ID |
Date |
Author |
Subject |
Text |
Mon Oct 28 17:02:11 2019 |
TD | AIDA @ DESPEC cable length estimates | AIDA snout length 37cm (from end of AIDA snout
support assembly)
Mon Sep 16 12:24:46 2019 |
NH | AIDA Monitoring |
A spreadsheet of ambient conditions
and water temperature in S4 for AIDA. |
Fri Aug 16 15:09:05 2019 |
NH | Aida Waves (All FEEs) | Included waves for all 12 FEEs
FEES 1, 5, 9 all show this HF noise
on it, and are all located at the top of |
12x |
Thu Aug 15 14:09:39 2019 |
NH | AIDA Waveforms | Noise seemed less strong today, unsure
of cause. I had re-taped snout as tape was
not sticking well. |
10x |
Wed Aug 14 14:40:18 2019 |
NH | High Frequency Noise in AIDA | Figures of intense high frequency noise
pickup in AIDA.
Will investigate source in S4. |
Tue Aug 13 13:55:45 2019 |
NH | New Merger/MBS Test Runs | AIDA Finally working again so can test
VP's added WAVE histogramming mode.
Fig 1. Waveforms for FEE12 ASIC |
6x |
Tue Aug 13 09:17:02 2019 |
NH | AIDA 12/08/2019 | The other 6 FEEs were powered on one at
a time to check no issues. None found.
All 12 FEEs plugged back into the |
Fri Aug 9 12:33:14 2019 |
NH | Aida Test 9/8/19 - FEES 1-6 | The water issue has been resolved - merely
incorrect temperature guages (replaced).
Water is 20 C as required. |
Mon Aug 5 12:57:48 2019 |
NH | S4 Conditions | Temp: 26 C
Humidity: 50%
Dew Point: ~15 C |
Wed Jul 10 10:46:05 2019 |
NH | AIDA/Water 10.07.2019 | S4 Conditions:
25.2 C, 35.3% RH, Td = 8.8 C
Water temperature: 20 C |
Mon Jul 8 16:02:52 2019 |
NH, PJCS | Aida 28/6/2019 - WATER OFF | It occurs to to wonder if there is now
water inside the modules. If the metal of
the cooling plates is damp on the outside |
Mon Jul 1 09:42:16 2019 |
NH | AIDA - 01/07/2019 | Water is still off.
Checked dewpoint sensor still flashing
red light (indicating an error). Pipes warmed. |
Fri Jun 28 15:05:49 2019 |
NH | Aida 28/6/2019 - WATER OFF | The humidity sensor hasn't reported
humdities under 90% yet. In order to try
and help dry the pipes and turn AIDA the |
Tue Jun 4 09:19:10 2019 |
NH | AIDA Interlock | Currently AIDA's interlock is off (no
lights) and hence AIDA cannot be powered
on. Under investigation - power supply has |
Mon May 20 13:51:45 2019 |
NH | HowTo Verify WR Times | The latest version of MIDAS has a new page
to check the WR timestamp of each FEE.
In AIDA Hardware control click: |
Mon May 20 13:33:06 2019 |
NH | New Merger/MBS Test Runs | New merger has been worked on by VP which
fixes the timewarp issues and MBS integration.
Currently no WAVE capture is supported, |
8x |
Fri Apr 12 15:15:33 2019 |
NH | Report - FEE Kernel Panics (Update on 48) | Update on issue #48 - the "confusing
state" is that the FEE has restarted
and hence is undefined again. |
Thu Apr 11 15:28:10 2019 |
CA, OH, CB, TD | Offline analysis of 290319 files R13 and R16 | X projection of high energy channel ADC hits
from R13 (attachment 1)
6x |
Wed Apr 10 14:53:50 2019 |
NH | Report - FEE stops sending data | it seems a FEE somtimes enters a confusing
state and stops sending data
the current merger requires all FEEs |
6x |
Wed Apr 10 12:33:58 2019 |
NH VP | AIDA Firmware Update | All AIDA modules have been updated to a
new firmware 0xd330701 which should fix the
merger issues. |