ID |
Date |
Author |
Subject |
Mon Oct 10 03:15:59 2016 |
CG & TD | Monday 10 October |
10.30 DAQ found stopped
All FEE64 AIDA SYNC rates zero, AIDA SYNC count ~ 4.4M => DAQ stopped @ 01.40
3He detector DAQ off - no 50MHz clock to Master MACB
System wide checks - see attachments 26-18
N.B. It would appear that the DAQ stalled (TS_SYNC_PHASE 1) c. 01.40 and at some
later time (c. 06.00) the 3He detector DAQ was powered off which means that AIDA
lost the external 50MHz clock to the Master MACB - system-wide screenshots should
be interpreted with caution.
14.15 3He detector DAQ 50MHz clock restarted
VME and NIM crates ON
Excecute command ConfClock_50MHz on 3He detector DAQ computer
Power cycle AIDA FEE64s
DSSSD bias/leakage current OK
FEE64 temperatures OK
*All* system-wide checks OK
B2F/F11 temperature + deg C, d.p. + deg C,RH %
ASIC settings 2016Sep02-18.17.01
slow comparator 0x10 -> 0x0a
Master MACB serial #13 (see https://elog.ph.ed.ac.uk/AIDA/367)
Master MACB mode 5
14.20 DAQ starts (no data transfer)
18.10 DAQ found stopped
All FEE64 AIDA SYNC rates zero, AIDA SYNC count ~ 3.4M => DAQ stopped @ 16.50
System-wide checks - see attachments 16-9
Power cycle AIDA FEE64s
ASIC settings 2016Sep02-18.17.01
slow comparator 0x10 -> 0x0a
20.10 DAQ found stalled
System-wide checks - see attachments 8-1
Power cycle AIDA FEE64s
ASIC settings 2016Sep02-18.17.01
slow comparator 0x10 -> 0x0a
20.35 DAQ starts (no data transfer)
slow comparator 0x10 -> 0x0a
18.35 DAQ starts (no data transfer)
20.16 DAQ found stopped
All FEE64 AIDA SYNC rates zero, AIDA SYNC count ~ 120k (17/24 FEE64s) or 1.49M (7/24) => FEE64s stopped @ 18.40 & 19.40
20.36 DAQ starts (no data transfer)
23.47 DAQ OK |
Attachment 1: 47.png
Attachment 2: 46.png
Attachment 3: 45.png
Attachment 4: 44.png
Attachment 5: 43.png
Attachment 6: 42.png
Attachment 7: 41.png
Attachment 8: 40.png
Attachment 9: 27.png
Attachment 10: 26.png
Attachment 11: 25.png
Attachment 12: 24.png
Attachment 13: 23.png
Attachment 14: 22.png
Attachment 15: 21.png
Attachment 16: 30.png
Attachment 17: 19.png
Attachment 18: 18.png
Attachment 19: 17.png
Attachment 20: 16.png
Attachment 21: 14.png
Attachment 22: 13.png
Attachment 23: 12.png
Attachment 24: 11.png
Attachment 25: 10.png
Sun Oct 9 11:47:34 2016 |
CG, TD | Sunday 9th October |
12.30 Following scheduled power outages of October 8
power up AIDA and Julabo FL11006 recirculating chiller
Julabo FL11006 set point +20 deg C
Temperature +25.3 deg C, d.p. +10.6 deg C, RH 39.3%
boot aidas1
aidas1 filesystem checks (fsck) run from c. 12.30 to 15.58
System wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 failed ADC calibration
16.55 DAQ starts (no data transfer)
ASIC settings 2016Sep02-18.17.01
slow comparator threshold 0x10 -> 0x0a
DSSSD bias & leakage current OK - see attachments 8 & 9
FEE64 temperatures OK - see attachment 7
17.30 DAQ stops
DSSSD bias off
AIDA withdrawn from (CH2)n moderator
DSSSD bias on
17.40 DAQ starts
19.15 Noticed DAQ stopped producing SYNC pulses at some point.
A reload of the run control tab sees them all as going still, but only 20% are reporting any SYNC output in the stats page.
All FEEs have failed the SYNC errors since baseline check and the values reported by the SYNC pulses received tests vary
by +- 3 of a central value.
See attachments 1-6.
The merger and tape server were not set up before this run and are not currently running.
TS_SYNC phase changed from 0 -> 1 and ReSYNC
22.20 DAQ OK
All system-wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration (no change) |
Attachment 1: daqStop1.png
Attachment 2: daqStop2.png
Attachment 3: daqStop3.png
Attachment 4: daqStop4.png
Attachment 5: daqStop5.png
Attachment 6: daqStop6.png
Attachment 7: 3.png
Attachment 8: 2.png
Attachment 9: 1.png
Fri Oct 7 02:43:47 2016 |
TD & CG | Analysis of Sept2016/R13_47 |
Analysis of R13_47 - the data file that was being written when DAQ stalled
yesterday evening - see https://elog.ph.ed.ac.uk/AIDA/371
aidas1> ./analyser2 /TapeData/Sept2016/R13_46
*** GREAT format 3.2.0 analyser - TD - May 2014
*** ERROR: READ I/O error: 5002
blocks: 32000
ADC data format: 145759250 ( 544585.9 Hz)
Other data format: 115328750 ( 430891.4 Hz)
Sample trace data format: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Undefined format: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Other data format type: PAUSE: 74 ( 0.3 Hz)
RESUME: 74 ( 0.3 Hz)
SYNC100: 2449126 ( 9150.4 Hz)
FEE64 disc: 112871466 ( 421710.5 Hz)
MBS info: 8010 ( 29.9 Hz)
Other info: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
ADC data range bit set: 382 ( 1.4 Hz)
Timewarps: ADC: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
PAUSE: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
RESUME: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
SYNC100: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
FEE64 disc: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
MBS info: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Undefined: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Sample trace: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Timestamp elapsed time: 267.652 s
FEE module #: 1 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 2 elapsed dead time 0.824 s
FEE module #: 3 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 4 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 5 elapsed dead time 0.275 s
FEE module #: 6 elapsed dead time 0.488 s
FEE module #: 7 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 8 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 9 elapsed dead time 0.017 s
FEE module #: 10 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 11 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 12 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 13 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 14 elapsed dead time 0.023 s
FEE module #: 15 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 16 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 17 elapsed dead time 0.012 s
FEE module #: 18 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 19 elapsed dead time 0.912 s
FEE module #: 20 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 21 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 22 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 23 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 24 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 25 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 26 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 27 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 28 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 29 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 30 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 31 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 32 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
*** Program elapsed time: 17.016s ( 1880.624 blocks/s, 117.539 Mb/s)
aidas1> ./analyser2 /TapeData/Sept2016/R13_47
*** GREAT format 3.2.0 analyser - TD - May 2014
*** ERROR: READ I/O error: 5002
blocks: 11864
ADC data format: 54019518 ( 544839.2 Hz)
Other data format: 42776197 ( 431439.3 Hz)
Sample trace data format: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Undefined format: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Other data format type: PAUSE: 29 ( 0.3 Hz)
RESUME: 29 ( 0.3 Hz)
SYNC100: 907301 ( 9151.0 Hz)
FEE64 disc: 41865866 ( 422257.8 Hz)
MBS info: 2972 ( 30.0 Hz)
Other info: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
ADC data range bit set: 135 ( 1.4 Hz)
Timewarps: ADC: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
PAUSE: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
RESUME: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
SYNC100: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
FEE64 disc: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
MBS info: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Undefined: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Sample trace: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Timestamp elapsed time: 99.148 s
FEE module #: 1 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 2 elapsed dead time 0.179 s
FEE module #: 3 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 4 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 5 elapsed dead time 0.199 s
FEE module #: 6 elapsed dead time 0.100 s
FEE module #: 7 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 8 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 9 elapsed dead time 0.005 s
FEE module #: 10 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 11 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 12 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 13 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 14 elapsed dead time 0.003 s
FEE module #: 15 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 16 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 17 elapsed dead time 0.021 s
FEE module #: 18 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 19 elapsed dead time 0.311 s
FEE module #: 20 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 21 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 22 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 23 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 24 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 25 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 26 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 27 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 28 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 29 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 30 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 31 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 32 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
*** Program elapsed time: 6.238s ( 1901.806 blocks/s, 118.863 Mb/s)
Final SYNCs of R13_47
aidas1. ./analyser2 v /TapeData/Sept2016/R13_47 | grep SYNC
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2151 data: 0x81401340 module: 1 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2153 data: 0x82401340 module: 2 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2155 data: 0x83401340 module: 3 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2157 data: 0x84401340 module: 4 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2159 data: 0x85401340 module: 5 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2161 data: 0x86401340 module: 6 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2163 data: 0x87401340 module: 7 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2165 data: 0x88401340 module: 8 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2167 data: 0x89401340 module: 9 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2169 data: 0x8A401340 module: 10 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2171 data: 0x8B401340 module: 11 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2173 data: 0x8C401340 module: 12 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2175 data: 0x8D401340 module: 13 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2177 data: 0x8E401340 module: 14 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2179 data: 0x8F401340 module: 15 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2181 data: 0x90401340 module: 16 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2183 data: 0x91401340 module: 17 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2185 data: 0x92401340 module: 18 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2187 data: 0x93401340 module: 19 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2189 data: 0x94401340 module: 20 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2191 data: 0x95401340 module: 21 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2193 data: 0x96401340 module: 22 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2195 data: 0x97401340 module: 23 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 2197 data: 0x98401340 module: 24 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4800A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6807 data: 0x81401340 module: 1 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6809 data: 0x82401340 module: 2 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6811 data: 0x83401340 module: 3 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6813 data: 0x84401340 module: 4 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6815 data: 0x85401340 module: 5 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6817 data: 0x86401340 module: 6 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6819 data: 0x87401340 module: 7 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6821 data: 0x88401340 module: 8 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6823 data: 0x89401340 module: 9 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6825 data: 0x8A401340 module: 10 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6827 data: 0x8B401340 module: 11 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6829 data: 0x8C401340 module: 12 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6831 data: 0x8D401340 module: 13 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6833 data: 0x8E401340 module: 14 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6835 data: 0x8F401340 module: 15 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6837 data: 0x90401340 module: 16 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6839 data: 0x91401340 module: 17 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6841 data: 0x92401340 module: 18 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6843 data: 0x93401340 module: 19 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6845 data: 0x94401340 module: 20 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6847 data: 0x95401340 module: 21 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6849 data: 0x96401340 module: 22 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6851 data: 0x97401340 module: 23 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
*** SYNC100 timestamp: block: 11864 ptr: 6853 data: 0x98401340 module: 24 information type: 4 information
field: 0x00001340 ts: 0x000001340B4C00A0
Analysis of the end of file R13_47 - see attachment 1
Offline analysis of R13_3 and R13_47 shows AIDA ADC data synchronised |
Attachment 1: Unsaved_Document_1
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 9981 data: 0xC4C78004 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1223 channel: 7 adc: 32772 ts: 0x000001340B4E82BF
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 9983 data: 0xC4FD7FFE module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1277 channel: 61 adc: 32766 ts: 0x000001340B4E82BF
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 9985 data: 0xC27D7CF8 module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 637 channel: 61 adc: 31992 ts: 0x000001340B4E8321
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 9987 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E8326
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 9989 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E8437
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 9991 data: 0x91640080 module: 17 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E8442
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 9993 data: 0x8A640080 module: 10 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E8446
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 9995 data: 0xC605811D module: 24 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1541 channel: 5 adc: 33053 ts: 0x000001340B4E85A5
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 9997 data: 0xC3BA7E40 module: 14 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 954 channel: 58 adc: 32320 ts: 0x000001340B4E85C5
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 9999 data: 0xC4C181C6 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1217 channel: 1 adc: 33222 ts: 0x000001340B4E86A7
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10001 data: 0xC4F27FCF module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1266 channel: 50 adc: 32719 ts: 0x000001340B4E86A7
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10003 data: 0xC377778E module: 13 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 887 channel: 55 adc: 30606 ts: 0x000001340B4E86C1
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10005 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E8709
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10007 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E870A
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10009 data: 0xC4D4807D module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1236 channel: 20 adc: 32893 ts: 0x000001340B4E876F
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10011 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E881C
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10013 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E881C
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10015 data: 0xC3B77D16 module: 14 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 951 channel: 55 adc: 32022 ts: 0x000001340B4E881D
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10017 data: 0xC4378219 module: 16 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1079 channel: 55 adc: 33305 ts: 0x000001340B4E881F
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10019 data: 0x91640080 module: 17 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E8825
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10021 data: 0x8A640080 module: 10 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E8829
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10023 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E882C
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10025 data: 0xC27A7E47 module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 634 channel: 58 adc: 32327 ts: 0x000001340B4E8A29
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10027 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E8A3A
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10029 data: 0xC4F88142 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1272 channel: 56 adc: 33090 ts: 0x000001340B4E8A8F
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10031 data: 0xC2B77D1E module: 10 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 695 channel: 55 adc: 32030 ts: 0x000001340B4E8AC5
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10033 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E8AEC
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10035 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E8AEE
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10037 data: 0xC50180FD module: 20 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1281 channel: 1 adc: 33021 ts: 0x000001340B4E8B13
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10039 data: 0xC4E3808D module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1251 channel: 35 adc: 32909 ts: 0x000001340B4E8B57
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10041 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E8C05
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10043 data: 0xC4E680AE module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1254 channel: 38 adc: 32942 ts: 0x000001340B4E8DAF
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10045 data: 0xC4BA7EF3 module: 18 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1210 channel: 58 adc: 32499 ts: 0x000001340B4E8DC3
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10047 data: 0xC37A7E39 module: 13 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 890 channel: 58 adc: 32313 ts: 0x000001340B4E8DC9
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10049 data: 0xC0C0841E module: 3 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 192 channel: 0 adc: 33822 ts: 0x000001340B4E8DC9
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10051 data: 0xC0B77531 module: 2 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 183 channel: 55 adc: 30001 ts: 0x000001340B4E8DDB
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10053 data: 0xC4EE7FC9 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1262 channel: 46 adc: 32713 ts: 0x000001340B4E8E77
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10055 data: 0xC4FB809B module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1275 channel: 59 adc: 32923 ts: 0x000001340B4E8E77
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10057 data: 0xC17777DF module: 5 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 375 channel: 55 adc: 30687 ts: 0x000001340B4E8EC3
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10059 data: 0xC4FF805F module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1279 channel: 63 adc: 32863 ts: 0x000001340B4E8F3F
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10061 data: 0xC1B764B3 module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 439 channel: 55 adc: 25779 ts: 0x000001340B4E8F8D
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10063 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E8FE1
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10065 data: 0x8E640080 module: 14 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E8FEA
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10067 data: 0x91640080 module: 17 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E8FEB
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10069 data: 0x8D640080 module: 13 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E8FEE
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10071 data: 0xC4018256 module: 16 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1025 channel: 1 adc: 33366 ts: 0x000001340B4E90B7
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10073 data: 0xC3C180E9 module: 15 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 961 channel: 1 adc: 33001 ts: 0x000001340B4E912D
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10075 data: 0xC27D7E52 module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 637 channel: 61 adc: 32338 ts: 0x000001340B4E9131
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10077 data: 0xC4D9816C module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1241 channel: 25 adc: 33132 ts: 0x000001340B4E9197
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10079 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E91BB
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10081 data: 0x8E640080 module: 14 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E91BD
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10083 data: 0xC47A7EAF module: 17 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1146 channel: 58 adc: 32431 ts: 0x000001340B4E91D9
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10085 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E92AD
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10087 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E93C0
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10089 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E93C0
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10091 data: 0x8E640080 module: 14 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E93CF
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10093 data: 0x91640080 module: 17 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E93CF
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10095 data: 0xC605813B module: 24 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1541 channel: 5 adc: 33083 ts: 0x000001340B4E947D
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10097 data: 0xC3F78274 module: 15 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1015 channel: 55 adc: 33396 ts: 0x000001340B4E9515
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10099 data: 0xC3777E24 module: 13 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 887 channel: 55 adc: 32292 ts: 0x000001340B4E9661
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10101 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E9691
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10103 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E9691
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10105 data: 0xC3B77A2F module: 14 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 951 channel: 55 adc: 31279 ts: 0x000001340B4E96F5
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10107 data: 0xC5F78231 module: 23 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1527 channel: 55 adc: 33329 ts: 0x000001340B4E9765
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10109 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E97A2
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10111 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E97A2
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10113 data: 0xC27A7DB7 module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 634 channel: 58 adc: 32183 ts: 0x000001340B4E9839
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10115 data: 0xC4B77DCC module: 18 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1207 channel: 55 adc: 32204 ts: 0x000001340B4E997B
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10117 data: 0xC4C28057 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1218 channel: 2 adc: 32855 ts: 0x000001340B4E9A2F
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10119 data: 0xC4D48049 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1236 channel: 20 adc: 32841 ts: 0x000001340B4E9A2F
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10121 data: 0xC4E3807D module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1251 channel: 35 adc: 32893 ts: 0x000001340B4E9A2F
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10123 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E9A74
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10125 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E9A74
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10127 data: 0xC4C48022 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1220 channel: 4 adc: 32802 ts: 0x000001340B4E9AF7
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10129 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E9B86
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10131 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E9B86
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10133 data: 0xC0C083D2 module: 3 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 192 channel: 0 adc: 33746 ts: 0x000001340B4E9CA1
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10135 data: 0xC5018086 module: 20 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1281 channel: 1 adc: 32902 ts: 0x000001340B4E9D0B
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10137 data: 0xC4CF8189 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1231 channel: 15 adc: 33161 ts: 0x000001340B4E9D4F
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10139 data: 0xC4BA7EF0 module: 18 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1210 channel: 58 adc: 32496 ts: 0x000001340B4E9D63
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10141 data: 0xC4F18085 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1265 channel: 49 adc: 32901 ts: 0x000001340B4E9E17
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10143 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E9E55
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10145 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E9E55
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10147 data: 0xC1B76EAA module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 439 channel: 55 adc: 28330 ts: 0x000001340B4E9E65
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10149 data: 0xC4FF8060 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1279 channel: 63 adc: 32864 ts: 0x000001340B4E9EDF
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10151 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E9F67
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10153 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E9F68
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10155 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4E9F68
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10157 data: 0xC3C1805A module: 15 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 961 channel: 1 adc: 32858 ts: 0x000001340B4EA005
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10159 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EA23A
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10161 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EA23C
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10163 data: 0xC47A7F0D module: 17 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1146 channel: 58 adc: 32525 ts: 0x000001340B4EA241
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10165 data: 0xC17A7C7E module: 5 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 378 channel: 58 adc: 31870 ts: 0x000001340B4EA24B
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10167 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EA28A
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10169 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EA348
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10171 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EA34B
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10173 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EA34C
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10175 data: 0xC1BA7BCA module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 442 channel: 58 adc: 31690 ts: 0x000001340B4EA3DD
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10177 data: 0xC3F78310 module: 15 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1015 channel: 55 adc: 33552 ts: 0x000001340B4EA3ED
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10179 data: 0xC401821C module: 16 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1025 channel: 1 adc: 33308 ts: 0x000001340B4EA43F
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10181 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EA448
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10183 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EA449
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10185 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EA44A
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10187 data: 0xC4F0808C module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1264 channel: 48 adc: 32908 ts: 0x000001340B4EA457
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10189 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EA472
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10191 data: 0xC3777CBD module: 13 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 887 channel: 55 adc: 31933 ts: 0x000001340B4EA539
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10193 data: 0xC2777404 module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 631 channel: 55 adc: 29700 ts: 0x000001340B4EA581
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10195 data: 0xC3B777BC module: 14 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 951 channel: 55 adc: 30652 ts: 0x000001340B4EA5CD
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10197 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EA617
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10199 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EA61C
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10201 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EA61D
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10203 data: 0xC1B67ECC module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 438 channel: 54 adc: 32460 ts: 0x000001340B4EA635
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10205 data: 0xC5F78152 module: 23 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1527 channel: 55 adc: 33106 ts: 0x000001340B4EA63D
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10207 data: 0xC605811F module: 24 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1541 channel: 5 adc: 33055 ts: 0x000001340B4EA675
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10209 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EA72A
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10211 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EA72D
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10213 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EA72E
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10215 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EA82C
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10217 data: 0xC4C4800D module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1220 channel: 4 adc: 32781 ts: 0x000001340B4EA907
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10219 data: 0xC0B778A4 module: 2 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 183 channel: 55 adc: 30884 ts: 0x000001340B4EA933
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10221 data: 0xC1777A96 module: 5 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 375 channel: 55 adc: 31382 ts: 0x000001340B4EA953
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10223 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EAB0C
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10225 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EAB0D
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10227 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EAB0E
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10229 data: 0xC0C083E8 module: 3 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 192 channel: 0 adc: 33768 ts: 0x000001340B4EAB79
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10231 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EABED
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10233 data: 0xC4F18090 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1265 channel: 49 adc: 32912 ts: 0x000001340B4EACEF
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10235 data: 0xC1B77DFE module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 439 channel: 55 adc: 32254 ts: 0x000001340B4EAD3D
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10237 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EADCF
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10239 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EADD0
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10241 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EADE1
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10243 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EAEED
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10245 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EAEED
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10247 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EAEEE
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10249 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EAF86
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10251 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EAF86
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10253 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EAF89
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10255 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EAFF5
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10257 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EAFF6
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10259 data: 0xC4E5805E module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1253 channel: 37 adc: 32862 ts: 0x000001340B4EB0D7
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10261 data: 0xC4F58164 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1269 channel: 53 adc: 33124 ts: 0x000001340B4EB0D7
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10263 data: 0xC47A7E60 module: 17 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1146 channel: 58 adc: 32352 ts: 0x000001340B4EB119
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10265 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EB1C2
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10267 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EB1C2
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10269 data: 0xC0BA7E24 module: 2 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 186 channel: 58 adc: 32292 ts: 0x000001340B4EB1CB
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10271 data: 0xC3F7819B module: 15 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1015 channel: 55 adc: 33179 ts: 0x000001340B4EB2C5
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10273 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EB2D0
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10275 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EB2D1
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10277 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EB2D1
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10279 data: 0xC4018232 module: 16 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1025 channel: 1 adc: 33330 ts: 0x000001340B4EB317
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10281 data: 0xC4E38022 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1251 channel: 35 adc: 32802 ts: 0x000001340B4EB32F
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10283 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EB36A
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10285 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EB36B
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10287 data: 0xC3777B99 module: 13 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 887 channel: 55 adc: 31641 ts: 0x000001340B4EB411
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10289 data: 0xC2777AEA module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 631 channel: 55 adc: 31466 ts: 0x000001340B4EB459
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10291 data: 0xC17D7E20 module: 5 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 381 channel: 61 adc: 32288 ts: 0x000001340B4EB50B
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10293 data: 0xC3C18043 module: 15 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 961 channel: 1 adc: 32835 ts: 0x000001340B4EB6AD
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10295 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EB6B3
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10297 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EB6B4
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10299 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EB700
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10301 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EB701
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10303 data: 0xC0B7795F module: 2 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 183 channel: 55 adc: 31071 ts: 0x000001340B4EB743
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10305 data: 0xC1777895 module: 5 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 375 channel: 55 adc: 30869 ts: 0x000001340B4EB8F3
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10307 data: 0xC1BD7E75 module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 445 channel: 61 adc: 32373 ts: 0x000001340B4EB8F5
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10309 data: 0xC17A7D62 module: 5 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 378 channel: 58 adc: 32098 ts: 0x000001340B4EB9BB
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10311 data: 0xC0C08427 module: 3 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 192 channel: 0 adc: 33831 ts: 0x000001340B4EBA51
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10313 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EBA97
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10315 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EBA9A
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10317 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EBAE5
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10319 data: 0xC4777C32 module: 17 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1143 channel: 55 adc: 31794 ts: 0x000001340B4EBB41
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10321 data: 0xC3BA7DD5 module: 14 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 954 channel: 58 adc: 32213 ts: 0x000001340B4EBC75
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10323 data: 0xC1B77199 module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 439 channel: 55 adc: 29081 ts: 0x000001340B4EBCDD
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10325 data: 0xC2BA7DFD module: 10 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 698 channel: 58 adc: 32253 ts: 0x000001340B4EBD8D
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10327 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EBE79
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10329 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EBE7A
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10331 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EBE7C
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10333 data: 0x91640080 module: 17 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EBE82
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10335 data: 0x8D640080 module: 13 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EBE84
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10337 data: 0x89640080 module: 9 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EBE86
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10339 data: 0xC4E880DE module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1256 channel: 40 adc: 32990 ts: 0x000001340B4EBEE7
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10341 data: 0xC0BA7D4E module: 2 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 186 channel: 58 adc: 32078 ts: 0x000001340B4EC16B
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10343 data: 0xC4D9815E module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1241 channel: 25 adc: 33118 ts: 0x000001340B4EC207
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10345 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EC25F
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10347 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EC25F
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10349 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EC261
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10351 data: 0x89640080 module: 9 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EC265
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10353 data: 0x8E640080 module: 14 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EC266
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10355 data: 0x91640080 module: 17 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EC266
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10357 data: 0x8D640080 module: 13 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EC267
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10359 data: 0xC37779EF module: 13 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 887 channel: 55 adc: 31215 ts: 0x000001340B4EC2E9
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10361 data: 0xC1BA7C09 module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 442 channel: 58 adc: 31753 ts: 0x000001340B4EC3E5
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10363 data: 0xC3F781E8 module: 15 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1015 channel: 55 adc: 33256 ts: 0x000001340B4EC4BD
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10365 data: 0xC401819A module: 16 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1025 channel: 1 adc: 33178 ts: 0x000001340B4EC50F
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10367 data: 0xC0B76514 module: 2 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 183 channel: 55 adc: 25876 ts: 0x000001340B4EC553
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10369 data: 0xC1767E0A module: 5 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 374 channel: 54 adc: 32266 ts: 0x000001340B4EC573
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10371 data: 0xC4D27FE7 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1234 channel: 18 adc: 32743 ts: 0x000001340B4EC5EF
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10373 data: 0xC4ED80F8 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1261 channel: 45 adc: 33016 ts: 0x000001340B4EC5EF
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10375 data: 0xC0BD7EE3 module: 2 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 189 channel: 61 adc: 32483 ts: 0x000001340B4EC61B
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10377 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EC643
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10379 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EC643
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10381 data: 0xC4B77ACD module: 18 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1207 channel: 55 adc: 31437 ts: 0x000001340B4EC6CB
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10383 data: 0xC27A7E0D module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 634 channel: 58 adc: 32269 ts: 0x000001340B4EC7E1
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10385 data: 0xC3B77BC9 module: 14 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 951 channel: 55 adc: 31689 ts: 0x000001340B4EC82D
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10387 data: 0xC37A7BB1 module: 13 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 890 channel: 58 adc: 31665 ts: 0x000001340B4EC861
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10389 data: 0xC0C0844D module: 3 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 192 channel: 0 adc: 33869 ts: 0x000001340B4EC929
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10391 data: 0xC2B7762D module: 10 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 695 channel: 55 adc: 30253 ts: 0x000001340B4EC945
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10393 data: 0xC1777945 module: 5 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 375 channel: 55 adc: 31045 ts: 0x000001340B4EC95B
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10395 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4ECA21
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10397 data: 0xC17A7DF1 module: 5 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 378 channel: 58 adc: 32241 ts: 0x000001340B4ECA23
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10399 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4ECA24
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10401 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4ECA26
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10403 data: 0x91640080 module: 17 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4ECA2C
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10405 data: 0x89640080 module: 9 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4ECA2F
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10407 data: 0xC4BA7E17 module: 18 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1210 channel: 58 adc: 32279 ts: 0x000001340B4ECC43
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10409 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4ECD79
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10411 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4ECE06
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10413 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4ECE0B
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10415 data: 0xC3777C20 module: 13 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 887 channel: 55 adc: 31776 ts: 0x000001340B4ED0F9
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10417 data: 0xC4E6808A module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1254 channel: 38 adc: 32906 ts: 0x000001340B4ED1A7
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10419 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4ED1EE
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10421 data: 0xC4E98154 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1257 channel: 41 adc: 33108 ts: 0x000001340B4ED26F
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10423 data: 0xC4D48053 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1236 channel: 20 adc: 32851 ts: 0x000001340B4ED4C7
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10425 data: 0xC4B77E0D module: 18 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1207 channel: 55 adc: 32269 ts: 0x000001340B4ED4DB
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10427 data: 0xC4FB80D2 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1275 channel: 59 adc: 32978 ts: 0x000001340B4ED58F
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10429 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4ED5CC
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10431 data: 0xC3B77B49 module: 14 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 951 channel: 55 adc: 31561 ts: 0x000001340B4ED705
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10433 data: 0xC1777183 module: 5 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 375 channel: 55 adc: 29059 ts: 0x000001340B4ED76B
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10435 data: 0xC0C083EA module: 3 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 192 channel: 0 adc: 33770 ts: 0x000001340B4ED801
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10437 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4ED8DE
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10439 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EDC74
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10441 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EDC76
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10443 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EDC77
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10445 data: 0xC2B77E1F module: 10 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 695 channel: 55 adc: 32287 ts: 0x000001340B4EDE5D
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10447 data: 0xC1B7780A module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 439 channel: 55 adc: 30730 ts: 0x000001340B4EDF3D
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10449 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EE058
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10451 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EE058
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10453 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EE05A
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10455 data: 0xC4E98141 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1257 channel: 41 adc: 33089 ts: 0x000001340B4EE147
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10457 data: 0xC0B774AD module: 2 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 183 channel: 55 adc: 29869 ts: 0x000001340B4EE303
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10459 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EE43D
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10461 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EE43E
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10463 data: 0xC4E880BC module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1256 channel: 40 adc: 32956 ts: 0x000001340B4EE52F
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10465 data: 0xC3B77A0F module: 14 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 951 channel: 55 adc: 31247 ts: 0x000001340B4EE5DD
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10467 data: 0xC1BC7E7B module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 444 channel: 60 adc: 32379 ts: 0x000001340B4EE645
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10469 data: 0xC0C0843B module: 3 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 192 channel: 0 adc: 33851 ts: 0x000001340B4EE6D9
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10471 data: 0xC1A57E8F module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 421 channel: 37 adc: 32399 ts: 0x000001340B4EE70D
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10473 data: 0xC4EB811B module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1259 channel: 43 adc: 33051 ts: 0x000001340B4EE787
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10475 data: 0xC2777D11 module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 631 channel: 55 adc: 32017 ts: 0x000001340B4EE7E9
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10477 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EE81C
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10479 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EE81E
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10481 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EE81E
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10483 data: 0xC4C28047 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1218 channel: 2 adc: 32839 ts: 0x000001340B4EE84F
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10485 data: 0xC4B77E39 module: 18 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1207 channel: 55 adc: 32313 ts: 0x000001340B4EE863
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10487 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EE936
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10489 data: 0xC4D98169 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1241 channel: 25 adc: 33129 ts: 0x000001340B4EEB6F
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10491 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EEC02
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10493 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EEC04
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10495 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EEC05
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10497 data: 0xC4CE7F40 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1230 channel: 14 adc: 32576 ts: 0x000001340B4EEC37
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10499 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EED1C
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10501 data: 0xC1777C28 module: 5 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 375 channel: 55 adc: 31784 ts: 0x000001340B4EEE13
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10503 data: 0xC1B77B31 module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 439 channel: 55 adc: 31537 ts: 0x000001340B4EEEDD
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10505 data: 0xC4E98109 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1257 channel: 41 adc: 33033 ts: 0x000001340B4EF01F
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10507 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF0F6
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10509 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF100
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10511 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF19A
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10513 data: 0xC4F1807E module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1265 channel: 49 adc: 32894 ts: 0x000001340B4EF277
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10515 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF310
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10517 data: 0xC4FB80BB module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1275 channel: 59 adc: 32955 ts: 0x000001340B4EF33F
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10519 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF3C3
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10521 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF3C5
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10523 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF3CA
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10525 data: 0xC4E8809F module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1256 channel: 40 adc: 32927 ts: 0x000001340B4EF407
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10527 data: 0xC4EE7FCF module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1262 channel: 46 adc: 32719 ts: 0x000001340B4EF4CF
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10529 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF4E1
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10531 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF4E4
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10533 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF4E6
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10535 data: 0xC0C0843D module: 3 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 192 channel: 0 adc: 33853 ts: 0x000001340B4EF5B1
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10537 data: 0xC1A57F27 module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 421 channel: 37 adc: 32551 ts: 0x000001340B4EF5E5
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10539 data: 0xC3F78100 module: 15 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1015 channel: 55 adc: 33024 ts: 0x000001340B4EF5F5
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10541 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF6A7
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10543 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF6A9
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10545 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF6AB
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10547 data: 0xC2777ADF module: 9 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 631 channel: 55 adc: 31455 ts: 0x000001340B4EF6C1
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10549 data: 0xC4D08095 module: 19 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1232 channel: 16 adc: 32917 ts: 0x000001340B4EF727
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10551 data: 0xC4BA7C32 module: 18 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1210 channel: 58 adc: 31794 ts: 0x000001340B4EF73B
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10553 data: 0xC3777EAC module: 13 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 887 channel: 55 adc: 32428 ts: 0x000001340B4EF741
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10555 data: 0xC4777A8D module: 17 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1143 channel: 55 adc: 31373 ts: 0x000001340B4EF769
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10557 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF7A7
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10559 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF7A9
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10561 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF7AE
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10563 data: 0xC3BA7D3F module: 14 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 954 channel: 58 adc: 32063 ts: 0x000001340B4EF7D5
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10565 data: 0xC47A7CE4 module: 17 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 1146 channel: 58 adc: 31972 ts: 0x000001340B4EF831
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10567 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF8C0
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10569 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF8C3
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10571 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EF8C7
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10573 data: 0x85640080 module: 5 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EFA8D
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10575 data: 0x86640080 module: 6 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EFA8D
*** FEE64 discriminator: block: 11864 ptr: 10577 data: 0x82640080 module: 2 information type: 6 information field: 0x00040080 ts: 0x000001340B4EFA91
*** ADC data: block: 11864 ptr: 10579 data: 0xC1BA7E8E module: 6 fail: 0 range: 0 id: 442 channel: 58 adc: 32398 ts: 0x000001340B4EFA95
... 212 more lines ...
Fri Oct 7 02:29:19 2016 |
TD & CG | Friday 7 October |
10.29 DAQ left running overnight
Histograms only - no data transfer to Merger & TapeServer
DSSSD biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2
FEE64 temperatures OK - see attachment 3
DAQ run control OK - see attachment 4
Statistics - see attachments 5-16
N.B. some FEE64s are producing SYNCs, some not, in particular nnaida6 is not
System-wide tests - see attachments 17-22
11.31 DAQ recovered with STOP-GO (no data transfer)
AIDA SYNCs OK for all FEE64s
22.46 DAQ still running OK
Power down in preparation for tomorrow's planned site-wide power outage |
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 4.png
Attachment 5: 5.png
Attachment 6: 6.png
Attachment 7: 7.png
Attachment 8: 9.png
Attachment 9: 10.png
Attachment 10: 11.png
Attachment 11: 12.png
Attachment 12: 13.png
Attachment 13: 14.png
Attachment 14: 15.png
Attachment 15: 16.png
Attachment 16: 18.png
Attachment 17: 20.png
Attachment 18: 21.png
Attachment 19: 22.png
Attachment 20: 23.png
Attachment 21: 24.png
Attachment 22: 25.png
Thu Oct 6 13:22:24 2016 |
TD | Images of setup at F11 - 4 |
Attachment 1: IMG_6702.JPG
Thu Oct 6 13:20:34 2016 |
TD | Images of setup at F11 - 3 |
Attachment 1: IMG_6695.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_6696.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_6701.JPG
Thu Oct 6 13:09:50 2016 |
TD | Images of setup at F11 - 2 |
Attachment 1: IMG_6692.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_6693.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_6694.JPG
Thu Oct 6 12:39:14 2016 |
TD | Images of setup at F11 |
Attachment 1: IMG_6687.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_6689.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_6690.JPG
Thu Oct 6 11:16:40 2016 |
CG & TD | Thursday 6 October |
DSSSD bias voltages and leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2
FEE64 temperatures OK - see attachment 3
Install MACB serial #13 (firmware 16.4.15) as Master MACB, mode 5
System-wide checks all OK
N.B. nnaida19 ASIC clock OK (cf previous Elog entries) - see attachment 4
Setup AIDA-BELEN DAQ correlation - RIBF still to do - see attachments 5 & 6
reset request and trigger signals to Master MACB - NIM, width ~200ns
BELEN clock (10Hz) triggers BELEN BNC PB-5 and AIDA Master MACB
*** MBS information: block: 9349 ptr: 3725 data: 0x86807FF5 module: 6 information type: 8 information index: 0 MBS data:7FF5 ts: 0x00000026D0FE47A2
*** MBS information: block: 9349 ptr: 3727 data: 0x8681AF75 module: 6 information type: 8 information index: 1 MBS data:AF75 ts: 0x00000026D0FE47A2
*** MBS information: block: 9349 ptr: 3729 data: 0x86820000 module: 6 information type: 8 information index: 2 MBS data:0000 ts: 0x00000026D0FE47A2
*** MBS information: block: 9362 ptr: 7641 data: 0x8680A5AD module: 6 information type: 8 information index: 0 MBS data:A5AD ts: 0x00000026D196DE82
*** MBS information: block: 9362 ptr: 7643 data: 0x8681AF9B module: 6 information type: 8 information index: 1 MBS data:AF9B ts: 0x00000026D196DE82
*** MBS information: block: 9362 ptr: 7645 data: 0x86820000 module: 6 information type: 8 information index: 2 MBS data:0000 ts: 0x00000026D196DE82
0x0000AF9BA5AD - 0x0000AF757FF5 = 0x2625B8 = 2500024 * 40ns = 100000960ns = 0.1s
0x26D196DE82 - 0x26D0FE47A2 = 0x9896E0 = 10000096 * 10ns = 100000960ns = 0.1s
BELEN DAQ manual reset -> Master MACB reset request
*** MBS information: block: 9375 ptr: 3043 data: 0x86808A8A module: 6 information type: 8 information index: 0 MBS data:8A8A ts: 0x00000026D22F755E
*** MBS information: block: 9375 ptr: 3045 data: 0x8681001F module: 6 information type: 8 information index: 1 MBS data:001F ts: 0x00000026D22F755E
*** MBS information: block: 9375 ptr: 3047 data: 0x86820000 module: 6 information type: 8 information index: 2 MBS data:0000 ts: 0x00000026D22F755E
0x0000001F8A8A = 2067082 * 40ns = 82683280ns = 82.7us (which is < 0.1s as expected)
*** MBS information: block: 9388 ptr: 3291 data: 0x8680B041 module: 6 information type: 8 information index: 0 MBS data:B041 ts: 0x00000026D2C80C3A
*** MBS information: block: 9388 ptr: 3293 data: 0x86810045 module: 6 information type: 8 information index: 1 MBS data:0045 ts: 0x00000026D2C80C3A
*** MBS information: block: 9388 ptr: 3295 data: 0x86820000 module: 6 information type: 8 information index: 2 MBS data:0000 ts: 0x00000026D2C80C3A
*** MBS information: block: 9401 ptr: 5841 data: 0x8680D5F9 module: 6 information type: 8 information index: 0 MBS data:D5F9 ts: 0x00000026D360A31A
*** MBS information: block: 9401 ptr: 5843 data: 0x8681006B module: 6 information type: 8 information index: 1 MBS data:006B ts: 0x00000026D360A31A
*** MBS information: block: 9401 ptr: 5845 data: 0x86820000 module: 6 information type: 8 information index: 2 MBS data:0000 ts: 0x00000026D360A31A
19.05 R13_0 starts
23.19 Returned from dinner to find DAQ had stopped writing to disk at 22.19. Merger paused and Tape run ended successfully.
No SYNC pulses being issued.
Carried out system-wide checks. Clock status, ADC calib and ASIC clock passed for all 24 FEEs.
Attachments 7 & 8 show errors messages issued upon fail of SYNC errors and SYNC pulses system checks.
From attachment 8
( 6016000 SYNC / 9150 SYNC/s ) * 24 ~ 15800s => DAQ stopped 23.07 which is not consistent with observation
as final write to disk files was c. 22.19 - note 23.21 for R13_47 indicates file closed at 23.21 cf. access
times for R13_46, _45 etc
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 19:09 R13_0
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 19:13 R13_1
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 19:50 R13_10
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 19:54 R13_11
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 19:58 R13_12
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 20:02 R13_13
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 20:06 R13_14
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 20:10 R13_15
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 20:14 R13_16
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 20:19 R13_17
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 20:23 R13_18
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 20:27 R13_19
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 19:17 R13_2
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 20:31 R13_20
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 20:35 R13_21
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 20:39 R13_22
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 20:43 R13_23
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 20:47 R13_24
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 20:51 R13_25
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 20:55 R13_26
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 20:59 R13_27
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 21:03 R13_28
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 21:08 R13_29
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 19:21 R13_3
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 21:12 R13_30
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 21:16 R13_31
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 21:20 R13_32
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 21:24 R13_33
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 21:28 R13_34
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 21:32 R13_35
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 21:36 R13_36
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 21:40 R13_37
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 21:44 R13_38
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 21:48 R13_39
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 19:25 R13_4
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 21:52 R13_40
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 21:56 R13_41
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 22:00 R13_42
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 22:04 R13_43
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 22:08 R13_44
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 22:13 R13_45
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2097152000 Oct 6 22:17 R13_46
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 777519104 Oct 6 23:21 R13_47
23.21 R13_47 file closed
23.50 On trying to stop DAQ received nnaida1 timeout error (attachment 9).
DAQ power-cycled, re-started with no data transfer |
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 4.png
Attachment 5: DAQ_Correlation_-_October_2016.pdf
Attachment 6: DAQ_Correlation_-_October_2016.pptx
Attachment 7: lostSYNCerr.png
Attachment 8: lostSYNCerr2.png
Attachment 9: stopDAQerror.png
Wed Oct 5 07:29:29 2016 |
CG & TD | Wednesday 5 October (inc AIDA+BRIKEN photos) |
14.30 Adjusted and checked insertion of AIDA snout into BRIKEN (CH2)n moderator.
up-down AIDA snout appears centred (@ (CH2)n centre) and tracks into (CH2)n moderator with no
significant vertical movement
left right AIDA snout appears centred (@ (CH2)n centre) and tracks into (CH2)n moderator with ~3mm
horizontal movement left to right (looking upstream)
15.28 DSSSD bias/leakage current OK - see attachments 1-2
FEE64 temperatures OK - see attachment 3
B2F/F11 temperature +24.8 deg C, d.p. +11.8 deg C, RH 44.4%
16.00 Power off to place ac mains distribution unit between AIDA and BRIKEN
18.34 Power up PCS request for remote data/diagnostics collection |
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 2016-10-04_18.40.16.jpg
Attachment 5: 2016-10-05_15.06.06.jpg
Attachment 6: 2016-10-05_15.06.21.jpg
Attachment 7: 2016-10-05_15.07.57.jpg
Attachment 8: 2016-10-05_15.08.22.jpg
Attachment 9: 2016-10-05_15.10.26.jpg
Attachment 10: 2016-10-05_15.11.17.jpg
Attachment 11: 2016-10-05_15.11.45.jpg
Sun Oct 2 15:03:11 2016 |
CG, TD | Problems compiling AIDAsort program on aidas1 |
I have been trying to compile the sort program I have been working on in Edinburgh so I can work on it locally
while at RIKEN.
When compiling i receive the error shown in make.log (attached) saying that there are undefined reference in
Also attached is the make output when compiled in Edinburgh - basically just 'unused variable' warnings.
This is exactly the same DataSource.cpp I am using in Edinburgh. I have carried out 'diff' on the DataSpyLib and
DataXferLib directories which are included
in the Makefile and no differences are present. I have also done this for DataSource directory and again, there
are no differences between what I am running here and in Edinburgh.
The only difference I have been able to observe so far is that in Edinburgh I am using g++ version:
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-redhat-linux
Configured with: ../configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info
--with-bugurl=http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla --enable-bootstrap --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix
--enable-checking=release --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-libunwind-exceptions
--enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-linker-build-id --with-linker-hash-style=gnu
--enable-languages=c,c++,objc,obj-c++,java,fortran,ada,go,lto --enable-plugin --enable-initfini-array
--disable-libgcj --with-isl=/builddir/build/BUILD /gcc-4.8.5-20150702/obj-x86_64-redhat-linux/isl-install
--enable-gnu-indirect-function --with-tune=generic --with-arch_32=x86-64 --build=x86_64-redhat-linux
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-4) (GCC)
whereas on aidas1:
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-redhat-linux
Configured with: ../configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --infodir=/usr/share/info
--with-bugurl=http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla --enable-bootstrap --enable-shared --enable-threads=posix
--enable-checking=release --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit --disable-libunwind-exceptions
--enable-gnu-unique-object --enable-languages=c,c++,objc,obj-c++,java,fortran,ada --enable-java-awt=gtk
--disable-dssi --with-java-home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-gcj- --enable-libgcj-multifile
--enable-java-maintainer-mode --with-ecj-jar=/usr/share/java/eclipse-ecj.jar --disable-libjava-multilib
--with-ppl --with-cloog --with-tune=generic --with-arch_32=i686 --build=x86_64-redhat-linux
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-17) (GCC)
The libraries used are all found in LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
On aidas1 this is: /MIDAS/Linux/lib64:/homes/npg/root/lib:/homes/npg/root/lib:/MIDAS/Linux/lib64:/homes/npg/root/lib
and in Edinburgh:
*********UPDATE 03/10/16 *************
The methods are defined in /MIDAS/DataPackage/DataXferLib/V4_TCP/transfer.c
This is in the expected INCLUDES path of: INCLUDES= -I/MIDAS/DataPackage/DataXferLib/V4_TCP -I/MIDAS/DataPackage/DataSpyLib |
Attachment 1: make.log
aidas1> make
g++ -c -Wall -Wextra -DUNIX -DLINUX -DLINUX64 -DPOSIX -pthread -m64 -I/homes/npg/root/include -I/tmp/DataXferLib_edi/V4_TCP -I/tmp/DataSpyLib_edi -Iinclude/ main.cpp
g++ -c -Wall -Wextra -DUNIX -DLINUX -DLINUX64 -DPOSIX -pthread -m64 -I/homes/npg/root/include -I/tmp/DataXferLib_edi/V4_TCP -I/tmp/DataSpyLib_edi -Iinclude/ ./include/DataSource.h ./src/DataSource.cpp
In file included from ./src/DataSource.cpp:12:
include/c_functions.h:10: warning: unused parameter ‘id’
include/c_functions.h:10: warning: unused parameter ‘xclass’
include/c_functions.h:10: warning: unused parameter ‘level’
include/c_functions.h:10: warning: unused parameter ‘source’
include/c_functions.h:10: warning: unused parameter ‘body’
./src/DataSource.cpp: In member function ‘void DataSource::TransferBuffer(double)’:
./src/DataSource.cpp:345: warning: suggest parentheses around comparison in operand of ‘|’
g++ -c -Wall -Wextra -DUNIX -DLINUX -DLINUX64 -DPOSIX -pthread -m64 -I/homes/npg/root/include -I/tmp/DataXferLib_edi/V4_TCP -I/tmp/DataSpyLib_edi -Iinclude/ ./include/Unpacker.h ./src/Unpacker.cpp
./src/Unpacker.cpp:684:3: warning: "/*" within comment
./src/Unpacker.cpp: In member function ‘void Unpacker::Process(DataSource&)’:
./src/Unpacker.cpp:37: warning: unused variable ‘my_int’
./src/Unpacker.cpp: In member function ‘void Unpacker::LoadParameters(char*)’:
./src/Unpacker.cpp:425: warning: unused variable ‘line’
./src/Unpacker.cpp:427: warning: unused variable ‘ch_first’
./src/Unpacker.cpp:429: warning: unused variable ‘channel’
g++ -c -Wall -Wextra -DUNIX -DLINUX -DLINUX64 -DPOSIX -pthread -m64 -I/homes/npg/root/include -I/tmp/DataXferLib_edi/V4_TCP -I/tmp/DataSpyLib_edi -Iinclude/ ./include/Calibrator.h ./src/Calibrator.cpp
./src/Calibrator.cpp: In member function ‘void Calibrator::LoadParameters(char*)’:
./src/Calibrator.cpp:299: warning: unused variable ‘line’
./src/Calibrator.cpp:301: warning: unused variable ‘ch_first’
g++ -c -Wall -Wextra -DUNIX -DLINUX -DLINUX64 -DPOSIX -pthread -m64 -I/homes/npg/root/include -I/tmp/DataXferLib_edi/V4_TCP -I/tmp/DataSpyLib_edi -Iinclude/ ./include/Analysis.h ./src/Analysis.cpp
./src/Analysis.cpp:915:35: warning: "/*" within comment
./src/Analysis.cpp: In member function ‘void Analysis::CloseEvent()’:
./src/Analysis.cpp:146: warning: unused variable ‘b_beam’
./src/Analysis.cpp: In member function ‘void Analysis::WriteOutBuffer(DataSource&)’:
./src/Analysis.cpp:381: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions
./src/Analysis.cpp: In member function ‘void Analysis::LoadParameters(char*)’:
./src/Analysis.cpp:1484: warning: unused variable ‘line’
./src/Analysis.cpp:1486: warning: unused variable ‘ch_first’
./src/Analysis.cpp:1488: warning: unused variable ‘channel’
g++ -lrt -m64 -L/homes/npg/root/lib -lGui -lCore -lCint -lRIO -lNet -lHist -lGraf -lGraf3d -lGpad -lTree -lRint -lPostscript -lMatrix -lPhysics -lMathCore -lThread -pthread -lm -ldl -rdynamic -L/usr/ucblib -lrt -lpthread -L/tmp/MIDAS/Linux/lib64 -ldataspy -o AIDAsort.v2.exe main.o DataSource.o Unpacker.o Calibrator.o Analysis.o
DataSource.o: In function `DataSource::InitDataSource(int, int, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&, bool)':
DataSource.cpp:(.text+0x1159): undefined reference to `transferMultiBlockSize'
DataSource.cpp:(.text+0x1176): undefined reference to `transferMultiMode'
DataSource.cpp:(.text+0x1193): undefined reference to `transferMultiPort'
DataSource.cpp:(.text+0x11b2): undefined reference to `transferMultiInit'
DataSource.o: In function `DataSource::TransferBuffer(double)':
DataSource.cpp:(.text+0x133c): undefined reference to `transferMultiTxData'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [AIDAsort.v2.exe] Error 1
Attachment 2: make.logEdi
[s0804967@escrow order_sort_cg]$ make
g++ -c -Wall -Wextra -DUNIX -DLINUX -DLINUX64 -DPOSIX -pthread -std=c++11 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -m64 -I/usr/include/root -I/Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/AIDAsort/DataXferLib/V4_TCP -I/Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/AIDAsort/DataSpyLib -Iinclude/ main.cpp
g++ -c -Wall -Wextra -DUNIX -DLINUX -DLINUX64 -DPOSIX -pthread -std=c++11 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -m64 -I/usr/include/root -I/Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/AIDAsort/DataXferLib/V4_TCP -I/Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/AIDAsort/DataSpyLib -Iinclude/ ./include/DataSource.h ./src/DataSource.cpp
In file included from ./src/DataSource.cpp:12:0:
include/c_functions.h:10:5: warning: unused parameter ‘id’ [-Wunused-parameter]
int msgDefineMessage (u_int id, u_int xclass, u_int level, char *source, char *body) {
include/c_functions.h:10:5: warning: unused parameter ‘xclass’ [-Wunused-parameter]
include/c_functions.h:10:5: warning: unused parameter ‘level’ [-Wunused-parameter]
include/c_functions.h:10:5: warning: unused parameter ‘source’ [-Wunused-parameter]
include/c_functions.h:10:5: warning: unused parameter ‘body’ [-Wunused-parameter]
./src/DataSource.cpp: In member function ‘void DataSource::Close()’:
./src/DataSource.cpp:28:9: warning: variable ‘i’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
int i;
./src/DataSource.cpp: In member function ‘bool DataSource::ReadBuffer()’:
./src/DataSource.cpp:149:9: warning: variable ‘i’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
int i;
./src/DataSource.cpp: In member function ‘void DataSource::InitDataSource(int, int, std::string&, bool)’:
./src/DataSource.cpp:285:9: warning: variable ‘i’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
int i;
./src/DataSource.cpp: In member function ‘void DataSource::TransferBuffer(double)’:
./src/DataSource.cpp:345:22: warning: suggest parentheses around comparison in operand of ‘|’ [-Wparentheses]
if(GetBuffOffset() > MAX_LENGTH_DATA | ts > (ts_0 + DELTA_TS )){
g++ -c -Wall -Wextra -DUNIX -DLINUX -DLINUX64 -DPOSIX -pthread -std=c++11 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -m64 -I/usr/include/root -I/Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/AIDAsort/DataXferLib/V4_TCP -I/Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/AIDAsort/DataSpyLib -Iinclude/ ./include/Unpacker.h ./src/Unpacker.cpp
./src/Unpacker.cpp:684:3: warning: "/*" within comment [-Wcomment]
./src/Unpacker.cpp: In member function ‘void Unpacker::Process(DataSource&)’:
./src/Unpacker.cpp:37:16: warning: unused variable ‘my_int’ [-Wunused-variable]
unsigned int my_int;
./src/Unpacker.cpp: In member function ‘void Unpacker::LoadParameters(char*)’:
./src/Unpacker.cpp:425:8: warning: unused variable ‘line’ [-Wunused-variable]
char line[1024]; // string or char array?
./src/Unpacker.cpp:427:8: warning: unused variable ‘ch_first’ [-Wunused-variable]
char ch_first;
./src/Unpacker.cpp:429:15: warning: unused variable ‘channel’ [-Wunused-variable]
int module, channel;
./src/Unpacker.cpp:430:10: warning: variable ‘data’ set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
double data;
g++ -c -Wall -Wextra -DUNIX -DLINUX -DLINUX64 -DPOSIX -pthread -std=c++11 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -m64 -I/usr/include/root -I/Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/AIDAsort/DataXferLib/V4_TCP -I/Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/AIDAsort/DataSpyLib -Iinclude/ ./include/Calibrator.h ./src/Calibrator.cpp
./src/Calibrator.cpp: In member function ‘void Calibrator::LoadParameters(char*)’:
./src/Calibrator.cpp:299:8: warning: unused variable ‘line’ [-Wunused-variable]
char line[1024]; //
./src/Calibrator.cpp:301:8: warning: unused variable ‘ch_first’ [-Wunused-variable]
char ch_first; //
g++ -c -Wall -Wextra -DUNIX -DLINUX -DLINUX64 -DPOSIX -pthread -std=c++11 -Wno-deprecated-declarations -m64 -I/usr/include/root -I/Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/AIDAsort/DataXferLib/V4_TCP -I/Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/AIDAsort/DataSpyLib -Iinclude/ ./include/Analysis.h ./src/Analysis.cpp
./src/Analysis.cpp:915:35: warning: "/*" within comment [-Wcomment]
/*int m_side[32]= {1,1,0,0, /* 1:4 */
./src/Analysis.cpp: In member function ‘void Analysis::CloseEvent()’:
./src/Analysis.cpp:146:8: warning: unused variable ‘b_beam’ [-Wunused-variable]
bool b_beam= false;
./src/Analysis.cpp: In member function ‘void Analysis::WriteOutBuffer(DataSource&)’:
./src/Analysis.cpp:381:65: warning: comparison between signed and unsigned integer expressions [-Wsign-compare]
for(int i= offset; i< offset+sizeof(evt_data)+sizeof(int32_t); i++){
./src/Analysis.cpp: In member function ‘void Analysis::LoadParameters(char*)’:
./src/Analysis.cpp:1484:8: warning: unused variable ‘line’ [-Wunused-variable]
char line[1024]; // string or char array?
./src/Analysis.cpp:1486:8: warning: unused variable ‘ch_first’ [-Wunused-variable]
char ch_first;
./src/Analysis.cpp:1488:15: warning: unused variable ‘channel’ [-Wunused-variable]
int module, channel;
g++ -lrt -m64 -L/usr/lib64/root -lGui -lCore -lRIO -lNet -lHist -lGraf -lGraf3d -lGpad -lTree -lRint -lPostscript -lMatrix -lPhysics -lMathCore -lThread -lMultiProc -pthread -lm -ldl -rdynamic -L/usr/ucblib -lrt -lpthread -L/Disk/ds-sopa-group/np/RIKEN/AIDAsort/MIDAS/Linux/lib64 -lxfer -ldataspy -o AIDAsort.v2.exe main.o DataSource.o Unpacker.o Calibrator.o Analysis.o
Attachment 3: transfer.h
#ifndef INCtransferh
#define INCtransferh
#define MAX_STREAM 4
#define MAXPORTS 8
typedef struct block_header { /* format of data block */
unsigned short hdr_flags; /* see below */
unsigned short hdr_stream; /* =0 for forced ack request or 1=>MAX_STREAM */
unsigned short hdr_endian; /* data byte order */
unsigned short hdr_ID;
unsigned int hdr_sequence; /* for this stream */
unsigned int hdr_blocklength; /* total length of this block including the header */
unsigned int hdr_datalength; /* length of user data in the block */
unsigned int hdr_offset; /* very large blocks may be fragmented */
unsigned int hdr_id1; /* for spy to locate header =0x19062002 */
unsigned int hdr_id2; /* for spy to locate header =0x09592400 */
#define HDR_ID1 0x19062002
#define HDR_ID2 0x09592400
typedef struct mbs_block_header {
unsigned int mbs_endian;
unsigned int mbs_blocksize;
typedef struct ack {
unsigned short acq_flags; /* bit 0 = 1 for ack */
unsigned short acq_code; /* =0 for good ack otherwise error reason */
unsigned short acq_ts_state; /* tape server state - see below */
unsigned short acq_stream; /* =0 for forced ack ack or 1=>MAX_STREAM */
unsigned short acq_endian; /* =1 transmitted in host byte order */
unsigned short acq_ID; /* value of ID variable 0 => */
unsigned int acq_sequence; /* for stream != 0 is sequence being acked */
unsigned short acq_stream_state1; /* see below */
unsigned short acq_stream_state2; /* */
unsigned short acq_stream_state3; /* */
unsigned short acq_stream_state4; /* */
unsigned short acq_stream_window1; /* */
unsigned short acq_stream_window2; /* */
unsigned short acq_stream_window3; /* */
unsigned short acq_stream_window4; /* */
} ACK;
int transferTxData (char *, int, int);
int transferTxRestart ();
int transferBlockSize(int);
int transferMode(int);
int transferBlockMode(int);
int transferEndian(int);
int transferPort(int);
int transferInit (char *);
void transferClose ();
int transferStatus ();
int transferSetVerbose(int);
int transferSetUser(int);
int transferNice(int);
int transferUseOverlap(int);
int transferTxWait();
int transferState();
int transferSndBufSize(int);
int transferRcvBufSize(int);
/* All these have the thread ID as the first argument */
int transferMultiTxData (int, char *, int, int);
int transferMultiTxRestart (int);
int transferMultiBlockSize(int, int);
int transferMultiMode(int, int);
int transferMultiBlockMode(int, int);
int transferMultiEndian(int, int);
int transferMultiPort(int, int);
int transferMultiInit (int, char *);
void transferMultiClose (int);
int transferMultiStatus (int);
int transferMultiNice(int, int);
int transferMultiUseOverlap(int, int);
int transferMultiTxWait(int);
int transferMultiState(int);
int transferMultiSndBufSize(int, int);
int transferMultiRcvBufSize(int, int);
#ifndef OK
#define OK 0
#ifndef ERROR
#define ERROR -1
Sun Oct 2 06:12:54 2016 |
TD | Sunday 2 October |
14.15 DSSSD bias/leakage current OK - see attachments 1-2
FEE64 temperatures OK - see attachment 3
B2F/F11 temperature +27.5 deg C, d.p. +10.6 deg C, 34.3 RH %
14.24 R8 starts
ASIC settings 2016Sep02-18.17.01
Master MACB serial #13 (see https://elog.ph.ed.ac.uk/AIDA/367)
Master MACB mode 5
NIM 50MHz -> Phillips 726 NIM-TTL-NIM -> Master MACB - external clock (rear panel)
Note Fuji Diamond Tool Ltd 1020 NIM-TTL level adaptor (NIM, pink front panel) with signal
rise and falltimes quoted as <10ns produced poor quality 25/50MHz clock - the Phillips 726
has significantly faster rise and falltimes and drices a higher amplitude signal to 50R load.
BNC PB-4 trigger output -> Ortec SCA -> LeCroy 429A (500ns width) -> Master MACB - Correlation DAQ
Accepted Trigger
BNC PB-4 frequency c. 26Hz
Statistics - see attachments 4-14
Master Timestamp - see attachment 15
Correlation Status & Control - see attachment 16
Successive correlation scaler events from R8_0
*** MBS information: block: 120 ptr: 7827 data: 0x868068B4 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 0 MBS data:68B4 ts: 0x00000019979ADAF8
*** MBS information: block: 120 ptr: 7829 data: 0x86812F00 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 1 MBS data:2F00 ts: 0x00000019979ADAF8
*** MBS information: block: 120 ptr: 7831 data: 0x86820000 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 2 MBS data:0000 ts: 0x00000019979ADAF8
*** MBS information: block: 126 ptr: 7005 data: 0x8680FDF4 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 0 MBS data:FDF4 ts: 0x0000001997D52FF8
*** MBS information: block: 126 ptr: 7007 data: 0x86812F0E module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 1 MBS data:2F0E ts: 0x0000001997D52FF8
*** MBS information: block: 126 ptr: 7009 data: 0x86820000 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 2 MBS data:0000 ts: 0x0000001997D52FF8
0x2F0EFDF4 - 0x2F0068B4 = 0xE9540 = 955712 * 40ns (assume 25MHz) = 38228480ns = 38.2ms
0x1997D52FF8 - 0x19979ADAF8 = 0x3A5500 = 3822848 * 10ns = 38228480ns = 38.2ms
=> correlation clock frequency = 25MHz
Master MACB (serial #13) mode = 5, 50MHz clock to external clock input (rear panel)
clock output 25MHz
reset output reset not observed at DAQ GO
reset observed using Correlation status & control tab -> Force
Correlation Reset
reset request output not tested
correlation DAQ accepted trigger output c.26Hz
Could not persuade MACB serial #13 to operate in mode 0, external clock input (rear panel) disconnected)
Persistent failures to ReSYNC by nnaida11, 12, 17, 18, 19, & 20 (see https://elog.ph.ed.ac.uk/AIDA/357)
following RESET/SETUP, FEE64 power cycle, MACB NIM bin power cycle and re-seating master MACB HDMI cables
Switch back to previous Master MACB serial #11
Master MACB (serial #11) mode = 0
clock output 25MHz
reset output reset not observed at DAQ GO
reset not observed using Correlation status & control tab -> Force
Correlation Reset
reset request output not tested
correlation DAQ accepted trigger output not observed |
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 4.png
Attachment 5: 5.png
Attachment 6: 6.png
Attachment 7: 7.png
Attachment 8: 8.png
Attachment 9: 9.png
Attachment 10: 10.png
Attachment 11: 11.png
Attachment 12: 12.png
Attachment 13: 13.png
Attachment 14: 14.png
Attachment 15: 15.png
Attachment 16: 16.png
Sat Oct 1 09:34:23 2016 |
TD | Installing latest (16 April 2015) MACB firmware |
Installed Xilinx 14.7 LabTools + (free) WebPack license
Start iMPACT
Connect Xilinx programmer via 14-way ribbon cable to MACB PCB jtag connector
and connect USB cable to laptop
Powerup NIM bin with MACB (serial #13)
Auto-install Xilinx programmer driver
Use iMPACT Wizard to automagically find Xilinx device of MACB
Load new *.jed file
Operations -> Program
Operations -> Verify
TTY console log
Welcome to iMPACT
iMPACT Version: 14.7
Project: C:\Xilinx\14.7\LabTools\LabTools\auto_project.ipf created.
// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
// *** BATCH CMD : setMode -bs
GUI --- Auto connect to cable...
// *** BATCH CMD : setCable -port auto
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: Plugin Version: 2.4.4
INFO:iMPACT - Digilent Plugin: no JTAG device was found.
AutoDetecting cable. Please wait.
*** WARNING ***: When port is set to auto detect mode, cable speed is set to default 6 MHz regardless of explicit arguments supplied for
setting the baud rates
PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation.
Connecting to cable (Usb Port - USB21).
Checking cable driver.
Driver file xusb_xp2.sys found.
Driver version: src=2301, dest=2301.
Driver windrvr6.sys version = WinDriver v10.21 Jungo (c) 1997 - 2010 Build Date: Aug 31 2010 x86_64 64bit SYS 14:14:44,
version = 1021.
Cable PID = 0008.
Max current requested during enumeration is 300 mA.
Type = 0x0005.
write (count, cmdBuffer, dataBuffer) failed C0000004.
Cable Type = 3, Revision = 0.
Setting cable speed to 6 MHz.
Cable connection established.
Firmware version = 2301.
File version of C:/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools/LabTools/data/xusb_xp2.hex = 2401.
Firmware hex file version = 2401.
Downloading C:/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools/LabTools/data/xusb_xp2.hex.
Downloaded firmware version = 2401.
PLD file version = 200Dh.
PLD version = 200Dh.
PROGRESS_END - End Operation.
Elapsed time = 1 sec.
Type = 0x0005.
ESN option: 000013E7C24E01.
Attempting to identify devices in the boundary-scan chain configuration...
INFO:iMPACT - Current time: 01/10/2016 09:30:42
// *** BATCH CMD : Identify -inferir
PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation.
Identifying chain contents...'0': : Manufacturer's ID = Xilinx xc2c128, Version : 1
INFO:iMPACT:1777 -
Reading C:/Xilinx/14.7/LabTools/LabTools/xbr/data/xc2c128.bsd...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc2c128 successfully.
PROGRESS_END - End Operation.
Elapsed time = 6 sec.
// *** BATCH CMD : identifyMPM
// *** BATCH CMD : assignFile -p 1 -file "C:/Users/td/Local Documents/misc/macb_top_revB.jed"
'1': Loading file 'C:/Users/td/Local Documents/misc/macb_top_revB.jed' ...
INFO:iMPACT:501 - '1': Added Device xc2c128 successfully.
INFO:iMPACT - Current time: 01/10/2016 09:32:54
// *** BATCH CMD : Program -p 1 -e -v
PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation.
Maximum TCK operating frequency for this device chain: 33000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'1': Erasing device...
'1': Erasure completed successfully.
'1': Programming device...
'1': Verifying device...
'1': Setting ISC done bits...done
'1': Programming completed successfully.
PROGRESS_END - End Operation.
Elapsed time = 2 sec.
INFO:iMPACT - Current time: 01/10/2016 09:33:01
// *** BATCH CMD : Verify -p 1
PROGRESS_START - Starting Operation.
Maximum TCK operating frequency for this device chain: 33000000.
Validating chain...
Boundary-scan chain validated successfully.
'1': Verifying device...
'1': Verification completed successfully.
PROGRESS_END - End Operation.
Elapsed time = 0 sec. |
Attachment 1: Untitled.png
Sat Oct 1 07:48:48 2016 |
CG & TD | Saturday 1 October |
11.00 Moved detector stack forward several cm. 1st DSSD now ~6cm from end of snout. Middle of stack now ~47cm from
base -> approx centre of BRIKEN.
4 new 79cm ribbon cables (+kaptons) added to p-side of first two DSSDs.
Bias and pulser re-connected to all relevant FEEs.
Detector order unchanged, i.e. DSSD1 has same serial number as in June 2016 expt. Same for DSSDs 2-6.
DSSD-to-FEE map also unchanged.
15.45 R7 starts
ASIC settings 2016Sep02-18.17.01
Amplitude 90,000, x2 attenuator IN
Frequency c. 26Hz
Master MACB
mode 5
50MHz external clock (rear panel)
BNC PB-4 trigger output -> Ortec SCA -> LeCroy 429A -> Master MACB Correlation DAQ Accepted Trigger - not
working - firmware issue?
DSSSD bias/leakage current OK - see attachments 1-2
FEE64 temperatures OK - see attachment 3
System-wide checks OK *except* nnaida19 fails ASIC timestamp check (no change) *and* nnaida7, nnaida21
fail ADC calibration
AIDA SYNC, PAUSE, RESUME, Correlation L, SYNC time warp, Good Events, AIDA disc, nnaida6, nnaida5,
nnaida19 & nnaida20 statistics - see attachments 4-14
Analysis of R7_0 - ADC data synchronised |
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 4.png
Attachment 5: 5.png
Attachment 6: 6.png
Attachment 7: 7.png
Attachment 8: 8.png
Attachment 9: 9.png
Attachment 10: 10.png
Attachment 11: 11.png
Attachment 12: 12.png
Attachment 13: 13.png
Attachment 14: 14.png
Sat Oct 1 01:57:56 2016 |
TD & PJCS | Latest MACB firmware - 16 April 2015 |
Attachment 1: macb_top_revB.jed
Fri Sep 30 07:52:56 2016 |
TD | Report - low - AIDA correlation L/M/H statistics count 3x |
The AIDA correlation L, M & H statistics count 3x for each correlation trigger,
i.e. counts and rates displayed by statistics are 3x actual counts and rates |
Fri Sep 30 03:35:12 2016 |
TD | Friday 30 September |
11.37 Attempt to use external 50MHz clock for Master MACB (w/ 50MHz front panel label)
NIM 50MHz -> NIM-TTL translator -> Master MACB (rear panel)
Master MACB mode 0 -> 5
Fails to ReSync, clock errors etc - see attachments 1-5
Change NIM 50MHz -> 25MHz (to improve signal quality) and attempt ReSync (no power FEE64 power cycle) - no
14.30 Master MACB mode -> 0
NIM 25MHz -> Master MACB correlation clock input (front panel)
BNC PB_4 frequency c. 26Hz
Trigger output -> SCA -> LeCroy 429A -> Master MACB accepted trigger input
./analyser2 v /TapeData/Sept2016/R5_0 | grep MBS
*** MBS information: block: 471 ptr: 7203 data: 0x86807CAB module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 0 MBS data:7CAB ts: 0x00000017AC2C4582
*** MBS information: block: 471 ptr: 7205 data: 0x8681575E module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 1 MBS data:575E ts: 0x00000017AC2C4582
*** MBS information: block: 471 ptr: 7207 data: 0x86820000 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 2 MBS data:0000 ts: 0x00000017AC2C4582
*** MBS information: block: 471 ptr: 15767 data: 0x86800FA8 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 0 MBS data:0FA8 ts: 0x00000017AC669176
*** MBS information: block: 471 ptr: 15769 data: 0x8681576D module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 1 MBS data:576D ts: 0x00000017AC669176
*** MBS information: block: 471 ptr: 15771 data: 0x86820000 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 2 MBS data:0000 ts: 0x00000017AC669176
0x576D0FA8 - 0x575E7CAB = 0xE92FD = 955133 * 40ns = 38205320ns = 38.2ms => 26Hz
0x00000017AC669176 - 0x00000017AC2C4582 = 0x3a4bf4 = 3820532 * 10ns = 38205320ns QED
15.45 Master MACB mode 0 -> 5
NIM 50MHz -> Phillips 726 NIM-TTL-NIM -> Master MACB external clock (rear panel)
Phillips 726 provides better quality TTL signal with c. 3ns rise/falltimes and 3.5V amplitude into 50 Ohm
cf. NIM-TTL-NIM module used previously
See http://www.phillipsscientific.com/pdf/726ds.pdf
System-wide checks OK *except* nnaida19 fails ASIC timestamp check (no change)
Start test run R6_0 to disk but no AIDA issue correlation triggers are recorded
Can manually issue correlation triggers and resets via Correlation Status & Control tab
Observe statistics count 3x for each trigger and reset - see https://elog.ph.ed.ac.uk/AIDA/362
aidas1> ./analyser2 v /TapeData/Sept2016/R6_0 | grep MBS
Test #1 - manual correlation trigger
*** MBS information: block: 9626 ptr: 9991 data: 0x86807774 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 0 MBS data:7774 ts: 0x00000077517D2816
*** MBS information: block: 9626 ptr: 9993 data: 0x86817213 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 1 MBS data:7213 ts: 0x00000077517D2816
*** MBS information: block: 9626 ptr: 9995 data: 0x86820003 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 2 MBS data:0003 ts: 0x00000077517D2816
Test #2 - manual correlation trigger x2 separated by ~10s
*** MBS information: block: 16751 ptr: 10787 data: 0x86807285 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 0 MBS data:7285 ts: 0x000000833335145A
*** MBS information: block: 16751 ptr: 10789 data: 0x86816A81 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 1 MBS data:6A81 ts: 0x000000833335145A
*** MBS information: block: 16751 ptr: 10791 data: 0x86820006 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 2 MBS data:0006 ts: 0x000000833335145A
*** MBS information: block: 16929 ptr: 8209 data: 0x86807BC5 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 0 MBS data:7BC5 ts: 0x000000837F39395A
*** MBS information: block: 16929 ptr: 8211 data: 0x86817D82 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 1 MBS data:7D82 ts: 0x000000837F39395A
*** MBS information: block: 16929 ptr: 8213 data: 0x86820006 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 2 MBS data:0006 ts: 0x000000837F39395A
0x67D827BC5 − 0x66A817285 = 0x13010940 = 318835008 × 20ns = 6376700160ns = 6.4s
0x837F39395A - 0x833335145A = 0x4C042500 = 1275340032 * 10ns = 12753400320ns = 12.8s => correlation clock
frequency = 25MHz *not* 50MHz
Test #3 - manual correlation reset, followed by correlation trigger ~2s later
*** MBS information: block: 17065 ptr: 15987 data: 0x86804D22 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 0 MBS data:4D22 ts: 0x00000083B96F05A6
*** MBS information: block: 17065 ptr: 15989 data: 0x86810344 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 1 MBS data:0344 ts: 0x00000083B96F05A6
*** MBS information: block: 17065 ptr: 15991 data: 0x86820000 module: 6 information type: 8 information
index: 2 MBS data:0000 ts: 0x00000083B96F05A6
0x3444d22 = 54807842 * 40ns = 2192313680ns = 2.2s
Correlation trigger input OK, pulse width 500ns
External clock is 50MHz
MACB master mode 6
So ... correlation clock frequency is 25MHz and Correlation DAQ Accepted Trigger not working
18.30 Per PCS request
Master MACB clock output 25Mhz
reset output not observed at DAQ GO as expected |
Attachment 1: 20.png
Attachment 2: 21.png
Attachment 3: 22.png
Attachment 4: 23.png
Attachment 5: 24.png
Thu Sep 29 03:20:38 2016 |
TD & CG | Thursday 29 September |
11.20 R1 stops
DSSSD bias/leakage current OK - see attachments 1-2
FEE64 temperatures OK - see attachment 3
System-wide checks OK *except* nnaida19 fails ASIC timestamp check (no change)
No merger error messages - see attachment 4
AIDA SYNC, PAUSE, RESUME, Correlation L, SYNC time warp, Good Events, AIDA disc, nnaida6, nnaida5,
nnaida19 & nnaida20 statistics - see attachments 5-15
Analysis of R1_304 - ADC data synchronised
aidas1> ./analyser2 /TapeData/Sept2016/R1_304
*** GREAT format 3.2.0 analyser - TD - May 2014
*** ERROR: READ I/O error: 5002
blocks: 28207
ADC data format: 105059677 ( 495121.2 Hz)
Other data format: 125077092 ( 589458.4 Hz)
Sample trace data format: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Undefined format: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Other data format type: PAUSE: 143 ( 0.7 Hz)
RESUME: 143 ( 0.7 Hz)
SYNC100: 1940061 ( 9143.0 Hz)
FEE64 disc: 123135099 ( 580306.3 Hz)
MBS info: 1646 ( 7.8 Hz)
Other info: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
ADC data range bit set: 543 ( 2.6 Hz)
Timewarps: ADC: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
PAUSE: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
RESUME: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
SYNC100: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
FEE64 disc: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
MBS info: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Undefined: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Sample trace: 0 ( 0.0 Hz)
Timestamp elapsed time: 212.190 s
FEE module #: 1 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 2 elapsed dead time 0.906 s
FEE module #: 3 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 4 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 5 elapsed dead time 3.664 s
FEE module #: 6 elapsed dead time 0.681 s
FEE module #: 7 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 8 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 9 elapsed dead time 0.019 s
FEE module #: 10 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 11 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 12 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 13 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 14 elapsed dead time 0.003 s
FEE module #: 15 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 16 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 17 elapsed dead time 0.144 s
FEE module #: 18 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 19 elapsed dead time 0.753 s
FEE module #: 20 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 21 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 22 elapsed dead time 0.108 s
FEE module #: 23 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 24 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 25 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 26 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 27 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 28 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 29 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 30 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 31 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
FEE module #: 32 elapsed dead time 0.000 s
*** Program elapsed time: 8.492s ( 3321.523 blocks/s, 207.595 Mb/s)
11.32 DSSSD Bias off
FEE64 power off
17.00 nnaida1/nnaida2 & nnaida9/nnaida10
AIDA adaptor PCB rev C -> AIDA adaptor PCB rev D
Adaptor PCB damaged during re-install of AIDA DSSSD mounting bracket
to adjust to vertical.
AIDA adaptor PCB rev D -> AIDA adaptor PCB rev D |
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 4.png
Attachment 5: 5.png
Attachment 6: 6.png
Attachment 7: 7.png
Attachment 8: 9.png
Attachment 9: 10.png
Attachment 10: 11.png
Attachment 11: 12.png
Attachment 12: 13.png
Attachment 13: 14.png
Attachment 14: 15.png
Attachment 15: 16.png
Wed Sep 28 07:51:45 2016 |
TD & CG | New spectrum display software installed |
Spectrum display software updated
maximum number of galleries increased to 30
layouts may be saved to, and restored from, files /tmp/LayOut<n>.mlf where <n> = 1..8
mv /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/Spectrum /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/Spectrum.BAK-29.0916
mv /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/Spectrum_new_22Aug /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/Spectrum
aidas1> ls -l /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/Spectrum
total 136
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 32620 Aug 22 20:08 analysis.tcl
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 2179 Aug 22 20:08 example.html
drwxr-sr-x. 2 npg npgstaff 4096 Aug 22 20:11 images
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 npg npgstaff 5851 Aug 22 20:08 show.tcl
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 1246 Aug 22 20:08 SP2.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 0 Aug 22 20:08 SP3.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 0 Aug 22 20:08 SP4.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 0 Aug 22 20:08 SP5.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 6631 Aug 22 20:08 Spectrum.js
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 44386 Aug 22 20:08 Spectrum.tcl
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 30765 Aug 22 20:08 Spectrum.tml
aidas1> ls -l /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/Spectrum.BAK-280916
total 152
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 29462 Feb 2 2016 analysis.tcl
drwxr-sr-x. 2 npg npgstaff 4096 Oct 9 2013 flot
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 214 Mar 15 2016 fort.12
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 678 Mar 15 2016 fort.8
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 1253 Feb 2 2016 Global.tcl
drwxr-sr-x. 2 npg npgstaff 4096 Oct 9 2013 images
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 2173 Feb 2 2016 options.html
-rwxr-xr-x. 1 npg npgstaff 5851 Feb 2 2016 show.tcl
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 1246 Feb 2 2016 SP2.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 0 Feb 2 2016 SP3.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 0 Feb 2 2016 SP4.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 0 Feb 2 2016 SP5.txt
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 6438 Feb 2 2016 Spectrum.js
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 43204 Feb 2 2016 Spectrum.tcl
-rw-r--r--. 1 npg npgstaff 29496 Feb 2 2016 Spectrum.tml |
Wed Sep 28 06:40:40 2016 |
TD & CG | Wednesday 28 September |
14.40 AIDA power up
Julabo FL11006 set point +20 deg C
DSSSD biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2
System-wide checks OK *except* nnaida19 fails ASIC timestamp check (no change)
15.02 R1 (directory /TapeData/Sept2016) starts
ASIC settings 2016Sep02-18.17.01
15.46 FEE temperatures OK - see attachment 3
No merger error messages
R1_6 ADC data synchronised
23.07 R6_119 ADC data synchronised
FEE temperatures OK - see attachment 4 |
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 4.png