Wed Sep 1 17:14:16 2021, CB RSS + DR ML, CARME mounted on the CRYRING    
Lifted CARME with Al support on the
CRYRING. No issues during transportation.
Wed Sep 1 12:05:28 2021, CB RSS, Preparation for CARME on CRYRING YR09 
Mounted additional cross member for motor
support. See attach 1
Tue Aug 31 18:56:35 2021, CB, CARME status 9x
(ELOG does not allow more pictures to be added to previous entry) |
Tue Aug 31 18:34:41 2021, CB RSS + DR OG, CARME on Al stand    
Lifted CARME off the floor and mounted feet on sides. It was found impossible to put four bolts for each foot
due to alignment conflict. Three bolts were mounted per foot instead.
Tue Aug 31 11:55:11 2021, CB RSS, Last preparations for CARME lift 
Found strut bolts in the bag with
spherical washers. Mounted the struts and
the washers. See attach 1.
Tue Aug 31 07:09:54 2021, CB RSS (rem) JM, Preparation for mounting 6x
(30 August 2021)
The current state of YR09 is as per attach 1. CCC has been removed, but additional pumps and gauges remain. Some
Wed Aug 25 07:02:41 2021, RSS TD, 25-31 August 19x
Pirani IE514
mbar mbar
25/8/21 08:00 0.0030 1.86e-8
26/8/21 09:00 0.0030 1.77e-8
---------------------------------------------------- |
Wed Aug 18 11:58:49 2021, NTD RSS, Misc fittings and fasteners plus gasket inventory 22x
Attachments 1-3 fasteners, fittings found amongst earlier shipments. I assume that the STFC DL cleaned items are for the internal detector mount assembly.
Wed Aug 18 07:07:26 2021, RSS TD, 18-24 August 25x
Pirani IE514
mbar mbar
18/8/21 08:00 0.0034 3.90e-8
18/8/21 17:00 0.0032 3.72e-8
19/8/21 08:00 0.0032 3.38e-8 |
Fri Aug 13 07:28:37 2021, RSS TD, Friday 13-17 August 23x
Pirani IE514
mbar mbar
Thu Aug 12 09:16:42 2021, TD RSS, Thursday 12 August 13x
Attachment 1 - IE414/514 feedthrough wiring diagram
Wed Aug 11 12:30:40 2021, TD RSS, Wednesday 11 August 8x
Attachments 1 & 2 - 2x SAES D-2000 re-fitted to side ports
all 4x SAES D-2000 now re-fitted to chamber
Tue Aug 10 12:22:56 2021, TD RSS, Tuesday 10 August  
Attachments 1-3 - 2 of 4 SAES D2000 installed at same ports used for STFC DL XHV tests |
Mon Aug 9 12:36:00 2021, TD, RSS, ABD, Monday 9 August 7x
Attachments 1-5 - CARME shipment in CRYRING hall
XHV chambers nearest to YR09
Mon Dec 7 14:29:12 2020, JM, CARME packing up  
Fri Dec 4 16:49:36 2020, TD, Friday 4 December 7x
Wed Nov 25 10:39:37 2020, TD, Wednesday 25 November 7x
Tue Nov 24 12:24:01 2020, JM, RGA scans
RGA laptop passcode: tw%11&STA-
RGA scans set up and plotting data as of 11:44
RGA is set to the multiplier mode (4.44e-8mbar) with an accuracy setting of 8, these are for the most sensitive scans. RGA is set to scan masses |
Tue Nov 10 12:25:29 2020, JM, Cable harnesses   
The length of the wire needed was estimated with the aid of a scale image of the detectors in the CARME chamber and foam model pieces. Wire length estimated
by simply cutting wire so that it 'fits' the scale model and by taking coordinates of the end points of the longest sections of wire needed on
the model and calculating a bezier curve to estimate wire length. Bezier curve calculated by inputting the endpoints of the wire and control points such |
Thu Oct 29 08:02:29 2020, CB, JM (remotely), CARME pressure  
Attached is the temperature plot for bakeout period including tags for NEG activation etc.
28 October -> 27 November