nTOFCapture, Page 2 of 4  ELOG logo
ID Date Author Subjectup
  29   Thu Jun 22 10:37:39 2023 AnnieGold 22mm Sample Images

New 22mm sample compared to old 20mm sample used at the beginning of the campaign + picture of dummy target in the setup.

Attachment 1: IMG_2187.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_2186.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_2185.JPG
  30   Thu Jun 29 09:21:13 2023 AnnieInfo on Samples

Both Au samples (20mm and 22mm) are single mylar.

Both Si30 (22mm) and natSi (20mm) are double mylar.

Empty is single mylar ONLY

Dummy is double mylar + glue 

Attachment 1: IMG_2242.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_2248.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_2247.JPG
Attachment 4: IMG_2246.JPG
  5   Fri Jul 3 14:01:38 2020 ClaudiaLink to Ruchi's list of runs + description

  3   Fri Nov 3 15:06:51 2017 ClaudiaMeasurement Schedule updated
Attachment 1: measurementplan_new.pdf
  6   Mon Jul 27 17:40:41 2020 Nikolay SosninMeeting Slides (Calibrations + WFs)
Attachment 1: Broadening_Round1.pptx
Attachment 2: Weighting_Gold.pptx
  13   Fri Aug 7 10:57:10 2020 RuchiMonday meeting slides: 03 Aug
Attachment 1: 2020_08_03.pdf
2020_08_03.pdf 2020_08_03.pdf 2020_08_03.pdf 2020_08_03.pdf 2020_08_03.pdf 2020_08_03.pdf 2020_08_03.pdf 2020_08_03.pdf
  22   Mon Oct 5 15:01:04 2020 RGMonday meeting slides: 05 Oct

Summary of work done so far.

Attachment 1: 2020_10_05_SummarySoFar.pdf
2020_10_05_SummarySoFar.pdf 2020_10_05_SummarySoFar.pdf 2020_10_05_SummarySoFar.pdf 2020_10_05_SummarySoFar.pdf 2020_10_05_SummarySoFar.pdf 2020_10_05_SummarySoFar.pdf 2020_10_05_SummarySoFar.pdf 2020_10_05_SummarySoFar.pdf
  9   Fri Aug 7 10:50:57 2020 RuchiMonday meeting slides: 06 Jul
Attachment 1: 2020_07_06.pdf
2020_07_06.pdf 2020_07_06.pdf 2020_07_06.pdf 2020_07_06.pdf 2020_07_06.pdf 2020_07_06.pdf 2020_07_06.pdf 2020_07_06.pdf
  17   Fri Oct 2 13:47:59 2020 RGMonday meeting slides: 07 Sep

Proton consistency test (BCT, SiMon, weighted, unweigted, dedicated, parasitic) - Au cal1 and Se78
BG subtraction
TOF to En conversion

Attachment 1: 2020_09_07.pdf
2020_09_07.pdf 2020_09_07.pdf 2020_09_07.pdf 2020_09_07.pdf 2020_09_07.pdf 2020_09_07.pdf 2020_09_07.pdf 2020_09_07.pdf
  10   Fri Aug 7 10:53:14 2020 RuchiMonday meeting slides: 13 Jul
Attachment 1: 2020_07_13.pdf
2020_07_13.pdf 2020_07_13.pdf 2020_07_13.pdf 2020_07_13.pdf 2020_07_13.pdf 2020_07_13.pdf 2020_07_13.pdf
  18   Fri Oct 2 13:55:52 2020 RGMonday meeting slides: 14 Sep

Discrepancy between dedicated and parasitic pulses histograms in the 5eV gold resonance plateau region.

Corrected tof to En conversion.

E_excitation and flux normalisation of yield.

Attachment 1: 2020_09_14.pdf
2020_09_14.pdf 2020_09_14.pdf 2020_09_14.pdf 2020_09_14.pdf 2020_09_14.pdf 2020_09_14.pdf 2020_09_14.pdf 2020_09_14.pdf
  11   Fri Aug 7 10:55:43 2020 RuchiMonday meeting slides: 20 Jul
Attachment 1: 2020_07_20.pdf
2020_07_20.pdf 2020_07_20.pdf 2020_07_20.pdf 2020_07_20.pdf
  19   Fri Oct 2 13:59:05 2020 RGMonday meeting slides: 21 Sep

Dedicated and parasitic discrepancy (Au 5eV resonance plateau) - quantified.

Flux and E_exc numalisation after sum WF.

Attachment 1: 2020_09_21.pdf
2020_09_21.pdf 2020_09_21.pdf 2020_09_21.pdf 2020_09_21.pdf 2020_09_21.pdf
  12   Fri Aug 7 10:56:03 2020 RuchiMonday meeting slides: 27 Jul
Attachment 1: 2020_07_27.pdf
2020_07_27.pdf 2020_07_27.pdf 2020_07_27.pdf 2020_07_27.pdf 2020_07_27.pdf 2020_07_27.pdf 2020_07_27.pdf 2020_07_27.pdf
  20   Fri Oct 2 14:01:24 2020 RGMonday meeting slides: 28 Sep

Further investigation into dedicated and parasitic discrepancy.

Attachment 1: 2020_09_28.pdf
2020_09_28.pdf 2020_09_28.pdf 2020_09_28.pdf 2020_09_28.pdf 2020_09_28.pdf
  37   Mon Jul 17 14:49:16 2023 Nikolay SosninMounted Si-nat Sample

Goodfellow Si-nat mounted at EAR1. First run: 116551

Attachment 1: Sinat_Back.JPG
Attachment 2: Sinat_Front.JPG
Attachment 3: Sinat_Sample.JPG
  21   Mon Oct 5 14:54:55 2020 Nikolay SosninOverall Progress: Monday Meeting 05.10.2020
Attachment 1: Selenium_Data.pptx
  27   Tue Apr 11 14:07:43 2023 ClaudiaPhotos of the Zn68 measurement setup

Photos of the  68Zn(n,gamma) measuremement setup at n_TOF EAR-1.

Attachment 1: IMG_20180409_204846530_LL.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_20180409_204854032_LL.jpg
Attachment 3: IMG_20180410_180042179_LL.jpg
Attachment 4: IMG_20180411_140834699_LL.jpg
Attachment 5: Zn68measurement.jpg
  48   Wed Oct 18 12:14:09 2023 Emma WalkerProcessing file for EAR-1 with WF applied, Si-30

Weighting function for Si-30, Au22, Au20 and Sinatgood applied for parasitic and dedicated beams. 

Attachment 1: Weighting_processing.c
/// 23.6.23, 9:30 edit CLW - process also other runlists

// g++ -Wall -O3 -g `root-config --cflags --ldflags --glibs` Process_Si.C -o Process_Si && ./Process_Si

// includes header, and source only in compiled script
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.h"
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.cxx"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Double_t a2e_c6d61(Double_t x) {  // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
   return (3.71330E-02+ 2.78468E-04* x );
Double_t a2e_c6d62(Double_t x) {  // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
   return (1.21071E-02+ 2.82656E-04* x);
Double_t a2e_c6d63(Double_t x) {  // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
   return (2.74746E-02+ 2.64094E-04* x);
Double_t a2e_c6d64(Double_t x) {  // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
   return (2.96214E-02+ 2.73633E-04* x );

Double_t wf_Si(Double_t x) { //WF for silicon 30
  return (9.65464 - 6.83768 * x + 26.4596 * x * x - 5.02546 * x * x * x + 0.372149 * x * x * x * x);

Double_t wf_Sinatgood(Double_t x) { //WF for silicon natural
  return (8.86824 - 1.26346 * x + 18.4828 * x * x - 2.25899 * x * x * x + 0.106017 * x * x * x * x);

Double_t wf_Au20(Double_t x) { //WF for 20mm-gold
  return (7.93383 + 1.02633 * x + 16.9180 * x * x - 1.95645 * x * x * x + 0.0918222 * x * x * x * x);

Double_t wf_Au22(Double_t x) { //WF for 22mm-gold
  return (7.93673 + 1.00093 * x + 16.9408 * x * x - 1.96542 * x * x * x + 0.0923510 * x * x * x * x);

int main() {

    Char_t prefix[] = "/eos/experiment/ntof/processing/official/done/run";
    Char_t suffix[] = ".root";

    Int_t runlist_co[] = {116215, 116216, 116217, 116218, -1};

    Int_t runlist_ba[] = {116208, 116209, 116210, 116211, 116212, 116213, 116214, -1};

    Int_t runlist_mn[] = {116203, 116204, 116205, 116206, 116207, -1};

    Int_t runlist_bi[] = {116193, 116194, -1};

    Int_t runlist_cs[] = {116093, 116159, 116160, 116161, 116296, 116384, 116385,116445,116476,116567 ,-1};

    Int_t runlist_y[] = {116094, 116162, 116163, 116164, 116297, 116298, 116380, 116381, 116382,116446,116475,116568, -1};

    Int_t runlist_ambe[] = {116095, 116096, 116097, 116165, 116166, 116167, 116168, 116169, 116170, 116171, 116172, 116173, 116174, 116299, 116301, 116302, 116375, 116376,116467,116468,116469,116470,116569 ,116570,116571,-1};

    Int_t runlist_cmc[] = {116179, 116180, 116181, 116182, 116183, 116184, 116185, 116186, 116187, 116188, 116189, 116190, 116191, 116192, 116219, 116220, 116221, 116222, 116303, 116304, 116305, 116377,116378, 116379,116447,116448, 116449,116450, 116451,116471,116472,116473,116474, -1};
    Int_t runlist_cnat[]={116284, 116285, 116286, 116287, 116288, 116308, 116309, 116310, 116311,
116312,116313,116314,116315,116316,116317,116318,116319,116320, -1};

    Int_t runlist_au20mm[] = {116100, 116101, 116102,116322,116548, -1};

    Int_t runlist_au22mm[] = { 116226, 116227, 116229, 116231, 116232, 116234, 116235, 116321,116507,116508,116509,116510,-1};
    //116225 116505 116506was 'BAD'
    Int_t runlist_amb[] = {116103, 116104, 116106, 116108, 116109, 116110, 116111, 116119, 116120, 116121, 116122, 116123, 116127, 116128, 116129, 116130, 116131, 116132, 116133, 116134, 116135, 116141, 116143, 116154, 116155, 116156, 116157, 116158, 116175, 116176, 116177, 116178,116197, 116198, 116199, 116200, 116201, 116202, 116248, 116249, 116250, 116251, 116252, 116253, 116254, 116255, 116257, 116258, 116259,116374, 116386, 116387, 116388, 116389, 116390, 116391, 116392, 116393,116405,116444,116443,116452,116453,116454,116455,116456,116457,116458,116459,116460,116461,116462,116463,116464,116465,116466,116477,116478,116479,116480,116481,116483,116485,116487,116488,116490,116491,116492,116493,116494,116495,116496,116498,116499,116501,116503,116519,116520,116521,116522, -1};  // no beam and no calibration source

    Int_t runlist_dummy[] = {116237, 116241, 116242, 116243, 116244, 116245, 116246, 116247, 116253, 116260, 116261, 116420, 116421, 116422, 116423, 116424, 116425, 116426, 116427, 116428, 116429, 116430, 116431, 116432, 116433, 116434, 116435, 116436, 116437, 116438,116439,-1};
    //, 116418 too slow 116240 is bad
     Int_t runlist_empty[] = {116323, 116324, 116325,116326,116327,116328, -1};
    Int_t runlist_30si[] = {116105, 116112, 116113, 116114, 116115, 116116, 116117, 116118, 116124, 116125, 116126, 116136, 116137, 116138, 116139, 116140, 116142, 116144, 116145, 116146, 116147, 116148, 116149, 116150, 116151, 116152, 116153, 116263, 116264, 116265, 116266, 116268, 116269, 116270, 116271, 116272, 116273, 116274, 116275, 116276, 116277, 116278, 116279, 116280, 116281, 116282, 116283, 116358, 116359, 116360, 116361, 116362, 116363, 116364, 116367, 116368, 116369, 116371, 116372, 116373, 116394, 116395, 116396, 116397, 116398, 116399, 116400, 116401, 116402, 116403, 116404, 116406, 116407, 116408, 116409, 116411, 116412, 116413, 116415,116440,116441,116482,116484,116486,116489,116502,116504, -1};
    //116365, 116466 are empty (should be Si run) , 116370,116442,116414 (116262 this one was 'bad')
    Int_t runlist_sinat[] = {116330, 116331, 116332, 116333, 116335, 116337, 116339, 116341, 116342, 116343, 116344, 116345, 116346, 116347, 116348, 116349, 116350, 116351, 116352, 116353, 116354, 116355, 116356, 116357,116511 ,116512 ,116513 ,116514 ,116517 ,116518 ,116523 ,116524 ,116525 ,116526 ,116527 ,116528  ,116532 ,116533 ,116534 ,116535 ,116536 ,116537 ,116538 ,116539 ,116540 ,116541 ,116542 ,116543 ,116544 ,116545 ,116546 ,-1};
    //bad 116529, 116530,116531
    Int_t runlist_sinat_good[] = { 116549 ,116551 ,116552 ,116553 ,116554 ,116555 ,116556 ,116557 ,116558 ,116559 ,116560 ,116561 ,116562,116563,116564,116565,116566, -1 };
    TTOFSort *a = new TTOFSort();

    a->AddDetector(kC6D6, 4);
    //a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 6500, 6500000.0);
    a->SetNewBinParsT(kC6D6, -10.0, 2.0, 1e3, 5000, 1e9); //Double the nbins (10k here becomes 20k bpd spec)

    a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kC6D6, 30.0);//fixed deadtime of 30 ns
    a->SetNewCoincidencetime(kC6D6, 30.0);//Coincidences between 30 ns
    a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");
    a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 6500, 70000);
    a->SetNewCutsAmp_all(kC6D6, 600, 50000);

    a->UseCalibration(kC6D6, a2e_c6d61, a2e_c6d62, a2e_c6d63, a2e_c6d64);
    a->SetNewCutsEg(kC6D6, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0);

    a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity<1e7");

    //a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_co, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Co", "RECREATE");
    //a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_bi, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Bi", "UPDATE");
    //a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_ba, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Ba", "UPDATE");
    //a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_mn, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Mn", "UPDATE");
    //a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cs, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Cs", "UPDATE");
    //a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_y, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Y", "UPDATE");
    //a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_ambe, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Ambe", "UPDATE");
    //a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cmc, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Cmc", "UPDATE");
    //a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_amb, suffix, "Sum_Amb.root", "Amb", "RECREATE");

    //a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_co, suffix, "Co.root", "Co", "RECREATE");
    //a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_bi, suffix, "Bi.root", "Bi", "RECREATE");
    //a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_ba, suffix, "Ba.root", "Ba", "RECREATE");
    //a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_mn, suffix, "Mn.root", "Mn", "RECREATE");
    //a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_cs, suffix, "Cs.root", "Cs", "RECREATE");
    //a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_y, suffix, "Y.root", "Y", "RECREATE");
    //a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_ambe, suffix, "Ambe.root", "Ambe", "RECREATE");
    //a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_cmc, suffix, "Cmc.root", "Cmc", "RECREATE");
    a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Si);
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_amb, suffix, "Amb_sum_SiWF.root", "Amb", "RECREATE");
    a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Au20);
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_amb, suffix, "Amb_sum_Au20WF.root", "Amb", "RECREATE");
    a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Au22);
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_amb, suffix, "Amb_sum_Au22WF.root", "Amb", "RECREATE");
    a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Sinatgood);
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_amb, suffix, "Amb_sum_SinatgoodWF.root", "Amb", "RECREATE");
    // dedicated >5E12, parasitic 1-5 E12
    //a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
    a->AddDetector(kSILI, 4);
    //a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 1e4, 1e5);
    a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI, "amp");
    //a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
    a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 6500, 70000);
    a->SetNewCutsAmp_all(kSILI, 8000, 40000);
    a->SetNewCutsTime_all(kSILI, 1E4, 1E9);
    a->AddDetector(kPKUP, 1);
    a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kPKUP, "amp");
    a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP,"amp>5000 && amp<50000");
    //a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
    //a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf, wf, wf, wf);
    a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");
    a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");
    a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");

    //For dedicated pulse
    a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");
    a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");
    a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");

    a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Si);
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Dedicated_Si_weighting.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Dedicated_Si_weighting.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Dedicated_Si_weighting.root", "C", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Dedicated_Si_weighting.root", "E", "UPDATE");
    a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Au20);
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "Dedicated_Au20_weighting.root", "Au20", "RECREATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Dedicated_Au20_weighting.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Dedicated_Au20_weighting.root", "C", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Dedicated_Au20_weighting.root", "E", "UPDATE");
    a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Au22);
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "Dedicated_Au22_weighting.root", "Au22", "RECREATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Dedicated_Au22_weighting.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Dedicated_Au22_weighting.root", "C", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Dedicated_Au22_weighting.root", "E", "UPDATE");
    a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Sinatgood);
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat_good, suffix, "Dedicated_Sinatgood_weighting.root", "Sinatgood", "RECREATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Dedicated_Sinatgood_weighting.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Dedicated_Sinatgood_weighting.root", "C", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Dedicated_Sinatgood_weighting.root", "E", "UPDATE");
    //For parastic pulse
    a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");
    a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");
    a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");

    a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Si);
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Parasitic_Si_weighting.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Parasitic_Si_weighting.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Parasitic_Si_weighting.root", "C", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Parasitic_Si_weighting.root", "E", "UPDATE");
    a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Au20);
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "Parasitic_Au20_weighting.root", "Au20", "RECREATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Parasitic_Au20_weighting.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Parasitic_Au20_weighting.root", "C", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Parasitic_Au20_weighting.root", "E", "UPDATE");
    a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Au22);
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "Parasitic_Au22_weighting.root", "Au22", "RECREATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Parasitic_Au22_weighting.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Parasitic_Au22_weighting.root", "C", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Parasitic_Au22_weighting.root", "E", "UPDATE");
    a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Sinatgood);
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat_good, suffix, "Parasitic_Sinatgood_weighting.root", "Sinatgood", "RECREATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Parasitic_Sinatgood_weighting.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Parasitic_Sinatgood_weighting.root", "C", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Parasitic_Sinatgood_weighting.root", "E", "UPDATE");

    //For total pulse
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Au20", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Au22", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "C", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "E", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Sinat", "UPDATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat_good, suffix, "Beam.root", "Sinatgood", "UPDATE");

    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Single_30Si.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "Single_Au20.root", "Au20", "RECREATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "Single_Au22.root", "Au22", "RECREATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Single_Dummy.root", "Dummy", "RECREATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Single_C.root", "C", "RECREATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Single_E.root", "E", "RECREATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "Single_Sinat.root", "Sinat", "RECREATE");
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_sinat_good, suffix, "Single_Sinatgood.root", "Sinatgood", "RECREATE");
    a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
    a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "tflash>10000");

    a->SetNewCutsAmp_all(kC6D6, 1800, 50000);
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Sum_30Si_hithresh.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
    return 0;
  47   Wed Aug 30 12:08:45 2023 Michael DonnachieProcessing files

Here are the Processing files for EAR1 and EAR2 with calibrations.

Attachment 1: Process_Si_beam.C
/// 23.6.23, 9:30 edit CLW - process also other runlists

// g++ -Wall -O3 -g `root-config --cflags --ldflags --glibs` Process_Si.C -o Process_Si && ./Process_Si

// includes header, and source only in compiled script
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.h"
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.cxx"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------	

Double_t a2e_c6d61(Double_t x) {  // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
   return (3.71330E-02+ 2.78468E-04* x );
Double_t a2e_c6d62(Double_t x) {  // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
   return (1.21071E-02+ 2.82656E-04* x);
Double_t a2e_c6d63(Double_t x) {  // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
   return (2.74746E-02+ 2.64094E-04* x);
Double_t a2e_c6d64(Double_t x) {  // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
   return (2.96214E-02+ 2.73633E-04* x );

Double_t wf(Double_t x) {
  return (0.468282 + 36.0785 * x + 9.54532 * x * x + 0.202353 * x * x * x - 0.0352043 * x * x * x * x);

int main() {

	Char_t prefix[] = "/eos/experiment/ntof/processing/official/done/run";
	Char_t suffix[] = ".root";

	Int_t runlist_co[] = {116215, 116216, 116217, 116218, -1};

	Int_t runlist_ba[] = {116208, 116209, 116210, 116211, 116212, 116213, 116214, -1};

	Int_t runlist_mn[] = {116203, 116204, 116205, 116206, 116207, -1};

	Int_t runlist_bi[] = {116193, 116194, -1};

	Int_t runlist_cs[] = {116093, 116159, 116160, 116161, 116296, 116384, 116385,116445,116476,116567 ,-1};

	Int_t runlist_y[] = {116094, 116162, 116163, 116164, 116297, 116298, 116380, 116381, 116382,116446,116475,116568, -1};

	Int_t runlist_ambe[] = {116095, 116096, 116097, 116165, 116166, 116167, 116168, 116169, 116170, 116171, 116172, 116173, 116174, 116299, 116301, 116302, 116375, 116376,116467,116468,116469,116470,116569 ,116570,116571,-1};

	Int_t runlist_cmc[] = {116179, 116180, 116181, 116182, 116183, 116184, 116185, 116186, 116187, 116188, 116189, 116190, 116191, 116192, 116219, 116220, 116221, 116222, 116303, 116304, 116305, 116377,116378, 116379,116447,116448, 116449,116450, 116451,116471,116472,116473,116474, -1};
	Int_t runlist_cnat[]={116284, 116285, 116286, 116287, 116288, 116308, 116309, 116310, 116311, 
116312,116313,116314,116315,116316,116317,116318,116319,116320, -1};

	Int_t runlist_au20mm[] = {116100, 116101, 116102,116322,116548, -1};

	Int_t runlist_au22mm[] = { 116226, 116227, 116229, 116231, 116232, 116234, 116235, 116321,116507,116508,116509,116510,-1};
	//116225 116505 116506was 'BAD'
	Int_t runlist_amb[] = {116103, 116104, 116106, 116108, 116109, 116110, 116111, 116119, 116120, 116121, 116122, 116123, 116127, 116128, 116129, 116130, 116131, 116132, 116133, 116134, 116135, 116141, 116143, 116154, 116155, 116156, 116157, 116158, 116175, 116176, 116177, 116178,116197, 116198, 116199, 116200, 116201, 116202, 116248, 116249, 116250, 116251, 116252, 116253, 116254, 116255, 116257, 116258, 116259,116374, 116386, 116387, 116388, 116389, 116390, 116391, 116392, 116393,116405,116444,116443,116452,116453,116454,116455,116456,116457,116458,116459,116460,116461,116462,116463,116464,116465,116466,116477,116478,116479,116480,116481,116483,116485,116487,116488,116490,116491,116492,116493,116494,116495,116496,116498,116499,116501,116503,116519,116520,116521,116522, -1};  // no beam and no calibration source

	Int_t runlist_dummy[] = {116237, 116241, 116242, 116243, 116244, 116245, 116246, 116247, 116253, 116260, 116261, 116420, 116421, 116422, 116423, 116424, 116425, 116426, 116427, 116428, 116429, 116430, 116431, 116432, 116433, 116434, 116435, 116436, 116437, 116438,116439,-1};
	//, 116418 too slow 116240 is bad 
	 Int_t runlist_empty[] = {116323, 116324, 116325,116326,116327,116328, -1};
	Int_t runlist_30si[] = {116105, 116112, 116113, 116114, 116115, 116116, 116117, 116118, 116124, 116125, 116126, 116136, 116137, 116138, 116139, 116140, 116142, 116144, 116145, 116146, 116147, 116148, 116149, 116150, 116151, 116152, 116153, 116263, 116264, 116265, 116266, 116268, 116269, 116270, 116271, 116272, 116273, 116274, 116275, 116276, 116277, 116278, 116279, 116280, 116281, 116282, 116283, 116358, 116359, 116360, 116361, 116362, 116363, 116364, 116367, 116368, 116369, 116371, 116372, 116373, 116394, 116395, 116396, 116397, 116398, 116399, 116400, 116401, 116402, 116403, 116404, 116406, 116407, 116408, 116409, 116411, 116412, 116413, 116415,116440,116441,116482,116484,116486,116489,116502,116504, -1};
	//116365, 116466 are empty (should be Si run) , 116370,116442,116414 (116262 this one was 'bad')
	Int_t runlist_sinat[] = {116330, 116331, 116332, 116333, 116335, 116337, 116339, 116341, 116342, 116343, 116344, 116345, 116346, 116347, 116348, 116349, 116350, 116351, 116352, 116353, 116354, 116355, 116356, 116357,116511 ,116512 ,116513 ,116514 ,116517 ,116518 ,116523 ,116524 ,116525 ,116526 ,116527 ,116528  ,116532 ,116533 ,116534 ,116535 ,116536 ,116537 ,116538 ,116539 ,116540 ,116541 ,116542 ,116543 ,116544 ,116545 ,116546 ,-1};
	//bad 116529, 116530,116531
	Int_t runlist_sinat_good[] = { 116549 ,116551 ,116552 ,116553 ,116554 ,116555 ,116556 ,116557 ,116558 ,116559 ,116560 ,116561 ,116562,116563,116564,116565,116566, -1 };
	TTOFSort *a = new TTOFSort();

	a->AddDetector(kC6D6, 4);
	//a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 6500, 6500000.0);
	a->SetNewBinParsT(kC6D6, -10.0, 2.0, 1e3, 5000, 1e9); //Double the nbins (10k here becomes 20k bpd spec)

	a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kC6D6, 30.0);//fixed deadtime of 30 ns
	a->SetNewCoincidencetime(kC6D6, 30.0);//Coincidences between 30 ns
	a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");
	a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 6500, 70000);
	a->SetNewCutsAmp_all(kC6D6, 600, 50000);

	a->UseCalibration(kC6D6, a2e_c6d61, a2e_c6d62, a2e_c6d63, a2e_c6d64);
	a->SetNewCutsEg(kC6D6, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0); 

	a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity<1e7"); 

	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_co, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Co", "RECREATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_bi, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Bi", "UPDATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_ba, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Ba", "UPDATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_mn, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Mn", "UPDATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cs, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Cs", "UPDATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_y, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Y", "UPDATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_ambe, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Ambe", "UPDATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cmc, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Cmc", "UPDATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_amb, suffix, "Sum_Amb.root", "Amb", "RECREATE");

	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_co, suffix, "Co.root", "Co", "RECREATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_bi, suffix, "Bi.root", "Bi", "RECREATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_ba, suffix, "Ba.root", "Ba", "RECREATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_mn, suffix, "Mn.root", "Mn", "RECREATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_cs, suffix, "Cs.root", "Cs", "RECREATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_y, suffix, "Y.root", "Y", "RECREATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_ambe, suffix, "Ambe.root", "Ambe", "RECREATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_cmc, suffix, "Cmc.root", "Cmc", "RECREATE");

	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_amb, suffix, "Amb.root", "Amb", "RECREATE");
	// dedicated >5E12, parasitic 1-5 E12
	//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
	a->AddDetector(kSILI, 4);
	//a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 1e4, 1e5);
	a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI, "amp");
	//a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e12"); 
	a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 6500, 70000);
	a->SetNewCutsAmp_all(kSILI, 8000, 40000);
	a->SetNewCutsTime_all(kSILI, 1E4, 1E9);
	a->AddDetector(kPKUP, 1);
	a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kPKUP, "amp");
    a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP,"amp>5000 && amp<50000");
	//a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
	//a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf, wf, wf, wf);
	a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");
	a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");
	a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");

	//For dedicated pulse
	a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");
	a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");
	a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>5e+12"); 

	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Au20", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Au22", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "C", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "E", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Sinat", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat_good, suffix, "Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Sinatgood", "UPDATE");
	//For parastic pulse
	a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");
	a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");
	a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");

	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Au20", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Au22", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "C", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "E", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Sinat", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat_good, suffix, "Parasitic_Beam.root", "Sinatgood", "UPDATE");

	//For total pulse
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Au20", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Au22", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "C", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "E", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Sinat", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat_good, suffix, "Beam.root", "Sinatgood", "UPDATE");

	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Single_30Si.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "Single_Au20.root", "Au20", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "Single_Au22.root", "Au22", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Single_Dummy.root", "Dummy", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Single_C.root", "C", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Single_E.root", "E", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "Single_Sinat.root", "Sinat", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_sinat_good, suffix, "Single_Sinatgood.root", "Sinatgood", "RECREATE");
    a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
    a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "tflash>10000");

    a->SetNewCutsAmp_all(kC6D6, 1800, 50000);
    a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Sum_30Si_hithresh.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
	return 0;

Attachment 2: Process_Si_EAR2.C
/// 23.6.23, 9:30 edit CLW - process also other runlists

// g++ -Wall -O3 -g `root-config --cflags --ldflags --glibs` Process_Si_EAR2.C -o Process_Si_EAR2 && ./Process_Si_EAR2

// includes header, and source only in compiled script
#include "/afs/"
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "/afs/"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------	

Double_t a2e_c6d61(Double_t x) {  // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
   return (4.9826533509E-02 + 1.6440658945E-05 * x - 1.0434771608E-12 * x * x);
Double_t a2e_c6d62(Double_t x) {  // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
   return (3.4169825864E-02 + 1.4076790089E-05 * x - 7.9765434038E-13 * x * x);
Double_t a2e_c6d63(Double_t x) {  // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
   return (3.9177392253E-02 + 1.7015644773E-05 * x - 4.0083807516E-13 * x * x);
Double_t a2e_c6d64(Double_t x) {  // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
   return (4.1835244811E-02 + 1.0673010868E-05 * x - 5.3279014370E-14 * x * x);

Double_t wf(Double_t x) {
  return (0.468282 + 36.0785 * x + 9.54532 * x * x + 0.202353 * x * x * x - 0.0352043 * x * x * x * x);
 First calibrations
Double_t a2e_sted1(Double_t x) {
	return (6.25345e-02 + 3.04647e-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted2(Double_t x) {
	return (6.41447e-02 + 3.62458e-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted3(Double_t x) {
	return (4.83878e-02 + 3.19258e-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted4(Double_t x) {
	return (5.72867e-02 + 3.85617e-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted5(Double_t x) {
	return (4.61653e-02 + 3.09576e-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted6(Double_t x) {
	return (6.01178e-02 + 3.25993e-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted7(Double_t x) {
	return (5.37046e-02 + 3.19335e-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted8(Double_t x) {
	return (5.37046e-02 + 3.19335e-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted1(Double_t x) {
	return (6.88457E-02+ 3.07383E-03* x);
Double_t a2e_sted2(Double_t x) {
	return (6.30046E-02+ 3.64816E-03* x);
Double_t a2e_sted3(Double_t x) {
	return (6.16885E-02+ 3.21011E-03* x);
Double_t a2e_sted4(Double_t x) {
	return (5.76290E-02+ 3.91348E-03* x);
Double_t a2e_sted5(Double_t x) {
	return (5.48915E-02+ 3.12774E-03* x);
Double_t a2e_sted6(Double_t x) {
	return (6.94109E-02+ 3.30446E-03* x);
Double_t a2e_sted7(Double_t x) {
	return (7.06719E-02+ 3.18890E-03* x);
Double_t a2e_sted8(Double_t x) {
	return (7.06719E-02 + 3.18890E-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted1(Double_t x) {
	return (8.49569E-02+ 3.02467E-03* x+ 5.01828E-08*x*x);
Double_t a2e_sted2(Double_t x) {
	return (6.63359E-02+ 3.62838E-03* x+ 6.36851E-09*x*x);
Double_t a2e_sted3(Double_t x) {
	return (6.90246E-02+ 3.17091E-03* x+ 4.80934E-08*x*x);
Double_t a2e_sted4(Double_t x) {
	return (5.83187E-02+ 3.93397E-03* x+ 1.38546E-08*x*x);
Double_t a2e_sted5(Double_t x) {
	return (7.26372E-02+ 3.03107E-03* x+ 6.15236E-08*x*x);
Double_t a2e_sted6(Double_t x) {
	return (6.63090E-02+ 3.34231E-03* x+ -4.15391E-08*x*x);
Double_t a2e_sted7(Double_t x) {
	return (7.39348E-02+ 3.21695E-03* x+ -3.38091E-08*x*x);
Double_t a2e_sted8(Double_t x) {
	return (7.39348E-02 + 3.21695E-03 * x + -3.38091E-08 * x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted1(Double_t x) {
	return (6.12436E-02+ 2.99626E-03* x + 1.45286E-09* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted2(Double_t x) {
	return (3.54473E-02+ 3.66036E-03* x + -1.02808E-07* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted3(Double_t x) {
	return (5.41069E-02+ 3.10199E-03* x + 3.61722E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted4(Double_t x) {
	return (5.82907E-02+ 3.73851E-03* x + 6.26526E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted5(Double_t x) {
	return (5.99435E-02+ 2.93709E-03* x + 7.71012E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted6(Double_t x) {
	return (6.55392E-02+ 3.18712E-03* x + 1.44503E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted7(Double_t x) {
	return (5.01775E-02+ 3.15280E-03* x + -1.29076E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted8(Double_t x) {
	return (7.39348E-02 + 3.21695E-03 * x + -3.38091E-08 * x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted1(Double_t x) {
	return (5.67257E-02+ 2.98739E-03* x + 5.53612E-09* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted2(Double_t x) {
	return (3.28429E-02+ 3.65244E-03* x + -1.00906E-07* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted3(Double_t x) {
	return (4.94516E-02+ 3.09050E-03* x + 4.55854E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted4(Double_t x) {
	return (5.28963E-02+ 3.72607E-03* x + 8.07590E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted5(Double_t x) {
	return (5.72747E-02+ 2.91606E-03* x + 9.73475E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted6(Double_t x) {
	return (6.56951E-02+ 3.15511E-03* x + 3.41401E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted7(Double_t x) {
	return (4.66976E-02+ 3.12827E-03* x + 7.80229E-09* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted8(Double_t x) {
	return (7.39348E-02 + 3.21695E-03 * x + -3.38091E-08 * x * x);

int main() {

	Char_t prefix[] = "/eos/experiment/ntof/processing/official/done/run";
	Char_t suffix[] = ".root";

	Int_t runlist_cs[] = {216090, 216091, 216104, -1};

	Int_t runlist_cmc[] = { 216162,216160,216164,216165,216166,216167,216168, -1 };

	Int_t runlist_y[] = {216092, 216103, -1}; //Detector mounting changed between runs 216092 and 216103

	Int_t runlist_ambe[] = {216099, 216100, 216101, 216137, 216138, 216139, -1};

	Int_t runlist_au20mm[] = {216108, 216157, -1};

	Int_t runlist_au22mm[] = {216109, 216158, -1};

	Int_t runlist_dummy[] = {216105, 216106, 216107, 216110, 216111, 216112, 216113, 216114, 216115, 216116, 216117, 216118, 216119, 216120, 216121, 216122, -1};

	Int_t runlist_30si[] = {216123, 216124, 216125, 216126, 216127, 216128, 216129, 216130, 216131, 216132, 216133, 216134, 216135, -1};
	Int_t runlist_sinat[] = {216159, 216160,216161,216169,216170,216171,216172,216173, -1};
	Int_t runlist_amb[] = { 216203,216206,216206,216209,216212,216220,216222,216223,216228,216250,216251,216252,216253,216254,216255,216261,216265,216269,216270,216286,216287,216288,216295,216296,216297,216301,216302,216303,216306,216307,-1 };
	TTOFSort *a = new TTOFSort();

	a->AddDetector(kC6D6, 2);
	//a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 6500, 6500000.0);
	//a->SetNewBinParsT(kC6D6, -10.0, 2.0, 1e3, 5000, 1e9); //Double the nbins (10k here becomes 20k bpd spec)

	a->AddDetector(kSTED, 8);
	a->AddDetector(kSILI, 4);
	a->AddDetector(kPKUP, 1);
	a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kSTED, 30.0);//fixed deadtime of 30 ns
	a->SetNewCoincidencetime(kSTED, 30.0);//Coincidences between 30 ns
	a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kC6D6, 50.0);//fixed deadtime of 30 ns
	a->SetNewCoincidencetime(kC6D6, 50.0);//Coincidences between 30 ns

	//a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI, "amp");
	a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");
	a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSTED, "amp");

	a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 10000, 5000);
	//a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 6500, 5000);
	a->SetNewBinParsA(kSTED, 0.0, 10000, 5000);
	//a->SetHandleTgamma(kC6D6, kUsePkup, 0.0);

	a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "amp>50");
	a->SetPriorCut(kSTED, "amp>50");
	a->UseCalibration(kSTED, a2e_sted1, a2e_sted2, a2e_sted3, a2e_sted4, a2e_sted5, a2e_sted6, a2e_sted7, a2e_sted8);

	//a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");
	//a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 6500, 70000);
	//a->SetNewCutsAmp_all(kC6D6, 600, 50000);

	//a->UseCalibration(kC6D6, a2e_c6d61, a2e_c6d62, a2e_c6d63, a2e_c6d64);
	//a->SetNewCutsEg(kC6D6, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0); 

	//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
	//a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 1e4, 1e5);
	//a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI, "amp");
	//a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e12"); 
	//a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf, wf, wf, wf);

	a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity<1e7");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cs, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Cal.root", "Cs", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_y, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Cal.root", "Y", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_ambe, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Cal.root", "AmBe", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cmc, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Cal.root", "CmC", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_amb, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Amb.root", "Amb", "RECREATE");

	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_ambe, suffix, "EAR2/Single_Cal.root", "Ambe", "RECREATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_cs, suffix, "EAR2/Single_Cal.root", "Cs", "UPDATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_y, suffix, "EAR2/Single_Cal.root", "Y", "UPDATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_cmc, suffix, "EAR2/Single_Cal.root", "CmC", "UPDATE");

	//Deticated pulse
	a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");
	a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");
	a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");
	a->SetPriorCut(kSTED, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");

	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "EAR2/Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "EAR2/Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Au20", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "EAR2/Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Au22", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "EAR2/Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "EAR2/Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Sinat", "UPDATE");

	//parasitic pulse
	a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");
	a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");
	a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");
	a->SetPriorCut(kSTED, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");

	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "EAR2/Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "EAR2/Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Au20", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "EAR2/Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Au22", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "EAR2/Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
	a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "EAR2/Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Sinat", "UPDATE");

	//a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");
	//a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");
	//a->SetPriorCut(kSTED, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");
	//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");

	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Beam.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Beam.root", "Au20", "UPDATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Beam.root", "Au22", "UPDATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Beam.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Beam.root", "Sinat", "UPDATE");

	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "EAR2/Single_30Si.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "EAR2/Single_Au20.root", "Au20", "RECREATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "EAR2/Single_Au22.root", "Au22", "RECREATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "EAR2/Single_Dummy.root", "Dummy", "RECREATE");
	//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "EAR2/Single_Sinat.root", "Sinat", "RECREATE");

	return 0;

ELOG V3.1.4-unknown