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  ID Date Author Subject
  397   Tue Mar 1 08:29:19 2022 OH, NHFindings from the upgrade to centos7 from SL6

Required packages not included as default

  • csh (For running MIDAS scripts)
  • xinetd (Runs the rdate server for the FEEs)
  • Telnet (Communication with the FEEs)
  • dhcp

Configuration changes

  • FEEs uses NFS2 which is no longer enabled by default
    • Must edit config in /etc/nfs.conf to uncomment the following lines:
      • [nfsd]
      • vers2=y
  • /etc/xinetd.d/time-stream must be edited by uncommenting
    • disable        = no

  • Many services such as xinetd and dhcp will not automatically start at startup following a restart of the system

    • To enable this must enter `systemctl enable dhcpd` or `systemctl enable xinetd`

    • Likewise can check status with `systemctl status $SERVICE_NAME`

  • Also need to check the firewall status of the ethernet port connected to the FEEs.

    • Easiest solution is to set the port to be trusted

Optional extras

  • For top bar icons similar to SL6 can use the gnome extension "Frippery panel favorites"
    • Then just need to create desktop icons for each of the startup scripts within /usr/share/applications - Attachment 1
    • Can also add screenshot to this - Attachment 2
  • Gnome tweaks also allows the number of workspaces to be changed
  • Also recommend setting workspaces to span displays


Attachment 1: TapeServer.desktop
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=TapeServer for AIDA

Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2022-03-01_09-40-18.png
  396   Wed Feb 16 10:32:52 2022 PJCSAIDA software changes and some suggestions

The Pi console monitor program now outputs a full date/time to file for each line of report.

The System Wide Checks has been upgraded to include a check of the PLL lock monitor counters. A baseline is taken when the software starts, or at the users command, then subsequent operation of the command compares the current counter value with the baseline. There are two PLLs on the pcb, LMK3200, and the remainder are in the FPGA. Should there be a disruption in the external clock source to the FEE64 then it is possible the Lock signal from one or more of the PLLs will go false to indicate the PLL is not locked to the input frequency. This transition is counted in the FPGA. If the clock source recovers then this is the only way to understand that a hiatus has occurred.

Noted this morning that the Options file sizes are different and there is no common update date across the 16. I will further improve this function to try and indicate differences ... if required ?

aida07 ADCs will not calibrate. I have attempted to understand why but I have not seen this behaviour before. I suggest, if this is a problem, that a power-cycle be carried out  and then the module is replaced if no improvement is noted.

Merger message logging. I have transferred across my version of the New Merger to the npg folder. /home/npg/Patrick/NewMerger. It runs from the command  /home/npg/Patrick/NewMerger/MergeServer/bin64/run and is currently set for 16 links. The only changes to the NewMerger code have been made in the message.c file. The rest is untouched.

This version will create a log file directory in /MIDAS/log/Merge_Logs. A new directory structure is created here each time the New Merger is started. The directory is named using the date and a number which refers to the number of times the New Merger has been started on that date.  ( /MIDAS/log/Merge_Logs/16_02_22_5 )

Within this directory are text files storing the messages from each of the processes in the New Merger system. The link file messages are stored in a sub-directory as they are currently named by the process number and not the link number. (/MIDAS/log/Merge_Logs/16_02_22_5/links/Link_1529.txt )

The purpose of this change is to be able to correlate error messages reported from the FEE64 consoles with information from the Merger processes.

The system is currently running  with this software for the next fortnight.

  395   Fri Feb 11 12:09:24 2022 NHFri 11 Feb AIDA Work
Use beam break between FRS experiments to finalise getting AIDA testable for PJCS etc.

USB hubs reconnected - all 16 ttyUSBs seem to be visible now

New inverter installed (Ortec 533 Sum Invert, brand new) - Pulser T connected to input B1 and inverted out B sent to -ve FEEs

VME crate for VETAR2 is powered on so White Rabbit should be available

All grounds reconnected on FEEs

All FEEs connected to pulser chain again


Moved interlock to new Al shelf on AIDA rack so it's not kicked
Powered on OK, all 4 lights on in box but AIDA Relay had to water light
Investigation shows the cable between relay and interlock was broken, one wire had come loose from connector
Resoldered and now it works as usual

System powered up OK
All 16 FEEs respond to serial
All 16 FEEs have WR
All 16 FEEs show pulser ADC entries

Seems good!
  393   Tue Feb 1 15:00:28 2022 NHAIDA CentOS 7 Startup
Starting up AIDA on CentOS 7 to confirm things work (based on some CARME experience)

NFS settings:
/etc/exports copied over from old disk
line to old /MIDAS_130718 export removed (commented) to see if necessary to copy over
nfsv2 enabled in nfs.conf
NFS service enabled and started (systemctl enable nfs-server ; systemctl start nfs-server)

DHCP setting:
DHCP was disabled, enabled and started (systemctl enable dhcpd ; systemctl start dhcpd)
Raspberry Pis pick up IP and become responsive again

Firwall setting:
Interface p4p1 (AIDA switch #1) is changed to zone 'trusted' so that FEEs can connect to NFS
(panicked before unable to get RPC port)

See FEEs starting to boot!
Getting both / and /MIDAS successfully (note confirming that old /MIDAS_130718 is not needed)

FEEs 4 and 9 take longer to boot others (observed before, seems to be PSU slots 4/5 in first take a while to provide voltage)
FEE9 seems to panic after mounting root, waiting to see if it reboots itself (no serial)
... Nope but power cycle fixes it

All FEEs online and Reset/Setup completed... Temps OK

Note 1: CentOS 7 uses systemd, monitoring log is best done as
`journalctl -f` as root.
npg not in sudoers (should be done)

Note 2: System used as graphical terminal for Edinburgh double-alpha experiment until Feb. 11
AIDA operated in background and using port forwarding to access MIDAS/Web mostly
UI has weird workspace configuration by default needs changing to better cope with AIDA windows

Note 3:
Only 4 FEEs are producing serial data to the Pi_Monitor
Probably 2 of the USB hubs were knocked lose (from the USB extender cables) when the Fatima/HPGe cables were removed last year
S4 access is limited but will try to reconnect ASAP

Note 4:
AIDA setup unfortunately quite limited in functionality due to other running experiments:
WR is unavailable as VETAR VME crate was powered off
Not all FEEs are connected to pulser or grounded. Some cables were removed during testing last year.
Some ground cables removed and pulser inverter removed as needed at CARME and S4 access is now limited for WASA tests
  392   Fri Oct 29 23:00:04 2021 NHGround cable information
For future refinement of the AIDA ground cables using copper bus bar or similar:

Thin cable (from AIDA FEEs to common connection point)
- AWG14 grn/ylw ground cable
- M6 screw crimp?

Thick cable (from common point to mechanical ground)
- AWG4 (25mm2) grn/ylw ground cable
- M12 bolt to mechanical frame 
  391   Fri Oct 29 10:49:01 2021 OHNoise tests - 28th October -29th October
Plan for the day was to connect a mechanical ground to the FEEs connected to DSSD0 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 and 12

This was done by connecting thick copper cable to the mechanical ground wires on the AIDA frame (These ground wires are connected to the platform ground which is earthed properly we are told)
Two thick copper wires were run each one for the top and right side and one for the bottom and left side.
Each cable was connected to the FEEs with a star of smaller cables going to the adapter boards.
Before connection the potential difference between the FEE ground and the mechanical ground was 16mV.
After connection the potential difference was 3-4mV.
It was checked that both the NIM ground and the PSU ground pins were on the same ground as the mechanical ground. It was just the FEE modules on a different ground.
Photos of connection at end of attachments.

It was found later in the afternoon that the 3mV drop comes as a result of the resistance of the bolt used to connect all the thinner wires to the thicker copper braid.

Very good rates observed in all p+n strips but high rates in n+n.
The large oscillations observed in waveforms yesterday are gone though. High frequency component remains
Statistics - attachment 1
Rates spectra - attachment 2
Zoomed in rates spectra - attachment 3
p+n aida11 1.8.W - attachment 4
n+n aida02 1.8.W - attachmeFEE Width
9   60.25
1   64.18
10  55.76
11  64.81
3   56.21
12  48.54nt 5

We then reconfigured the PSU so that the FEEs for a given detector were all on the same PSU
Rates are observed to drop across all p+n fees

Statistics - attachment 6
Rates spectra - attachment 7
Rates spectra y max 10 - Attachment 8
p+n aida 12 1.8.W - attachment 9
n+n aida 02 1.8.W - attachment 10

Pulser was then connected to all p+n channels but left off
Rates - attachment 11
Rates spectra - attachment 12
Rates spectra ymax10 - attachment 13

Pulser was then switched on

Rates spectra - attachment 14
Statistics - attachment 15
Pulser peaks p+n - attachment 16

Pulser widths
FEE Width
9   60.25
1   64.18
10  55.76
11  64.81
3   56.21
12  48.54

n=n pulser was then added to both 2 and 4
Pulser peaks n+n - attachment 17
Pulser peaks p+n - attachment 18

FEE Width
9   62.88
1   65.30
10  55.18
11  64.47
3   51.77
12  50.22

2   196.00
4   271.57

29 October

Test adding LK2,3,4 to n+n
n+n all LK1,2,3,4
p+n all lk 2,3,4
Makes p+n side worse - attachment 22

Remove LK3 from n+n
n+n 1,2,4
p+n all LK2,3,4
A slight improvement on previous
attachment 23

Remove LK2 and 4 from n+n
Remove LK3 from all p+n except 1 and 3 which are the two non isolated cables
attachment 24
Attachment 1: 20211028-1300-rates-groundedfees.png
Attachment 2: 20211028-1300-ratespectra.png
Attachment 3: 20211028-1300-ratespectraymax150.png
Attachment 4: 20211028-1300-aida11wave.png
Attachment 5: 20211028-1300-aida02wave.png
Attachment 6: 20211018-1326-rates-psuchange.png
Attachment 7: 20211028-1326-ratesspectra-newpsu.png
Attachment 8: 20211028-1326-rates-linymax10-newpsu.png
Attachment 9: 20211028-1326-wavesaida12-pnpulser-newpsu.png
Attachment 10: 20211028-1326-wavesaida02-newpsupng
Attachment 11: 20211028-1410-ratespulserconnoff.png
Attachment 12: 20211028-1412-ratespectra-normal.png
Attachment 13: 20211028-1412-ratesspectra-ymax10.png
Attachment 14: 20211028-1413-ratesymax10-pulserONpng
Attachment 15: 20211028-1414-ratesspectra-pulseron.png
Attachment 16: 20211028-1424-pulserpeakspn.png
Attachment 17: 20211028_1449_nn_18L.png
Attachment 18: 20211028_1451_pn_18l.png
Attachment 19: PXL_20211028_121721708.jpg
Attachment 20: PXL_20211028_121738665.jpg
Attachment 21: PXL_20211028_121728173.jpg
Attachment 22: 20211029_1218_stats.png
Attachment 23: 20211029-1400-pnlk1234nnlk124.png
Attachment 24: 20211029-1436-nolk3bar1and3.png
  390   Wed Oct 27 15:12:50 2021 OH, NHNoise tests - 27th October
 Began by installing the triple.
Only the upstream detector was connected to the FEEs the downstream detector cables were left loose. The two detectors are isotolated though.

Initial cabling configuration
No pulser connections to any of the FEEs connected to the DSSD.
Bias core connected to FEE 13 - FEE 3 and FEE 11 with connections made by T pieces
Bias braid connected to FEE 4 - FEE 2 with connection made by T piece
Adaptor boards grounded to FEE cooling plate via lemo
DSSD cable drain wires also connected to LEMOs

LK1 not on any adaptor boards.
LK2, 3 and 4 on all

System started and rates very high in all of the FEEs connected to DSSD.
N.B FEE 8 connected to pulser but not to cable and adaptor board not grounded to FEE cooling plate
FEE14 connected to pulser and adaptor board grounded to FEE cooling plate
Statistics - Attachment 1
It was noted one of the ribbon cable connectors for FEE13 had come off
Statistics fixed - Attachment 2
Representative waveforms showing the noise - Attachments 3 and 4

Bias turned off and HV filters connected
Issue at first as the solder connection in one filter had broken. Filter was replaced and the DSSD bias
Statistics are unchanged
Waveforms with the HV filters installed - Attachments 5 and 6
Attachment 1: 271021-waveaida10-pndssd-filter.png
Attachment 2: 271021-dssds-fixed12.png
Attachment 3: 271021-waves-dssd-nn.png
Attachment 4: 271021-waveaida10-pndssd.png
Attachment 5: 271021-waves-aida02-dssdnn-filter.png
Attachment 6: 271021-waveaida10-pndssd-filter.png
  389   Tue Oct 26 16:08:46 2021 NHFEE and Adaptor board groundings
> During investigations into the noise today by NH and OH a couple of findings were made on the grounding of the FEEs and Adaptor boards.
> - The adaptor boards have no connection to the FEE ground over the ERNI connector
>    - Currently we are providing one via a ground cable between the FEE Al cooling and the Lemo ground on the adaptor board
> - The Al cooling plate is not electrically isolated from the copper plate on the ASIC and both are connected to the electrical ground on the FEE
>     - Verified with 0 resistance between plate and HDMI ground shield
> - The FEE is electrically isolated from the frame but when cabling is connected they show 0 resistance
>     - With electrics disconnected but water still connected they show 200kOhm
> - With the bias core going to FEE14 and the braid going to FEE8 better performance in FEE14 is obtained by disconnecting FEE8 adaptor board from the ground
>     - The cost of this is the rate of FEE8 goes up to 300k
>     - It is essential to have the adaptor board ground on the FEE ground but unsure why having both adaptor boards connected to their respective grounds makes one worse
> - The resistance between all FEEs is not zero. Some show a 5Ohm and some show a 35Ohm resistance between each other

The adapter boards have ERNI ground pins, and the FEE64 has a grounded plane on its ERNI connector, unfortunately the orientation means the ground pins do not touch the plane on the FEE64 and hence no contact is made
Would require installing board "upside down" but then the ASIC connections would be wrong. A new adapter board layout would be necessary to correct this

Tomorrow will investigate direct connection of all FEE64s to mechanical ground via dedicated copper cable. 
Currently FEE64s get ground via Pulser(->NIM) ((weak ground)), HDMI(->NIM) ((possibly?)) and Power(->PSU) (primary grounding)
HV Bias is floating at NIM side and so does not provide ground path (intentional)
TD may have ideas to isolate pulser from AIDA FEE ground
Unsure if HDMI ground is a problem

The ground quality via the power may not be ideal over long cables of relatively thin wire. (5 * 20 AWG) and then unsure how ground of PSU connects to mechanical ground
Explicit grounding may help keep resistance between FEEs < 1 Ohm.

Will also mount a DSSD and see situation without pulser, with/without mechanical grounding and maybe with various LK jumpers.
  388   Thu Oct 21 16:18:51 2021 OHFEE and Adaptor board groundings
During investigations into the noise today by NH and OH a couple of findings were made on the grounding of the FEEs and Adaptor boards.

- The adaptor boards have no connection to the FEE ground over the ERNI connector
   - Currently we are providing one via a ground cable between the FEE Al cooling and the Lemo ground on the adaptor board
- The Al cooling plate is not electrically isolated from the copper plate on the ASIC and both are connected to the electrical ground on the FEE
    - Verified with 0 resistance between plate and HDMI ground shield
- The FEE is electrically isolated from the frame but when cabling is connected they show 0 resistance
    - With electrics disconnected but water still connected they show 200kOhm
- With the bias core going to FEE14 and the braid going to FEE8 better performance in FEE14 is obtained by disconnecting FEE8 adaptor board from the ground
    - The cost of this is the rate of FEE8 goes up to 300k
    - It is essential to have the adaptor board ground on the FEE ground but unsure why having both adaptor boards connected to their respective grounds makes one worse
- The resistance between all FEEs is not zero. Some show a 5Ohm and some show a 35Ohm resistance between each other
  387   Thu Oct 21 09:33:08 2021 OHNoise tests - 21st Oct 2021
Pulser was left on overnight with the bias filters on
First plot is FEE14 not FEE8

Double peaking is observed in both polarities of FEE.
Attachment 1: 211021_0951_fee8_x8L.png
Attachment 2: 211021_0953_fee14waveform_zoom.png
Attachment 3: 211021_0956_fee14_waveform.png
Attachment 4: 211021_0957_fee8_x8L.png
Attachment 5: 211021_0959_fee8_waveform_zoom.png
  386   Thu Oct 21 09:08:41 2021 OHMIDAS start up messages
Attachment 1: 8015Startup.txt
tidy up
tclsh8.5: no process killed

System identified is CPU x86_64; Platform is unix; OS is Linux and Version is 2.6.32-696.el6.x86_64
Environment selected is CPU x64_64; Platform unix; OS Linux64 and Operating System Linux64
PATH = /MIDAS/bin_Linux64:/MIDAS/TclHttpd/Linux64:/MIDAS/Linux/bin64:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/npg/bin
Computer Name = aidas-gsi; Temp Directory = /tmp/tcl6376
package limit is not available: can't find package limit
Running with default file descriptor limit
package setuid is not available: can't find package setuid
Could not change to user 50 group 50: not owner
/debug user "debug" password "kr.j1xicijsz"
httpd started on port 8015

Custom startup from /MIDAS/config/TclHttpd/aidas-gsi@8015/startup.tcl
created namespace ::AIDA
loading tcl/AIDARunControl.tcl for namespace ::
RunControlClient provided
RunControlClient loaded
Completed custom startup from /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/AIDA/RunControl/stats.defn.tcl

Attachment 2: 8115startup
tidy up
tclsh8.5_copy2: no process killed

System identified is CPU x86_64; Platform is unix; OS is Linux and Version is 2.6.32-696.el6.x86_64
Environment selected is CPU x64_64; Platform unix; OS Linux64 and Operating System Linux64
PATH = /MIDAS/bin_Linux64:/MIDAS/TclHttpd/Linux64:/MIDAS/Linux/bin64:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/npg/bin
Computer Name = aidas-gsi; Temp Directory = /tmp/tcl24260
package limit is not available: can't find package limit
Running with default file descriptor limit
package setuid is not available: can't find package setuid
Could not change to user 50 group 50: not owner
/debug user "debug" password "qhsbwphtgqqo"
httpd started on port 8115

Custom startup from /MIDAS/config/TclHttpd/aidas-gsi@8115/startup.tcl
Loaded MemSasAccess
loading tcl/NewMergerControl.tcl for namespace ::
DefineMessage unknown
Run Control Server Implementation for MERGE
RunControlServer loaded
loading Html/RunControl/implementation.tcl
/MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/RunControl/common.tcl returned z=1 and couldn't read file "/MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/RunControl/common.tcl": no such file or directory
ReadRegister failed: Name=NetVar.EXEC.ID; Code= 0x10004; Info= Register name does not exist
Created UI registers
RunControl loaded
loading Html/NewMerger/RunControl/implementation.tcl for namespace ::
ReadRegister failed: Name=NetVar.MERGE.ID; Code= 0x10004; Info= Register name does not exist
Created UI registers
NewMerge Control loaded
Completed custom startup from /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/NewMerger/RunControl/stats.defn.tcl

Attachment 3: tapestart.txt
Tidy up
master(4653): Operation not permitted
master: no process killed
stats: no process killed
driver: no process killed
linkTCP: no process killed
Starting Tape Server

[1] 24297
MIDAS Tape Server: Message logger not contacted.
MIDAS Tape Server: MIDAS Tape Server Build Mar 16 2021  12:22:14
MIDAS Tape Server: Unable to change scheduling priority - Permission denied
MIDAS Tape Server: Using default startup
MIDAS Tape Server: Configuration: UDP port = 10205, SHM key=10205.
MIDAS Tape Server: File mapped object /SHM_10205 of size 1331104 created
MIDAS Tape Server: Shared memory ID is 3
MIDAS Tape Server: Shared memory segment located at address 7f7081936000.
MIDAS Tape Server: Configuration file used - /MIDAS/config/TS_10205/TS_configuration
MIDAS Tape Server: Stats task /MIDAS/TapeServer/Linux64/stats
MIDAS Tape Server: Using device file /dev/file/0 /MIDAS/TapeServer/Linux64/driver
MIDAS Tape Server: Using device file /dev/file/1 /MIDAS/TapeServer/Linux64/driver
MIDAS Tape Server: Using device sink /dev/null/0 /MIDAS/TapeServer/Linux64/driver
MIDAS Tape Server: Data link /MIDAS/TapeServer/Linux64/linkTCP 10305                 
MIDAS Tape Server: Data link /MIDAS/TapeServer/Linux64/linkTCP 21001 21002                
MIDAS Tape Server: Message reporting level = 0x180fff8
MIDAS Tape Server: Message logging level = 0xfff8
MIDAS Tape Server: Tape Server Options = 0x0
MIDAS Tape Server: File device path base = /TapeData
MIDAS Tape Server: Data buffer size = 65536
MIDAS Tape Server: Tape block size = 65536
MIDAS Tape Server: File mapped object /SHM_110205 of size 4195880 created
MIDAS Tape Server: Shared memory ID is 3
MIDAS Tape Server: Shared memory segment located at address 7f7081535000.
MIDAS Tape Server: File mapped object /SHM_210205 of size 3100 created
MIDAS Tape Server: Shared memory ID is 3
MIDAS Tape Server: Shared memory segment located at address 7f7081a96000.
MIDAS Tape Server: Capabilities restored.
MIDAS Tape Server: Master global area initialised.
MIDAS Tape Server: Stats task has pid 24299
MIDAS Tape Server: Driver process for /dev/file/0 has pid 24300
MIDAS Tape Server: Driver process for /dev/file/1 has pid 24301
MIDAS Tape Server: Driver process for /dev/null/0 has pid 24302
MIDAS Tape Server: Link task 0 has pid 24303
MIDAS Tape Server: Link task 1 has pid 24304
MIDAS Tape Server: Starting the RPC interface
MIDAS Tape Server: Created RPC Program 28000205 Version 4 on UDP port 10205.
MIDAS Tape Server: Entering server loop
MIDAS Tape Server: MIDAS Tape Server now available on UDP port 10205.
MIDAS Tape Statistics: Message logger not contacted.
MIDAS Tape Statistics: MIDAS Tape Statistics Build Mar 16 2021  12:22:20
MIDAS Tape Statistics: Started with args 10205
MIDAS Tape Statistics: Configuration: SHM key=10205
MIDAS Tape Statistics: File mapped object /SHM_10205 of size 1331104 created
MIDAS Tape Statistics: Shared memory ID is 3
MIDAS Tape Statistics: Shared memory segment located at address 7fb07f300000.
MIDAS Tape Driver (24302): Message logger not contacted.
MIDAS Tape Driver (24302): Message logger not contacted.
MIDAS Tape Driver (24302): Started with args 2 10205
MIDAS Tape Driver (24302): Configuration: driver=2, key=10205.
MIDAS Tape Driver (24302): File mapped object /SHM_10205 of size 1331104 created
MIDAS Tape Driver (24302): Shared memory ID is 3
MIDAS Tape Driver (24302): Shared memory segment located at address 7f183708f000.
MIDAS Tape Driver (24302): Using device /dev/null/0 of type sink.
MIDAS Tape Driver (24300): Message logger not contacted.
MIDAS Tape Driver (24301): Message logger not contacted.
MIDAS Tape Driver (24300): Message logger not contacted.
MIDAS Tape Driver (24301): Message logger not contacted.
MIDAS Tape Driver (24300): Started with args 0 10205
MIDAS Tape Driver (24301): Started with args 1 10205
MIDAS Tape Driver (24301): Configuration: driver=1, key=10205.
MIDAS Tape Driver (24300): Configuration: driver=0, key=10205.
MIDAS Tape Driver (24301): File mapped object /SHM_10205 of size 1331104 created
MIDAS Tape Driver (24300): File mapped object /SHM_10205 of size 1331104 created
MIDAS Tape Driver (24301): Shared memory ID is 3
MIDAS Tape Driver (24300): Shared memory ID is 3
MIDAS Tape Driver (24300): Shared memory segment located at address 7f3b2d8cd000.
MIDAS Tape Driver (24301): Shared memory segment located at address 7ffb5e9ba000.
MIDAS Tape Driver (24300): Using device /dev/file/0 of type file.
MIDAS Tape Driver (24301): Using device /dev/file/1 of type file.
MIDAS Data Link (24304): Message logger not contacted.
MIDAS Data Link (24304): MIDAS Tape Data Link Build Mar 16 2021  12:22:19
MIDAS Data Link (24304): Started with args 10205 21001 21002                
MIDAS Data Link (24304): Configuration: SHM key=10205, TCP port = 21001, Data Stream = 2
MIDAS Data Link (24304): File mapped object /SHM_10205 of size 1331104 created
MIDAS Data Link (24304): Shared memory ID is 3
MIDAS Data Link (24304): Shared memory segment located at address 7f7452b59000.
MIDAS Data Link (24303): Message logger not contacted.
MIDAS Data Link (24304): Starting the network interface
MIDAS Data Link (24303): MIDAS Tape Data Link Build Mar 16 2021  12:22:19
MIDAS Data Link (24303): Started with args 10205 10305                 
MIDAS Data Link (24303): Configuration: SHM key=10205, TCP port = 10305, Data Stream = 1
MIDAS Data Link (24303): File mapped object /SHM_10205 of size 1331104 created
MIDAS Data Link (24303): Shared memory ID is 3
MIDAS Data Link (24303): Shared memory segment located at address 7f754106b000.
MIDAS Data Link (24303): Starting the network interface
MIDAS Data Link (24303): TCP socket receive buffer was 87380 - now 249856
MIDAS Data Link (24303): TCP socket send buffer was 16384 - now 249856
MIDAS Data Link (24303): MIDAS Data Link thread 0 using TCP port 10305.
MIDAS Data Link (24303): Entering server loop
MIDAS Data Link (24303): thread 0 listening on port 10305
MIDAS Data Link (24304): TCP socket receive buffer was 87380 - now 249856
MIDAS Data Link (24304): TCP socket send buffer was 16384 - now 249856
MIDAS Data Link (24304): MIDAS Data Link thread 0 using TCP port 21001.
MIDAS Data Link (24304): TCP socket receive buffer was 87380 - now 249856
MIDAS Data Link (24304): TCP socket send buffer was 16384 - now 249856
MIDAS Data Link (24304): MIDAS Data Link thread 1 using TCP port 21002.
MIDAS Data Link (24304): Entering server loop
MIDAS Data Link (24304): thread 0 listening on port 21001
MIDAS Data Link (24304): thread 1 listening on port 21002

Attachment 4: mergerstart.txt
Tidy up
MERGE: no process killed
merge64.AD: no process killed
master64: no process killed
link64: no process killed
merge64: no process killed
statrate64: no process killed
Starting New Merger

[1] 24325
MERGE Master (24325): Message logger not contacted.
MERGE Master (24325): MIDAS MERGE Server 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:01
Creating NetVars
Creating NetVars complete
MERGE Master (24325): MIDAS MERGE Server 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:01
MERGE Master (24325): Configuration: TCP port base=11001 ; SHM key=11000; ids=16; links=16; Hardware=0
MERGE Master (24325): File mapped object /SHM_11000 of size 536628 created
MERGE Master (24325): Memory mapping 536628 bytes
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5efe67a000.
MERGE Master (24325): File mapped object /SHM_11001 of size 100669480 created
MERGE Master (24325): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5ef8678000.
MERGE Master (24325): File mapped object /SHM_11002 of size 100669480 created
MERGE Master (24325): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5ef2676000.
MERGE Master (24325): File mapped object /SHM_11003 of size 100669480 created
MERGE Master (24325): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5eec674000.
MERGE Master (24325): File mapped object /SHM_11004 of size 100669480 created
MERGE Master (24325): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5ee6672000.
MERGE Master (24325): File mapped object /SHM_11005 of size 100669480 created
MERGE Master (24325): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5ee0670000.
MERGE Master (24325): File mapped object /SHM_11006 of size 100669480 created
MERGE Master (24325): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5eda66e000.
MERGE Master (24325): File mapped object /SHM_11007 of size 100669480 created
MERGE Master (24325): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5ed466c000.
MERGE Master (24325): File mapped object /SHM_11008 of size 100669480 created
MERGE Master (24325): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5ece66a000.
MERGE Master (24325): File mapped object /SHM_11009 of size 100669480 created
MERGE Master (24325): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5ec8668000.
MERGE Master (24325): File mapped object /SHM_11010 of size 100669480 created
MERGE Master (24325): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5ec2666000.
MERGE Master (24325): File mapped object /SHM_11011 of size 100669480 created
MERGE Master (24325): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5ebc664000.
MERGE Master (24325): File mapped object /SHM_11012 of size 100669480 created
MERGE Master (24325): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5eb6662000.
MERGE Master (24325): File mapped object /SHM_11013 of size 100669480 created
MERGE Master (24325): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5eb0660000.
MERGE Master (24325): File mapped object /SHM_11014 of size 100669480 created
MERGE Master (24325): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5eaa65e000.
MERGE Master (24325): File mapped object /SHM_11015 of size 100669480 created
MERGE Master (24325): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5ea465c000.
MERGE Master (24325): File mapped object /SHM_11016 of size 100669480 created
MERGE Master (24325): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5e9e65a000.
MERGE Master (24325): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f5e9e65a000.
MERGE Master (24325): Starting stats/rates task
MERGE Master (24325): Stats/Rates task has pid 24327
MERGE Master (24325): Starting 16 link tasks
MERGE Master (24325): Link task has pid 24328
MERGE Master (24325): Link task has pid 24329
MERGE Master (24325): Link task has pid 24330
MERGE Master (24325): Link task has pid 24331
MERGE Master (24325): Link task has pid 24332
MERGE Master (24325): Link task has pid 24333
MERGE Master (24325): Link task has pid 24334
MERGE Master (24325): Link task has pid 24335
MERGE Master (24325): Link task has pid 24336
MERGE Master (24325): Link task has pid 24337
MERGE Statistics/Rates (24327): Message logger not contacted.
MERGE Statistics/Rates (24327): MIDAS MERGE Statistics 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:03
Creating NetVars
Creating NetVars complete
MERGE Master (24325): Link task has pid 24338
MERGE Master (24325): Link task has pid 24339
MERGE Master (24325): Link task has pid 24340
MERGE Master (24325): Link task has pid 24341
MERGE Master (24325): Link task has pid 24342
MERGE Master (24325): Link task has pid 24343
MERGE Data Link (24329): Message logger not contacted.
MERGE Data Link (24330): Message logger not contacted.
MERGE Data Link (24330): MIDAS MERGE Data Link 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:02
MERGE Data Link (24329): MIDAS MERGE Data Link 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:02
Creating NetVars
Creating NetVars
Creating NetVars complete
MERGE Data Link (24330): Configuration: index = 2, SHM key=11000, TCP port base = 11003, module = 1, hardware = 0
MERGE Data Link (24330): File mapped object /SHM_11000 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24330): Memory mapping 536628 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24330): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f6556fb6000.
MERGE Data Link (24330): Allocated 71720 bytes for local input buffer
MERGE Data Link (24330): File mapped object /SHM_11003 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24330): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24330): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f6550fb4000.
MERGE Data Link (24328): Message logger not contacted.
MERGE Data Link (24328): MIDAS MERGE Data Link 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:02
Creating NetVars
Creating NetVars complete
MERGE Data Link (24328): Configuration: index = 0, SHM key=11000, TCP port base = 11001, module = -1, hardware = 0
MERGE Data Link (24328): File mapped object /SHM_11000 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24328): Memory mapping 536628 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24328): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7efe94f4e000.
MERGE Data Link (24328): Allocated 71720 bytes for local input buffer
MERGE Data Link (24328): File mapped object /SHM_11001 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24328): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24328): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7efe8ef4c000.
MERGE Data Link (24336): Message logger not contacted.
MERGE Data Link (24336): MIDAS MERGE Data Link 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:02
Creating NetVars
Creating NetVars complete
MERGE Data Link (24336): Configuration: index = 8, SHM key=11000, TCP port base = 11009, module = 7, hardware = 0
MERGE Data Link (24336): File mapped object /SHM_11000 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24336): Memory mapping 536628 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24336): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f020eeee000.
MERGE Data Link (24336): Allocated 71720 bytes for local input buffer
MERGE Data Link (24336): File mapped object /SHM_11009 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24336): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24336): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f0208eec000.
MERGE Data Link (24331): Message logger not contacted.
MERGE Data Link (24331): MIDAS MERGE Data Link 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:02
Creating NetVars
Creating NetVars complete
MERGE Data Link (24331): Configuration: index = 3, SHM key=11000, TCP port base = 11004, module = 2, hardware = 0
MERGE Data Link (24331): File mapped object /SHM_11000 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24331): Memory mapping 536628 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24331): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f44daa69000.
MERGE Data Link (24331): Allocated 71720 bytes for local input buffer
MERGE Data Link (24331): File mapped object /SHM_11004 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24331): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24331): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f44d4a67000.
MERGE Data Link (24337): Message logger not contacted.
MERGE Data Link (24337): MIDAS MERGE Data Link 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:02
Creating NetVars
MERGE Data Link (24334): Message logger not contacted.
MERGE Data Link (24334): MIDAS MERGE Data Link 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:02
MERGE Data Link (24343): Message logger not contacted.
Creating NetVars
MERGE Data Link (24343): MIDAS MERGE Data Link 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:02
Creating NetVars
MERGE Data Link (24333): Message logger not contacted.
MERGE Data Link (24333): MIDAS MERGE Data Link 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:02
Creating NetVars
MERGE Data Link (24335): Message logger not contacted.
MERGE Data Link (24342): Message logger not contacted.
MERGE Data Link (24342): MIDAS MERGE Data Link 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:02
MERGE Data Link (24335): MIDAS MERGE Data Link 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:02
Creating NetVars
Creating NetVars
MERGE Data Link (24341): Message logger not contacted.
Creating NetVars complete
MERGE Data Link (24337): Configuration: index = 9, SHM key=11000, TCP port base = 11010, module = 8, hardware = 0
MERGE Data Link (24337): File mapped object /SHM_11000 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24341): MIDAS MERGE Data Link 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:02
MERGE Data Link (24337): Memory mapping 536628 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24337): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f12856cb000.
Creating NetVars
Creating NetVars complete
MERGE Data Link (24334): Configuration: index = 6, SHM key=11000, TCP port base = 11007, module = 5, hardware = 0
MERGE Data Link (24334): File mapped object /SHM_11000 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24334): Memory mapping 536628 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24332): Message logger not contacted.
MERGE Data Link (24334): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7fb1348e4000.
MERGE Data Link (24337): Allocated 71720 bytes for local input buffer
MERGE Data Link (24337): File mapped object /SHM_11010 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24332): MIDAS MERGE Data Link 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:02
MERGE Data Link (24337): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24340): Message logger not contacted.
MERGE Data Link (24337): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f127f6c9000.
Creating NetVars
MERGE Data Link (24340): MIDAS MERGE Data Link 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:02
MERGE Data Link (24334): Allocated 71720 bytes for local input buffer
Creating NetVars
MERGE Data Link (24334): File mapped object /SHM_11007 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24334): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24334): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7fb12e8e2000.
MERGE Data Link (24339): Message logger not contacted.
MERGE Data Link (24339): MIDAS MERGE Data Link 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:02
Creating NetVars
Creating NetVars complete
MERGE Data Link (24333): Configuration: index = 5, SHM key=11000, TCP port base = 11006, module = 4, hardware = 0
Creating NetVars complete
MERGE Data Link (24333): File mapped object /SHM_11000 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24333): Memory mapping 536628 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24335): Configuration: index = 7, SHM key=11000, TCP port base = 11008, module = 6, hardware = 0
MERGE Data Link (24333): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f3a30878000.
MERGE Data Link (24335): File mapped object /SHM_11000 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24335): Memory mapping 536628 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24335): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7fd567c53000.
MERGE Data Link (24333): Allocated 71720 bytes for local input buffer
MERGE Data Link (24335): Allocated 71720 bytes for local input buffer
MERGE Data Link (24335): File mapped object /SHM_11008 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24335): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24335): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7fd561c51000.
MERGE Data Link (24333): File mapped object /SHM_11006 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24333): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24333): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f3a2a876000.
Creating NetVars complete
MERGE Data Link (24341): Configuration: index = 13, SHM key=11000, TCP port base = 11014, module = 12, hardware = 0
MERGE Data Link (24341): File mapped object /SHM_11000 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24341): Memory mapping 536628 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24341): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f84b1fef000.
MERGE Data Link (24341): Allocated 71720 bytes for local input buffer
MERGE Data Link (24341): File mapped object /SHM_11014 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24341): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24341): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f84abfed000.
Creating NetVars complete
Creating NetVars complete
MERGE Data Link (24332): Configuration: index = 4, SHM key=11000, TCP port base = 11005, module = 3, hardware = 0
MERGE Data Link (24340): Configuration: index = 12, SHM key=11000, TCP port base = 11013, module = 11, hardware = 0
MERGE Data Link (24332): File mapped object /SHM_11000 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24332): Memory mapping 536628 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24332): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7fc8787db000.
MERGE Data Link (24340): File mapped object /SHM_11000 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24340): Memory mapping 536628 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24340): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f9523835000.
Creating NetVars complete
MERGE Data Link (24339): Configuration: index = 11, SHM key=11000, TCP port base = 11012, module = 10, hardware = 0
MERGE Data Link (24332): Allocated 71720 bytes for local input buffer
MERGE Data Link (24340): Allocated 71720 bytes for local input buffer
MERGE Data Link (24339): File mapped object /SHM_11000 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24332): File mapped object /SHM_11005 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24339): Memory mapping 536628 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24332): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24339): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7ff8a2e8c000.
MERGE Data Link (24332): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7fc8727d9000.
MERGE Data Link (24340): File mapped object /SHM_11013 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24340): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24340): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f951d833000.
MERGE Data Link (24339): Allocated 71720 bytes for local input buffer
MERGE Data Link (24339): File mapped object /SHM_11012 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24339): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24339): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7ff89ce8a000.
MERGE Data Link (24338): Message logger not contacted.
MERGE Data Link (24338): MIDAS MERGE Data Link 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:02
Creating NetVars
Creating NetVars complete
MERGE Data Link (24338): Configuration: index = 10, SHM key=11000, TCP port base = 11011, module = 9, hardware = 0
MERGE Data Link (24338): File mapped object /SHM_11000 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24338): Memory mapping 536628 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24338): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f62f5191000.
MERGE Data Link (24338): Allocated 71720 bytes for local input buffer
MERGE Data Link (24338): File mapped object /SHM_11011 accessed
MERGE Data Link (24338): Memory mapping 100669480 bytes
MERGE Data Link (24338): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f62ef18f000.
MERGE Statistics/Rates (24327): MIDAS MERGE Statistics 64 bit Build May 11 2021  20:32:03
MERGE Statistics thread starting
MERGE Data Link (24330): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f6550fb4000.
MERGE Data Link (24330): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f6550fb4000.
MERGE Data Link (24335): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7fd561c51000.
MERGE Data Link (24335): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7fd561c51000.
MERGE Data Link (24338): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f62ef18f000.
MERGE Data Link (24338): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f62ef18f000.
MERGE Data Link (24336): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f0208eec000.
MERGE Data Link (24336): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f0208eec000.
MERGE Data Link (24328): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7efe8ef4c000.
MERGE Data Link (24328): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7efe8ef4c000.
MERGE Data Link (24331): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f44d4a67000.
MERGE Data Link (24331): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f44d4a67000.
MERGE Data Link (24341): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f84abfed000.
MERGE Data Link (24341): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f84abfed000.
MERGE Data Link (24334): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7fb12e8e2000.
MERGE Data Link (24334): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7fb12e8e2000.
MERGE Data Link (24339): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7ff89ce8a000.
MERGE Data Link (24339): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7ff89ce8a000.
MERGE Data Link (24332): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7fc8727d9000.
MERGE Data Link (24332): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7fc8727d9000.
MERGE Data Link (24337): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f127f6c9000.
MERGE Data Link (24337): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f127f6c9000.
MERGE Data Link (24340): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f951d833000.
MERGE Data Link (24340): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f951d833000.
MERGE Data Link (24333): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f3a2a876000.
MERGE Data Link (24333): Shared memory segment located at address 0x7f3a2a876000.

Attachment 5: datarelay.txt
Tidy up
DataRelayMBS: no process killed
Starting Data Relay to MBS

Setting Overlap Mode 0
Setting Blocking Mode 0
Setting nice 1
Setting Endian 1
Setting Transfer Mode 4
Setting Transfer Block Size 65536
TCP transfer library version 4.0
0: TCP socket send buffer was 16384 - now 249856
0: TCP socket receive buffer was 87380 - now 249856
0: TCP socket created OK - now connecting to x86l-94 port 6500
Transfer Error - : Connection refused
Error 111
0: connect() failed:
Installing signal handlers for MBS connection
Unable to set signal handler for 9
Unable to set signal handler for 19
Unable to set signal handler for 32
Unable to set signal handler for 33
sigtrap 0
sigtrap 0
TCP transfer library version 4.0
0: TCP socket send buffer was 16384 - now 249856
0: TCP socket receive buffer was 87380 - now 249856
0: TCP socket created OK - now connecting to x86l-94 port 6500
Transfer Error - : Connection refused
Error 111
0: connect() failed:
Sent Start to MBS with code=-1
sigtrap 0
dataSpy Shared buffer area 0 (/SHM_110205) located at 0x6a586000
dataSpy Current age 0 index 0
Spy open = 0
  385   Wed Oct 20 13:26:08 2021 NH, OHAIDA Noise + Filtering
Turn on AIDA (SL6) to investigate noise situation and impact of new RC filters on bias input

Current setup:
- No Detectors
- Pulser in fee14, fee8 *only*, no bias connected. FEEs isolated from each other

Pulser widths::
p+n grounds connected via bias link (no connection to HV bias itself)

ASICFEE14 WidthFEE8 Width

Note: FEE8 is connected via SA1 inverter -> cause of worse resolution

Plug bias into outer FEEs (14 + 8 + chaint o 6)

ASICFEE14 WidthFEE8 Width

Long run over lunch:

ASICFEE14 WidthFEE8 Width

Figures 1 & 2

Add HV filters

ASICFEE14 WidthFEE8 Width

Figures 3 & 4

Small improvement maybe?

Figs 5&6 - Oscilloscope before & after HV filter added


Plans for tomorrow (21/10/21)

- Reintroduce pulser cables through all FEEs to see impact on noise (maybe improved now)
- Measure pulser noise in battery DSO (+ other sourceS?)
- Add a DSSD and see impact on noise with HV filter
- Resistance from FEE64 adapter to mechanical ground
- Check pulser on the battery powered scope (Is the signal common to the power supply)
Attachment 1: 211020_1316_fee14_bias_con_long_stats.png
Attachment 2: 211020_1314_fee8_bias_con_long_stat.png
Attachment 3: 211020_1421_fee14_bias_con_filtered_long.png
Attachment 4: 211020_1415_fee8_bias_con_filtered_long.png
Attachment 5: scope_before.png
Attachment 6: scope_after.png
  384   Tue Oct 19 16:17:49 2021 OHAIDA-gsi server to centos 7
Following advice of CU have updated the server to centos 7.

To do this a new 500GB SSD was purchased and installed in the enclosure and a clean install of centos7 was installed to this.
An npg account was setup with the same password as previously. Likewise the su password is the same

The existing 500GB HDD can then be mounted using the disk tool in Applications/Utilities/Disks (Requires administrator rights)

The MIDAS_Releases directory was tarballed and coppied across to its respective place on the new install.
A symlink from /MIDAS to this location was created

dhcpd.conf was copied across. dhcp needed to be installed on the machine as well.
/etc/hosts was also required to get the hostnames for the rpis working

oh, GREAT, LayOut, Patrick and analyser directories were also tarballed and moved across

.desktop files have been created for all of the shell scripts used to start the servers.
A gnome extension Frippery panel favourites has also been installed which allows the shortcuts to be stored in the top panel similar to sl6

Early tests appear to be working.

Will test with the FEEs later this week.

Currently the machine is booted into centos but will be booting into sl6 tomorrow to run some tests.
  383   Mon Oct 18 14:20:32 2021 OHTop bar launchers
TclHttpd @8015 for AIDA

TclHttpd @8115 for AIDA


New Merger for AIDA

MBS Relay
  382   Mon Oct 18 13:03:23 2021 OHDHCPd.conf backup
Attachment 1: dhcpd.conf
# DHCP Server Configuration file.
#   see /usr/share/doc/dhcp*/dhcpd.conf.sample  
# Date of last update  Jan 12 2015 

ddns-update-style none; ddns-updates off;

# 2 days
#default-lease-time 172800;
# 4 days
default-lease-time 345600;
# 8 days
max-lease-time 691200;

option domain-search code 119 = string;

option domain-name "";
option domain-name-servers,;
option netbios-name-servers;
option netbios-node-type 8;
option nis-domain "nuclear.physics";
option nis-servers;

subnet netmask {
   option subnet-mask;
   option broadcast-address;
   pool {

group {
   use-host-decl-names true;
   default-lease-time 3600;
   max-lease-time 14400;

   server-name "";

   host nnrpi1 {
     hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:bb:46:7b;

   host nnrpi2 {
     hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:40:53:e8;

   host aida01 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:ba:8a;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida01";

   host aida02 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:ba:22;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida02";

   host aida03 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:d8:21;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida03";

   host aida04 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:f6:b7;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida04";

   host aida05 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:d7:cc;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida05";

   host aida06 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:ee:72;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida06";

   host aida07 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:b4:0c;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida07";

   host aida08 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:ba:2b;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida08";

   host aida09 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:f6:ee;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida09";

   host aida10 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:ba:89;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida10";

   host aida11 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:f6:5a;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida11";

   host aida12 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:cf:ac;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida12";

   host aida13 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:42:d:15;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida13";

   host aida14 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:42:d:b;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida14";

   host aida15 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:ee:10;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida15";

   host aida16 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:f6:ed;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida16";

subnet netmask {
   option subnet-mask;
   option broadcast-address;
   pool {

group {
   use-host-decl-names true;
   default-lease-time 3600;
   max-lease-time 14400;

   server-name "";

   host aida21 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:d8:2a;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida21";

   host aida22 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2a:d0:26;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida22";

   host aida23 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2b:09:ce;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida23";

   host aida24 {
     hardware ethernet 00:04:a3:2b:09:e8;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida24";


  381   Mon Oct 18 13:01:04 2021 OHProxy config
Proxy for firefox and anydesk
Attachment 1: proxy.png
Attachment 2: proxy2.png
  380   Fri Sep 3 13:39:42 2021 OHAdditional noise tests performed at GSI
Contents of an email from NH to OH and TD about tests performed on an additional bias supply:

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so I looked at the other supply in the lab (in a NIM crate there, cable direct to DSO)

Still see the same noise wave - also it looked a lot worse at 50V but that may be a worse NIM crate or something else - the current also wasn't 0 (calibration?)

More unusually the signals remain even if the NIM crate is off (DSO_Lab_NoP) and when the SHV is removed from the HV completely (DSO_Lab_NoCable)
Attachment 1: DSO_Lab_NoP.jpg
Attachment 2: DSO_Lab_1.jpg
Attachment 3: DSO_Lab_50V.jpg
Attachment 4: DSO_Lab_NoCable.jpg
  379   Sun Aug 22 18:40:08 2021 TDAIDA Noise
> > 
> > 11:30 BNC PB-5 pulser polarity chnaged from positive to negative (using LOCAL control)
> >       Swap BNC cables (top + bottom & left + right) from BNC PB-5 and Cooknell SA1 Sum Amp outputs
> >       Switch Cooknell SA1 Sum Amp output from negative to positive
> > 
> >       Observe pulser peak of c. 15 ch FWHM for aida08 and c. 35 ch FWHM for aida14
> > 
> >       This probably indicates
> >       - noisy Cooknell SA1
> >       - problem with T and/or Lemo-00 cable between BNC PB-5 and Cooknell SA1
> > 
> > > Investigate noise situation of AIDA (no DSSSDs connected)
> > > 
> > > Figs 1-6: Waves, Pulser Peaks + Widths *before* any changes
> > > - aida16 very noisy ASICS 1&2, normal ASICS 3&4
> > > - back-side aidas (02,04,06,08) worse resolution than front-side
> > > - high-frequency noise still noticeable in waveforms
> > > 
> > > Figs 7-8: Remove pulser in (from NIM rack) only
> > > - no noticable change
> > > 
> > > Figs 9-10: Remove all pulser cables from adapter boards
> > > - looks improved
> > > 
> > > Figs 11-12: HV Braid->GND Jumpers removed
> > > 
> > > Fig 13-14: All HV cables removed
> > > - aida06, aida14 isn't updating
> > > - very noticable improvement
> > > 
> > > Fig 15-16: Intermediate HV cables re-added
> > > - signal worse in FEE64s with HV cables
> > > - aida09, aida01, aida10, aida13, aida05, aida14 don't have HV interconnect cables, look good
> > > 
> > > Conclusion: We see noticeable improvements removing the interconnect cables between FEE64s.
> > > 
> > > Pulser widths now:
> > > - aida14 (-ve amplitude) = 13.5 channels
> > > - aida08 (+ve amplitude) = 40 channels (?)
> Removed the T-piece between pulser and summing amplifier
> pulser FWHM still ~30 channels - not the T-piece, probably summing amp
> Checked the noise of HV and LV on battery DSO
> - LV - no noticeable noise on any channel (< 5 mV rms)
> - HV - noticable periodic signal (~100 kHz, 100 mV Vpp) on both core and braid channels, common to both
>        independent of bias voltage 
>        See figs 1-6 : 0V, 10V, 20V, 50V, 100V, 0V (high photo resolution) of bias voltage
>                       AC coupled 1MOhm Ch1 = HV Core, Ch2= HV Braid, Math=Ch1-Ch2
> Filtering on AIDA front end ~ 10 nF (gnd), 3 kOhm  (series) - low pass ~ 33kHz rolloff
> 100 kHz would be attenuated factor of 5 maybe - 20 mV signal - still quite high for ASICs
> Try introducing additional inline filtering of maybe 3 kHz (1 nF gnd, 3 kOhm series) 

1nF/3k => 333kHz low pass rolloff

10nF/1M => 100Hz low pass rolloff

>  Check on one DSSSD, if see improvement can migrate to adapter boards in new revision
> Things to do:
> TD:
>  Inline filters
> NH:
>  Check same behaviour other N1419ET HV supplies
>  Check line voltages from CAEN NIM bin
  378   Fri Aug 20 14:33:24 2021 TDAIDA Noise
> 11:30 BNC PB-5 pulser polarity chnaged from positive to negative (using LOCAL control)
>       Swap BNC cables (top + bottom & left + right) from BNC PB-5 and Cooknell SA1 Sum Amp outputs
>       Switch Cooknell SA1 Sum Amp output from negative to positive
>       Observe pulser peak of c. 15 ch FWHM for aida08 and c. 35 ch FWHM for aida14
>       This probably indicates
>       - noisy Cooknell SA1
>       - problem with T and/or Lemo-00 cable between BNC PB-5 and Cooknell SA1
> > Investigate noise situation of AIDA (no DSSSDs connected)
> > 
> > Figs 1-6: Waves, Pulser Peaks + Widths *before* any changes
> > - aida16 very noisy ASICS 1&2, normal ASICS 3&4
> > - back-side aidas (02,04,06,08) worse resolution than front-side
> > - high-frequency noise still noticeable in waveforms
> > 
> > Figs 7-8: Remove pulser in (from NIM rack) only
> > - no noticable change
> > 
> > Figs 9-10: Remove all pulser cables from adapter boards
> > - looks improved
> > 
> > Figs 11-12: HV Braid->GND Jumpers removed
> > 
> > Fig 13-14: All HV cables removed
> > - aida06, aida14 isn't updating
> > - very noticable improvement
> > 
> > Fig 15-16: Intermediate HV cables re-added
> > - signal worse in FEE64s with HV cables
> > - aida09, aida01, aida10, aida13, aida05, aida14 don't have HV interconnect cables, look good
> > 
> > Conclusion: We see noticeable improvements removing the interconnect cables between FEE64s.
> > 
> > Pulser widths now:
> > - aida14 (-ve amplitude) = 13.5 channels
> > - aida08 (+ve amplitude) = 40 channels (?)

Removed the T-piece between pulser and summing amplifier
pulser FWHM still ~30 channels - not the T-piece, probably summing amp

Checked the noise of HV and LV on battery DSO
- LV - no noticeable noise on any channel (< 5 mV rms)
- HV - noticable periodic signal (~100 kHz, 100 mV Vpp) on both core and braid channels, common to both
       independent of bias voltage 
       See figs 1-6 : 0V, 10V, 20V, 50V, 100V, 0V (high photo resolution) of bias voltage
                      AC coupled 1MOhm Ch1 = HV Core, Ch2= HV Braid, Math=Ch1-Ch2

Filtering on AIDA front end ~ 10 nF (gnd), 3 kOhm  (series) - low pass ~ 33kHz rolloff
100 kHz would be attenuated factor of 5 maybe - 20 mV signal - still quite high for ASICs
Try introducing additional inline filtering of maybe 3 kHz (1 nF gnd, 3 kOhm series) 
 Check on one DSSSD, if see improvement can migrate to adapter boards in new revision

Things to do:
 Inline filters
 Check same behaviour other N1419ET HV supplies
 Check line voltages from CAEN NIM bin
Attachment 1: aida_0v.jpg
Attachment 2: aida_10v.jpg
Attachment 3: aida_20v.jpg
Attachment 4: aida_50v.jpg
Attachment 5: aida_100v.jpg
Attachment 6: aida_0v.jpg
  377   Thu Aug 19 10:47:13 2021 TDMIDAS spectra
Attachment 1: AIDA_spectra_190821.tar.gz
ELOG V3.1.4-unknown