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ID Date Author Subject
  46   Thu Apr 4 14:07:45 2019 NHPulser Configuration

Pulser settings during April run:

Rate 2Hz
Delay 250 NS
Amplitude 1 V
Fall 1 ms
Polarity Pos
Pulse Top Tail
Attenuation 1X
PB5 Pulse On
Clamp Off


  45   Wed Apr 3 15:24:06 2019 CA, TDreport - low inquire save state
On Save/Restore Module Settings Tab - "inquire save state" returns an error. See attachment 1.
  44   Wed Apr 3 13:29:20 2019 CA, CB, TDreport - high DAQ stall
aida10 runs very fast for a period, then stops.

Have to restart Merger and TapeServer to get it running again.

As shown in attachment 1, aida10 records very high number of bad events.

Waveform for all FEE64s are disabled (see for example attachment 4) *BUT* note that 'wave events' are reported
in aida10 stats (attachment 1)
  43   Wed Apr 3 09:28:07 2019 CA, CB, TDWednesday April 3rd 2018
Arrived at 09:54 - sequenced all FEE64 on

FEE64 not mounted properly - something happened to network overnight, see attachment 1,2 for AIDA system log

10.23 - FEE64 still not mounted properly, power cycling FEE64

10.30 - sequenced all FEE64 on

10.43 - FEE64 mounted successfully

      - DAQ reset and setup - looks ok

      - histogram enabled on aida12

      - clock ReSYNC

      - system wide checks - all FEE64 pass clock status check
                           - aida2 and aida12 fail ADC calibration

                           - SYNC pulse and SYNC error checks ok

                           - WR decoder check returns errors (attachment 3)

10.53 - FEE64 temperatures ok (attachment 4)

      - detector bias/leakage current ok (attachment 5)

11.04 - TapeServer start - not writing to storage

      - ASIC check load performed

      - DAQ start

      - ASIC control tab (attachment 6)

      - Run control keeps reloading - has returned to 'reset' screen with aida11 showing "undefined" (attachment 7)

      - good event statistics - all FEE64 showing 0 *except* aida09 (attachment 8)

11.20 - stopped tape server

      - reset daq - returns error (attachment 9)

11.41 DAQ off, detector bias off, FEE64 off

13.30 detector bias on, FEE64 sequenced on

      all browser tabs reopened

      merger set back up - ok

      mbs data relay set back up - ok

      DAQ setup and started, initially ok

      good event statistics (attachment 10)

16.25 FEE64 restarted, along with Merger, TapeServer, DAQ (not writing to file)

      thresholds (slow comparator, fast comparator HEC, fast comparator LEC) raised to 0xff for testing.

      aida10 stats appear reasonable, however wave events still reported despite being deactivated (see report entry
on DAQ stall) (attachment 11)

17.00 DAQ, TapeServer, Merger all stopped

      Detector bias off

      FEE64s switched off

      coolant water still running (cannot be disabled due to lack of access)

      AIDA in safe state
  42   Tue Apr 2 09:42:20 2019 NHMBS Server setup

MBS is currently configured and accepting data:

x86l-94 : AIDA Foreign data receiver

x86l-4 : DESPEC Time sorter

The time sorter is complaining about AIDA time warps (around 1 Hz) it is assumed this is related to other merger / timestamping issues being worked on by Vic

  41   Tue Apr 2 07:39:44 2019 CB, TD, CATuesday 2nd April 2019
08:15 beam tuning in progress

08.30 System wide checks 

- aida06 global clock failure (check clock status)
- aida02 , aida04, aida06 fail calibration (ADC calibration)
- SYNC error counter ok
- SYNC pulse check ok
- 'collect memory information from FEE64 Linux' still returns scripting error -> will not check again until update
- WR decoder test passes
- good event statistics OK, except aida 09, 10, 11, 12 as yesterday morning (see attach 1)
- FEE temperature OK (see attach 2)
- Detector OK (see attach 3)
- NewMerger. MergerHTTPd, newMerger Terminal, data relay MBS screenshots attached (4,5,6,7)

10:37 Issues with magnets due to the new control system. Beam tuning continues

AIDA continues running OK
- aida06 global clock failure (check clock status)
- aida02 , aida04, aida06 fail calibration (ADC calibration)
- SYNC error counter ok
- SYNC pulse check ok
- WR decoder test passes
- good event statistics OK, except aida 09, 10 (see attach 8). Aida 9 & 12 rates now lower
- FEE temperature OK
- Detector OK
- Merger OK

12:21 Beam start
AIDA continues running OK
- aida06 global clock failure (check clock status)
- aida02 , aida04, aida06 fail calibration (ADC calibration)
- SYNC error counter ok
- SYNC pulse check ok
- WR decoder test passes
-ASIC check load performed
-Writing to file R11 in directory 290319
-histograms zeroed
-good event statistics OK, except aida 09, 10 (attachment 9)
-FEE temperatures ok (attachment 10)
-detector bias ok (attachment 11)

-thick degrader was placed in front of snout during beam operation

12:40 beam stop
      TapeServer stopped, file R11_0 in 290319
      TapeServer restarted, not writing to file

      low energy spectra for aida09 (attachment 12)

      high energy spectra for aida09 (attachment 13)

      high energy spectra for aida11 (attachment 14)

      1D hit patterns (stat) in aida09,10,11,12 (attachment 15)

      ASIC control settings used during beam, including thresholds (attachment 16)

14.20 *NOTE degrader setting different from yesterday, silver beam still not observed, just unidentified light ions.

      AIDA continues running OK
      aida06 global clock failure (check clock status)
      aida02 , aida04, aida06 fail calibration (ADC calibration)
      SYNC error counter ok
      SYNC pulse check ok
      WR decoder test passes

14.37 good event statistics OK, except aida 10 (attachment 17)
      detector bias ok (attachment 18)
      FEE temperatures ok (attachment 19)

14.54 Degrader removed 

16:13 AIDA continues running OK
      aida06 global clock failure (check clock status)
      aida02 , aida04, aida06 fail calibration (ADC calibration)
      SYNC error counter ok
      SYNC pulse check ok
      WR decoder test passes
      FEE64 temperatures OK
      good event statistics OK, except aida 3, 9, 10 running hot (see attach 18)

17:00 Beam start - no degrader
      AIDA running OK
      Writing on file R13
      Beam is better focused (see attach 19). Appears to be off-centre in the bottom right part of the detector
      Rates OK (see attach 20)
      DSSD bias/current OK (see attach 21)

17:21 Beam re-centred. Histograms cleared - see attach 22
      AIDA continues OK
      Run continues

      High energy spectra in aida09 (attachment 25)

      Beam rate approx 5000 ions/s

      Beam being diffused
      TapeServer start stop - AIDA writing to file R14 in 290319

17:48 1D hit patterns - beam in process of being diffused (attachment 26)

17:57 leakage current back at 1.465 uA (attachment 27)

18:08 beam stopped
      TapeServer stopped and restarted - not writing to file

      updated hit patterns from beam diffusing (attachment 28)

      aida10, ADC3 high energy spectra (attachment 29)

18.11 calibrating tpc with masks

      TapeServer stop/start R16, 290319

18.49 leakage current briefly fluctuating between ~1.2 uA and ~2 uA, but has returned to stability at ~ 1.4 uA
(attachment 30)

18.55 beam stopped for tuning - TapeServer stop/start. Not writing to file.

18.58 leakage current still stable after beam off (attachment 31)

19.10 beam start. TapeServer stop/start writing to file R18 in 290319

19.15 leakage current still ok after beam activation

19.34 fee12 high energy spectra (attachment 32)

20.35 beam stop, tapeserver stopped

      histogramming link dropped on aida 12

20.38 beam start. TapeServer start R20
  40   Mon Apr 1 10:20:20 2019 CA, NH, TDMBS Relay startup
To start the MBS Data Relay, click on the top rightmost of the MIDAS icons (MBS relay, Data Relay => MBS) in
Desktop 3. (attachment 1)

This will bring up the Data Relay MBS terminal.

Ensure the path defined in the datarelaymbs is set to the correct directory (shown in attachment 2) 
  39   Mon Apr 1 10:14:09 2019 CA, NH, TDFriday 29th March 2019
16:30 good event statistics ok, with 9,10,11,12 running faster (detector FEE64s) (attachment 1)

      FEE temperatures ok (attachment 2)

      detector bias/leakage currents ok (attachment 3)

      system wide checks ok *except* FEE64 Linux memory information check causes script error,
                                     WR decoder status returns errors

      DAQ & Merger running ok

      slow comparator threshold raised to 0x64

  38   Mon Apr 1 08:50:35 2019 CA, TDMonday April 1st 2019 - BEAM START
09.28 System wide checks - aida06 global clock failure (check clock status)

                         - aida02 , aida04, aida06 fail calibration (ADC calibration)

                         - SYNC error counter ok

                         - SYNC pulse check ok

                         - 'collect memory information from FEE64 Linux' still returns scripting error

                         - WR decoder test passes

09.33 good event statistics ok, except aida09, aida10 running hot. (attachment 1)

      FEE temperatures ok (attachment 2)

      detector bias/leakage current ok (attachment 3)

09.38 screenshots of NewMerger tab, Merger/Tape HTTPd and NewMerger terminal (attachments 4, 5, 6)

10.05 1.8.L pulser peak spectra (attachment 7)

10.13 1.8.W waveform spectra (attachment 8)

21.13 Beam on

      AIDA DAQ running - writing to file R9 in directory 290319

      System wide checks - same as above

      good event statistics ok - although rates on 9,10,11,12 have dropped (attachment 10)

      ASIC check load performed

      FEE temperatures ok (attachment 9)

      detector bias leakage currents ok (attachment 11)

      Scintillator 41 -> approx 1000 ions/s, 11 second super cycle (beam on 10s, beam off 1s)
      c. 130-150MeV/u 107Ag ions incident on plastic scintillator + AIDA DSSSD

21.36 High energy spectra for aida09 - (attachment 12)

      High energy spectra for aida11 - (attachment 13)

      Low energy spectra - (attachment 14)

      1D hit pattern - (attachment 15)

21.53 ASIC control settings - see for slow comparator threshold, fast comparator threshold (HEC) and fast
      comparator threshold (LEC) (attachment 16)

      NewMerger screenshot - working (attachment 17)

22.00 ASIC options - including directory path to saved ASIC settings (attachment 18)

22.09 beam stop
      TapeServer stopped, restarted not writing to storage
      one complete file produced R9_0 (2.0 GB)
      plus R9_1 (154 MB)

*NOTE FROM 02/04/19 - DEGRADER in front of detector, silver beam not observed, just unidentified light ions.
  37   Tue Mar 26 14:59:30 2019 NH26.03.2019

Fig1: FEE temperatures from 26.03.2019  all OK

AIDA has been on today and merger setting fixed (see previous ELOG entry

Still diagnosing issues with MBS (figure 2) but local data acquisition should be functional.

Detector has not been biased.

  36   Tue Mar 26 14:58:09 2019 NH, VPHow to reset merger

If the merger doesn't show "xfer Links => Merger" at the top, it is probably the merger setting has been corrupted somehow. This is how to reset it

  If you go to the web page from which you started the Merge and TapeServer

    (probably    localhost:8115)

 Then select the item  NetVar Service  which is at the left hand end.

  Click on Inquire Registers

  then  enter    NetVar.MERGE.RunOptions  into the "Register Name" entry    and  when finished move the mouse out of the entry box.

 NetVar.MERGE.RunOptions will appear in the center of the top row.   (it is an item in the menu but not so easy to find)

 Click on Read and I expect you will get  0

 Type 1 into the data entry box     and click on Write

  Now return to the Merger and  click on  Reload

  The Merger State will now end as    xfer Links => Merger

 The button  Output:   will now toggle between this and   xfer links => Merger => Storage.

  35   Mon Mar 25 14:44:33 2019 NHMerger issues

Plastic electronics have now been installed.

Water is not leaking still.

FEE64s powered on at 15:00 to test MBS connection (fig1: temperatures)

MBS relay connects to MBS server OK...

AIDA Merger does not accept any data... (links with data reads 0) and lots of timestamp errors in log? (Figs 2-4)

Startup procedure incorrect?

Otherwise things still OK.

  34   Fri Mar 22 15:44:20 2019 NHEnd of 22.03.2019

End of the day - Detector unbiased and FEE64s turned off for the weekend as they won't be monitored.

Water will remain on.

  33   Fri Mar 22 14:31:24 2019 NHA few more setup notes I forgot

Extra FEE information:

HV braid (0 V) goes into FEE10 (beam left) with LK1 jumper
HV core (-160 V) goes into FEE09 (top)

Could be related to noise in FEE09?
Both these FEEs have higher rates too

Other setup information:
According to the switch in S4, the AIDA workstation is only connected via 100Mbps rather than 1Gbps. (Fig 1)

Plastic is inside the snout, but is not yet connected to the electronics yet
Figures 2-4 Show the DSSD & Plastic in the Snout. Plastic is far upstream solely to ensure plenty of ribbon cable

  32   Fri Mar 22 13:47:32 2019 NHResolution Checks

Pulser widths of AIDA modules, resolution is fairly typical. AIDA09 still noisier than other DSSD channels.

Figure 1: Picture of pulser peaks
Figure 2: Raw waves (AIDA01 did not calibrate, so AIDA02 used instead as "non DSSD module")
Figure 3: Good Events

Fast comparator threshold (LEC/MEC) changed to 0xFF

AIDA09 seems noiser than before(?) but is known to be noisy.

AIDA01:  24.22

AIDA09: 205.21

AIDA10: 88.60

AIDA11: 63.33

AIDA12: 102.69

  31   Fri Mar 22 13:32:55 2019 NHAIDA Startup @ 22.03.2019

FEEs have been on this morning, temperatures attached

Leakage current attached

the DSSD is attached to the following AIDA modules:
Beam Left: 10
Beam Right: 12
Bottom: 11
Top: 9

MIDAS Servers on, will be looking at resolution (pulser)

  30   Thu Mar 21 15:45:48 2019 NH, AS, SA, MPSnout Mounting & DSSD Bias

The AIDA snout (with single DSSD and plastic) has been mounted in S4 cave again. DSSD was connected to the outer 4 FEEs again.

-160 V Bias applied and DSSD holds voltage with leakage current of around 1.3 uA (was dropping as only biased briefly)

Bias off and FEEs offline again now as day nearly done. MBS testing will be performed shortly, as well as resolution checks.

  29   Thu Mar 21 14:10:10 2019 NHFEE Temperatures

All 12 FEEs powered up, and temperatures are OK.

Passed ASIC checks and system wide checks - now checking cabling and to mount snout.

  28   Thu Mar 21 13:59:08 2019 NHAIDA Water

The AIDA water system has been repaired and not leaking.

The interlock did not light immediately, but power cable reconnected to box and now it works.


  27   Wed Mar 20 15:35:10 2019 NHAIDA Setup @ GSI


- 1 DSSD and Plastic is in the AIDA snout, which is not mounted

- The FEEs are offline due to a water supply issue, this will be repaired early 21/03/2019

- The pis & aida-3 are online

The water interlock also didn't clear, which will be investigated

Ideally installation can be completed tomorrow but this depends on water

ELOG V3.1.4-unknown