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  ID Date Author Subject
  537   Thu Mar 14 13:00:23 2024 JB, NH, MA, AM, GAMounting and biasing DSSD 2

new Downstream DSSD2: 3208-2/3208-5/3208-8

Covered with black cloth.

Voltage (V) Current (uA)
10 3.1
20 3.8
50 4.515
70 4.2
80 4.545
90 5.5
100 7.940

Voltage (V)

Current (uA)
100 7.6
110 9.5
120 Breakdown

Wafer 3 (beam left) shows breakdown issues at 90V... curious

We replace with november beam triple: 3208-3/3208-21/3208-22

We must speak to Micron about why so many 3208 wafers seem to have issues at >90V
It seems unlikely to be other issues

  536   Thu Mar 14 12:13:17 2024 JB, NH, MAMounting and biasing DSSD 1

Upstream bPlast mounted

new Upstream DSSD: 3208-2/3208-5/3208-8

Covered with black cloth.

Voltage (V) Current (uA)
10 3.345
20 3.6
50 4.5ish
70 5.4
100 5.6
120 5.7

V-I behaviour found to be nominal.

  535   Wed Mar 13 13:02:19 2024 JB, NH, HA, MADSSD 1 biasing tests

Dismounted Snout and biased DSSSD1 channels

leftmost waifer working

middle waifer reaches 90V then current ramps up

rightmost waifer reaches 80V then current ramps up

DSSSD2 had fingerprint near connections, as shown in the attached image some had been squashed.

Attachment 1: 20240313_142551.jpg
  534   Tue Mar 12 16:16:49 2024 NH, TD, JB, HASummary of DSSSD Biasing 12.03
DSSD#1 undergoes a breakdown at 90V, two of the three wafers show this
- The adapter PCBs themselves have no breakdown at 100V, indicating the   issue is internal to the snout

If we are lucky it may be a loose or misaligned kapton connector inside the snout. If not we will have to remove DSSD#2 and inspect DSSD#1 for damage/lint/etc. If we see nothing it should be replaced

DSSD#2 biases perfectly fine, but the leakage current is unstable with biasing -ve to p+n and gnd (return) to n+n. Leakage current is stable biasing +ve to n+n and gnd to p+n. ( very nice curve)

We see the same fluctuations just daisy chaining 3 p+n PCBs togerher with the bias (no DSSSD or gnd links). The fluctuations were reduced by connecting all 8 adapter boards of the DSSD together.
When biasing just *one* PCB in this way, the current is stable
The fluctuations happened changing the HV channel, adapter board PCB and LEMO cables: it doesn't seem to be a defect with a specific thing.

The test today confirmed the HV cables (the only ones used) were correctly isolated from everything (OL = "infinite" resistance to ground)

We saw unstable current indications using the Mesytec MHV-4 to apply voltage to the PCB as well.

The behaviour is odd but doesn't seem to be related to the DSSD, which I suspect is OK. One idea is to try connecting the 3 adapter boards to FEEs and repeating the test, as this introduces another (substantial) path to gnd. Maybe this eliminates the current instability? It's about the only difference left from December.


For the next steps I believe the snout must be dismounted to inspect DSSD#1. It would be best to coordinate this with replacing the broken(?) bPlas. If we are lucky we may not have to remove the DSSDs but it is likely we have to remove both DSSDs to swap out #1

After replacing the DSSD(s) we should cover the snout with a clean black bin bag and bias it on the MH table to confirm both detectors work. This saves the effort of carrying it to S4 just to find another problem.
If both detectors make it to 120V we can mount it again more confidently

Once we have two biased detectors we can rearrange some FEEs to get 8 for DSSD#1 to do the noise tests. I suggest we wire them up for the numbering plan in but in the DHCP renumber 9,10,15,16 to 5,6,7,8 temporarily to allow data to be sent to MBS for the dry run (merger limitation)

When the remaining FEEs are recovered from UK+CRYRING we can instrument DSSD#2 and renumber the FEEs to match the cables
  533   Mon Mar 11 15:19:44 2024 JB, NH, Priyanka, Michael Armstrong, Helena AlbersTo Do: AIDA PCB tests

To do:

1) Disconnect ribbon cables from p+n junction FEE64 adaptor PCBs of upstream DSSSD, apply c. 100V bias and check leakage current is zero i.e. eliminate shorts in PCBs

 - When the p+n ribbon cables were disconnected for both the upstream and downstream AIDA, the pins and ribbon cables did not appear to have any blemishes.

- Both sets of adaptor PCBs were biased to 100 V and only had an apparent fluctuation in current at c. 0.01 uA. At low voltages (~10V) the current cycled between 0 and 1 uA.

2) Check that all ribbon cables are properly seated in the adaptor PCBs

- When inspected all ribbon cables seemed to be properly seated. A decent press was applied to confirm the seating. The PCBs themselves were inspected and no noticeable damage was observed.

3) Check all adaptor PCB connector pins are OK: will need to remove ribbon cables

- Done for the p+n side, can decide if this is needed for the n+n side.

4) If/when you open check seating of all Kapton PCBs in the DSSSD connectors *and* carefully check that ribbon cable and Kapton PCB connectors are aligned and not out by 1 or 2 rows say.

-  Will have to decide further.

5) From email discussion: Check the SHV connector is grounded if one unplugs the cable from the back of the HV module. If yes: We are touching a ground somewhere. If no: it's via the HV (fine).

- When HV#0 was disconnected from the HV module, we used a multimeter on the SHV connecter and frame and read zero resistance 0L on the meter. While when completing the circuit for HV#1 (still) plugged into the HV module we read a resistance of > 1.7 Ohm.

- The HV is touching ground somewhere. This should not be a problem however as the snout is isolated, and this was observed by connecting the SHV to the snout and reading 0L.

6) Properly cover snout with black cloth and bias upstream.

- Snout was covered with black cloth and a black bag. The downstream detector p+n side was biased at 50V and charging/discharging was observed. This is probably due to a short connection somewhere.

Summary: from the p+n side test the voltage-current break down appears to come from inside the snout.

  532   Sun Mar 10 17:08:12 2024 NHAIDA FEE Layout + Cabling Plan for S100
Proposed FEE numbering and wiring plan for upcoming experiment S100 (2x Wide DSSSDs)

Image designed in, source attached 

FEE numbering is as S450, minimises cable movement from S505/Narrow AIDA
But means merger is not working with 1 DSSD (until all FEEs installed)

Wiring of adapter boards as from noise tests and what should work for DSSD bias
LK3 on middle bottom adapter to ground DSSD
LK1 on one n+n adapter to ground n+n side bias 
p+n has -ve voltage (w.r.t. ground) bias applied via lower adapter boards
ground loop grounds all adapter boards, except 2 p+n adapter boards which are grounded by the bias lemo shield instead

MACB layout also included, with expected NIM logic signals for the aida scalers:

1: Pulser/Sync clock (send to all subsystems, "trigger 3")0

3/4: Time Machine 
5/6: SC41L/R 

All other FEEs have their scaler available
(Scaler should be in left LEMO on MACB, right is output (AIDA->NIM/unused), bottom 4 are triggers from AIDA (unused)

Test circuit will not be used in experiment due to noise, but can be temporarily set up for pulser walkthrough

Revision 2 correct as of 27 March 2023
Attachment 1: AIDA_S100_WiringPlan.drawio.png
Attachment 2: AIDA_S100_WiringPlan.drawio
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Attachment 3: AIDA_S100_WiringPlan(1).drawio
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        <mxCell id="Lok4d1QbW70blzeSAxq8-128" value="10" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;" parent="Lok4d1QbW70blzeSAxq8-124" vertex="1">
          <mxGeometry x="25" y="130" width="20" height="40" as="geometry" />
        <mxCell id="Lok4d1QbW70blzeSAxq8-129" value="11" style="rounded=0;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;" parent="Lok4d1QbW70blzeSAxq8-124" vertex="1">
          <mxGeometry x="25" y="180" width="20" height="40" as="geometry" />
... 207 more lines ...
Attachment 4: AIDA_S100_WiringPlan.drawio.png
  531   Fri Mar 8 16:05:57 2024 JB, CC, TD, NHFriday 8 March

Bias tests of AIDA on individual wafers and in parallel. Spreadsheet can be found in attachment 1, and graphic results can be seen in Attachment 2. Summary: Upstream detector cannot be biased in parallel nor individually. Downstream detector can be biased with positively and each wafer can individually be biased negatively. In parallel, it was not possible to bias the downstream detector negatively as indicated by the tests below.

Test downstream DSSSD with positive polarity bias

Configuration as follows:

CAEN N1419ET ch #3 connected to LHS FEE64 adaptor PCB ( looking upstream ) - LK1 *not* fitted LK1 fitted to 3x ( top )

FEE64 adaptor PCBs Lemo 00.250 jumper cables from/to GND terminals of 3x ( top )

FEE64 adaptor PCBs *and* LHS FEE64 adaptor PCB 1x ( bottom, middle )

FEE64 adaptor PCB connected to ribbon cables but not otherwise connected to anything, LK3 fitted Total 5x adaptor PCBs installed

No other LKs fitted

Bias Voltage (V) Current (uA)
+10 2.150
+20 3.300
+30 4.035
+40 4.550
+50 4.955
+60 5.255
+70 5.490
+80 5.650
+90 5.730
+100 5.780
+110 5.825
+120 5.860

Nominal V-I curve, stable leakage current. Attachment 3.

Following this success we attempted to repeat test using negative polarity bias

Configuration as follows:

CAEN N1419ET ch #1 connected to ( top, left )

FEE64 adaptor PCB ( looking upstream ) LHS

FEE64 adaptor PCB ( looking upstream ) - LK1 fitted Lemo 00.250 jumper cables from/to BIAS terminals of 3x ( top )

FEE64 adaptor PCBs Lemo 00.250 jumper cable from/to GND terminals of LHS and ( top, left )

FEE64 adaptor PCBs 1x ( bottom, middle )

FEE64 adaptor PCB connected to ribbon cables but not otherwise connected to anything,

LK3 fitted Total 5x adaptor PCBs installed No other LKs fitted With detector bias

-20V we continue to observe the leakage current cycling between 0 and ~2uA with a frequency ~1Hz ( as before )

Copy configuration used for upstream DSSSD test ( which was successful albeit there was detector breakdown at bias voltages > c. 90V )

CAEN N1419ET ch #1 connected to ( bottom, left )

FEE64 adaptor PCB ( looking upstream ) LHS

FEE64 adaptor PCB ( looking upstream ) - LK1 fitted Lemo 00.250 jumper cables from/to BIAS terminals of 3x ( bottom )

FEE64 adaptor PCBs Ground cable jumpered from/to GND terminals LHS, ( left, bottom ), RHS and all 3x top FEE64 adaptor PCBs ( bottom, middle )

FEE64 adaptor PCB LK3 fitted Total 8x adaptor PCBs installed

No other LKs fitted With detector bias -20V we observe leakage current of ~2-3uA.

Current unstable - variations 10-100nA over periods of several seconds Although the leakage current is unstable this is an improvement over previous tests with negative bias. The duplication of upstream and downstream configurations suggests that for some unknown reason it is necessary to connect all 8x FEE64 adaptor PCBs whereas our expectation was that only 4x were necessary.

Summary: Upstream DSSSD Si wafers 1 & 2 breakdown for bias > c. 90V Si wafer 3 OK to 120V Positive bias - not tested Negative bias OK - leakage current stable to c. 90V Downstream DSSSD Si wafers 1, 2 & 3 OK to 120V Positive bias OK Negative bias - leakage current unstable

To do:

1) Disconnect ribbon cables from p+n junction FEE64 adaptor PCBs of upstream DSSSD, apply c. 100V bias and check leakage current is zero i.e. eliminate shorts in PCBs

2) Check that all ribbon cables are properly seated in the adaptor PCBs

3) Check all adaptor PCB connector pins are OK: will need to remove ribbon cables

4) If/when you open check seating of all Kapton PCBs in the DSSSD connectors *and* carefully check that ribbon cable and Kapton PCB connectors are aligned and not out by 1 or 2 rows say.


Attachment 1: IV_test_AIDA.xlsx
Attachment 2: chart.png
Attachment 3: Downstream_positive_bias_vs._Current_(uA).png
  530   Thu Mar 7 15:15:29 2024 JB, NH, CCAIDA HV Bias Test IV Curve
Voltage (V) Current (uA)
10 1.43
20 2.065
30 2.415
40 2.64
50 2.825
60 2.99
70 3.185
80 3.58
90 5.01
100 9.4

- Voltage-Current test of newly installed AIDA snout. Breakdown observed at around ~92 V. Probably caused my light leakage into the snout, will investigate further.

- Tried to cover the snout with a black cloth. This did not change the breakdown behaviour.

  529   Thu Mar 7 11:09:05 2024 HA, JB, CC, TD, MGThursday 7 March
Snout assembly


Upstream   3208-10/3208-18/3208-20
Downstream 3131-5/3131-10/3131-12

p+n junction side bias continuity checked OK for *all* wafers
 all c. 22 Ohm as expected

n+n Ohmic side bias continuity checked OK for both DSSSDs
 upstream 73 Ohm, downstream 92 Ohm

n+n Ohmic side bias wafer #2 
 positioned at top of snout assembly ( lower stage snout side marked 'T' )

p+n junction side faces downstream


Using top edge of lower stage snout as reference

ref - middle of upstream bPlas 8.0cm
ref - upstream DSSSD 11.0cm
ref - downstream DSSSD 12.0cm
ref - middle of downstream bPlas 14.0cm

Measurements consistent to +/-1mm between LHS and RHS of snout assembly as viewed from top side 

13.00 At this position the Kapton PCBs bulged in/out and there was some concern that when the upper stage
snout was installed it would the Kapton PCBs into the 'active' area. It was decided to move the 2x bPlas
and 2x DSSSDs c. 5mm downstream.

Jeroen and Phillip cut sections from 4x PEEK 6mm spacers so that they would clip onto 3mm dia support rods.

We raised the assembly fro the inter stage and inserted the modified spacers between the inter stage and 
the other spacers above. The Kapton PCBs now run fairly straight to the DSSSD connectors.

Distances re-measured as

Using top edge of lower stage snout as reference

ref - middle of upstream bPlas 8.6cm
ref - upstream DSSSD 11.5cm
ref - downstream DSSSD 12.4cm
ref - middle of downstream bPlas 14.5cm
  528   Tue Mar 5 09:10:01 2024 MA, JB, TDTuesday 5 March
Old ribbon cable assemblies - attachments 1  2

Length of cable from base of AIDA snout assembly to Samtec FFSD ribbon cable connectors

p+n junction side 10-11cm & 25.5cm
n+n Ohmic side 11cm & 25cm

Distance from Delron base of AIDA snout assembly to Samtec CLP connectors ( Kapton PCBs ) 51.5cm & 52.5cm

Manufacture of new ribbon cable assemblies - attachment 3

8x 2x 29" Samtec FFSD 34-way cables
8x 2x 23" Samtec FFSD 34-way cables

17.52 from Helena

"These are the detector positions within the snout:

Total snout length of 573 mm (380 mm bottom stage + 193 top stage), relative to the 'black flange' of the AIDA frame

Upstream AIDA @ 513 mm

Downstream AIDA @ 523 mm

This leaves 5cm space for the Downstream bPlast AND the BB7 layer together. I believe this should be enough space - can you all confirm for AIDA/bPlast/BB7 if this is 
agreed upon? It would be great to get a fast response so that we are ready for mounting tomorrow. If we need more space we could think of shifting everything upstream by 

The upstream bPlast will need to go first such that the upstream AIDA is at 513mm. I don't have the measurements to hand to give the position."
Attachment 1: 20240305_101140.jpg
Attachment 2: 20240305_101146.jpg
Attachment 3: 20240305_165949.jpg
  527   Mon Mar 4 11:35:30 2024 TDMonday 4 March
12.30 FEE64 41:d7:cd ASIC mezzanine u/s, no data, ASIC temperature c. 20 deg C ( ambient ) low
      Replaced ASIC mezzanine with new ASIC mezzanine
      Installed as aida08

      Water temperature & pressure as measured outside S4 area - OK 

      Manually power FEE64s

      BNC PB-5 local control/ON
      Amplitude 1.0V
      Attenuation x10
      Polarity +
      tau_d 1ms
      Frequency 22Hz

      FEE64 temps - attachment 1
       aida02 with new ASIC mezzanine continues to ramp to c. 512 deg C - initially reads 0, next refresh c. 70 and third refresh c. 512 deg C
       aida02 Virtex and PSU temps OK, aida02 cooling plate ambient to touch

       aida08 ASIC temp c. 45 deg C as expected, Virtex and PSU temps OK

      All system wide checks OK

      WR timestamp OK - attachment 2

      aida04 ASIC settings - attachment 3

      ADC data item stats OK - attachment 4
      aida04 Rate spectrum - attachment 5

      aida04 *.*.L spectra - attachments 6-9
       1.8.L pulser peak width 13 ch FWHM

      aida04 1.8.W spectra - 20us FSR - attachment 10-11
Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-03-04_12-27-04.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2024-03-04_12-37-24.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2024-03-04_12-27-34.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_19-02-33.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2024-03-04_12-29-44.png
Attachment 6: Screenshot_from_2024-03-04_12-33-43.png
Attachment 7: Screenshot_from_2024-03-04_12-32-50.png
Attachment 8: Screenshot_from_2024-03-04_12-32-11.png
Attachment 9: Screenshot_from_2024-03-04_12-31-30.png
Attachment 10: Screenshot_from_2024-03-04_12-34-49.png
Attachment 11: Screenshot_from_2024-03-04_12-34-40.png
  526   Sun Mar 3 16:06:11 2024 TDSunday 3 March
17.00 FEE64 41:a0:71 ASIC #2 u/s
      Replaced ASIC mezzanine with new ASIC mezzanine
      Installed as aida04

      Unable to boot nnrpi2 - manual/local control of BNC PB-5 and FEE64 PSU - no interlock

      Water temperature & pressure as measured outside S4 area - OK 

      Manually power FEE64s

      BNC PB-5 local control/ON
      Amplitude 1.0V
      Attenuation x10
      Polarity -
      tau_d 1ms
      Frequency 22Hz

      FEE64 temps OK - attachment 1

      All system wide checks OK

      WR timestamp OK - attachment 2

      aida04 ASIC settings - attachment 3

      ADC data item stats OK - attachment 4
      aida04 Rate spectrum - attachment 5

      aida04 *.*.L spectra - attachments 6-9
       1.8.L pulser peak width 15 ch FWHM

      aida04 1.8.W spectra - 20us FSR - attachment 10-11

      MIDAS configuration - attachment 12

      DHCP config - attachment 13

18.30 FEE64 41:f6:b7 ASIC #1 u/s
      Replaced ASIC mezzanine with new ASIC mezzanine
      Installed as aida02

      All system wide checks OK

      FEE64 temps - attachment 14
       aida02 ASIC temperature c. 512 deg C !
       PSU/Virtex temps OK
       Mezzanine ambient to touch - assume faulty sensor/poor connection?

      aida02 ASIC settings - attachment 15

      WR timestamp OK - attachment 16

      ADC data item stats OK - attachment 4

      aida04 Rate spectrum - attachment 18

      aida02 1.8.W spectra - 20us FSR - attachment 19-20

      aida02 *.*.L spectra - attachments 21-24
       1.8.L pulser peak width 16 ch FWHM

19.30 Power OFF

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_16-54-42.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_16-55-14.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_16-55-21.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_17-07-26.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_16-53-52.png
Attachment 6: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_17-02-09.png
Attachment 7: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_17-01-52.png
Attachment 8: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_17-00-18.png
Attachment 9: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_16-59-23.png
Attachment 10: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_16-58-43.png
Attachment 11: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_16-57-09.png
Attachment 12: startup.tcl

   Setting BGColor "BlanchedAlmond"
   Setting TextColor "red"

      Setting ProjectName  AIDA
      Setting ProjectImage AIDA.gif
      Setting ProjectURL   ""

  Setting Option1Name STFC
  Setting Option1URL  ""
  Setting Option1Image stfc.jpg

# global MessageLoggerServerHost
#  set  MessageLoggerServerHost

#    package require  MessageLoggerClient 

#  Setting Option3Name "Elog Server"
#  Setting Option3URL  ""

#    Install required services

    if {![namespace exists ::AIDA]} {namespace eval ::AIDA {puts "created namespace ::AIDA"}}
#    set ::AIDA::TestMode 1

    global SpectrumServerHost
    set SpectrumServerHost aidas

   package require XAIDAAccessClient  ;# for Client end - ie AIDA server workstation  sets MIDAS_XAIDAAccessClient_Exists (SOAP)

   package require XAD9252AccessClient ;# for Client end - ie AIDA server workstation  sets MIDAS_XAD9252AccessClient_Exists (SOAP)

namespace eval DataAcquisition {
     variable PROJECT AIDA
     variable ACQSERVERS
     set ACQSERVERS [list aida01 aida03 aida04 aida05 aida08]
     variable ACQSERVER [first $ACQSERVERS]
     variable DataTransferStreams; set DataTransferStreams 2
#     set ::DataAcquisition::EnableMerger 1
#     set ::DataAcquisition::EnableTape 1
    variable RDOGo 0 

namespace eval AIDA {
      variable ModuleMenu; set ModuleMenu $::DataAcquisition::ACQSERVERS
      variable TSMaster; set TSMaster aida01
      variable FEE64 [first $ModuleMenu]
      variable ConfigBase; set ConfigBase [file join $env(MIDASBASE) config TclHttpd]

    Setting DataBaseRoot "/MIDAS/DB"
    package require DataBaseAccessServer

    package require NetVarsServer 1.1
    package require SigTaskServer

#    package require MemSasServer

#    Install services for Run Control

namespace eval $::DataAcquisition::PROJECT {
    variable DBRootName [file join EXPERIMENTS AIDA]
    variable DBNodeBase 2012

  package require AIDARunControl
#  package require TapeServer
#  package require MergerControl
#  package require MERGERunControl

  Setting Option7Name "Project Home Page"
  Setting Option7URL  ""

  Setting Option8Name "Server Software Home Page"
  Setting Option8URL  ""

Attachment 13: dhcpd.conf
# DHCP Server Configuration file.
#   see /usr/share/doc/dhcp*/dhcpd.conf.sample  
# Date of last update  Jan 12 2015 

ddns-update-style none; ddns-updates off;

# 2 days
#default-lease-time 172800;
# 4 days
default-lease-time 345600;
# 8 days
max-lease-time 691200;

option domain-search code 119 = string;

option domain-name "";
option domain-name-servers,;
option netbios-name-servers;
option netbios-node-type 8;
option nis-domain "nuclear.physics";
option nis-servers;

subnet netmask {
   option subnet-mask;
   option broadcast-address;
   pool {

group {
   use-host-decl-names true;
   default-lease-time 3600;
   max-lease-time 14400;

   server-name "";

   host nnrpi1 {
     hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:bb:46:7b;

   host nnrpi2 {
     hardware ethernet b8:27:eb:40:53:e8;

   host edinburgh {
      hardware ethernet 00:14:4f:9b:6e:7a;

   host aida01 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:ba:8a;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida01";

   host aida02 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:ba:22;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida02";

   host aida03 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:d8:21;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida03";

   host aida04 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:a0:71;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida04";

   host aida05 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:ee:10;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida05";

   host aida06 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:cf:ac;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida06";

   host aida07 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:f6:5a;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida07";

   host aida08 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:ba:89;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida08";

   host aida09 {
     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:42:0d:15;
    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida09";

   #host aida06 {
   #  hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:ee:72;
   #  fixed-address;
   # option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida06";

   #host aida07 {
   #  hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:b4:0c;
   #  fixed-address;
   # option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida07";

   #host aida08 {
   #  hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:ba:2b;
   #  fixed-address;
   # option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida08";

   #host aida13 {
   #  hardware ethernet d8:80:39:42:d:15;
   #  fixed-address;
   # option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida13";

#   host aida14 {
#     hardware ethernet d8:80:39:42:d:b;
#     fixed-address;
#    option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida14";
#   }

   #host aida05 {
   #  hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:ee:10;
   #  fixed-address;
   # option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida05";

   #host aida14 {
   #  hardware ethernet d8:80:39:41:f6:ed;
   #  fixed-address;
   # option root-path "/home/Embedded/XilinxLinux/ppc_4xx/rfs/aida14";

subnet netmask {
   option subnet-mask;
   option broadcast-address;
   pool {

group {
   use-host-decl-names true;
   default-lease-time 3600;
   max-lease-time 14400;

   server-name "";


Attachment 14: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_18-53-03.png
Attachment 15: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_18-53-16.png
Attachment 16: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_18-53-41.png
Attachment 17: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_19-02-33.png
Attachment 18: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_18-53-47.png
Attachment 19: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_19-01-41.png
Attachment 20: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_19-01-31.png
Attachment 21: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_19-00-11.png
Attachment 22: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_18-59-24.png
Attachment 23: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_18-58-39.png
Attachment 24: Screenshot_from_2024-03-03_18-57-57.png
  525   Mon Feb 26 13:17:51 2024 TDOffline analysis of DEC23/R9_6
First pass analysis of data file /TapeData/DEC23/R9_6

 *** TDR format 3.3.0 analyser - TD - May 2021
 *** ERROR: READ I/O error:       5002
                   blocks:      32000
          ADC data format:  234532726 (   99567.1 Hz)
        Other data format:   27387282 (   11626.8 Hz)
 Sample trace data format:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
         Undefined format:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
   Other data format type:      PAUSE:         53 (       0.0 Hz)
                               RESUME:         53 (       0.0 Hz)
                              SYNC100:      40775 (      17.3 Hz)
                              WR48-63:      40775 (      17.3 Hz)
                           FEE64 disc:    2928025 (    1243.0 Hz)
                             MBS info:   24377601 (   10349.1 Hz)
                           Other info:          0 (       0.0 Hz)

   ADC data range bit set:     287073 (     121.9 Hz)

                Timewarps:        ADC:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                                PAUSE:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                               RESUME:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                              SYNC100:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                              WR48-63:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                           FEE64 disc:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                             MBS info:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                            Undefined:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                         Sample trace:          0 (       0.0 Hz)

 *** Timestamp elapsed time:     2355.524 s

 *** Statistics
 FEE  ADC Data Other Data     Sample  Undefined      Pause     Resume    SYNC100    WR48-63       Disc        MBS      Other   HEC Data
  0   59013868     372005          0          0         20         20       9888       9888     281563      70626          0      55467
  1   31445079    1098714          0          0          2          2       5017       5017     243009     845667          0      38876
  2   22895499   11841669          0          0          1          1       5294       5294     482655   11348424          0      42748
  3   18228498   11705354          0          0          0          0       3913       3913     416619   11280909          0      78526
  4   25500772    1237178          0          0          3          3       4320       4320     396557     831975          0      28918
  5          4          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  6   15933921     394210          0          0          0          0       2560       2560     389090          0          0      11489
  7   61515085     738152          0          0         27         27       9783       9783     718532          0          0      31049

FEE64 configuration


- aida06 not connected to DSSSD ( cabling broken  - will be replaced later this week )

- LEC ( 20MeV FSR ) data ADC offset corrected 
   ADC offsets available for 489 of 512 channels and are included in the analysis - 23 strips for which no ADC offsets could be calculated ( usually because there was 
pulser data ) are not included in analysis 
- LEC ( 20MeV FSR ) front-back strip energy difference cut +/- 50 channels ( c. +/- 280keV )
- HEC ( 2GeV FSR ) front-back strip energy difference cut +/-200 channels ( c. +/- 1120MeV )

- LEC ADC data: 13 < channel < 188 ( c. 73-1053keV )
- HEC ADC data: > 13 channels ( c. 73MeV )
- FEE64 hardware thresholds: LEC c. 100keV, HEC c. 200MeV 

Attachments 1 & 2 - per pixel HEC-LEC event time difference spectra - 4.096us/channel

Attachments 3 & 4 - per pixel HEC-LEC event time difference spectra - 65.536us/channel

Attachment 5 - DSSSD x-y hit pattern: HEC-LEC event time difference < 4.3s
 Majority of events associated with 'hot' p+n junction strips - few plausible decay candidate events - as expected.
 z-scale - semi-logarithmic - scattered events are single counts ( blue )
 1 count => rate ~ 1/2355s ~ 0.0004Hz, the great majority of pixels have zero counts

Attachment 6 - LEC ( decay ) and HEC ( implant ) events - 262.144us/channel ( 65536 channels = 17.2s ) 

HEC implants channels 12000-25000 = 216 counts => HEC rate ( in spill ) 63.4Hz
LEC decays channels 12000-25000 = 3865 counts => LEC rate ( in spill ) 1134.1Hz
LEC decays channels 25000-38000 = 2790 counts => LEC rate ( inter spill ) 818.7Hz

Attachment 7 - per pixel HEC-HEC event time difference spectra - 4.096us/channel

Attachment 8 - per pixel LEC-LEC event time difference spectra - 4.096us/channel

Attachment 9 - variables.dat
This is a ( Fortran ) Namelist I/O data file containing of the ADC offsets, FEE64 configuration, LEC and HEC energy difference windows 

The ADC offset channel number is calculated as

channel = channel_ident + ( module * 64 ) where module = 0-7 corresponding to AIDA FEE64s aida01-aida08

and is used as follows

ADC data = INT ( RSHIFT( ABS( 32768 - data( i ) ), 3 ) - offset( i ) + 0.5 )

where data(i) is the ADC data item for channel i, offset(i) is the ADC offset for channel i

An ADC offset of -9999 means there was no pulser data for this channel in data files R5 and R11.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-03-01_11-41-11.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2024-03-01_11-41-30.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2024-03-01_11-42-06.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2024-03-01_11-42-22.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2024-03-01_11-43-13.png
Attachment 6: Screenshot_from_2024-03-01_11-44-33.png
Attachment 7: Screenshot_from_2024-03-01_11-38-52.png
Attachment 8: Screenshot_from_2024-03-01_11-40-37.png
Attachment 9: variables.dat
  offset(   0) =    10.71
  offset(   1) =    14.56
  offset(   2) =   -13.88
  offset(   3) =    -9.85
  offset(   4) =   -18.84
  offset(   5) =    -3.41
  offset(   6) =    24.00
  offset(   7) =    23.10
  offset(   8) =    -2.39
  offset(   9) =   -15.90
  offset(  10) =    25.89
  offset(  11) =   -55.27
  offset(  12) =     6.39
  offset(  13) =   -31.83
  offset(  14) =     7.94
  offset(  15) =     7.69
  offset(  16) =     3.46
  offset(  17) =    -3.12
  offset(  18) =    16.24
  offset(  19) =    -6.69
  offset(  20) =    18.42
  offset(  21) = -9999.99
  offset(  22) =   -22.39
  offset(  23) =     1.94
  offset(  24) =   -11.29
  offset(  25) =    -5.55
  offset(  26) =     7.88
  offset(  27) =    -4.32
  offset(  28) =    -7.79
  offset(  29) =   -13.60
  offset(  30) =     2.61
  offset(  31) =    14.95
  offset(  32) =     4.43
  offset(  33) = -9999.99
  offset(  34) =    -6.61
  offset(  35) =   -22.58
  offset(  36) = -9999.99
  offset(  37) =    11.90
  offset(  38) = -9999.99
  offset(  39) =    -1.80
  offset(  40) =   -26.27
  offset(  41) = -9999.99
  offset(  42) =    -1.99
  offset(  43) =    -3.66
  offset(  44) = -9999.99
  offset(  45) =     7.10
  offset(  46) =    -0.31
  offset(  47) =    26.80
  offset(  48) =   -16.60
  offset(  49) = -9999.99
  offset(  50) =    -9.08
  offset(  51) =   -10.53
  offset(  52) =   -28.24
  offset(  53) =    13.09
  offset(  54) =   -12.42
  offset(  55) =   -22.52
  offset(  56) =     3.27
  offset(  57) =   -26.47
  offset(  58) =     7.17
  offset(  59) =     5.31
  offset(  60) =   -29.79
  offset(  61) =    19.75
  offset(  62) =     2.12
  offset(  63) =   -22.37
  offset(  64) =     3.02
  offset(  65) =     1.74
  offset(  66) =    23.39
  offset(  67) =    43.87
  offset(  68) =   -15.18
  offset(  69) =    11.78
  offset(  70) =   -14.59
  offset(  71) =     1.89
  offset(  72) =   -15.75
  offset(  73) =    25.22
  offset(  74) =     7.83
  offset(  75) = -9999.99
  offset(  76) =     6.46
  offset(  77) =    12.32
  offset(  78) =     7.61
  offset(  79) =   -11.58
  offset(  80) =    14.92
  offset(  81) =    -5.12
  offset(  82) = -9999.99
  offset(  83) =    13.14
  offset(  84) =   -13.39
  offset(  85) =    29.08
  offset(  86) =     9.65
  offset(  87) =     5.07
  offset(  88) =   -29.50
  offset(  89) = -9999.99
  offset(  90) =   -32.90
  offset(  91) =    -1.58
  offset(  92) =    10.27
  offset(  93) =    10.60
  offset(  94) =     6.11
  offset(  95) =   -17.37
  offset(  96) = -9999.99
  offset(  97) =   -15.29
  offset(  98) =     5.60
  offset(  99) =    18.18
  offset( 100) =     6.95
  offset( 101) =    34.63
  offset( 102) =    24.44
  offset( 103) = -9999.99
  offset( 104) =    10.31
  offset( 105) =     2.06
  offset( 106) =    24.74
  offset( 107) =    14.27
  offset( 108) =    -2.56
  offset( 109) =    -3.93
  offset( 110) = -9999.99
  offset( 111) =     8.74
  offset( 112) =    10.62
  offset( 113) =     8.13
  offset( 114) =    -9.11
  offset( 115) =    28.90
  offset( 116) =   -22.43
  offset( 117) =    15.39
  offset( 118) =     8.35
  offset( 119) = -9999.99
  offset( 120) =    23.88
  offset( 121) =    -8.30
  offset( 122) = -9999.99
  offset( 123) =   -22.34
  offset( 124) =    -3.13
  offset( 125) = -9999.99
  offset( 126) = -9999.99
  offset( 127) = -9999.99
  offset( 128) =    -5.53
  offset( 129) =    13.01
  offset( 130) =     4.93
  offset( 131) =    -6.37
  offset( 132) =   -14.43
  offset( 133) =    -1.17
  offset( 134) =   -13.50
  offset( 135) =   -29.29
  offset( 136) =     0.38
  offset( 137) =    -2.31
  offset( 138) =    17.01
  offset( 139) =   -28.94
  offset( 140) =    -9.94
  offset( 141) =    10.87
  offset( 142) =    -6.41
  offset( 143) =   -10.41
  offset( 144) =    13.21
  offset( 145) =    10.55
  offset( 146) =   -16.63
  offset( 147) =    -9.88
  offset( 148) =     3.68
  offset( 149) =   -13.44
  offset( 150) =    16.01
  offset( 151) =    -0.66
  offset( 152) =    -4.78
  offset( 153) =     3.88
  offset( 154) =     1.75
  offset( 155) =    14.87
  offset( 156) =    14.93
  offset( 157) = -9999.99
  offset( 158) =    -1.27
  offset( 159) =    11.46
  offset( 160) =     1.60
  offset( 161) =   -17.07
  offset( 162) = -9999.99
  offset( 163) =    -7.67
  offset( 164) =     6.72
  offset( 165) =   -14.06
  offset( 166) =   -13.29
  offset( 167) =    -5.26
  offset( 168) =     9.71
  offset( 169) =   -26.00
  offset( 170) =   -13.22
  offset( 171) =     1.65
  offset( 172) =   -16.16
  offset( 173) =    16.84
  offset( 174) =    10.04
  offset( 175) =   -13.46
  offset( 176) =   -11.55
  offset( 177) =    18.48
  offset( 178) =    26.41
  offset( 179) =    26.68
  offset( 180) =    52.12
  offset( 181) =    -4.79
  offset( 182) =    15.28
  offset( 183) =     7.10
  offset( 184) =    14.26
  offset( 185) =    12.19
  offset( 186) =   -11.96
  offset( 187) =    12.95
  offset( 188) =   -14.44
  offset( 189) =    -0.90
  offset( 190) =     8.53
  offset( 191) =     5.83
  offset( 192) =    14.00
  offset( 193) =    23.65
  offset( 194) =    45.50
  offset( 195) =    19.86
  offset( 196) =    20.01
  offset( 197) =    -5.01
  offset( 198) =    10.92
  offset( 199) =    10.42
  offset( 200) =   -23.83
  offset( 201) =    -8.06
  offset( 202) =    -1.51
  offset( 203) =    11.88
  offset( 204) =   -17.23
  offset( 205) =    22.72
  offset( 206) =   -15.70
  offset( 207) =    69.14
  offset( 208) =   -31.45
  offset( 209) =     4.00
  offset( 210) =     3.27
  offset( 211) =    -1.41
  offset( 212) =    17.72
  offset( 213) =    -9.82
  offset( 214) =    42.36
  offset( 215) =   -14.39
  offset( 216) =   -10.26
  offset( 217) =    16.12
  offset( 218) =   -13.05
  offset( 219) =    32.84
  offset( 220) =     8.33
  offset( 221) =   -31.72
  offset( 222) =    -6.97
  offset( 223) =     9.41
  offset( 224) =    13.02
  offset( 225) =    -4.24
  offset( 226) =     2.84
  offset( 227) =    19.86
  offset( 228) =     1.54
  offset( 229) =    -1.36
  offset( 230) =    -4.71
  offset( 231) =    -8.29
  offset( 232) =    17.26
  offset( 233) =   -27.21
  offset( 234) =     0.91
  offset( 235) =     0.88
  offset( 236) =    25.52
  offset( 237) =    -5.75
  offset( 238) =   -14.34
  offset( 239) =    -1.61
  offset( 240) =     3.03
  offset( 241) =    16.54
  offset( 242) =    -5.54
  offset( 243) =   -18.73
  offset( 244) =     9.95
  offset( 245) =     7.49
  offset( 246) =     6.72
  offset( 247) =   -10.82
  offset( 248) =    22.57
  offset( 249) =    25.84
  offset( 250) =    24.76
  offset( 251) =     9.43
  offset( 252) =    -5.13
  offset( 253) =     6.02
  offset( 254) =     1.75
  offset( 255) =    38.44
  offset( 256) = -9999.99
  offset( 257) =     4.87
  offset( 258) = -9999.99
  offset( 259) =   -22.56
  offset( 260) =     8.35
  offset( 261) =     3.63
  offset( 262) =   -21.39
  offset( 263) =    17.77
  offset( 264) =    -5.50
  offset( 265) =    -3.87
  offset( 266) =     1.14
  offset( 267) =    -1.08
  offset( 268) =     9.44
  offset( 269) =     1.99
  offset( 270) =    -5.29
  offset( 271) =    12.22
  offset( 272) =     4.93
  offset( 273) =    -0.64
  offset( 274) =    22.92
  offset( 275) =   -18.21
  offset( 276) =     0.20
  offset( 277) =    -6.97
  offset( 278) =    14.96
  offset( 279) =    14.56
  offset( 280) =    14.59
  offset( 281) =    -5.61
  offset( 282) =    15.35
  offset( 283) =   -22.48
  offset( 284) =     9.83
  offset( 285) =    19.83
  offset( 286) =   -20.28
  offset( 287) =    27.19
  offset( 288) =    11.79
  offset( 289) =    -8.16
  offset( 290) =    81.33
  offset( 291) =    -4.18
  offset( 292) =   -12.11
  offset( 293) =    -1.70
  offset( 294) =   -12.91
  offset( 295) =     1.57
  offset( 296) =   -12.75
  offset( 297) =   -23.81
  offset( 298) =     4.09
... 227 more lines ...
  524   Wed Jan 31 15:27:07 2024 TDPhotos of water flow & dew point sensor interlock box
Attachment 1 - 4 socket input connectors ( from sensor to interlock box )

Attachment 2 & 2 - 24V dc relays and internal wiring

Attachment 4 - 3 socket input connector ( from interlock box to USB-controlled ac mains relay )
Attachment 1: 20240131_160205.jpg
Attachment 2: 20240131_145249.jpg
Attachment 3: 20240131_145340.jpg
Attachment 4: 20240131_160341.jpg
  523   Mon Nov 13 11:46:54 2023 TDSummary of AIDA 24cm x 8cm 'triple' DSSSD tests
Attachment 1: Summary_of_AIDA_tests_2022-3_-_Dec_2023.pdf
Summary_of_AIDA_tests_2022-3_-_Dec_2023.pdf Summary_of_AIDA_tests_2022-3_-_Dec_2023.pdf Summary_of_AIDA_tests_2022-3_-_Dec_2023.pdf Summary_of_AIDA_tests_2022-3_-_Dec_2023.pdf Summary_of_AIDA_tests_2022-3_-_Dec_2023.pdf Summary_of_AIDA_tests_2022-3_-_Dec_2023.pdf Summary_of_AIDA_tests_2022-3_-_Dec_2023.pdf Summary_of_AIDA_tests_2022-3_-_Dec_2023.pdf
Attachment 2: Summary_of_AIDA_tests_2022-3_-_Dec_2023.pptx
  522   Thu Oct 12 14:01:43 2023 TDMSL type BB18 24cm x 8cm DSSSD test - update
DSSSD MSL type BB18 24cm x 8cm 3208-3/3208-21/3208-22

FEE64 configuration see attachment 2

Bias -150V -6.590uA ambient temperature +24.7 deg C d.p. +13.7 deg C RH 50.3%

amplitude 10.0V
attenuation x10
decay time 1ms
tail pulse
frequency 25Hz

PB-5 output direct to p+n junction side FEE64 aida01 or aida12, or n+n Ohmic side FEE64 aida02

aida01 1.8.L pulser peak width  61 ch FWHM ~  46keV FWHM => 5s threshold 98keV 
aida12 1.8.L pulser peak width  56 ch FWHM ~  42keV FWHM => 5s threshold 89keV
aida02 1.8.L pulser peak width 102 ch FWHM ~  77keV FWHM => 5s threshold 163keV

slow comparator  0xa 100keV ( all p+n junction FEE64s ) 
                 0xf 150keV ( all n+n Ohmic FEE64s )

per FEE64 Rate spectra - attachment 1
 p+n FEE64s ( aida010, aida01, aida09, aida12, aida03, aida11 ) rates dominated by hot channels, other channels typically <1Hz ( 25Hz pulser to aida12 )
 n+n FEE64s ( aida02, aida04 ) rates ~ 10-20Hz/channel
 Note aida06 and aida08 are not connected to anything and should be ignored

ADC data item stats - attachment 2

For further information see and

To Do

- repair/replace Honeywell HSS-DPS dew point sensor
   USB-controlled ac mains relay interlock currently overrriden
   do NOT operate AIDA unattended

- aida04 asic #1 u/s - replace ASIC mezzanine

- electrically isolated test signal distribution box req'd

- aida10 asic #4
   v. high rates observed and large signal transients 
   cause unclear ... ASIC/adaptor PCB/cabling/Si wafer ?

- extended background alpha run to check all DSSSD bond wires
   pulser OFF
   slow comparator 0x64

- bPlas + 2x triple DSSSD + bPlas stack assembly and test

- all up, in beam test
Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-10-12_15-13-30.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-10-12_15-17-05.png
  521   Sun Oct 1 11:47:07 2023 TDS4 cooling water
The photographs show the cooling water controls and temperature/pressure gauges outside S4 and the connections used by AIDA within S4.
Attachment 1: 1000007356.jpg
Attachment 2: 1000007355.jpg
  520   Thu Aug 31 15:24:56 2023 NHNew AIDA MBS PC
The AIDA MBS FDR will be x86l-119 from now on, not x86l-94

the MBS relay and startup scripts will be changed for this
  519   Mon Aug 28 12:47:56 2023 NHPower Failure 24.08.2023
There was a power failure in the morning of 24.08.2023 in the Rhein-Main area affecting GSI

The Aida workstation (aida-3) has been restarted, it is unknown if the Pis in S4 rebooted as well (there is a UPS)

29.8.23 TD Both RPi systems rebooted four days ago.
  518   Sun Jul 16 09:32:57 2023 TDFirefox browser proxy setting change
Firefox browser proxy setting changed to 'Auto-detect proxy settings for this network' ( Firefox -> Edit -> Settings -> Network Settings -> Settings )
ELOG V3.1.4-unknown