ID |
Date |
Author |
Subject |
Tue Nov 5 10:02:45 2019 |
NH PJCS | Report: aida10 database corruption |
This looks like the Options not the ASIC data. That will be in the CONTENTS file of the FEE64 named directory within the dated EXPERIMENT directory. Looks like the latest is at /MIDAS/DB/EXPERIMENTS/AIDA/2019Oct31-13.24.23/aida10 ?
A quick look at this file and it looks normal , not all 0xad ?
Looked at the Options file in the /MIDAS/DB/EXPERIMENTS/AIDA/Options.BACKUPCorrupt/aida10 and the worst bit is the name of the Data Acquistion program. That could well cause you problems with readout as it won't understand some of the new data.
Hope this helps.
Quote: |
Often aida10 database seems to get corrupted (ASIC values are all 0xad)
Unsure why it's only aida10, might be related to weird alpha rate behaviour at the moment.
Attached is corrupted database and correct database
Mon Nov 4 13:17:12 2019 |
NH | Report: aida10 database corruption |
Often aida10 database seems to get corrupted (ASIC values are all 0xad)
Unsure why it's only aida10, might be related to weird alpha rate behaviour at the moment.
Attached is corrupted database and correct database |
Attachment 1: db_working.txt
Index string Stat.offset&&Aida_Hist_W_Enable&&TS_SYNC_PHASE&&ExtClk&&Aida.shift&&MACB_TRIG_MODE&&Aida.offset&&RunNumber&&Aida_GroupBase&&Rate.channels&&Stat.channels&&Aida.Vchannels&&ASIC.settings&&Aida_Hist_D_Enable&&WAVE_DMA_HWM&&Stat.shift&&Aida.Wchannels&&Aida_Hist_V_Enable&&Include.Aida&&Aida.channels&&DataAcqPgm&&Aida_Hist_H_Enable&&DataFormat&&ASIC_DMA_HWM&&Aida_Hist_L_Enable
Stat.offset string 64
Aida_Hist_W_Enable string 1
Aida.shift string 0
TS_SYNC_PHASE string 0x0
ExtClk string 1
0x0006dead string 0x0000
Aida.offset string 0
Aida_GroupBase string 1
Stat.channels string 512
RunNumber string 12
Rate.channels string 512
WAVE_DMA_HWM string 0x0007ffff
Aida.Vchannels string 256
ASIC.settings string 2019Oct31-13.24.23
Aida_Hist_D_Enable string 1
Stat.shift string 6
Aida.Wchannels string 1020
Aida.channels string 65536
Aida_Hist_V_Enable string 0
Include.Aida string 0
Aida_Hist_H_Enable string 1
DataAcqPgm string AidaExecV9
DataFormat string 0x0000
ASIC_DMA_HWM string 0x000fffff
Aida_Hist_L_Enable string 1
Attachment 2: db_corrupt.txt
Index string Stat.offset&&Aida_Hist_W_Enable&&TS_SYNC_PHASE&&ExtClk&&Aida.shift&&MACB_TRIG_MODE&&Aida.offset&&0x0006dead&&Aida_GroupBase&&Rate.channels&&Stat.channels&&Aida_Hist_D_Enable&&Aida.Vchannels&&ASIC.settings&&WAVE_DMA_HWM&&Stat.shift&&Aida.Wchannels&&Aida_Hist_V_Enable&&Include.Aida&&Aida.channels&&Aida_Hist_H_Enable&&DataAcqPgm&&DataFormat&&ASIC_DMA_HWM&&Aida_Hist_L_Enable
Stat.offset string 64
Aida_Hist_W_Enable string 0
Aida.shift string 1
TS_SYNC_PHASE string 1
ExtClk string 1
Aida.offset string 0
MACB_TRIG_MODE string 14
0x0006dead string 0x0000
Stat.channels string 150
Aida_GroupBase string 1
Rate.channels string 150
RunNumber string 2
Aida_Hist_D_Enable string 1
ASIC.settings string undefined
WAVE_DMA_HWM string 0x0007ffff
Aida.Vchannels string 256
Stat.shift string 6
Aida.Wchannels string 1020
Include.Aida string 1
Aida.channels string 32768
Aida_Hist_V_Enable string 0
Aida_Hist_H_Enable string 0
DataFormat string AIDA
DataAcqPgm string AidaExecV9
ASIC_DMA_HWM string 0x000fffff
Aida_Hist_L_Enable string 1
Mon Nov 4 08:48:18 2019 |
NH | Alpha Status 04.11.2019 |
Alpha run has been running over the weekend. Stats looking positive with notable exception that aida10 is not sending much data. Will attempt a powercycle.
Temperatures and Leakage Currents very good to excellent
Noted that the slow rate of aida10 seems to be slowing down the rate data is sent to tape - perhaps being buffered until an ADC event arrives?
Update 05.11.2019
Most rates OK, aida10 only recorded 1 event over night, aida09 spectra had a number of weird channels.
Performed ASIC check/load, aida10 found another 201 events but mostly in the HEC channel (as did all FEEs)
All other FEEs look very nice however
15:44 CET: Check/load performed as aida07 rate went very high (in HEC it seems) - now back to 0
Update 07.11.2019
Run stopped to move DESPEC platform, overnight the USB relay disconnected/reconnected powering down the FEEs (probably someone knocked the interlock wire)
Attachment 1: alphas-bias.png
Attachment 2: alphas-temp.png
Attachment 3: alpha-aida10.png
Attachment 4: stats-0511.png
Attachment 5: spec-0511.png
Fri Nov 1 18:09:03 2019 |
CA, TD, NH | Summary - 29.10-1.11.19 |
> >
> >
> > - evidence of c. 1MHz extrinsic noise for most FEE64s
> Is the 1MHz noise actually 1.58Mhz? as this is the frequency of observed noise at LYCCA.
Judge for yourself
I would estimate c. 2.5 cycles in 2us => c. 1.2MHz … ?
Note that all of the waveforms are shown on an expanded scale c. 7000-9000 of 0-16383
so the amplitude is significantly less than that observed at LYCCA.
Tom |
Fri Nov 1 15:45:04 2019 |
CA, TD, NH | Summary - 29.10-1.11.19 |
> - evidence of c. 1MHz extrinsic noise for most FEE64s
Is the 1MHz noise actually 1.58Mhz? as this is the frequency of observed noise at LYCCA. |
Fri Nov 1 15:24:40 2019 |
CA, TD, NH | Summary - 29.10-1.11.19 |
3x MSL type BB18(DS)-1000 installed
detector bias -160V, leakage current c. 1uA @ +21 deg C for all 3x DSSSDs
all FEE64 good event rates (slow comparator 0xa, LEC fast comparator 0xff) c. 120k, or less, typically 30-50k, overall merge rate c. 1.6M data item/s
See https://elog.ph.ed.ac.uk/DESPEC/70
Outstanding issues
- occasional loss of bits 48-63 of WR timestamp for aida09 - can be recovered by power cycle - replace HDMI cable?
- aida09 asic 1 not producing ADC or disc data - replace aida09?
ASIC Check works OK
aida09 asic temp c. 30deg C < other asic temps
- evidence of c. 1MHz extrinsic noise for most FEE64s
- acquisition of waveform data not robust - most ASIC channels do not produce data or quickly stop producing data - PJCS to review firmware rev for Jan/Feb 2020
- require spare DSSSDs, FEE64s, HDMI cables etc |
Fri Nov 1 14:17:15 2019 |
Nic, Patrick | Reply: WR Timestamps |
> > All 12 FEEs have valid WR Timestamps
> > Had to powercycle aida09 once as before raw readout was displaying upper 12 bits of WR timestamp as 0. Unsure of other method.
> >
> > HDMI cables in aida09 checked and good.
> The problem would be the cable , one end or the other.
> I think ( if I recall ) a setup would restart the WR decoder.
> I notice you have set the WR info word rate to be quite high , 6123/sec typ, is this intentional ?
Cable will be replaced once a spare is available.
Setup did not restart the WR decoder when this problem occurred beforehand - Reset/Setup tried.
WR rate was chosen by Vic I believe, I am unsure of reasoning myself. |
Fri Nov 1 10:46:13 2019 |
CA, TD, NH | Friday 1st November 2019 |
11.46 - attachments 1,2,3: bias/leakage currents, good event statistics and fee temperatures (respectively)
before removing aluminium foil upstream of AIDA
note - slow comparator threshold 0x64 (alpha background), LEC fast comparator threshold 0xff, pulser OFF
11.52 - attachments 4,5,6: bias/leakage currents, good event statistics and fee temperatures (respectively)
after removing aluminium foil upstream of AIDA
- base of AIDA snout has Mylar shielding |
Attachment 1: biaswfoil.png
Attachment 2: statswfoil.png
Attachment 3: tempwfoil.png
Attachment 4: biaswofoil.png
Attachment 5: statswofoil.png
Attachment 6: tempswofoil.png
Fri Nov 1 09:30:17 2019 |
NH | Database error stopping run? |
Strange error about Database options appearing during run stop.
Does not seem to affect stopping/starting/data? |
Attachment 1: ErrorStopDatabase.png
Thu Oct 31 19:02:42 2019 |
Patrick | WR Timestamps |
> All 12 FEEs have valid WR Timestamps
> Had to powercycle aida09 once as before raw readout was displaying upper 12 bits of WR timestamp as 0. Unsure of other method.
> HDMI cables in aida09 checked and good.
The problem would be the cable , one end or the other.
I think ( if I recall ) a setup would restart the WR decoder.
I notice you have set the WR info word rate to be quite high , 6123/sec typ, is this intentional ? |
Thu Oct 31 17:13:54 2019 |
NH | Alpha Run |
Beginning Alpha run
Thresholds set to 100 (LEC/Slow) 255 (LEC/Fast) 2 (HEC)
Pulser is OFF
Recording to MIDAS: /TapeData/31Oct19/R1
Recording to MBS: /lustre/gamma/nhubbard/AIDA/Alphas311019_
Disk rate approximately 0 as expected.
01.11.19 19:11 CET: FEE10 Stat histogram was empty - performed a check/load and now rare events come in - Merger also emitted 10 blocks to storage quickly (presumably waiting on FEE10 data)
All FEEs now slowly showing alpha data |
Thu Oct 31 16:43:03 2019 |
NH CA TD | Merger & MBS Performance |
Testing merger with 3 DSSDs connected, with thresholds of 10 (slow comparator), 2 (HEC) and 255 (fast discriminator)
Merger handling rate of 1.6 million events per second comfortably. Forwarding to MBS fine.
Network usage: 130 Mbps (AIDA network) and 20 Mbps (MBS network) |
Attachment 1: MergerStats.png
Attachment 2: MBSRates.png
Attachment 3: Mergernetworking.png
Attachment 4: MergerStatistics.png
Thu Oct 31 15:24:35 2019 |
TD | waveform spectra issues? |
Attachment 1: 20.png
Attachment 2: 21.png
Attachment 3: 22.png
Attachment 4: 23.png
Attachment 5: 30.png
Attachment 6: 31.png
Attachment 7: 32.png
Attachment 8: 33.png
Attachment 9: 40.png
Attachment 10: 41.png
Attachment 11: 42.png
Attachment 12: 43.png
Thu Oct 31 14:27:06 2019 |
NH | WR Timestamps |
All 12 FEEs have valid WR Timestamps
Had to powercycle aida09 once as before raw readout was displaying upper 12 bits of WR timestamp as 0. Unsure of other method.
HDMI cables in aida09 checked and good. |
Attachment 1: WRTimes.png
Thu Oct 31 14:23:37 2019 |
TD | aida09 asic 1 no data readout? |
Attachment 1: 10.png
Attachment 2: 11.png
Attachment 3: 12.png
Attachment 4: 13.png
Thu Oct 31 10:33:34 2019 |
TD | [How To] Start TclHttpd server on Raspberry Pi |
1) Login to Raspberry Pi
ssh pi@nnrpi2
2) Kill any instances of the TclHttpd server
ps -ef | grep TclHttpd
kill -9 <pid>
3) Start server
/MIDAS/TclHttpd/linux-arm/TclHttpd-server & |
Thu Oct 31 09:36:37 2019 |
TD | RIKEN LayOut directory |
Attachment 1: LayOut.tar.gz
Thu Oct 31 09:00:58 2019 |
CA, TD, NH | Thursday 31 October |
10.05 DSSSD # 1-3 detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachment 1
Ambient temperature +21.2 deg C, d.p. +3.4 deg C, RH 31.2%
10.15 DSSSD stack as follows
DSSSD serial thickness depletion
# (um) voltage (V)
1 3208-7 1019 125 upstream
2 3208-13 1020 120
3 3208-14 1020 130 downstream
11.30 AIDA power relays sequenced on
DAQ start
system wide checks ok
11.33 attachment 2 - fee temperatures - ok
attachment 3 - good event statistics with slow comparator threshold = 100
attachment 4 - good event statistics with slow comparator threshold = 50
attachment 5 - good event statistics with slow comparator threshold = 20
attachment 6 - good event statistics with slow comparator threshold = 10
13.51 attachment 7 - Rates
- aida09 1 ASIC not working (no data)
attachment 8 - good event statistics
attachments 9/10 - 1.8.L spectra
- no peak observed in aida09
attachments 11/12 - 1.8.W spectra
- waveform only observed in naida 2,4,7,8,12
pulser peak widths - FEE width(ch)
1 71
2 96
3 66
4 79
5 74
6 96
7 89
8 83
9 no peak
10 82
11 153
12 120
17.26 FATIMA moved upstream around AIDA
attachment 13 - good event statistics
ASIC check-load performed
attachment 14 - good event statistics following checkload |
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 31OctTemp1119.png
Attachment 3: stats31Oct1128.png
Attachment 4: 50stats.png
Attachment 5: 20stats.png
Attachment 6: 10stats.png
Attachment 7: 1335rates.png
Attachment 8: 1337_stats.png
Attachment 9: 1341_pulser.png
Attachment 10: 1345pulser.png
Attachment 11: 1348_18W.png
Attachment 12: 1350_18W.png
Attachment 13: 1728_stats.png
Attachment 14: 1730_stats.png
Wed Oct 30 11:51:08 2019 |
CA, TD, NH | Detector biasing |
12.51 - detector bias and leakage currents - detector 3 has no current
- other detectors ok
13.13 - tried changing from HV3 cables to HV4 - still open circuit
- tried different permutations of moving HV-4 braid and core cables (high voltage to ground connections)
(all directions defined as if looking upstream)
- core -> bottom, braid -> left open - circuit
- core -> top, braid -> right trips at 8V
- core -> bottom, braid -> right open - circuit
- core -> top, braid-> left trips at 8V
- removed jumpers - still trips
13.36 - testing continuity of bond wires on dsssd 3208-14 & 3208-15
- observe 20 ohm resistance on p+p and p+n bond wires
19:41 - dsssd 1 and 2 not biasing, 3 ok.
- changed bias configuration -> HV core 1 & 2 now on top, braid on right
- ribbon cables for DSSSD #1 & #2 p+n junction strips down were misaligned
- all detectors biased succesfully
HV cable configuration (looking upstream): HV-1 Core -> top-inner (FEE 1)
HV-2 Core -> top-middle (FEE 5)
HV-3 Core -> bottom-outer (FEE 11)
HV-1 Braid -> right-inner (FEE 2)
HV-2 Braid -> right-middle (FEE 6)
HV-3 Braid -> left-outer (FEE 12)
Attachment 3 - rough sketch of HV cable configuration, looking upstream.
Attachment 1: bias30Oct.png
Attachment 2: 30Octbias2.png
Attachment 3: hvsketch.pdf
Wed Oct 30 08:06:49 2019 |
CA, TD, NH | DSSSD stack |
Ribbon cables fitted with kapton PCB couplers -> 3 isolated + 1 non-isolated for each cable length/DSSSD
Ribbon cable lengths:
without kapton PCB coupler (cm) - 40, 47, 51.5
with kapton PCB coupler (cm) - 50.5, 57.5, 62
gap between plastic and dsssd - 15 mm
length between top of snout and dsssd - 5cm |
Attachment 1: IMG_20191030_091729.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_20191030_091734.jpg
Attachment 3: IMG_20191030_091925.jpg
Attachment 4: IMG_20191030_091930.jpg
Attachment 5: IMG_20191030_102326.jpg
Attachment 6: IMG_20191030_102329.jpg