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  ID Date Author Subject
  14   Wed Sep 16 17:46:36 2020 JMPumping of Chamber

A pump cart and leak cart have been connected to the chamber via the top turbo at the back of the chamber. An air line has also been connected to the valve to open/close it. The pirani gaige has also been replaced by a blank flange, a gauge on the pump cart can measure the pressure in its range. The turbo fan and controller were set up and pumping was started after lunch. 

While pumping, the hot cathode gauge was connected to its controller and bakeable shell installed. Gauge will be turned on if pressure is sufficiently low tomorrow, currently no gauges are 'active' on the chamber with the only gauges on the pump cart. 

An RGA is attached to the pump cart and can be seen in attached photos. Majority of contribution in RGA is water with significant contributions from gases in air (nitrogen, oxygen etc) as expected during early pumping. RGA is also quite noisy. 

The leak rate observed is below the minimum value the leak cart can detect (<1e-12 mbar*l/s). Helium was sprayed around the chamber and on the wire seals, however no change in the leak rate was observed, so no significant leaks!

The turbo has been left to pump overnight with the pressure 2e-5 mbar at 16:15. Attached is the pressure against time from 15:00 till 16:15, the rate of pumping in this period was 0.68e-5 mbar/hour. 

  13   Wed Sep 16 08:52:03 2020 CB (remotely)Baking status 16-17 September
16 September

Baking continues OK. Temperatures stable, did not increase with respect to yesterday evening.
See attached.

Baking continues OK.
See attached.

Baking continues OK.
See attached.

17 September

Baking continues OK. Temperatures slightly decreasing?
See attached.
  12   Tue Sep 15 08:39:26 2020 CB (remotely), JMBaking and Chamber status
Tuesday 15 September

Rates started working again. Unclear what yesterday evening's bug was caused by. Will investigate eventually.
Temperature setpoint reach T=150 , however even at full power (heating constantly on) the RE72 appear unable to
reach past T = 135
See attached.

Perhaps better insulation would be required. 
However, this temperature is sufficient to bake CARME with the detectors inserted.

Day shift
Baking continues and will be left overnight to gather more data. Vessel temperatures are increasing by roughly 1.5 deg/hour with the vessel average temperature now 141.5 

Wire seals fully closed and tightened. Bolts were tightened first finger tight, then to 50 N.m and finally to 80 N.m in a pattern so that seal is closed evenly. Leak and 
pump cart are ready to be connected to the turbo for leak testing tomorrow. 

Baking continues OK. Temperatures seem to increase slowly. See attached.
  11   Mon Sep 14 12:07:40 2020 JM, CB (remotely)Baking status
Mon 14 Sep 09:50

Jordan moved the TC08 picolog 2 away from the chamber and built a makeshit heatshield. 
Picolog 2 was facing a slit in the cloth thorugh which the scroll pump flexible hose is connected.
Baking restarted in automatic mode from 80 C

Baking progressed OK - see attached.

CJC 2 getting too high again. Baking went off. Jordan caught it and temporarily set in manual mode.
Moved picolog 2 further away. Increased amount of heatshield. Restarted in auto

Baking continues OK - see attached.
Will leave overnight.

Baking continues OK, T=124C , see attached.
However rates shown on Baking.x program appear nonsensical. Too high, too low, sometimes they all go to zero.
Clearly a bug in the code. Should not affect baking for now.
Will try to debug.
  10   Sun Sep 13 08:06:25 2020 CB (remotely)Baking over the weekend -2
Sun 13 Sep 08:06

Baking reached 93 C yesterday afternoon at 16:18 and paused as a result of a percieved temperature gradient in
the octagon. 
See attached.

Left system overnight to check whether octagon gradient was going to equilibrate via convection. 
No changes this morning.
Thermocouple 1-8 labeled "Octagon (side)" likely is not in thermal contact with the octagon. 
It appears to have a temperature lower than room temperature. Possibly sits outside the tent? Gradient will not
decrease with time.

Temporarily overrode automatic mode, set temperature to 100 C, restarted automatic mode. Will keep monitoring.

Sun 13 Sep 10:00

Vessel reached 100 C, no gradients. All OK, except octagon gradient (ignoring).
Manually increased temperature to 110 C. Restored automatic mode.

Sun 13 Sep 12:00

Baking stopped automatically at 10:30 due to CJC temperature (aka room temperature 2) in TC-08 Picolog 2
exceeding 40 C.
Max operating temperature of picolog TC08 is 50 C, and accuracy is lost above 30 C.

Stopped baking. Removed thermocouple 1-8 "Octagon (side)" from Octagon gradient calculation and recompiled.
Restarted manually at T = 80 C

Please move picolog away from the tent tomorrow, and we can then increase temperature. Tent does not need to be

Sun 13 Sep 19:00
Vessel temperature at 80 C stable. 
Other temperatures stable. 
Leaving at 80 C overnight.
  9   Sat Sep 12 08:38:52 2020 CB (remotely)Baking over the weekend
Saturday 12 Sep 08:43

Remotely checked status of baking. See attached.

Baking appears to be proceeding OK. No thermocouples disconnected.

Speed is slower than previously observed, limited by thermal gradients observed across both octagon and CARME
vessel as a result of new thermocouple placement.
Octagon gradient may not be real, and could be a result of placement of Octagon side thermocouple?

Main concern is temperature recorded by CJC in Picolog2 (aka Room temperature 2) at 31 C, increasing. 
The second picolog may be too close to the tent. If the temperature keeps increasing it may stop working. Will
keep monitoring.
  8   Thu Sep 10 11:34:30 2020 TD, JMThursday 10 September
All neg feed-throughs have now been fully installed, with ground tags 
and power wires crimped and attached to the correct pins. Feed-throughs 
are installed as seen in Image 
1 of zip file, with mark at the top of the feed-through. The pin 
assignment is seen in Image 2. The pins are assigned letters A to F, 
with F the top pin and C the bottom 
pin as installed(refer to images 1+2). The ground is pin c, with the 
two power wires connected to the bottom pins either side of the ground 
(pins b and d). Connections of 
wires from the negs to the feed-through is seen in image 3. Feed-
throughs have been electrically checked. The ground pin is checked 
against the chamber giving 
approx 0.5 ohms and the power pins are checked together giving 5-10 
ohms. Each of the power pins are open circuit with respect to the 
ground. A 
thermocouple has been attached under the bolt of one of the neg pumps 
(image 4).

Pirani gauge and hot cathode gauge have been installed on the chamber 
(images 5,6,7,8) on the section furthest from the turbos. 

Upper valve, turbo and supports have all now been installed (images 
9,10,11). Images 12,13 are of the internal of the turbo and turbo 
ports. The lower valve supports 
produced by the Daresbury group (image 14) are also now attached. These 
supports were required as the lower valve sits higher than anticipated 
due to shorter right-angled 

Chamber is now ready to close and leak test!
  7   Wed Sep 9 21:01:48 2020 JMNeg Feedthroughs

4/6 of the neg feedthroughs installed. Continuity between the power pins, ground pin and the chamber has been checked, we observe 5-10 ohms between the power pins similar to previous checks on the heaters. Also attached are the crimps for the ground tag and feedthrough connector pins.  

  6   Fri Sep 4 15:48:25 2020 JMBakeout test completed

Bakeout test completed. Maximum temperature reached within baking volume was 120 degrees, with baking stopped by the program due to detection of negative temperature gradients. Negative temperature gradients due to a couple of thermocouples becoming unsecured and moving to cooler part of baking volume. Attached documents show temperatures of thermocouples. The colour of plots are linked (all of chamber temperatures are blue etc). Temperature gradient across the chamber is low (less than 10 degrees). Heat loss at the front of the chamber is apparent in the air temperature gradient across the baking volume and between the RE72 temperatures. 

Thermocouples have been resecured (extra tape so hopefully won't fall again) and some repositioned. Heating jacket has been remounted at the front to prevent heat losses seen in first test. Quick heating test was performed this morning up to 50 degrees and it appears heat loss at the front of the baking volume is much reduced. 

Weeklong bakeout will begin monday morning. 

  5   Wed Sep 2 17:01:49 2020 JMBakeout started and valve installation

Initial bakeout started which will run until friday, temperature had reached 44 degrees when I left the lab. 

The bottom valve has now been installed on the main chamber

  4   Wed Aug 19 16:44:39 2020 JMNeg Installs

Internal neg installs completed and electrically checked. 

  3   Tue Aug 18 17:35:20 2020 TDSAES UHV1400 pin assignment
Using a digital multimeter confirmed continuity for SAES-supplied 
power cable (Amphenol (circular) 6-pin plug to Han 05 plug) for
the following pins

pin A - pin 5
pin F - pin 3

which correspond to the type K chromel/alumel thermocouple contacts
and Neg PSU output connector pins for the thermocouple (e.g. see p.34
of Neg PSU manual).
  2   Tue Aug 18 11:26:26 2020 JMWeek ending Friday 14/08/20

Week ending friday 14/08/20

CARME chamber securely mounted upon aluminium frame and support skis. Neg-ion pumps and right angled flanges installed. Neg pumps installed in the wall detector section of the chamber. Neg pumps continuity checked and are electically isolated from the chamber. 

  1   Mon Aug 17 08:16:16 2020 TDCARME Elog
ELOG V3.1.4-unknown