Tue Feb 24 03:04:59 2015, CG, TD, Tues 24th Feb progress 9x
1200: Update the FEE firmware on nnaida1-16 without problem.
Gone from file FEE_Oct12_27Nov13.bin ----> FEE_Riken_Apr14_24.bin |
Mon Feb 23 11:10:44 2015, TD, Outline test plan - RIKEN - Feb 2015
With the exception of one AIDA FEE64 PSU configuration test (5) and the upgrades
of the AIDA FEE64 firmware (8) and MIDAS DAQ software (9) we have now completed all
Mon Feb 23 07:23:08 2015, J. Agramunt, H. Baba, A. Estrade, DAQ correlation test   
The attached figure shows the configuration used to test the synchronization of the DAQ systems using a
correlation scalar counted from a common clock signal (DAQcorrelation_diagram.pdf).
Mon Feb 23 07:03:10 2015, TD, AE & CG, Monday 23 February 2015
14.30 Saved nnaida1-16 ASIC + Waveform configurations to directory (Data Base Key)
(directory aidas1:/MIDAS/DB/EXPERIMENTS/AIDA/2015Feb23-12.11.40) |
Sun Feb 22 06:47:23 2015, CG, AE, TD, Sunday 22 February 2015
am Testing various grounding configurations for the connection between the DSSSD and the FEE64 modules.
Sat Feb 21 06:37:52 2015, CG, AE, TD, Sat 21st Feb progress 6x
1230: Developing the software to check synchronisation between DAQs. Below line runs program on aidas1 - sends data from TapeServer to BELEN.
./DataRelayFilter -n -p 10307 -I 2 |
Fri Feb 20 10:48:09 2015, TD, How To Connect the FEE64 System Console Using PuTTY
Set permissions for the USB-serial device using the command
Fri Feb 20 10:04:29 2015, CG, AE, TD, Fri 20th progress 
1400: Measured leakage current as function of bias V for the Caen 1419B high voltage supply and detector BB18 2977-20. (see attachment #1)
1500: Modified MACB installed and connected to BELEN and RIBF DAQs (see attachment #2 for signal flow diagram). |
Thu Feb 19 08:21:33 2015, CG, AE, TD, Thrus 19th Feb progress 39x
1000: Check system gives same resolution as yesterday, removing only the Cu braiding connecting and grounding all adapter PCBs (also moved bias
braid back to nnaida3). |
Wed Feb 18 11:25:54 2015, Patrick Coleman-Smith, Investigations into removing HV noise
With the system in T9 and a Keithley Source Meter supplying HV to the detector.
The source meter supplies 200V and measures the current ....
I noticed that the current value was not stable... varying by +/-0.5uA. In conversation with Marcello i learnt that normally much more stable than |
Wed Feb 18 05:49:29 2015, CG, AE, TD, PJC-S, Wed 18th Feb progress 15x
1300: Error seen when trying to check ASIC settings. See Attachment #1. Power cycle removed error.
nnaida3 still performing much better than other three cards connected to detector |
Mon Feb 16 09:41:45 2015, Patrick Coleman-Smith, [How To] Set up the Raspberry Pi for PuTTY
When logged in and before opening PuTTY open a cmdtool window.
cd /dev
sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB0 |
Tue Feb 17 08:03:32 2015, Patrick Coleman-Smith, [How To] Set up the Raspberry Pi for PuTTY
When logged in and before opening PuTTY open a cmdtool window. |
Tue Feb 17 06:32:24 2015, CG, AE, TD, Tues 17th Feb progress 22x
1515: Installed detector BB18 2977-7 with 3 modified kapton cables, one unmodified (in nnaida1) with 207Bi source.
Bias voltage @ -100V with leakage current -11.6uA @ ambient temp of ~20oC. |
Mon Feb 16 12:17:21 2015, Patrick Coleman-Smith, MACB update for 50Mhz external clock
This version of the MACB has an additional selection at 5 for a ROOT module.
This will operate the Correlation Scalar signals used for RIBF and use the External Clock signal directly for the FEE64 50MHz distribution.
This has been tested at Daresbury with and external clock source and operates successfully with the merger. |
Mon Feb 16 06:17:31 2015, TD, AEV & CG, Monday 16th Feb progress 10x
1500: AIDA moved into operational position.
Water cooling circuit visually checked, fittings, etc for loose fittings/snags/kinks. |
Sun Feb 15 22:30:48 2015, TD, Julabo FL11006 Operating Manual
Sun Feb 15 06:12:00 2015, TD, AEV & CG, How to mount USB disk with NTFS
Mount external USB expansion disk with NTFS filesystems
with the (superuser) command:
Tue Feb 10 16:01:50 2015, Chris Griffin, Alfredo Estrade, High data rate - Pause/Resume 6x
A look at the data rate at which Pause/Resumes start to cause missing data.
Pulser settings: |
Mon Feb 9 11:52:52 2015, Patrick Coleman-Smith, [ How To ] Integrating AIDA with other systems
This document details how to integrate AIDA with other systems. |
Fri Jan 30 15:27:35 2015, Alfredo Estrade, [Analysis] 207Bi source (R61): check of monitor spectra 7x
A first look at the data from the 207Bi source (run described in previous elog entry, ID 27)