.

           nnaida-kapton pairings now as follows: nnaida1-kapton E, 3-B, 6-F, 8-G.

           Pulser FWHMs and rates/strip now: nnaida 1 - ~190ch and ~60Hz, nnaida3 - ~250ch and ~60Hz, nnaida6 - ~180ch and ~40Hz, nnaida8 - ~350ch and ~100Hz.

           Above rates seem sensible considering we have 25Hz pulser going into FEEs, plus alpha and beta sources.

           MUCH better than previous! (apart from nnaida3 which remains about the same)

           Further more, rate spectrum for each nnaida shows slow decline in rate with increasing bin number. Expected as 241Am placed centrally and outer strips will see lower rate as more alphas are stopped due to path travelled.

1645: Saving data to file with system configuration: Am+Bi sources, EBFG kaptons, Cu braid grounding between adapters and nose grounded to nnaida7+8 adapter.

           File - /TapeData/Feb2015/Run1_*.gz.

           Run stopped at 1715.

17:40: Providing one pulser signal to BRIKEN VME crate, which is in the same main bias supply as AIDA. Start a new run to check things are not changed 

           File - /TapeData/Feb2015/Run3_*.gz.

19.42 File /TapeDate/R3_1.gz closed (985+303Mb)

  39   Wed Feb 18 11:25:54 2015 Patrick Coleman-SmithInvestigations into removing HV noise

 With the system in T9 and a Keithley Source Meter supplying HV to the detector.

The source meter supplies 200V and measures the current .... 

I noticed that the current value was not stable... varying by +/-0.5uA. In conversation with Marcello i learnt that normally much more stable than this. 

I have carried out the following changes.

added a 22nF X7R capacitor at the detector end of the Kapton cable from the HV connector pin  ( G/R ) to the ground plane of the Kapton.

added a 14k resistor in series with the HV supply +ve signal before it connects to the adaptor board.

isolated the G/R connection on the second Kapton that would normally be connected to the HV on the detector.

The HV now is a lot quieter +/-0.01uA.

Next i disconnected the HV -ve input from ground at the adaptor board. This resulted in all the FEE64 being equally noisy!!

Next I connected a 22nF X7R capacitor between the HV negative and ground at the adaptor. This resulted in all FEE64 becoming equally calm. 

The FWHM of the spectra is not good at 250 to 300 but the fact that all FEE64 are equal now is interesting.

I will update this post with pictures.


This change was not stable and repeatable. I changed back to the original connections and things haven't gone back. 

So power down and leave for today.... It doesn't make sense to me ... but then that's nothing new :-)

It appears that something is heating/charging up during the day and the noise becomes swamped by this effect ????

ELOG V3.1.4-unknown