ID |
Date |
Author |
Subject |
Fri Feb 21 09:21:10 2020 |
NH | (Early) Alpha Analysis |
Overnight alpha data
AIDA Unpacker Analysis
First event: Thu Feb 20 17:46:47 2020
Last event : Fri Feb 21 10:07:57 2020
Duration : 58869.9 seconds
MBS Events (M): 1248648 (21 Hz)
AIDA Words (W): 10222680133 (27 kHz)
ADC Words (A): 3407431088 (-15076 Hz)
-- Decays (D): 3407017078 (-15083 Hz)
-- Implants (I): 414010 (7 Hz)
Info Words (F): 6815249045 (-30146 Hz)
-- SYNC48 (S): 3407559635 (-15074 Hz)
-- SYNC63 (s): 3407559635 (-15074 Hz)
-- PAUSE (P): 614 (0 Hz)
-- RESUME (R): 614 (0 Hz)
-- Discrim (D): 128547 (2 Hz)
-- Unknown (U): 0 (0 Hz)
Timewarps (T): 79 (0 Hz)
Dead Time (X): 26.8658 s (0.04563588%)
Individual FEE Overview
FEE | W A D I F S s P R D U T X
1 | 5025 1246 1093 153 3779 1675 1675 0 0 429 0 0 0
2 | 6180 991 851 140 5189 2060 2060 0 0 1069 0 0 0
3 | 7692461404 2564028610 2564028286 324 5128432794 2564153392 2564153392 614 614 124782 0 58 26.8658
4 | 2277 642 581 61 1635 759 759 0 0 117 0 0 0
5 | 6174 1249 1010 239 4925 2058 2058 0 0 809 0 0 0
6 | 2467062 822244 822191 53 1644818 822354 822354 0 0 110 0 0 0
7 | 2484 740 701 39 1744 828 828 0 0 88 0 0 0
8 | 358445004 119481621 119069026 412595 238963383 119481668 119481668 0 0 47 0 1 0
9 | 7134 1530 1243 287 5604 2378 2378 0 0 848 0 0 0
10 | 2168031885 722677295 722677295 0 1445354590 722677295 722677295 0 0 0 0 20 0
11 | 3981 1252 1190 62 2729 1327 1327 0 0 75 0 0 0
12 | 1241523 413668 413611 57 827855 413841 413841 0 0 173 0 0 0
**** DESPECAnalysis: PostLoop
A few FEEs running "hot", maybe check. 3 had some alignment issues may need rechecking.
Timewarps somehow in aida03 and aida10 but may be code mistake - must check.
Only aida03 ran fast enough to have dead time.
aida10 shows decay data now - DSSD seems ok
Fig 1: DSSD 1D hit pattern
Fig 2: DSSD Energy
Fig 3: Single channel in aida03 that is hot
Fig 4: Channels 48-64 in aida08 are hot (wiring?)
Fig 5: Channels 17, 19 (crosstalk?) and 27, 33, 38, 39
All otehr channels quiet and OK. |
Attachment 1: DSSD_1d_HP.png
Attachment 2: DSSD_E.png
Attachment 3: FEE3_43_Hot.png
Attachment 4: fee8_hot.png
Attachment 5: Fee10_hot.png
Thu Feb 20 16:35:55 2020 |
TD, NH | Thu 20 February 2020 |
DSSD#3 (most downstream) was replaced
Noted that old DSSD wafer was not sitting properly - detached - in PCB, PCB flexing and/or inadequate epoxy gluing
New DSSD#3 - 2998-22 - 1006 um - 100 V - ~4 uA
Old Detector removed was 3208-14
Fig 1. HV Control
Fig 2. Temps
Fig 3. Stats
Fig 4. Rates
Fig 5-6: Waves
Fig 7-8: Pulser Peaks
Start alpha run at 17:48, 20FEB20, R1
Slow comparator 0x64
Pulser off
Fig 9 : Alpha stats
Fig 10: Merger stats
Fig 11: Merger main page
Fig 12: Timestamp errors in merger console |
Attachment 1: hv.png
Attachment 2: temps.png
Attachment 3: stats.png
Attachment 4: rates.png
Attachment 5: waves_even.png
Attachment 6: waves_odd.png
Attachment 7: pulser_even.png
Attachment 8: pulser_odd.png
Attachment 9: alpha_stats.png
Attachment 10: merger.png
Attachment 11: merger_stats.png
Attachment 12: merger_errors.png
Wed Feb 19 10:58:29 2020 |
NH, PJCS | Report: aida09 Kernel Panic & Lost WR |
> aida09 crashed over the weekend and automatically rebooted.
> After the reboot the WR timestamp sent to the merger is in the future and hence incorrect
> Reset/Setup did not fix issue
> Sync ASICs did not fix issue
> GSI White Rabbit control page shows a correct WR timestamp
> Attach 1: ttyUSB12 (aida09 log with kernel panic)
> Attach 2: GSI White Rabbit control page
> Attach 3: "Collect All WR Timestamps"
> Attach 4: RAW Display for aida09
> WR Time Item 0x80500232 0x0de48000; Time (48:63)=0x232; Time (28:47)=0x20310; Time (0:27)=0x0de48000
> WR Time Item 0x80420310 0x0de48000; Time (28:47)=0x20310; Time (0:27)=0x0de48000
> WR Timestamp = 0x23220310de48000 * 10 = 0x15F541EA 8AED0000 = 2020-02-21 CET 01:01:59.699537920
> c.f. "GSI page" timestamp starting 0x15F427F5
> Attach 5: Timestamp shown by merger
Tested aida01 and aida09 today ( 19/2/2020 ) and both make sense relative to their Timestamps.
It is the case that the WR timestamp from the "GSI White Rabbit Timestamp" browser window is direct from the White Rabbit decoder and as such has an LSB of
1nS and is captured at T0 time ( 10uS intervals ) whereas the timestamp of the SYNC in the raw data display is 10nS LSB and is captured at the time of a
logical "rollover" of the lower 14 bits of this 10nS timestamp.
Is it the case that the system has been power cycled since aida09 got its timestamp wrong ?
It is possible to reset an individual FEE64 WR decoder by writing 0x80 into register 0 of the individual "GSI White Rabbit Timestamp" page. Then 0x1 to re-
enable the decoder.
This should never be necessary as the decoder should be collecting the latest timestamp continuosly.
The statement remains true however that if the Linux in a FEE64 has a "Panic" then the FEE64 must be powercycled in order for the subsequent data to be
considered reliable.
The Raspberry Pi Console control browser will count the number of "Panics" in the console logged text files so they can be monitored.
If this occurs again then the system wide check results would be interesting. |
Mon Feb 17 09:48:34 2020 |
NH | Report: aida09 Kernel Panic & Lost WR |
aida09 crashed over the weekend and automatically rebooted.
After the reboot the WR timestamp sent to the merger is in the future and hence incorrect
Reset/Setup did not fix issue
Sync ASICs did not fix issue
GSI White Rabbit control page shows a correct WR timestamp
Attach 1: ttyUSB12 (aida09 log with kernel panic)
Attach 2: GSI White Rabbit control page
Attach 3: "Collect All WR Timestamps"
Attach 4: RAW Display for aida09
WR Time Item 0x80500232 0x0de48000; Time (48:63)=0x232; Time (28:47)=0x20310; Time (0:27)=0x0de48000
WR Time Item 0x80420310 0x0de48000; Time (28:47)=0x20310; Time (0:27)=0x0de48000
WR Timestamp = 0x23220310de48000 * 10 = 0x15F541EA 8AED0000 = 2020-02-21 CET 01:01:59.699537920
c.f. "GSI page" timestamp starting 0x15F427F5
Attach 5: Timestamp shown by merger |
Attachment 1: ttyUSB12
Attachment 2: GSI_WR.png
Attachment 3: GSI_WR2.png
Attachment 4: GSI_WR4.png
Attachment 5: GSI_WR3.png
Fri Feb 14 12:50:29 2020 |
NH | AIDA Noise 14.02.2020 |
Electricians changed the grounding for the DESPEC platform to a large pillar that goes deep into soil
Change in grounding was apparently successful at reducing the noise complaints in Cave C (R3B)
Fig 1 & 2: Waveforms (Odd/Even)
Fig 3 & 4: Waveforms Zoomed
Fig 5: Good Event Rate
Fig 6: Merger Rate: 2 M items/sec
Fig 7: HV supply (no change)
There does seem to be a modest improvement (Merger rate down from 3 million, good event rates seem *better*)
(Reminder: AIDA@GSI sends 3 items per each ADC event, so merger rate is higher)
Not sure if this is still where it should stand? |
Attachment 1: wavesOdd.png
Attachment 2: wavesEven.png
Attachment 3: wavesOddZ.png
Attachment 4: stats_goodevents.png
Attachment 5: mergerstats.png
Attachment 6: hv.png
Wed Jan 29 19:09:51 2020 |
NH | aida10 troubleshooting |
> aida10 has no ASIC events when running without pulser
> DSSD ribbon cable was replaced, no change
> 29.01.2020 - change AIDA half adapter board, no change
> Swapped HV (braid) from aida10 to aida12 - no change in leakage current, now testing data...
> Looks the same (no data) fig 2
> Very hot channel in aida08 as well:
> - Channel 104 in histogram Stat = 4.7.L fig 1
> Change FEE64 card?
> Any other checks possible?
when running the pulser in 10 do all the channels respond correctly ?
what happens if you drop the shaper threshold into the noise ? |
Wed Jan 29 12:22:13 2020 |
NH | aida10 troubleshooting |
aida10 has no ASIC events when running without pulser
DSSD ribbon cable was replaced, no change
29.01.2020 - change AIDA half adapter board, no change
Swapped HV (braid) from aida10 to aida12 - no change in leakage current, now testing data...
Looks the same (no data) fig 2
Very hot channel in aida08 as well:
- Channel 104 in histogram Stat = 4.7.L fig 1
Change FEE64 card?
Any other checks possible?
Installed new FEE64 card aida10: d8:80:39:41:ba:89
Updated dhcpd.conf
System boots OK.
returned bias ground to aida10 for symmetry reasons
Firmware updated from 0x12110103 to 0x18430701
Left recording alpha data over the weekend:
See stats in fig 3
DSSD 1 and 2 look excellent (one broken strip in DSSd 1)?
aida10 still no counts?
aida09 looks very... weird as well?
aida11 and aida12 seem ok?
Detector fault? |
Attachment 1: aida08-noise.png
Attachment 2: aida10-noitems.png
Attachment 3: Stats.png
Mon Jan 20 14:01:23 2020 |
NH | AIDA Noise 20.01.2019 |
> Checking noise
> DESPEC crate entirely offline except:
> VME Crate (for VETAR2)
> AIDA (All)
> Figs 1-2: Waveforms (Odd/Even)
> Figs 3-4: Zoomed In (Odd/Even)
> Fig 5: Good Event Stats
> Fig 6: Merger Rate
> Noise still present, despite nothing on DESPEC.
> Things to check:
> Turn off VME (kills time stamps but might be OK for waveform test?)
> Check floor PSU under AIDA is offline too
> Not sure that other FRS systems (e.g. Ion Catcher) is offline - I think RF may be on.
Update with different sampling rates (in order)
10 (200 ns)
100 (2 us)
1000 (20 us)
Note that some waveforms didn't update very reliably
In particular aida11 does not seem right at large sample rates |
Attachment 1: Odd_10_Z.png
Attachment 2: Even_10_Z.png
Attachment 3: Odd_100_Z.png
Attachment 4: Even_100_Z.png
Attachment 5: Odd_1000_Z.png
Attachment 6: Even_1000_Z.png
Wed Jan 15 14:53:41 2020 |
NH | AIDA Noise 14.01.2019 |
Checking noise
DESPEC crate entirely offline except:
VME Crate (for VETAR2)
AIDA (All)
Figs 1-2: Waveforms (Odd/Even)
Figs 3-4: Zoomed In (Odd/Even)
Fig 5: Good Event Stats
Fig 6: Merger Rate
Noise still present, despite nothing on DESPEC.
Things to check:
Turn off VME (kills time stamps but might be OK for waveform test?)
Check floor PSU under AIDA is offline too
Not sure that other FRS systems (e.g. Ion Catcher) is offline - I think RF may be on. |
Attachment 1: Waves_Odd.png
Attachment 2: Waves_even.png
Attachment 3: WavesZ_Odd.png
Attachment 4: WavesZ_Even.png
Attachment 5: EvtStas0xA.png
Attachment 6: Merger0XA.png
Fri Dec 20 12:04:03 2019 |
NH, TD | Friday 20 December 2019 |
Fig 1: DSSD Leakage currents ok
Fig 2: FEE Temps ok
Fig 3: aida08 has a few timestamp errors in merger
Fig 4, 5: GSI WR OK
Fig 6: All System wide checks passed
FIg 7: Stats good
13:11 - Alpha Run Stopped, Final File: R9_6
FEEs powered off, DSSD bias off. |
Attachment 1: Screenshot-CAEN_HV_Control.png
Attachment 2: FeeTemps.png
Attachment 3: mergerTSerrors.png
Attachment 4: gsiwr1.png
Attachment 5: gsiwr2.png
Attachment 6: checks.png
Attachment 7: stats.png
Fri Dec 20 10:19:29 2019 |
NH | Alpha Analysis (Pre Run) |
AIDA Unpacker Analysis
First event: Fri Dec 13 15:34:12 2019
Last event : Tue Dec 17 08:52:14 2019
Duration : 321482 seconds = 90 hours
MBS Events (M): 1748810227 (5 kHz)
AIDA Words (W): 1748072047 (5 kHz)
ADC Words (A): 785414339 (2 kHz)
-- Decays (D): 771101846 (2 kHz)
-- Implants (I): 14312493 (44 Hz)
Info Words (F): 962657708 (2 kHz)
-- SYNC48 (S): 2012396012 (6 kHz)
-- SYNC63 (s): 2012396012 (6 kHz)
-- PAUSE (P): 2925640 (9 Hz)
-- RESUME (R): 2925667 (9 Hz)
-- Discrim (D): 1226981673 (3 kHz)
-- Unknown (U): 0 (0 Hz)
Timewarps (T): 2 (0 Hz)
Dead Time (X): 4336.67292 s (1.34896%)
Possibly one bond wire loss in DSSD 1
Possibly a few lost in DSSD 3 (X)
DSSD 2 is OK.
Will update with post run data for additional statistics |
Attachment 1: Alphas.png
Attachment 2: Alphas_E.png
Thu Dec 19 14:45:42 2019 |
TD | FEE64 ASIC settings - different diode link settings |
[npg@aidas-gsi 2019Oct31-13.24.23]$ pwd
[npg@aidas-gsi 2019Oct31-13.24.23]$ /bin/csh
[npg@aidas-gsi 2019Oct31-13.24.23]$ foreach f (`ls`)
foreach? echo $f
foreach? cat "$f"/CONTENTS | grep .26
foreach? end
ASIC.2.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.3.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.1.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.4.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.2.26 string 0x11
ASIC.3.26 string 0x11
ASIC.1.26 string 0x11
ASIC.4.26 string 0x11
ASIC.2.26 string 0xca
ASIC.3.26 string 0xca
ASIC.1.26 string 0xca
ASIC.4.26 string 0xca
ASIC.2.26 string 0x23
ASIC.3.26 string 0x23
ASIC.1.26 string 0x23
ASIC.4.26 string 0x23
ASIC.2.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.3.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.1.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.4.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.2.26 string 0x11
ASIC.3.26 string 0x11
ASIC.1.26 string 0x11
ASIC.4.26 string 0x11
ASIC.2.26 string 0xca
ASIC.3.26 string 0xca
ASIC.1.26 string 0xca
ASIC.4.26 string 0xca
ASIC.2.26 string 0x23
ASIC.3.26 string 0x23
ASIC.1.26 string 0x23
ASIC.4.26 string 0x23
ASIC.2.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.3.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.1.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.4.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.2.26 string 0x11
ASIC.3.26 string 0x11
ASIC.1.26 string 0x11
ASIC.4.26 string 0x11
ASIC.2.26 string 0xca
ASIC.3.26 string 0xca
ASIC.1.26 string 0xca
ASIC.4.26 string 0xca
ASIC.2.26 string 0x11
ASIC.3.26 string 0x11
ASIC.1.26 string 0x11
ASIC.4.26 string 0x11
This variation appears to be true for previously saved ASIC settings too
Current ASIC settings for AIDA@RIKEN for nnaida1-nnaida4 use values 0x23 and 0xbf
aidas1> cd 2019Jun13-08.56.35
aidas1> ls
CONTENTS nnaida10 nnaida12 nnaida14 nnaida16 nnaida18 nnaida2 nnaida21 nnaida23 nnaida3 nnaida5 nnaida7 nnaida9
nnaida1 nnaida11 nnaida13 nnaida15 nnaida17 nnaida19 nnaida20 nnaida22 nnaida24 nnaida4 nnaida6 nnaida8
aidas1> cat nnaida1/CONTENTS
ASIC.2.20 string 0x68
ASIC.1.3 string 0x02
ASIC.2.19 string 0x5c
ASIC.1.4 string 0x07
ASIC.2.21 string 0x0f
ASIC.2.22 string 0x5c
ASIC.1.5 string 0x08
ASIC.1.6 string 0x09
ASIC.2.23 string 0x08
ASIC.2.24 string 0x68
ASIC.1.7 string 0x05
ASIC.2.25 string 0x08
ASIC.1.8 string 0x00
ASIC.2.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.1.9 string 0x0f
ASIC.2.0 string 0x04
ASIC.2.1 string 0x05
ASIC.3.10 string 0x00
ASIC.2.2 string 0x06
ASIC.3.11 string 0x0d
ASIC.2.3 string 0x02
ASIC.3.12 string 0x0a
ASIC.2.4 string 0x07
ASIC.3.13 string 0x34
ASIC.2.5 string 0x08
ASIC.3.14 string 0x02
ASIC.2.6 string 0x09
ASIC.3.15 string 0x20
ASIC.2.7 string 0x05
ASIC.3.16 string 0xd2
ASIC.2.8 string 0x00
ASIC.3.17 string 0x80
ASIC.2.9 string 0x0f
ASIC.3.18 string 0xb2
ASIC.3.20 string 0x68
ASIC.3.19 string 0x5c
WAVE.0 string 0x00000000
ASIC.3.21 string 0x0f
WAVE.1 string 0x00000000
ASIC.3.22 string 0x5c
LED.0 string 0x00411ecc
WAVE.2 string 0x00000000
ASIC.3.23 string 0x08
LED.1 string 0x0000ffff
WAVE.3 string 0x00000000
ASIC.3.24 string 0x68
LED.2 string 0x00411ecc
ASIC.3.25 string 0x08
LED.3 string 0x00000000
ASIC.1.10 string 0x00
LED.4 string 0x00411ecc
ASIC.3.0 string 0x04
ASIC.1.11 string 0x0d
ASIC.3.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.1.12 string 0x0a
ASIC.3.1 string 0x05
LED.5 string 0x00000000
LED.6 string 0x00411ecc
ASIC.3.2 string 0x06
ASIC.1.13 string 0x34
LED.7 string 0x00000000
ASIC.3.3 string 0x02
ASIC.1.14 string 0x02
LED.8 string 0x000003fc
ASIC.1.15 string 0x20
ASIC.3.4 string 0x07
ASIC.3.5 string 0x08
LED.9 string 0x000000c8
ASIC.1.16 string 0xd2
ASIC.1.17 string 0x80
ASIC.3.6 string 0x09
ASIC.3.7 string 0x05
ASIC.1.18 string 0xb2
ASIC.1.19 string 0x5c
ASIC.1.20 string 0x68
ASIC.3.8 string 0x00
ASIC.3.9 string 0x0f
ASIC.1.21 string 0x0f
ASIC.1.22 string 0x5c
ASIC.4.10 string 0x00
ASIC.1.23 string 0x08
ASIC.4.11 string 0x0d
ASIC.4.12 string 0x0a
ASIC.1.24 string 0x68
ASIC.4.13 string 0x34
ASIC.1.25 string 0x08
ASIC.4.14 string 0x02
ASIC.1.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.4.15 string 0x20
DISC.6 string 0x00000002
ASIC.4.16 string 0xd2
ASIC.4.0 string 0x04
ASIC.4.17 string 0x80
DISC.7 string 0x24800000
ASIC.4.18 string 0xb2
ASIC.4.1 string 0x05
ASIC.4.2 string 0x06
ASIC.4.19 string 0x5c
ASIC.4.20 string 0x68
ASIC.4.21 string 0x0f
ASIC.4.3 string 0x02
ASIC.4.4 string 0x07
ASIC.4.22 string 0x5c
ASIC.4.23 string 0x08
ASIC.4.5 string 0x08
ASIC.4.6 string 0x09
ASIC.4.24 string 0x68
ASIC.2.10 string 0x00
ASIC.4.25 string 0x08
ASIC.4.7 string 0x05
ASIC.4.8 string 0x00
ASIC.4.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.2.11 string 0x0d
ASIC.2.12 string 0x0a
ASIC.4.9 string 0x0f
ASIC.2.13 string 0x34
ASIC.2.14 string 0x02
ASIC.2.15 string 0x20
ASIC.2.16 string 0xd2
ASIC.1.0 string 0x04
ASIC.1.1 string 0x05
ASIC.2.17 string 0x80
ASIC.2.18 string 0xb2
ASIC.1.2 string 0x06
aidas1> cat nnaida2/CONTENTS
ASIC.2.20 string 0x68
ASIC.1.3 string 0x02
ASIC.2.19 string 0x5c
ASIC.1.4 string 0x07
ASIC.2.21 string 0x0f
ASIC.2.22 string 0x5c
ASIC.1.5 string 0x08
ASIC.1.6 string 0x09
ASIC.2.23 string 0x08
ASIC.2.24 string 0x68
ASIC.1.7 string 0x05
ASIC.2.25 string 0x08
ASIC.1.8 string 0x00
ASIC.2.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.1.9 string 0x0f
ASIC.2.0 string 0x04
ASIC.2.1 string 0x05
ASIC.3.10 string 0x00
ASIC.2.2 string 0x06
ASIC.3.11 string 0x0d
ASIC.2.3 string 0x02
ASIC.3.12 string 0x0a
ASIC.2.4 string 0x07
ASIC.3.13 string 0x34
ASIC.2.5 string 0x08
ASIC.3.14 string 0x02
ASIC.2.6 string 0x09
ASIC.3.15 string 0x20
ASIC.2.7 string 0x05
ASIC.3.16 string 0xd2
ASIC.2.8 string 0x00
ASIC.3.17 string 0x80
ASIC.2.9 string 0x0f
ASIC.3.18 string 0xb2
ASIC.3.20 string 0x68
ASIC.3.19 string 0x5c
WAVE.0 string 0x00000008
ASIC.3.21 string 0x0f
WAVE.1 string 0x00000005
ASIC.3.22 string 0x5c
LED.0 string 0x00411ecc
WAVE.2 string 0x0000ff38
ASIC.3.23 string 0x08
WAVE.3 string 0x00000080
LED.1 string 0x0000ffff
ASIC.3.24 string 0x68
LED.2 string 0x00411ecc
ASIC.3.25 string 0x08
ASIC.1.10 string 0x00
LED.3 string 0x00000000
ASIC.1.11 string 0x0d
ASIC.3.0 string 0x04
LED.4 string 0x00411ecc
ASIC.3.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.1.12 string 0x0a
ASIC.3.1 string 0x05
LED.5 string 0x00000000
LED.6 string 0x00411ecc
ASIC.3.2 string 0x06
ASIC.1.13 string 0x34
ASIC.1.14 string 0x02
ASIC.3.3 string 0x02
LED.7 string 0x00000000
LED.8 string 0x000003fc
ASIC.1.15 string 0x20
ASIC.3.4 string 0x07
ASIC.3.5 string 0x08
ASIC.1.16 string 0xd2
LED.9 string 0x000000c8
ASIC.1.17 string 0x80
ASIC.3.6 string 0x09
ASIC.3.7 string 0x05
ASIC.1.18 string 0xb2
ASIC.1.20 string 0x68
ASIC.1.19 string 0x5c
ASIC.3.8 string 0x00
ASIC.3.9 string 0x0f
ASIC.1.21 string 0x0f
ASIC.4.10 string 0x00
ASIC.1.22 string 0x5c
ASIC.1.23 string 0x08
ASIC.4.11 string 0x0d
ASIC.4.12 string 0x0a
ASIC.1.24 string 0x68
ASIC.1.25 string 0x08
ASIC.4.13 string 0x34
ASIC.4.14 string 0x02
ASIC.1.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.4.15 string 0x20
ASIC.4.16 string 0xd2
DISC.6 string 0x00000002
ASIC.4.0 string 0x04
DISC.7 string 0x24800000
ASIC.4.17 string 0x80
ASIC.4.18 string 0xb2
ASIC.4.1 string 0x05
ASIC.4.20 string 0x68
ASIC.4.2 string 0x06
ASIC.4.19 string 0x5c
ASIC.4.3 string 0x02
ASIC.4.21 string 0x0f
ASIC.4.4 string 0x07
ASIC.4.22 string 0x5c
ASIC.4.23 string 0x08
ASIC.4.5 string 0x08
ASIC.4.6 string 0x09
ASIC.4.24 string 0x68
ASIC.2.10 string 0x00
ASIC.4.25 string 0x08
ASIC.4.7 string 0x05
ASIC.4.8 string 0x00
ASIC.4.26 string 0xbf
ASIC.2.11 string 0x0d
ASIC.2.12 string 0x0a
ASIC.4.9 string 0x0f
ASIC.2.13 string 0x34
ASIC.2.14 string 0x02
ASIC.2.15 string 0x20
ASIC.2.16 string 0xd2
ASIC.1.0 string 0x04
ASIC.1.1 string 0x05
ASIC.2.17 string 0x80
ASIC.2.18 string 0xb2
ASIC.1.2 string 0x06
aidas1> cat nnaida3/CONTENTS
ASIC.2.20 string 0x68
ASIC.1.3 string 0x02
ASIC.2.19 string 0x5c
ASIC.1.4 string 0x07
ASIC.2.21 string 0x0b
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ASIC.4.2 string 0x06
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ASIC.1.1 string 0x05
ASIC.2.17 string 0x80
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aidas1> cat nnaida4/CONTENTS
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ASIC.2.1 string 0x05
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ASIC.1.20 string 0x68
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ASIC.3.9 string 0x0f
ASIC.1.21 string 0x0b
ASIC.4.10 string 0x00
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ASIC.1.23 string 0x08
ASIC.4.11 string 0x02
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ASIC.1.24 string 0x68
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ASIC.4.13 string 0xdb
ASIC.4.14 string 0x02
ASIC.1.26 string 0x23
ASIC.4.15 string 0x20
ASIC.4.16 string 0xd2
DISC.6 string 0x00000002
ASIC.4.0 string 0x04
DISC.7 string 0x24800000
ASIC.4.17 string 0x80
ASIC.4.18 string 0x30
ASIC.4.1 string 0x05
ASIC.4.2 string 0x06
ASIC.4.20 string 0x68
ASIC.4.19 string 0x5c
ASIC.4.21 string 0x0b
ASIC.4.3 string 0x02
ASIC.4.4 string 0x07
ASIC.4.22 string 0x5c
ASIC.4.23 string 0x08
ASIC.4.5 string 0x08
ASIC.4.6 string 0x09
ASIC.4.24 string 0x68
ASIC.2.10 string 0x00
ASIC.4.25 string 0x08
ASIC.4.7 string 0x05
ASIC.4.8 string 0x01
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ASIC.2.11 string 0x02
ASIC.2.12 string 0x0a
ASIC.4.9 string 0x0f
ASIC.2.13 string 0xdb
ASIC.2.14 string 0x02
ASIC.2.15 string 0x20
ASIC.2.16 string 0xd2
ASIC.1.0 string 0x04
ASIC.1.1 string 0x05
ASIC.2.17 string 0x80
ASIC.2.18 string 0x30
ASIC.1.2 string 0x06
Have modifuied AIDA@DESPEC ASIC seetings and saved using DB key 2019Dec19-16.19.51 |
Thu Dec 19 14:26:09 2019 |
TD | BNC PB-5 - Manual |
Attachment 1: pb-5manual.pdf
Thu Dec 19 14:07:38 2019 |
TD | Report - low - aida08 ADC spectrum size 32k cf. 64k channels expcted using layout |
Note that aida08 spectrum 1.8.L size is (shown as) 32k channels cf. 64k channels expected using layout - attachment 1 - 5
Layout configuration - attachment 6
Current AIDA Options are shown below
[npg@aidas-gsi Options]$ pwd
[npg@aidas-gsi Options]$ csh
[npg@aidas-gsi Options]$ foreach f (`ls`)
foreach? echo $f
foreach? cat "$f"/CONTENTS
foreach? end
Index string Stat.offset&&Aida_Hist_W_Enable&&TS_SYNC_PHASE&&ExtClk&&Aida.shift&&MACB_TRIG_MODE&&Aida.offset&&RunNumber&&Aida_GroupBase&&Rate.channels&&Stat.channels&&Aida.Vchannels&&ASIC.settings&&Aida_Hist_D_Enable&&WAVE_DMA_HWM&&Stat.shift&&Aida.Wchannels&&Aida_Hist_V_Enable&&Include.Aida&&Aida.channels&&DataAcqPgm&&Aida_Hist_H_Enable&&DataFormat&&ASIC_DMA_HWM&&Aida_Hist_L_Enable
Stat.offset string 64
Aida_Hist_W_Enable string 1
MERGE.LinksInUse string 1%1%1%1%
Aida.shift string 0
TS_SYNC_PHASE string 0x0
ExtClk string 1
Aida.offset string 0
Stat.channels string 512
Rate.channels string 512
RunNumber string 12
Aida_GroupBase string 1
WAVE_DMA_HWM string 0x0007ffff
ASIC.settings string 2019Oct31-13.24.23
Aida.Vchannels string 256
Aida_Hist_D_Enable string 1
Aida.Wchannels string 1020
Stat.shift string 6
MERGE.LinksAvailable string 4
Include.Aida string 0
Aida_Hist_V_Enable string 0
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DataFormat string 0x0000
DataAcqPgm string AidaExecV9
Aida_Hist_H_Enable string 1
ASIC_DMA_HWM string 0x000fffff
Aida_Hist_L_Enable string 1
Index string Stat.offset&&Aida_Hist_W_Enable&&TS_SYNC_PHASE&&ExtClk&&Aida.shift&&MACB_TRIG_MODE&&Aida.offset&&RunNumber&&Aida_GroupBase&&Rate.channels&&Stat.channels&&Aida.Vchannels&&ASIC.settings&&Aida_Hist_D_Enable&&WAVE_DMA_HWM&&Stat.shift&&Aida.Wchannels&&Aida_Hist_V_Enable&&Include.Aida&&Aida.channels&&DataAcqPgm&&Aida_Hist_H_Enable&&DataFormat&&ASIC_DMA_HWM&&Aida_Hist_L_Enable
Stat.offset string 64
Aida_Hist_W_Enable string 1
Aida.shift string 0
TS_SYNC_PHASE string 0x0
ExtClk string 1
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Stat.channels string 512
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DataFormat string 0x0000
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Aida_Hist_H_Enable string 1
ASIC_DMA_HWM string 0x000fffff
Aida_Hist_L_Enable string 1
Index string Stat.offset&&Aida_Hist_W_Enable&&TS_SYNC_PHASE&&ExtClk&&Aida.shift&&MACB_TRIG_MODE&&Aida.offset&&RunNumber&&Aida_GroupBase&&Rate.channels&&Stat.channels&&Aida.Vchannels&&ASIC.settings&&Aida_Hist_D_Enable&&WAVE_DMA_HWM&&Stat.shift&&Aida.Wchannels&&Aida_Hist_V_Enable&&Include.Aida&&Aida.channels&&DataAcqPgm&&Aida_Hist_H_Enable&&DataFormat&&ASIC_DMA_HWM&&Aida_Hist_L_Enable
Stat.offset string 64
Aida_Hist_W_Enable string 1
MERGE.LinksInUse string 1%1%1%1%
Aida.shift string 0
TS_SYNC_PHASE string 0x0
ExtClk string 1
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Rate.channels string 512
Aida_GroupBase string 1
Stat.channels string 512
RunNumber string 12
Aida_Hist_D_Enable string 1
ASIC.settings string 2019Oct31-13.24.23
Aida.Vchannels string 256
WAVE_DMA_HWM string 0x0007ffff
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Stat.shift string 6
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Include.Aida string 0
Aida_Hist_V_Enable string 0
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DataFormat string 0x0000
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Aida_Hist_H_Enable string 1
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Aida_Hist_L_Enable string 1
Index string Stat.offset&&Aida_Hist_W_Enable&&TS_SYNC_PHASE&&ExtClk&&Aida.shift&&MACB_TRIG_MODE&&Aida.offset&&RunNumber&&Aida_GroupBase&&Rate.channels&&Stat.channels&&Aida.Vchannels&&ASIC.settings&&Aida_Hist_D_Enable&&WAVE_DMA_HWM&&Stat.shift&&Aida.Wchannels&&Aida_Hist_V_Enable&&Include.Aida&&Aida.channels&&DataAcqPgm&&Aida_Hist_H_Enable&&DataFormat&&ASIC_DMA_HWM&&Aida_Hist_L_Enable
Stat.offset string 64
Aida_Hist_W_Enable string 1
MERGE.LinksInUse string 1%1%1%1%
Aida.shift string 0
TS_SYNC_PHASE string 0x0
ExtClk string 1
Aida.offset string 0
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Stat.channels string 512
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ASIC.settings string 2019Oct31-13.24.23
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Include.Aida string 0
Aida_Hist_H_Enable string 1
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DataFormat string 0x0000
ASIC_DMA_HWM string 0x000fffff
Aida_Hist_L_Enable string 1
Index string Stat.offset&&Aida_Hist_W_Enable&&TS_SYNC_PHASE&&ExtClk&&Aida.shift&&MACB_TRIG_MODE&&Aida.offset&&RunNumber&&Aida_GroupBase&&Rate.channels&&Stat.channels&&Aida.Vchannels&&ASIC.settings&&Aida_Hist_D_Enable&&WAVE_DMA_HWM&&Stat.shift&&Aida.Wchannels&&Aida_Hist_V_Enable&&Include.Aida&&Aida.channels&&DataAcqPgm&&Aida_Hist_H_Enable&&DataFormat&&ASIC_DMA_HWM&&Aida_Hist_L_Enable
Stat.offset string 64
Aida_Hist_W_Enable string 1
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ASIC.settings string 2019Oct31-13.24.23
Aida_Hist_D_Enable string 1
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Index string Stat.offset&&Aida_Hist_W_Enable&&TS_SYNC_PHASE&&ExtClk&&Aida.shift&&MACB_TRIG_MODE&&Aida.offset&&RunNumber&&Aida_GroupBase&&Rate.channels&&Stat.channels&&Aida.Vchannels&&ASIC.settings&&Aida_Hist_D_Enable&&WAVE_DMA_HWM&&Stat.shift&&Aida.Wchannels&&Aida_Hist_V_Enable&&Include.Aida&&Aida.channels&&DataAcqPgm&&Aida_Hist_H_Enable&&DataFormat&&ASIC_DMA_HWM&&Aida_Hist_L_Enable
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Aida_Hist_L_Enable string 1
Index string Stat.offset&&Aida_Hist_W_Enable&&TS_SYNC_PHASE&&ExtClk&&Aida.shift&&MACB_TRIG_MODE&&Aida.offset&&RunNumber&&Aida_GroupBase&&Rate.channels&&Stat.channels&&Aida.Vchannels&&ASIC.settings&&Aida_Hist_D_Enable&&WAVE_DMA_HWM&&Stat.shift&&Aida.Wchannels&&Aida_Hist_V_Enable&&Include.Aida&&Aida.channels&&DataAcqPgm&&Aida_Hist_H_Enable&&DataFormat&&ASIC_DMA_HWM&&Aida_Hist_L_Enable
Stat.offset string 64
Aida_Hist_W_Enable string 1
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ExtClk string 1
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Rate.channels string 512
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ASIC.settings string 2019Oct31-13.24.23
Aida.Vchannels string 256
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DataFormat string 0x0000
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Index string Stat.offset&&Aida_Hist_W_Enable&&TS_SYNC_PHASE&&ExtClk&&Aida.shift&&MACB_TRIG_MODE&&Aida.offset&&RunNumber&&Aida_GroupBase&&Rate.channels&&Stat.channels&&Aida.Vchannels&&ASIC.settings&&Aida_Hist_D_Enable&&WAVE_DMA_HWM&&Stat.shift&&Aida.Wchannels&&Aida_Hist_V_Enable&&Include.Aida&&Aida.channels&&DataAcqPgm&&Aida_Hist_H_Enable&&DataFormat&&ASIC_DMA_HWM&&Aida_Hist_L_Enable
Stat.offset string 64
Aida_Hist_W_Enable string 1
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ExtClk string 1
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0x0006dead string 0x0000
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ASIC.settings string 2019Oct31-13.24.23
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Aida_Hist_H_Enable string 1
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DataFormat string 0x0000
ASIC_DMA_HWM string 0x000fffff
Aida_Hist_L_Enable string 1
Index string Stat.offset&&Aida_Hist_W_Enable&&TS_SYNC_PHASE&&ExtClk&&Aida.shift&&MACB_TRIG_MODE&&Aida.offset&&RunNumber&&Aida_GroupBase&&Rate.channels&&Stat.channels&&Aida.Vchannels&&ASIC.settings&&Aida_Hist_D_Enable&&WAVE_DMA_HWM&&Stat.shift&&Aida.Wchannels&&Aida_Hist_V_Enable&&Include.Aida&&Aida.channels&&DataAcqPgm&&Aida_Hist_H_Enable&&DataFormat&&ASIC_DMA_HWM&&Aida_Hist_L_Enable
Stat.offset string 64
Aida_Hist_W_Enable string 1
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0x0006dead string 0x0000
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Aida_Hist_H_Enable string 1
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Aida_Hist_L_Enable string 1
Index string Stat.offset&&Aida_Hist_W_Enable&&TS_SYNC_PHASE&&ExtClk&&Aida.shift&&MACB_TRIG_MODE&&Aida.offset&&RunNumber&&Aida_GroupBase&&Rate.channels&&Stat.channels&&WAVE_DMA_HWM&&Aida_Hist_D_Enable&&ASIC.settings&&Aida.Vchannels&&Aida.Wchannels&&Stat.shift&&Aida.channels&&Include.Aida&&Aida_Hist_V_Enable&&DataFormat&&Aida_Hist_H_Enable&&DataAcqPgm&&ASIC_DMA_HWM&&Aida_Hist_L_Enable
Stat.offset string 64
Aida_Hist_W_Enable string 1
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Aida.shift string 0
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ExtClk string 1
Aida.offset string 0
Rate.channels string 512
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RunNumber string 12
Aida_Hist_D_Enable string 1
ASIC.settings string 2019Oct31-13.24.23
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WAVE_DMA_HWM string 0x0007ffff
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Index string Stat.offset&&Aida_Hist_W_Enable&&TS_SYNC_PHASE&&ExtClk&&Aida.shift&&MACB_TRIG_MODE&&Aida.offset&&RunNumber&&Aida_GroupBase&&Rate.channels&&Stat.channels&&Aida.Vchannels&&ASIC.settings&&Aida_Hist_D_Enable&&WAVE_DMA_HWM&&Stat.shift&&Aida.Wchannels&&Aida_Hist_V_Enable&&Include.Aida&&Aida.channels&&DataAcqPgm&&Aida_Hist_H_Enable&&DataFormat&&ASIC_DMA_HWM&&Aida_Hist_L_Enable
Stat.offset string 64
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ASIC.settings string 2019Oct31-13.24.23
Aida_Hist_D_Enable string 1
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Aida.channels string 65536
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Include.Aida string 0
Aida_Hist_H_Enable string 1
DataAcqPgm string AidaExecV9
DataFormat string 0x0000
ASIC_DMA_HWM string 0x000fffff
Aida_Hist_L_Enable string 1 |
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 4.png
Attachment 5: 5.png
Attachment 6: LayOut4.mlf
gallery=1 overlap=1 server=aida02 spectrum=1.8.L
gallery=2 overlap=1 server=aida04 spectrum=1.8.L
gallery=3 overlap=1 server=aida06 spectrum=1.8.L
gallery=4 overlap=1 server=aida08 spectrum=1.8.L
gallery=5 overlap=1 server=aida10 spectrum=1.8.L
gallery=6 overlap=1 server=aida12 spectrum=1.8.L
Thu Dec 19 13:09:32 2019 |
TD | MIDAS app launcher command lines |
App Path
TclHttpd @ 8015 for AIDA /MIDAS/Linux/startup/HTTPD
TclHttpd @ 8115 for AIDA /MIDAS/Linux/startup/HTTPD@8115
TapeServer /MIDAS/Linux/startup/TapeServer
New Merger for AIDA /MIDAS/Linux/startup/NewMerger
MBS Relay /MIDAS/Linux/startup/datarelaymbs |
Thu Dec 19 13:06:02 2019 |
TD, NH | AIDA@DESPEC To Do list |
FAIR phase 0 DESPEC experiments are scheduled March-May 2020 see
The current (19.12.19) version of the schedule is v22
AIDA will used for DESPEC experiments S480, S452, S470 & S460
To be done at GSI
- check DSSSD - FEE64 connection using alpha background data collected pre- and post- Dec 19 test (NH)
- investigate system noise (TD, NH et al.)
- replace aida10 adaptor PCB and/or FEE64 (TD, NH et al.)
Other issues requiring the support of Carl, James, Patrick & Vic are
in order of our ( = TD + NH ) priority - Carl et al. may have a different
view. If so, we should discuss.
- ASIC settings / Options DB 'corruption' issues (VFEP, CW et al.)
- waveform data (PCS, JL et al.)
- FEE64/ASIC sync (PCS, JL et al.)
ELOG V3.1.3-unknown |
Thu Dec 19 10:11:59 2019 |
TD | Report - medium - FEE64 panics during boot |
Some of the FEE64s aida01 .. aida12 panic during boot
Frequencies of panics for each FEE64 can be seen in attachment 1
Below is an example of an aida04 panic following a power cycle and an automatic reboot
pi@raspberrypi:~/logs $ ./tail_aida aida04
19/11:07:04|LR [203f5680] 0x203f5680
19/11:07:04|Call Trace:
19/11:07:04|Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt
19/11:07:04|Call Trace:
19/11:07:04|[c6941de0] [c0005de8] show_stack+0x44/0x16c (unreliable)
19/11:07:04|[c6941e20] [c00345bc] panic+0x94/0x168
19/11:07:04|[c6941e70] [c000bd44] die+0x178/0x18c
19/11:07:04|[c6941e90] [c0011a28] do_page_fault+0xc4/0x458
19/11:07:04|[c6941f40] [c000e7c4] handle_page_fault+0xc/0x80
19/11:07:04|Rebooting in 180 seconds..
ISOL Version 1.00 Date 9th January 2017
Flash base address=FC000000
Set Flash to ASync Mode
Finished copying zImage to RAM
Found 0 errors checking kernel image
19/11:10:06|VHDL version number 0X18430701
Based on AIDA Bootloader version number 1.2.0 -- 16th August 2012
Starting LMK 3200 setup
Setting LMK03200 to standard clock settings -- External Clock 23Nov15
.... SPI Base Address=0x81400000
19/11:10:06|Next step is SPIconfig
Control 32(0x81400000)=0x180
19/11:10:06|SPIconfig done now to set up the LMK3200 registers
19/11:10:06|LMK #0 : regInit[0]=0x80000000
19/11:10:07|LMK #0 : regInit[1]=0x10070600
19/11:10:07|LMK #0 : regInit[2]=0x60601
19/11:10:07|LMK #0 : regInit[3]=0x60602
19/11:10:07|LMK #0 : regInit[4]=0x60603
19/11:10:07|LMK #0 : regInit[5]=0x70624
19/11:10:07|LMK #0 : regInit[6]=0x70605
19/11:10:07|LMK #0 : regInit[7]=0x70606
19/11:10:07|LMK #0 : regInit[8]=0x70627
19/11:10:07|LMK #0 : regInit[9]=0x10000908
19/11:10:07|LMK #0 : regInit[10]=0xA0022A09
19/11:10:07|LMK #0 : regInit[11]=0x82800B
19/11:10:07|LMK #0 : regInit[12]=0x28C800D
19/11:10:07|LMK #0 : regInit[13]=0x830020E
19/11:10:07|LMK #0 : regInit[14]=0xC800180F
Calibrate completed at 941 counts
Setting Clock Control =0x0000000B, to set GOE and sync bit
Ctrl @ SPIstop (0x81400000)=0x186
Timeout waiting for Lock detect Stage 2 (Zero Delay), PWR_DWN=0x00000004
Finished Clock setup LMK03200
completed LMK 3200 setup
Loaded all four ASICs with default settings
Setting the ADCs into calibration mode
Control 32(0x81400400)=0x180
Init : Config of AD9252 SPI ok
Ctrl @ SPIstop (0x81400400)=0x186ADCs initialised
Cal DCMs not locked
ADC calibrate failed
Jumping to kernel simpleboot...
zImage starting: loaded at 0x00a00000 (sp: 0x00bc4eb0)
Allocating 0x3b78cc bytes for kernel ...
gunzipping (0x00000000 <- 0x00a0f000:0x00bc380e)...done 0x39604c bytes
Linux/PowerPC load: console=ttyS0 root=/dev/nfs ip=on rw mem=112M
Finalizing device tree... flat tree at 0xbd1300
Probing IIC bus for MAC... MAC address = 0xd8 0x80 0x39 0x41 0xf6 0xb7
19/11:10:17|Using Xilinx Virtex440 machine description
19/11:10:18|Linux version 2.6.31 (nf@nnlxb.dl.ac.uk) (gcc version 4.2.2) #34 PREEMPT Tue Nov 15 15:57:04 GMT 2011
19/11:10:18|Zone PFN ranges:
19/11:10:18| DMA 0x00000000 -> 0x00007000
19/11:10:18| Normal 0x00007000 -> 0x00007000
19/11:10:18|Movable zone start PFN for each node
19/11:10:18|early_node_map[1] active PFN ranges
19/11:10:18| 0: 0x00000000 -> 0x00007000
19/11:10:18|MMU: Allocated 1088 bytes of context maps for 255 contexts
19/11:10:18|Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 28448
19/11:10:18|Kernel command line: console=ttyS0 root=/dev/nfs ip=on rw mem=112M
19/11:10:18|PID hash table entries: 512 (order: 9, 2048 bytes)
19/11:10:19|Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
19/11:10:19|Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
19/11:10:19|Memory: 109680k/114688k available (3500k kernel code, 4852k reserved, 144k data, 130k bss, 168k init)
19/11:10:19|Kernel virtual memory layout:
19/11:10:19| * 0xffffe000..0xfffff000 : fixmap
19/11:10:19| * 0xfde00000..0xfe000000 : consistent mem
19/11:10:19| * 0xfde00000..0xfde00000 : early ioremap
19/11:10:19| * 0xd1000000..0xfde00000 : vmalloc & ioremap
19/11:10:19|clocksource: timebase mult[a00000] shift[22] registered
19/11:10:19|Console: colour dummy device 80x25
19/11:10:19|Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
19/11:10:19|NET: Registered protocol family 16
19/11:10:19|PCI: Probing PCI hardware
19/11:10:19|bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
19/11:10:19|NET: Registered protocol family 2
19/11:10:19|IP route cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
19/11:10:19|TCP established hash table entries: 4096 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
19/11:10:19|TCP bind hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
19/11:10:19|TCP: Hash tables configured (established 4096 bind 4096)
19/11:10:20|TCP reno registered
19/11:10:20|NET: Registered protocol family 1
19/11:10:20|ROMFS MTD (C) 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
19/11:10:20|msgmni has been set to 214
19/11:10:20|io scheduler noop registered
19/11:10:20|io scheduler anticipatory registered
19/11:10:20|io scheduler deadline registered
19/11:10:20|io scheduler cfq registered (default)
19/11:10:20|Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
19/11:10:20|83e00000.serial: ttyS0 at MMIO 0x83e01003 (irq = 16) is a 16550
19/11:10:20|console [ttyS0] enabled
19/11:10:20|brd: module loaded
19/11:10:20|loop: module loaded
19/11:10:20|Device Tree Probing 'ethernet'
19/11:10:20|xilinx_lltemac 81c00000.ethernet: MAC address is now d8:80:39:41:f6:b7
19/11:10:20|xilinx_lltemac 81c00000.ethernet: XLlTemac: using DMA mode.
19/11:10:20|XLlTemac: DCR address: 0x80
19/11:10:20|XLlTemac: buffer descriptor size: 32768 (0x8000)
19/11:10:20|XLlTemac: Allocating DMA descriptors with kmalloc
19/11:10:20|XLlTemac: (buffer_descriptor_init) phy: 0x6938000, virt: 0xc6938000, size: 0x8000
19/11:10:20|XTemac: PHY detected at address 7.
19/11:10:20|xilinx_lltemac 81c00000.ethernet: eth0: Xilinx TEMAC at 0x81C00000 mapped to 0xD1024000, irq=17
19/11:10:21|fc000000.flash: Found 1 x16 devices at 0x0 in 16-bit bank
19/11:10:21| Intel/Sharp Extended Query Table at 0x010A
19/11:10:21| Intel/Sharp Extended Query Table at 0x010A
19/11:10:21| Intel/Sharp Extended Query Table at 0x010A
19/11:10:21| Intel/Sharp Extended Query Table at 0x010A
19/11:10:21| Intel/Sharp Extended Query Table at 0x010A
19/11:10:21| Intel/Sharp Extended Query Table at 0x010A
19/11:10:21|Using buffer write method
19/11:10:21|cfi_cmdset_0001: Erase suspend on write enabled
19/11:10:21|cmdlinepart partition parsing not available
19/11:10:21|RedBoot partition parsing not available
19/11:10:21|Creating 5 MTD partitions on "fc000000.flash":
19/11:10:21|0x000000000000-0x000000500000 : "golden_firmware"
19/11:10:21|0x000000500000-0x000000800000 : "golden_kernel"
19/11:10:21|0x000000800000-0x000000d00000 : "user_firmware"
19/11:10:21|0x000000d00000-0x000000fe0000 : "user_kernel"
19/11:10:21|0x000000fe0000-0x000001000000 : "env_variables"
19/11:10:21|xilinx-xps-spi 81400400.hd-xps-spi: at 0x81400400 mapped to 0xD1028400, irq=20
19/11:10:21|SPI: XIlinx spi: bus number now 32766
19/11:10:21|xilinx-xps-spi 81400000.xps-spi: at 0x81400000 mapped to 0xD102C000, irq=21
19/11:10:22|SPI: XIlinx spi: bus number now 32765
19/11:10:22|mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
19/11:10:22|Device Tree Probing 'i2c'
19/11:10:22| #0 at 0x81600000 mapped to 0xD1030000, irq=22
19/11:10:22|at24 0-0050: 1024 byte 24c08 EEPROM (writable)
19/11:10:22|TCP cubic registered
19/11:10:22|NET: Registered protocol family 17
19/11:10:22|RPC: Registered udp transport module.
19/11:10:22|RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
19/11:10:22|eth0: XLlTemac: Options: 0x3fa
19/11:10:22|eth0: XLlTemac: allocating interrupt 19 for dma mode tx.
19/11:10:23|eth0: XLlTemac: allocating interrupt 18 for dma mode rx.
19/11:10:23|eth0: XLlTemac: speed set to 1000Mb/s
19/11:10:25|eth0: XLlTemac: Send Threshold = 24, Receive Threshold = 4
19/11:10:25|eth0: XLlTemac: Send Wait bound = 254, Receive Wait bound = 254
19/11:10:25|Sending DHCP requests ., OK
19/11:10:26|IP-Config: Got DHCP answer from, my address is
19/11:10:26|IP-Config: Complete:
19/11:10:26| device=eth0, addr=, mask=, gw=,
19/11:10:26| host=aida04, domain=dl.ac.uk, nis-domain=nuclear.physics,
19/11:10:26| bootserver=, rootserver=, rootpath=/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida04
19/11:10:26|Looking up port of RPC 100003/2 on
19/11:10:26|Looking up port of RPC 100005/1 on
19/11:10:26|VFS: Mounted root (nfs filesystem) on device 0:12.
19/11:10:26|Freeing unused kernel memory: 168k init
INIT: version 2.86 booting
19/11:10:27|Starting sysinit...
19/11:10:27| Welcome to DENX & STFC Daresbury Embedded Linux Environment
19/11:10:27| Press 'I' to enter interactive startup.
19/11:10:27|Setting clock (utc): Thu Dec 19 10:10:28 GMT 2019 [ OK ]
19/11:10:28|Building the cache [ OK ]
19/11:10:28|Setting hostname aida04: [ OK ]
19/11:10:29|Mounting local filesystems: [ OK ]
19/11:10:30|Enabling /etc/fstab swaps: [ OK ]
19/11:10:32|Finishing sysinit...
INIT: Entering runlevel: 3
19/11:10:35|Entering non-interactive startup
19/11:10:36|FATAL: Module ipv6 not found.
19/11:10:37|Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ]
19/11:10:39|FATAL: Module ipv6 not found.
19/11:10:39|Starting system logger: [ OK ]
19/11:10:40|Starting kernel logger: [ OK ]
19/11:10:40|Starting rpcbind: [ OK ]
19/11:10:41|Mounting NFS filesystems: [ OK ]
19/11:10:42|Mounting other filesystems: [ OK ]
19/11:10:42|Starting xinetd: [ OK ]
19/11:10:43|Starting midas: Starting MIDAS Data Acquisition for aida04
19/11:10:43|xaida: device parameters: base=0x81000000 size=0x200000
19/11:10:48|Trying to free nonexistent resource <0000000081000000-00000000811fffff>
19/11:10:49|xaida: mem region start 0x81000000 for 0x200000 mapped at 0xd2100000
19/11:10:49|xaida: driver assigned major number 254
19/11:10:49|Trying to free nonexistent resource <0000000007000000-0000000007ffffff>
19/11:10:54|AIDAMEM: aidamem: mem region start 0x7000000 for 0x1000000 mapped at 0xd2380000
19/11:10:54|AIDAMEM: aidamem: driver assigned major number 253
19/11:10:54|System identified is CPU ppc; Platform is unix; OS is Linux and Version is 2.6.31
19/11:11:01|Environment selected is CPU ppc; Platform unix; OS Linux and Operating System linux-ppc_4xx
19/11:11:01|MIDASBASE = /MIDAS and MIDAS_LIBRARY = /MIDAS/TclHttpd/linux-ppc_4xx
19/11:11:01|PATH = /MIDAS/bin_linux-ppc_4xx:/MIDAS/TclHttpd/linux-ppc_4xx:/MIDAS/linux-ppc_4xx/bin:/MIDAS/linux-ppc_4xx/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin
19/11:11:01|Computer Name = aida04; Temp Directory = /tmp/tcl361
19/11:11:05|package limit is not available: can't find package limit
19/11:11:07|Running with default file descriptor limit
19/11:11:07|package setuid is not available: can't find package setuid
19/11:11:09|Running as user 0 group 0
19/11:11:10|AIDA Data Acquisition Program Release 9_10.Apr 3 2019_11:34:31 starting
19/11:11:10|Built without pthreaxaida: open:
19/11:11:10|Creating NetAIDAMEM: aidamem_open:
19/11:11:10|Output buffer length = 65504; format option = 4; transfer option = 3
19/11:11:11|EB transfer option = 3
19/11:11:11|NetVars created and initialised
19/11:11:11|Statistics thread starting
19/11:11:11|Statistics thread created
19/11:11:11|Stat/Rate creation thread starting
19/11:11:11|Data Acquisition task has PID 375
19/11:11:11|Stat/Rate creation thread created
19/11:11:11|Hit/Rate creation thread starting
19/11:11:11|Hit/Rate creation thread created
19/11:11:11|AIDA Heartbeat thread starting
19/11:11:11|Heartbeat thread created
19/11:11:11|Installing signal handlers
19/11:11:11|ModuleNum = 0
19/11:11:11|Aida Initialise complete. AidaExecV9_10: Build Apr 3 2019_11:34:31. HDL version : 18430701
19/11:11:11|Spectra table initialised
19/11:11:11|AIDA Data Acquisition now all ready to start
19/11:11:11|SIGBUS, SIGSEGV and SIGPIPE traps setup
19/11:11:11|/debug user "debug" password "-f9x7ruru8cg"
19/11:11:17|httpd started on port 8015
19/11:11:18|Cannot use /MIDAS/config/TclHttpd/aida04@8015/startup.tcl
19/11:11:18|Custom startup from /MIDAS/config/TclHttpd/aida04/startup.tcl
19/11:11:18|XAIDA Access package 1.0
19/11:11:19|XAD9252 Access package 1.0
19/11:11:20|Loaded MemSasAccess
19/11:11:20|loading tcl/AIDARunControl.tcl for namespace ::
19/11:11:20|DefineMessage unknown
19/11:11:20|Run Control Server Implementation for AIDA
19/11:11:21|RunControlServer loaded
19/11:11:21|loading Html/RunControl/implementation.tcl
19/11:11:21|[ OK ]
19/11:11:21|/MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/RunControl/common.tcl returned z=1 and couldn't read file "/MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/RunControl/common.tcl": no such file or directory
19/11:11:21|ReadRegister failed: Name=NetVar.EXEC.ID; Code= 0x10004; Info= Register name does not exist
19/11:11:21|DENX ELDK version 4.2 build 2008-04-01
19/11:11:21|Linux 2.6.31 on a ppc
19/11:11:21|aida04 login: Created UI registers
19/11:11:22|RunControl loaded
19/11:11:22|loading Html/AIDA/RunControl/implementation.tcl for namespace ::
19/11:11:22|AIDA RunControl loaded
19/11:11:24|Completed custom startup from /MIDAS/TclHttpd/Html/AIDA/RunControl/stats.defn.tcl |
Attachment 1: 300.png
Thu Dec 19 09:22:52 2019 |
TD | Thusrday 19 December |
10.15 Found DAQ running at c. 1M data items/s
Rate spectra show aida09 1.*.H and one 1x LEC channel of aida08 asic running hot
Check ASIC settings *all* FEE64s *all* ASICs restores rates to normal
/TapeData/171219/R2_* files indicates files R2_0 ... R2_1 are probably OK and
problem started c. 08.00 - activity in S4?
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 01:56 R2_0
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 05:30 R2_1
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 08:05 R2_2
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 08:15 R2_3
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 08:29 R2_4
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 08:34 R2_5
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 08:38 R2_6
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 08:43 R2_7
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 08:47 R2_8
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 08:52 R2_9
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 08:56 R2_10
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 09:00 R2_11
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 09:05 R2_12
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 09:09 R2_13
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 09:14 R2_14
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 09:18 R2_15
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 09:23 R2_16
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 09:27 R2_17
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 09:31 R2_18
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 09:36 R2_19
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 09:40 R2_20
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 09:45 R2_21
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 09:49 R2_22
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 09:54 R2_23
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 09:58 R2_24
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 10:02 R2_25
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 10:07 R2_26
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 10:11 R2_27
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 2097152000 Dec 19 10:16 R2_28
-rw-rw-r--. 1 npg npg 1582563328 Dec 19 10:19 R2_29
10.31 1.8.L and Stat spectra - attachments 1-3
10.32 DAQ stop file 171219/R2_30
zero *all* histograms
Check ASIC settings *all* FEE64s *all* ASICs
10.48 system wide checks OK except aida07 calibration & master clock status fail - attachments 4-9
GSI WR timestamp control OK - attachments 10-11
DSSSD biases & leakage currents OK - attachment 12
FEE64 temperatures OK - attachment 13
Good event statistics OK - attachment 14
11.31 DAQ/Merger/TapeServer stopped merging/writing data at start of new run
Stop DAQ/Merger/TapeServer, reboot FEE64s and restart from scratch
DAQ start file 171219/R8
slow comparator 0x64
alpha background
data rate c. 170kb/s
15.30 DAQ continues OK file 171219/R9_0
DSSSD biases & leakage currents OK - attachment 15
BNC Pb-5 settings - attachment 16
FEE64 temperatures OK - attachment 17
Good event statistics OK - attachment 18
system wide checks OK except master clock status fail
GSI WR timestamp control OK - attachments 19-20
Merger & server consoles - attachment 21 |
Attachment 1: 100.png
Attachment 2: 101.png
Attachment 3: 102.png
Attachment 4: 110.png
Attachment 5: 111.png
Attachment 6: 112.png
Attachment 7: 113.png
Attachment 8: 114.png
Attachment 9: 115.png
Attachment 10: 116.png
Attachment 11: 117.png
Attachment 12: 200.png
Attachment 13: 201.png
Attachment 14: 202.png
Attachment 15: 1.png
Attachment 16: 2.png
Attachment 17: 3.png
Attachment 18: 4.png
Attachment 19: 5.png
Attachment 20: 6.png
Attachment 21: 8.png
Wed Dec 18 17:39:27 2019 |
TD | Wednesday 18 December |
18.40 Detector biases & leakage currents OK - attachment 1
FEE64 temperatures OK - attachment 2
FEE64 good event statistics OK - attachment 3
3x <20k, 8x <50k, 11x <100k
note - all 12x FEE64s zero disc-info #6
system wide checks - see attachments 4-9
master clock status fail
WR decoder status - aida08 fails
18.49 GSI WR status control & timestamps - attachments 10 & 11
18.50 check ASIC control *all* FEE64s *all* ASICs
18.58 Rate, Stat, 1.8.L and 1.8.H spectra all FEE64s - attachments 12-17
OK except aida10 no HEC data & low amplitude LEC data
19.00 *all* histograms zero'd
19.03 NewMerger, TapeServer and full screen - attachments 18-20
19.07 Options, ASIC settings aida09 & aida10 - attachments 21-23
20.15 collect all WR status erro counters for baseline
WR decoder status - no errors
21.56 FRS DAQ crashed and not currently recoverable
Stop current run and run background alphas overnight
21.57 run stopped file 171219/R1_304
slow comparator threshold 0xf -> 0x64
check ASIC control *all* FEE64s *all* ASICs
BNC PB-5 attenuation x1 -> x1000
*all* histograms zero'd
22.02 DAQ start file 171219/R2
background alphas
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 4.png
Attachment 5: 5.png
Attachment 6: 6.png
Attachment 7: 7.png
Attachment 8: 8.png
Attachment 9: 9.png
Attachment 10: 10.png
Attachment 11: 11.png
Attachment 12: 21.png
Attachment 13: 22.png
Attachment 14: 23.png
Attachment 15: 24.png
Attachment 16: 25.png
Attachment 17: 26.png
Attachment 18: 30.png
Attachment 19: 31.png
Attachment 20: 32.png
Attachment 21: 40.png
Attachment 22: 41.png
Attachment 23: 42.png
Wed Dec 18 02:44:27 2019 |
NH | 17.12.19, 18.12.19 |
Beam: 238U (850 MeV/u)
Fragment: 168Re
Tuning accelerator and FRS, believed since 3AM we are implanting on AIDA.
FEE issues:
One HEC in aida03 seems to be empty - LEC channel fills
aida09 has a lot of weird channels, check/load doesn't seem to fix
aida10 still no data after cable replaced
DSSD leakages OK - slightly higher now
Temps good
Fig 4: Rates 14:32
Leakages and temps good AS Before
Checking if we are implanting properly - possibly into the first DSSD at the moment
Fig 6 DSSD
Fig 7 DSSD (PID gated) |
Attachment 1: 1812-stats.png
Attachment 2: 1812-leakages.png
Attachment 3: 1812-temps.png
Attachment 4: 1812v2-Rates.png
Attachment 5: nh_1712_zaoq.png
Attachment 6: nh_1712_dssd.png
Attachment 7: nh_1712_dssd_id.png