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  ID Date Author Subject
  54   Fri Sep 3 08:12:39 2021 CB RSSPressure after overnight pump down
03.09.2021   09:00   5.27E-7 mbar     
03.09.2021   13:00   4.08E-7 mbar                   

09;00    Will keep pumping down this morning.
  53   Thu Sep 2 21:04:26 2021 CB RSS ML + DR OGGate valves mounted + pump down
Mounted both gate valves and support. Gate 
valves could not be installed one bolt 
rotated from 90 degrees as per drawings 
due to mechanical conflict with back foot.

Using rotating flanges some small rotation 
from 90 was achieved. This may be 
sufficient given the reason for the 
rotation was to avoid mechanical conflicts 
with ring parts that are no longer there.

Valve struts had to be modified as gate 
valve is much lower and close to Al frame 
than in Daresbury.

ML suggested that the reason for the 
change in height mentioned in previous 
entry is that the ring gate valve to YR10 
is not centered. Solutions will be 
considered when the other two setups in 
YR09 are mounted and the alignment 
situation is more clear

Noted a few blind flanges are bluish, 
which indicates SS 304 instead of 316. Did 
we get the wrong ones from ITL? Did we 
swap them in Daresbury by mistake? Is it 
just an odd colour?

Installed turbo pump on top gate valve, 
Pirani gauge provided by ABD (where is 
ours?) and pumped down.

Reached 10-1 mbar in 10 minutes. Turbo on.
Reached 10-5 mbar on IE514 in 17 more 
minutes (where is its manual?)

Will leave pumping overnight.
  52   Thu Sep 2 10:41:16 2021 CB RSS + DR OGCARME connected to the CRYRING
Connected CARME to the CRYRING via tube 
plus bellows. See attach.

Had to lift CARME slightly wrt yesterday 
beam alignment to get a straight tube.
  51   Wed Sep 1 17:14:16 2021 CB RSS + DR MLCARME mounted on the CRYRING
Lifted CARME with Al support on the 
CRYRING. No issues during transportation. 

Drilled new holes in the Al feet to fit 
elephant feet. Unclear if the issue is 
with the model, the frame or the feet 
themselves. In any case this issue is 

CARME was designed to interface with the 
CRYRING via the cross section with pumps 
and sensors that we decided dismount. To 
replace this section a length of xhv 
tubing and a bellow will be employed. 
Prepared today, to be mounted tomorrow.

Aligned CARME height with beam height. 
This posed issues due to difficulty to 
adjust bolts under the cross members used 
to support the motors. See previous log 

Bolts under those cross members are now 
only finger tight. Unclear whether the 
CARME section will drop slightly if 
disconnected from main body. It's the 
section housing the moving Dssds. May be 
an issue for tightening it back. Will 

Gate valves and supports to be installed 
tomorrow morning.
  50   Wed Sep 1 12:05:28 2021 CB RSSPreparation for CARME on CRYRING YR09
Mounted additional cross member for motor 
support. See attach 1

Washer required to make it fit on foot on 
one side.

Holes in Al support are not matching elephant feet...! Will have to re-
drill them now.

Yr09 fully dismounted downstream
  49   Tue Aug 31 18:56:35 2021 CBCARME status
(ELOG does not allow more pictures to be added to previous entry)
  48   Tue Aug 31 18:34:41 2021 CB RSS + DR OGCARME on Al stand
Lifted CARME off the floor and mounted feet on sides. It was found impossible to put four bolts for each foot
due to alignment conflict. Three bolts were mounted per foot instead.

One of the mounting holes in CARME has been damaged and the thread has been ruined. Simple rethreading attempts
failed. Three good holes left - not an issue for now.

One of the shims between the feet and the chamber had to be modified in the workshop. Some feet were rather
difficult to mount, but in the end we succedeed.

CARME was then lifted on the Al frame and gently dropped. The crane remains in place overnight to prevent it
falling over given it is not anchored to the floor.

Front foot and back foot were also mounted. 

Elbows at the back were mounted.

Currently considering whether to mount gate valves before or after lifting in place on YR09. Lift experts will
decide tomorrow what is the easiest procedure given constraints on the ring.

See other attachment and next entry for current status.

YR09 downstream will be cleared tomorrow morning. Lift will proceed tomorrow afternoon.
  47   Tue Aug 31 11:55:11 2021 CB RSSLast preparations for CARME lift
Found strut bolts in the bag with 
spherical washers. Mounted the struts and 
the washers. See attach 1.

Vented CARME in preparation for lift.

Turbo off
Pressure starts increasing without 
introducing leaks. Up to 10-4 mbar. IE 514 

Removed plastic cap from leak valve. 
Pressure rate increases. Leaky valve?

Turbo motor speed reaches 0 Hz in 1h

Opened leak valve. Scroll off. Pressure to 
10 mbar. Not increasing anymore. Turbo 
leak aperture likely to small to vent 
CARME volume.

Disconnected scroll. Carefully let air in 
by tweaking flexible hose connection. Not 
recommended again, but should be safe 
given turbo fully stop and chamber nearly 

Reached atmosphere in 10 minutes.

Now waiting for lifting support to mount 
  46   Tue Aug 31 07:09:54 2021 CB RSS (rem) JMPreparation for mounting
(30 August 2021)

The current state of YR09 is as per attach 1. CCC has been removed, but additional pumps and gauges remain. Some
will have to be mounted on CARME. Dismounting is scheduled for this Wed.

CB and RSS have been preparing for CARME to be mounted. JM supplied pictures of mounting process in DL. Attach 2-5.

2: Studs on carriages
3: CARME feet
4: Back foot
5: Elbows support

All components required have been located in the boxes except

- Cap hex bolts (M4 x 12?) to mount studs on carriages
- Plastic rails to remove cariages (a solution with bubble-wrap was found. Extra carriages are now in a box. Do
not turn it around.)
- Baking tray does not fit with carriages. Unclear how it did before. Will try to file down edges today.
- Bolts for CARME feet are of rather poor quality, and a host of different sizes. We may have to buy some, but
unclear what length.
- Studs are of different heights. That was not clear from previous pictures (attach 6)
- New and improved valve/elbow support (attach 7) is aligned worse than old one. Will keep using old one. Should
still work somehow.
  45   Wed Aug 25 07:02:41 2021 RSS TD25-31 August
Pirani  IE514
mbar    mbar

25/8/21 08:00 0.0030 1.86e-8


26/8/21   09:00  0.0030   1.77e-8


27/8/21   08:00  0.0030   1.76e-8


28/8/21   17:30  0.0029   1.63e-8


30/8/21   08:00  0.0028   1.43e-8


31/8/21   08:30  0.0027  1.40e-8

  44   Wed Aug 18 11:58:49 2021 NTD RSSMisc fittings and fasteners plus gasket inventory
Attachments 1-3 fasteners, fittings found amongst earlier shipments. I assume that the STFC DL cleaned items are for the internal detector mount assembly.

Inventory of silver-plated copper gaskets

             ID (cm)

7x DN250CF   25.4
5x DN200CF   20.0
5x DN160CF   15.3
100x DN100CF 10.0
4x DN63CF    6.3
16x DN35CF   3.5
23x DN16CF   1.6

N.B. ID is measured +/- 0.1cm and DNxxCF designation is what the Lesker catalogue says it means.

Attachments 4 & 9 2x motor rods and MACOR heat shields for cleaning

Attachment 5 - cable assemblies

Attachment 7 - what are these screws for?

  43   Wed Aug 18 07:07:26 2021 RSS TD18-24 August
Pirani  IE514
mbar    mbar

18/8/21 08:00 0.0034 3.90e-8
18/8/21 17:00 0.0032 3.72e-8



19/8/21  08:00  0.0032  3.38e-8

19/8/21  17:00  0.0032  3.31e-8



20/8/21  08:00  0.0032  3.02e-8



21/8/21  16:00  0.0032  2.59e-8



22/8/21  12:00  0.0034  2.44e-8



23/8/21  08:00  0.0030  2.23e-8



24/8/21  08:00  0.0030  2.15e-8




  42   Fri Aug 13 07:28:37 2021 RSS TDFriday 13-17 August
Pirani  IE514
mbar    mbar

13/8/21 08:00 0.0075 3.53e-7
13/8/21 12:00 0.0065 2.80e-7
13/8/21 15:20 0.0065 2.40e-7
13/8/21 16:30 0.0060 2.29e-7


14/8/21 12:00 0.0046 1.25e-7
14/8/21 12:00 0.0044 1.14e-7


15/8/21 09:00 0.0040 8.47e-8
15/8/21 12:30 0.0040 8.00e-8
15/8/21 15:30 0.0040 7.69e-8


16/8/21 08:00 0.0038 6.36e-8
16/8/21 11:30 0.0036 6.14e-8
16/8/21 17:00 0.0036 5.82e-8


17/8/21 08:00 0.0034 4.82e-8
17/8/21 17:00 0.0034 4.47e-8
  41   Thu Aug 12 09:16:42 2021 TD RSSThursday 12 August
Attachment 1 - IE414/514 feedthrough wiring diagram

Attachments 2 & 3 - IE514 feedthrough connected (cf )

14:00 scroll pump start
14:30 turbo pump start
15:16 1.00e-5mbar
16:01 - attachments 4-8 basic vacuum test setup
        turbo @ 0.74A

              Pirani  IE514
              mbar    mbar

12/8/21 14:02 85
12/8/21 14:04 4.8
12/8/21 14:06 0.95
12/8/21 14:08 0.46
12/8/21 14:10 0.30
12/8/21 14:12 0.22
12/8/21 14:16 0.18
12/8/21 14:18 0.15
12/8/21 14:20 0.12
12/8/21 14:22 0.11
12/8/21 14:24 0.10
12/8/21 14:26 0.090
12/8/21 14:28 0.080
12/8/21 14:30 0.075
12/8/21 14:32 0.27
12/8/21 14:34 0.14
12/8/21 14:36 0.10
12/8/21 14:37:20    7.00e-5 
12/8/21 14:38 0.085 5.80e-5
12/8/21 14:40 0.080 4.61e-5
12/8/21 14:42 0.075 3.73e-5
12/8/21 14:44 0.075 3.14e-5
12/8/21 14:46 0.070 2.70e-5 
12/8/21 14:48 0.065 2.42e-5
12/8/21 14:50 0.065 2.16e-5
12/8/21 14:52 0.065 1.97e-5
12/8/21 14:54 0.060 1.81e-5
12/8/21 14:56 0.060 1.70e-5
12/8/21 14:58 0.060 1.57e-5
12/8/21 15:00 0.060 1.47e-5
12/8/21 15:02 0.055 1.39e-5
12/8/21 15:04 0.055 1.31e-5
12/8/21 15:06 0.050 1.26e-5
12/8/21 15:08 0.050 1.20e-5
12/8/21 15:10 0.050 1.14e-5
12/8/21 15:12 0.048 1.09e-5
12/8/21 15:14 0.046 1.04e-5
12/8/21 15:16 0.046 1.00e-5
12/8/21 15:18 0.044 9.65e-6
12/8/21 15:20 0.044 9.31e-6
12/8/21 16:00 0.032 5.28e-6


13/8/21 08:00 0.0075 3.53e-7
  40   Wed Aug 11 12:30:40 2021 TD RSSWednesday 11 August
Attachments 1 & 2 - 2x SAES D-2000 re-fitted to side ports
                    all 4x SAES D-2000 now re-fitted to chamber

Will now fit 1x turbo and blank (currently) unused turbo port.

Attachments 3 & 4 - centre 2x78 pin micro-D feedthrough has some pins slightly bent - can probably be safely bent back into position 

ALWAYS check 78-pin feedthroughs for bent/broken pins before fitting connectors/cabling

Attachment 5 - currently unused turbo port

Attachments 6 & 7 - turbo port from above and side

Attachment 8 - turbo + NW16/NW25 adaptor + NW25 s/s hose + scroll pump + turbo controller + CMS52 gauge controller

Note we currently do not have a vent valve or backing line vacuum gauge (both functions provided by leak detector at STFC DL).
  39   Tue Aug 10 12:22:56 2021 TD RSSTuesday 10 August
Attachments 1-3 - 2 of 4 SAES D2000 installed at same ports used for STFC DL XHV tests
  38   Mon Aug 9 12:36:00 2021 TD, RSS, ABDMonday 9 August
Attachments 1-5 - CARME shipment in CRYRING hall
                  XHV chambers nearest to YR09

Will remove top and sides of XHV chamber crate and install 4x SAES D-2000, 1x Leybold Mag Lev 400 turbo and 1x Leybold Ionvac IE514 gauge for basic vacuum test.

Attachments 6-7 - spare wire seals shipped from Edinburgh to GSI
                  poor packing and/or re-packing has resulted in bending of wire seals
                  wire seals shipped from STFC DL to GSI appear to be OK - see attachment 1
  37   Mon Dec 7 14:29:12 2020 JMCARME packing up
  36   Fri Dec 4 16:49:36 2020 TDFriday 4 December
  35   Wed Nov 25 10:39:37 2020 TDWednesday 25 November

CARME XHV chamber pressure 6.0e-12mbar
Backing 2.1e-08mbar (Edwards vacuum cart w/RGA)

CARME temps - heaters OFF - chamber at ambient 

All SAES D2000-10 & UHV1400 NEG power OFF
All SAES D2000-10 ion pump ON

#  V/V       presssure/mbar
1  5012      < 8.9e-12
2  5012      < 8.9e-12
3  5012      < 8.9e-12
4  5012      < 8.9e-12

Gate valve open

attachment 1 - analog RGA scan (as found this am)

attachment 2 - scan mode 

c. 11.15

AH partially closes gate valve using c. 2 bar air pressure

VCARME XHV chamber pressure increases c. 7e-9mbar immediately

attachment 3 - RGA scan - no obvious change in RGA trends!

attachments 4 & 5 - VAT valve indicators - upper (partially open/closed) and lower (closed)

11.33 CARME XHV chamber pressure 6.6e-9mbar
Backing 2.2e-08mbar (Edwards vacuum cart w/RGA)

All SAES D2000-10 ion pump ON

#  V/V       presssure/mbar
1  5012      < 8.9e-12
2  5012      < 8.9e-12
3  5012      < 8.9e-12
4  5012      < 8.9e-12

All SAES D2000-10 ion pump OFF

11.40 CARME XHV chamber pressure 5.64e-9mbar

11.46 CARME XHV chamber pressure 5.01e-9mbar
No change in RGA trends!

12.01 CARME XHV chamber pressure 3.78e-9mbar
No change in RGA trends!

12.11 CARME XHV chamber pressure 3.10e-9mbar

12.42 CARME XHV chamber pressure 1.81e-9mbar
Backing 2.4e-08mbar (Edwards vacuum cart w/RGA)
No change in RGA trends!

13.20 CARME XHV chamber pressure 1.06e-9mbar
Backing 2.4e-08mbar (Edwards vacuum cart w/RGA)
No change in RGA trends!

13.36 CARME XHV chamber pressure 8.93e-10mbar
Backing 2.4e-08mbar (Edwards vacuum cart w/RGA)
No change in RGA trends!

13.59 CARME XHV chamber pressure 7.07e-10mbar
Backing 2.5e-08mbar (Edwards vacuum cart w/RGA)
No change in RGA trends!

14.00 Leybold turbo OFF - decelerating

14.30 Leybold turbo OFF - decelerating - 466Hz
CARME XHV chamber pressure 5.62e-10mbar
Backing 2.1e-08mbar (Edwards vacuum cart w/RGA)
No change in RGA trends!

14.40 1x SAES D2000-10 ion pump switched on briefly - settles in c. 10s - pressure < 8.9e-
All 4x D2000-10 ion pumps OFF

15.01 Leybold turbo OFF - decelerating - 125Hz
CARME XHV chamber pressure 4.78e-10mbar
Backing 1.4e-08mbar (Edwards vacuum cart w/RGA)
No change in RGA trends!

15.10 Abrupt increase in RGA trends - see attachment 6
Leybold turbo OFF - decelerating - 60Hz
CARME XHV chamber pressure 4.53e-10mbar
Backing 2.6e-08mbar (Edwards vacuum cart w/RGA)

15.19 4x SAES D2000-10 ion pumps ON
RGA record 04.24.00 

15.24 see attachment 7 - RGA transient recovering - turbo stopped?

15.10 Leybold turbo OFF - stopped - 0Hz
CARME XHV chamber pressure 4.40e-10mbar
Backing 1.1e-08mbar (Edwards vacuum cart w/RGA)

All SAES D2000-10 ion pump ON

#  V/V       presssure/mbar
1  5012      < 8.9e-12
2  5012      < 8.9e-12
3  5012      < 8.9e-12
4  5012      < 8.9e-12

16.10 VAT gate valve partially closed
Leybold turbo OFF - stopped - 0Hz
CARME XHV chamber pressure 3.88e-10mbar
Backing 9.8e-09mbar (Edwards vacuum cart w/RGA)
RGA traces recovered to pre-transient levels and stable

All SAES D2000-10 ion pump ON

#  V/V       presssure/mbar
1  5012      < 8.9e-12
2  5012      < 8.9e-12
3  5012      < 8.9e-12
4  5012      < 8.9e-12
ELOG V3.1.4-unknown