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ID Date Author Subject
  659   Tue Jul 2 17:43:32 2024 TDOffline analysis G22-201/R89
Offline analysis data file G22-201/R89_0 to R89_13 (c. 6h40m data)

DSSSD#1 & 3 36.54mm -> ~ 2.3-8.6 deg 
DSSSD#2 & 4 64.60mm -> ~ 4.1-10.4 deg 

Beam ~1.06MeV/u 15N5+

Sort program variables

ADC data corrected for ADC offset but not gain (assume 0.7keV/LSB)

per DSSSD m_p verus m_n - attachments 1-2

For spectra below events must satisfy condition 0 < m_p < 4 *and* 0 < m_n < 4
 gated w(1)=50 & w(2)=-50
 20keV/channel nominal

per DSSSD p+n junction strip versus n+n Ohmic strip - attachment 3
 note - x/y channel ordering to be checked

per DSSSD E_p versus E_n - attachments 4 & 6
 check whether vertical structures (correct E_n but low E_p) are associated with specific strips or edge of DSSSD?

per DSSSD E_p versus E_n - attachment 5 & 7
 expanded view high energy events 

DSSSD #1 E_p + DSSSD#4  E_p - attachment 8
DSSSD #2 E_p + DSSSD#3  E_p - attachment 8

DSSSD #1 E_p versus DSSSD#4  E_p - attachment 9
DSSSD #2 E_p versus DSSSD#3  E_p - attachment 9
 note clusters of events at asymmetric energies but only for one combination of detectors - random events?


               Reaction: 1H(15N,4He)12C

                      A:           1         15          4         12
                      Z:           1          7          2          6
              Mass(amu):    1.007825  15.000109   4.002603  12.000000
             Error(keV):       0.000      0.001      0.001      0.000

                  Q(gs):    4.9655 +/-   0.0001 MeV

  Projectile lab energy:   15.900 MeV
              CM energy:    1.001 MeV
      Excitation energy:    0.000 MeV
       Reaction Q-value:    4.965 MeV
     Reaction threshold:    0.000 MeV

                 Particle 3                               Particle 4                           Non-relativistic Jacobians
           ( scattered/ejectile )                         ( recoil )                                           Ejectile Ejectile
                                                                                               Ejectile Recoil dOmega/  dOmega/
  Lab    CM       Lab   Lab     Lab    dOmega      Lab    CM       Lab   Lab     Lab    dOmega  dOmega  dOmega Recoil   Recoil
 Angle  Angle   Energy  Beta    ToF    Lab/CM     Angle  Angle   Energy  Beta    ToF    Lab/CM  Lab/CM  Lab/CM dOmega   dOmega
 (deg)  (deg)    (MeV)        (ns/cm)  ratio      (deg)  (deg)    (MeV)        (ns/cm)  ratio                  Lab/Lab  CM/Lab

  0.00 NaN      16.372 0.0934   0.357 NaN          0.00 NaN       4.494 0.0283   1.177 NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN
  1.00   1.91   16.367 0.0934   0.357  0.2729      1.10 178.09    4.498 0.0284   1.176 -0.3314  0.2729 -0.3314 -0.8233 -3.0175
  2.00   3.83   16.354 0.0934   0.357  0.2730      2.20 176.17    4.512 0.0284   1.174 -0.3290  0.2730 -0.3290 -0.8296 -3.0393
  3.00   5.74   16.331 0.0933   0.358  0.2732      3.29 174.26    4.535 0.0285   1.171 -0.3251  0.2732 -0.3251 -0.8403 -3.0759
  4.00   7.66   16.299 0.0932   0.358  0.2735      4.37 172.34    4.566 0.0286   1.167 -0.3197  0.2735 -0.3197 -0.8553 -3.1277
  5.00   9.57   16.258 0.0931   0.358  0.2739      5.43 170.43    4.607 0.0287   1.162 -0.3129  0.2738 -0.3130 -0.8750 -3.1954
  6.00  11.49   16.208 0.0929   0.359  0.2743      6.47 168.51    4.657 0.0289   1.156 -0.3049  0.2743 -0.3049 -0.8996 -3.2796
  7.00  13.40   16.150 0.0928   0.360  0.2749      7.49 166.60    4.716 0.0290   1.149 -0.2957  0.2749 -0.2957 -0.9294 -3.3815
  8.00  15.31   16.082 0.0926   0.360  0.2755      8.48 164.69    4.784 0.0292   1.141 -0.2855  0.2755 -0.2855 -0.9648 -3.5023
  9.00  17.23   16.006 0.0924   0.361  0.2762      9.45 162.77    4.860 0.0295   1.132 -0.2745  0.2762 -0.2745 -1.0063 -3.6434
 10.00  19.14   15.921 0.0921   0.362  0.2770     10.38 160.86    4.945 0.0297   1.122 -0.2627  0.2770 -0.2627 -1.0545 -3.8067
 11.00  21.05   15.827 0.0918   0.363  0.2779     11.27 158.95    5.039 0.0300   1.111 -0.2503  0.2779 -0.2503 -1.1100 -3.9944
 12.00  22.96   15.725 0.0916   0.364  0.2789     12.13 157.04    5.141 0.0303   1.100 -0.2376  0.2789 -0.2376 -1.1738 -4.2091
 13.00  24.87   15.614 0.0912   0.366  0.2800     12.96 155.13    5.251 0.0306   1.089 -0.2245  0.2800 -0.2245 -1.2469 -4.4539
 14.00  26.78   15.496 0.0909   0.367  0.2812     13.74 153.22    5.370 0.0310   1.077 -0.2113  0.2811 -0.2113 -1.3305 -4.7326
 15.00  28.69   15.369 0.0905   0.369  0.2824     14.49 151.31    5.496 0.0313   1.064 -0.1980  0.2824 -0.1980 -1.4260 -5.0496


 Options available:
    (r)eaction   e(x)citation energy   (e)nergy   (a)ngles   (p)rint   (q)uit

 Enter option: x

 Enter excitation energy (MeV): 4.44

 Enter projectile lab energy (MeV): /

 Enter lab scattering angles [start,stop,step] (deg): /


               Reaction: 1H(15N,4He)12C

                      A:           1         15          4         12
                      Z:           1          7          2          6
              Mass(amu):    1.007825  15.000109   4.002603  12.000000
             Error(keV):       0.000      0.001      0.001      0.000

                  Q(gs):    4.9655 +/-   0.0001 MeV

  Projectile lab energy:   15.900 MeV
              CM energy:    1.001 MeV
      Excitation energy:    4.440 MeV
       Reaction Q-value:    0.525 MeV
     Reaction threshold:    0.000 MeV

                 Particle 3                               Particle 4                           Non-relativistic Jacobians
           ( scattered/ejectile )                         ( recoil )                                           Ejectile Ejectile
                                                                                               Ejectile Recoil dOmega/  dOmega/
  Lab    CM       Lab   Lab     Lab    dOmega      Lab    CM       Lab   Lab     Lab    dOmega  dOmega  dOmega Recoil   Recoil
 Angle  Angle   Energy  Beta    ToF    Lab/CM     Angle  Angle   Energy  Beta    ToF    Lab/CM  Lab/CM  Lab/CM dOmega   dOmega
 (deg)  (deg)    (MeV)        (ns/cm)  ratio      (deg)  (deg)    (MeV)        (ns/cm)  ratio                  Lab/Lab  CM/Lab

  0.00   0.00    9.002 0.0694   0.481  0.0000      0.00 180.00    7.423 0.0364   0.916  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 NaN     NaN
       180.00    0.740 0.0199   1.675  0.0000      0.00   0.00   15.686 0.0529   0.630  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 NaN     NaN
  1.00   2.81    8.997 0.0693   0.481  0.1270      0.64 177.19    7.428 0.0364   0.915 -0.0513  0.1270 -0.0513 -2.4762 *******
       179.20    0.740 0.0199   1.674  1.5463      0.13   0.80   15.685 0.0529   0.630  0.0243 -1.5463  0.0243 ******* 41.1048
  2.00   5.61    8.983 0.0693   0.481  0.1271      1.27 174.39    7.443 0.0365   0.915 -0.0509  0.1271 -0.0509 -2.4951 *******
       178.39    0.741 0.0199   1.673  1.5414      0.25   1.61   15.684 0.0529   0.630  0.0243 -1.5414  0.0243 ******* 41.1102
  3.00   8.42    8.958 0.0692   0.482  0.1271      1.90 171.58    7.468 0.0365   0.913 -0.0503  0.1271 -0.0503 -2.5269 *******
       177.58    0.743 0.0200   1.671  1.5334      0.38   2.42   15.682 0.0529   0.630  0.0243 -1.5334  0.0243 ******* 41.1194
  4.00  11.24    8.923 0.0691   0.483  0.1271      2.52 168.76    7.502 0.0366   0.911 -0.0494  0.1271 -0.0494 -2.5722 *******
       176.77    0.746 0.0200   1.668  1.5221      0.50   3.23   15.679 0.0529   0.630  0.0243 -1.5221  0.0243 ******* 41.1323
  5.00  14.05    8.879 0.0689   0.484  0.1272      3.13 165.95    7.547 0.0367   0.908 -0.0483  0.1272 -0.0483 -2.6319 *******
       175.96    0.750 0.0201   1.663  1.5077      0.63   4.04   15.676 0.0529   0.631  0.0243 -1.5077  0.0243 ******* 41.1490
  6.00  16.88    8.824 0.0687   0.486  0.1273      3.73 163.12    7.601 0.0369   0.905 -0.0470  0.1273 -0.0470 -2.7072 *******
       175.13    0.754 0.0201   1.658  1.4901      0.76   4.87   15.671 0.0529   0.631  0.0243 -1.4901  0.0243 ******* 41.1697
  7.00  19.71    8.760 0.0684   0.487  0.1273      4.32 160.29    7.665 0.0370   0.901 -0.0455  0.1273 -0.0455 -2.7995 *******
       174.30    0.760 0.0202   1.652  1.4695      0.89   5.70   15.665 0.0529   0.631  0.0243 -1.4695  0.0243 ******* 41.1945
  8.00  22.55    8.686 0.0681   0.490  0.1274      4.89 157.45    7.739 0.0372   0.897 -0.0438  0.1274 -0.0438 -2.9108 *******
       173.46    0.766 0.0203   1.645  1.4458      1.02   6.54   15.659 0.0529   0.631  0.0243 -1.4458  0.0243 ******* 41.2236
  9.00  25.41    8.603 0.0678   0.492  0.1275      5.44 154.59    7.823 0.0374   0.892 -0.0419  0.1275 -0.0419 -3.0436 *******
       172.61    0.774 0.0204   1.637  1.4191      1.15   7.39   15.652 0.0529   0.631  0.0242 -1.4192  0.0242 ******* 41.2573
 10.00  28.27    8.509 0.0674   0.495  0.1276      5.97 151.73    7.916 0.0376   0.887 -0.0399  0.1276 -0.0399 -3.2011 *******
       171.75    0.782 0.0205   1.628  1.3896      1.28   8.25   15.643 0.0528   0.631  0.0242 -1.3896  0.0242 ******* 41.2958
 11.00  31.15    8.407 0.0670   0.498  0.1277      6.48 148.85    8.019 0.0379   0.881 -0.0377  0.1277 -0.0377 -3.3875 *******
       170.87    0.792 0.0206   1.619  1.3572      1.42   9.13   15.634 0.0528   0.631  0.0242 -1.3572  0.0242 ******* 41.3394
 12.00  34.05    8.294 0.0666   0.501  0.1278      6.97 145.95    8.131 0.0381   0.875 -0.0354  0.1278 -0.0354 -3.6080 *******
       169.97    0.803 0.0207   1.608  1.3221      1.56  10.03   15.623 0.0528   0.632  0.0242 -1.3221  0.0242 ******* 41.3886
 13.00  36.96    8.172 0.0661   0.505  0.1279      7.43 143.04    8.253 0.0384   0.868 -0.0330  0.1279 -0.0330 -3.8695 *******
       169.06    0.815 0.0209   1.596  1.2843      1.70  10.94   15.611 0.0528   0.632  0.0241 -1.2844  0.0241 ******* 41.4437
 14.00  39.90    8.040 0.0656   0.509  0.1280      7.87 140.10    8.385 0.0387   0.862 -0.0306  0.1280 -0.0306 -4.1814 *******
       168.13    0.828 0.0211   1.583  1.2440      1.84  11.87   15.598 0.0528   0.632  0.0241 -1.2441  0.0241 ******* 41.5053
 15.00  42.86    7.899 0.0650   0.513  0.1280      8.28 137.14    8.526 0.0390   0.855 -0.0281  0.1280 -0.0281 -4.5560 *******
       167.17    0.843 0.0213   1.569  1.2012      1.99  12.83   15.583 0.0527   0.632  0.0241 -1.2013  0.0241 ******* 41.5741


Assume alphas of coincident events detected at 5 deg lab

1H(15N,4He)12C(gs)    E_alpha + E_12C = 16.528+4.607MeV = 20.865MeV - 0.9MeV 12C energy loss dead layer = 19.965MeV = ch 998

1H(15N,4He)12C(4.44)    forward CM E_alpha + E_12C = 0.750+15.676MeV = 16.426MeV - 0.8MeV 12C energy loss dead layer = 15.626MeV = ch 781
1H(15N,4He)12C(4.44)   backward CM E_alpha + E_12C = 8.879+7.547MeV = 16.426MeV - 0.9MeV 12C energy loss dead layer = 15.526MeV = ch 776
Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-06-06_15-06-55.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2024-06-06_15-07-36.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2024-06-06_15-08-53.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2024-06-06_15-09-42.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2024-06-06_15-11-08.png
Attachment 6: Screenshot_from_2024-06-06_15-10-35.png
Attachment 7: Screenshot_from_2024-06-06_15-11-53.png
Attachment 8: Screenshot_from_2024-06-06_15-13-22.png
Attachment 9: Screenshot_from_2024-06-06_15-14-51.png
  658   Wed Jun 19 12:11:22 2024 CB, RSSCARME status

DSSD off

FEEs off

Motors out, pin inserted, compressed air closed, power removed from motors box.

Motors and temperature logs are in carme-gsi:logs/G22-200


Next experiment will install new setup attached to gas target. Some baking and vacuum operations required. Everything should stay off for safety until they are done.

  657   Wed Jun 19 12:08:34 2024 CB + variousRun 101-105

Run 101: no target. See ELOG entry by TD.

Run 102: ??

Run 103: ??

Run 104: After experiment time is over, Gleb tests beam lifetime at "high energies". Some data acquired for 30 minutes.

Run 105: Quick pulser walkthrough. People are working near CARME. Positive polarity 1000-9000 amplitude.

  656   Wed Jun 19 12:06:50 2024 CB, OF, SSRun 98/99/100 - higher energy

10:21 June 17

New energy: 1.125 MeV/u

Target in. Run 98 started.


Run 99 overlap check.


Run 100 back to acquisition as run 98.

  655   Wed Jun 19 12:04:02 2024 CB + OF, SSRun 96/97

Run 96 - as run 89, while we wait for beam energy change at higher energies

Run stopped around 08:56 June 17


Run 97 - target out, beam optimisation for higher energies.



  654   Wed Jun 19 12:01:29 2024 TD23:00-07:00 Wednesday 19 June
23.18 DSSSD bias & leakage current OK - attachment 1
      FEE64 temps OK - attachment 2
      ADC data item stats attachment 3
       aida01-aida04 c. 250k
      per FEE64 1.8.W spectra - 20us FSR - attachments 4-5
       large transients aida01-aida04
      per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 6
      Merger, TapeServer etc. - attachments 7-8
        data file R101_15
      DSSSD energy spectra (updating) - attachment 9
      DSSSD bias & leakage current log - attachment 10
        transients bottom & top left c. 02:00 18.6.24

      cycle slow comparator 0x32 -> 0x64 -> Check ASIC Control -> 0x32
        aida01 - aida04 rates return to normal

      ADC data item stats - attachment 11
      DSSSD energy spectra - attachment 12

23.40 cycle slow comparator 0x32 -> 0x64 -> Check ASIC Control -> 0x32
        aida01 - aida04 rates return to normal

00.10 cycle slow comparator 0x32 -> 0x64 -> Check ASIC Control -> 0x32
        aida01 - aida04 rates return to normal

01.43 ADC item stats OK - attachment 13
       FEE64 temps OK - attachment 14

04.43 ADC data items stats
       ADC data item stats - attachment 15
       FEE64 temps OK - attachment 16
       cycle slow comparator 0x32 -> 0x64 -> Check ASIC Control -> 0x32
        aida01 - aida04 rates return to normal
       ADC data item stats - attachment 17
       per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 18
       Merger, TapeServer etc. - attachment 19
        data file R101_51

07.00 FEE64 temps OK - attachment 21
      ADC data items OK - attachment 20
      Merger, Tape Server OK - attachment 22

      DSSSD bias & leakage current - attachment 23

      DAQ stop, close data file
      DSSSD bias OFF
      FEE64 power OFF

Gzip'ing all uncompressed data files
Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_23-18-30.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_23-19-08.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_23-19-35.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_23-19-58.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_23-20-34.png
Attachment 6: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_23-21-15.png
Attachment 7: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_23-21-39.png
Attachment 8: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_23-21-58.png
Attachment 9: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_23-22-33.png
Attachment 10: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_23-23-38.png
Attachment 11: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_23-27-21.png
Attachment 12: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_23-32-38.png
Attachment 13: Screenshot_from_2024-06-19_01-43-09.png
Attachment 14: Screenshot_from_2024-06-19_01-43-52.png
Attachment 15: Screenshot_from_2024-06-19_04-44-25.png
Attachment 16: Screenshot_from_2024-06-19_04-44-51.png
Attachment 17: Screenshot_from_2024-06-19_04-46-42.png
Attachment 18: Screenshot_from_2024-06-19_04-47-32.png
Attachment 19: Screenshot_from_2024-06-19_04-48-46.png
Attachment 20: Screenshot_from_2024-06-19_07-01-22.png
Attachment 21: Screenshot_from_2024-06-19_07-01-45.png
Attachment 22: Screenshot_from_2024-06-19_07-02-17.png
Attachment 23: Screenshot_from_2024-06-19_07-03-24.png
  653   Wed Jun 19 12:00:56 2024 CBRun 93/94/95 - background

04:00 17 June

Moved the detectors back to the usual configuration (as per run 89).

Moved target away - background run.


Some issues with run numbers - see attached run name R93, but run 94 is written. See attached. 93 and 95 contain data. 94 does *not* exist.


No obvious differences wrt. target run, except Rutherford.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_05-11-59.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_06-48-46.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_06-48-49.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_06-49-08.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_06-49-16.png
Attachment 6: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_06-49-23.png
  652   Wed Jun 19 11:54:26 2024 CBRun 91/92 - moving detectors

~ 2:00 17 June


Run 91

Attempted to move the detectors closer to the beam, and move them in sync with the injection.

Found best position was

Right arm: s by 5 mm, r p in (not moving). No benefits from moving. 10 mm + r p in on sync results in beam clipping during injection. 69.55 mm not moving.

Left arm: s by 5 mm, l p in (in sync with motion). Due to the short beam preparation time, only the trigger out was used as per screenshots below. 23.58 -- 67.90 moving.

Saw spike on leakage current for both detectors on the right arm. Unsure if this because they are being moved, or because they were hit with beam. Leakage current recovered.


Run 92 - acquired data as above.

Rutherford locus more clear on left arm detectors. No clear sign of nuclear reactions signals.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_03-07-50.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_03-53-51.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_04-20-15.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_04-20-18.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_04-20-21.png
  651   Mon Jun 17 23:10:08 2024 CBRun 90


As run 89, detectors moved fully out.



TL detector noisy. Shook it. Fixed it.

Temps OK. Noise spike reported in Run 89 still there.

Target 6E11. Beam stable.



TL detector noisy. Shook it. Fixed it.





Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_01-21-47.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2024-06-18_01-21-55.png
  650   Mon Jun 17 16:26:00 2024 JM, RSS, CBRun 89


(Run 87 Junk and Run 88 does not exist)

Beam charge state set to 5+. Energy is ~1.06 MeV/u

Cooler voltage setpoint 590.3 V.

FC20 read value 589.07 V.

Right arm at 64.60 mm

Left arm IN at 36.54 mm

FakeMotion script running

horizontal beam position 3.5 mm (new overlap position with new beam)

vertical beam position  0.0 mm

Beam intensity 7.0e+6 particles.

Target density ~5e11 at/cm2

Beam is stored in the ring for ~20 seconds. From beam overlap tests ~ 75% of the beam is destroyed in this time.

Beam halo appears slightly reduced. This may be due to reduced intensity and reduced injection rate (20 s vs 5s previously)



FEE64 temperatures OK

ADC data item stats OK

per FEE64 Rate spectra OK

Beam intensity 1.17e+7 particles

Target density ~5.25E11 atoms/cm2



FEE64 temperatures OK

ADC data item stats OK

per FEE64 Rate spectra OK

Beam intensity 1.08e+7 particles

Target density ~3.84E11 atoms/cm2



Temps OK. Stats OK. Merger OK. Write to disk OK.

Waveforms attached.

Beam keeps going away due to "solenoid" issues.

On-line analysis screenshots attached.

Without beam, we see a clear noise spike in all detectors every 50-200 seconds randomly. This is *not* correlated with beam injection or dump.

Checkloaded - no effect. Beam back - no changes.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_17-59-13.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_17-59-30.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_17-59-38.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_17-59-54.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_18-00-00.png
Attachment 6: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_20-27-54.png
Attachment 7: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_20-28-05.png
Attachment 8: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_20-28-13.png
Attachment 9: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_20-30-10.png
Attachment 10: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_20-30-15.png
Attachment 11: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_23-48-01.png
Attachment 12: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_23-48-08.png
Attachment 13: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_23-48-57.png
Attachment 14: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_23-49-26.png
Attachment 15: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_23-49-34.png
Attachment 16: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_23-49-39.png
Attachment 17: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_23-49-46.png
Attachment 18: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_23-49-52.png
Attachment 19: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_23-50-21.png
  649   Mon Jun 17 06:26:45 2024 JM, OF, AK, CBChange to 5+ beam


We are changing to 5+ beam so that we can access higher energies and possibly observe a higher lying, wider resonance.

Beam energy change to 1.06 MeV/u.

Detectors out

Target nozzle out

Pressure in E1 had reached 2e-1 mbar and turbo was spinning down to 810 Hz. Pressure reduced and E1 has reduced to 8.2e-2 mbar. We may require a pressure increase when we want the target back?

Run changed and out into no storage mode so we do not write rubbish to disk.



Beam tuning in the ring in progress

Merger OK. Not writing to disk.

Temps OK. Rates OK.

Leakage current OK.

Motors out. Target out.



Checks OK. Beam tuning near completion.

Some data acquired during beam tuning attached.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_11-32-46.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_11-33-47.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_11-34-01.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_11-34-11.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_13-30-41.png
Attachment 6: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_13-30-52.png
Attachment 7: Screenshot_from_2024-06-17_13-30-56.png
  648   Mon Jun 17 05:47:35 2024 JMRun 86


No sign of the resonance during night shift. New run started but when operators are avaiable we will likely move to higher energies to try and observe the (p,a) reaction.

Cooler voltage setpoint 247.8 V.

FC20 read value 247.25 V.

Right arm at 64.60 mm

Left arm IN at 36.54 mm

FakeMotion script running

horizontal beam position 1.0 mm

vertical beam position  -5mm

Beam intensity 7.0e+7 particles.

Target density ~5e11 at/cm2

  647   Mon Jun 17 04:01:16 2024 JMRun 85


Cooler voltage setpoint 247.45 V.

FC20 read value 246.9 V.

Right arm at 64.60 mm

Left arm IN at 36.54 mm

FakeMotion script running

horizontal beam position 1.0 mm

vertical beam position  -5mm

Beam intensity 7.0e+7 particles.

Target density ~5e11 at/cm2

Target temperature is 38.6 K. Values of E1 is 819 Hz, 2.7A, 1.85e-1 mbar

All checks OK

  646   Mon Jun 17 02:05:37 2024 JMRun 84


Cooler voltage setpoint 247.7 V.

FC20 read value 247.15 V.

Right arm at 64.60 mm

Left arm IN at 36.54 mm

FakeMotion script running

horizontal beam position 1.0 mm

vertical beam position  -5mm

Beam intensity 7.0e+7 particles.

Target density ~5e11 at/cm2

Target temperature is 38.6 K. Values of E1 is 820 Hz, 2.7A, 1.8e-1 mbar

All checks OK


Noise increase in top left dssd. Servo motor moved to resolve issue.

  645   Mon Jun 17 00:05:13 2024 JMRun 83


Cooler voltage setpoint 247.6 V.

FC20 read value 247.05 V.

Right arm at 64.60 mm

Left arm IN at 36.54 mm

FakeMotion script running

horizontal beam position 1.0 mm

vertical beam position  -5mm

Beam intensity 7.0e+7 particles.

Target density ~5e11 at/cm2

Target temperature is 38.6 K. Values of E1 is 820 Hz, 2.7A, 1.7e-1 mbar

All checks OK


Noise increase on dssd top left. Moved servo  motor to resolve issue.

  644   Sun Jun 16 22:49:22 2024 JMRun 82


Cooler voltage setpoint 247.5 V.

FC20 read value 246.95 V.

Right arm at 64.60 mm

Left arm IN at 36.54 mm

FakeMotion script running

horizontal beam position 1.0 mm

vertical beam position  -5mm

Beam intensity 7.0e+7 particles.

Target density ~5e11 at/cm2

Target temperature is 38.6 K. Values of E1 is 820 Hz, 2.7A, 1.7e-1 mbar

All checks OK

  643   Sun Jun 16 22:40:11 2024 JMTarget overlap test - R81


Beam set to bunched mode to observe beam lifetime. 

Electron cooler voltage setpoint kept at 246.8 V. Note this is 0.5 V lower than the previous test where the setpoint was 247.3 V

This corresponds to ~13.5 keV in the beam energy.

Attachment 1 shows target scan. Maximum still observed at a horizontal beam position of 1.0 mm.

Moving 0.5 V up or down does not impact the orbit enough to shift the beam position off the target.

Beam lifetime off target seems larger than previous, perhaps better vacuum conditions?

Back to coasting beam

Attachment 1: Beam-overlap-updated2.png
  642   Sun Jun 16 19:01:30 2024 ML, EMRun 80


Ecooler setpoint 246.8

Readout 246.25

Collector current 4.3

Target density ~5.3E11

Beam intensity 7E7 ions

  641   Sun Jun 16 13:51:11 2024 CB EM MLRun 79


Ecooler setpoint 246.9

Readout 246.35

Collector current 4.3

Target density 4.6E11

Beam intensity 8E7 ions


Shook left arm to fix it.



Right half on BL detector was not counting. Checkloaded. Fixed.



Moved left arm out/in to fix it.

Reduced temperature to 38.5 K in steps as the target density was declining.

E1: pressure: 1.57E-1 mbar, turbo frequency: 819  Hz

Target density: 1.5E11 atoms/cm2; Ion beam intensity: 6E7 particles (went down slightly, have not been able to get everything back)

DSSSD bias & leakage current OK 
FEE64 temperatures OK 
ADC data item stats OK 
per FEE64 Rate spectra OK 



E1: pressure: 1.61E-1 mbar, turbo frequency: 819  Hz

Target density: 1.5E11 atoms/cm2; Ion beam intensity: 7E7 particles (recovered slightly)

DSSSD bias & leakage current OK 
FEE64 temperatures OK 
ADC data item stats OK 
per FEE64 Rate spectra OK 
Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-06-16_14-53-27.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2024-06-16_14-53-45.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2024-06-16_14-55-19.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2024-06-16_17-21-55.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2024-06-16_17-22-35.png
Attachment 6: Screenshot_from_2024-06-16_19-52-34.png
Attachment 7: Screenshot_from_2024-06-16_19-53-16.png
  640   Sun Jun 16 13:29:05 2024 RSS CBRun 78

Target clogged?

ELOG V3.1.4-unknown