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  ID Date Author Subject
  697   Fri Nov 3 23:09:36 2017 TD, OHSaturday 4 November
08.09 DAQ running OK - data transfer not enabled

      BNC PB-4
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
      - polarity
      frequency range 25Hz
      delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref

      ASIC settings 2017Oct23-14.38.03
      *all* FEE64s slow comparators 0xa *except* nnaida19-22 0xc

      Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 3
      DAQ statistics OK - see attachment 4
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration - see attachment 6
      PLL and DCM Clock Lock Monitor OK - see attachment 5

08.22 per FEE64 Rate, 1.8.L and 1.8.W spectra - see attachments 7-12
      nnaida3 78 ch FWHM
      nnaida17 66 ch FWHM

16.43 Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 13 & 14
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 15
      DAQ statistics OK - see attachment 16
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration - see attachment 6
      PLL and DCM Clock Lock Monitor OK - see attachment 5

      per FEE64 Rate, 1.8.L pectra - see attachments 17-20
      nnaida3 78 ch FWHM
      nnaida17 68 ch FWHM
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 4.png
Attachment 5: 5.png
Attachment 6: 6.png
Attachment 7: 11.png
Attachment 8: 12.png
Attachment 9: 13.png
Attachment 10: 14.png
Attachment 11: 17.png
Attachment 12: 18.png
Attachment 13: 20.png
Attachment 14: 21.png
Attachment 15: 22.png
Attachment 16: 23.png
Attachment 17: 24.png
Attachment 18: 25.png
Attachment 19: 26.png
Attachment 20: 27.png
  696   Thu Nov 2 22:57:53 2017 OHFriday 3 November
10.56 DAQ running OK - data transfer not enabled

      BNC PB-4
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
      - polarity
      frequency range 25Hz
      delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref

      ASIC settings 2017Oct23-14.38.03
      *all* FEE64s slow comparators 0xa *except* nnaida19-22 0xc

      Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 2
      DAQ statistics OK - see attachment 3
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration
Attachment 1: 031117_0758_bias.png
Attachment 2: 031117_0759_bias.png
Attachment 3: 031117_0759_stats.png
  695   Thu Nov 2 01:56:18 2017 TD, OHThursday 2 November
10.56 DAQ running OK - data transfer not enabled

      BNC PB-4
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
      - polarity
      frequency range 25Hz
      delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref

      ASIC settings 2017Oct23-14.38.03
      *all* FEE64s slow comparators 0xa *except* nnaida13 0xe, nnaida19-22 0xc

      Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 3
      DAQ statistics OK - see attachment 4
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration

      p+n FEE64s 1.8.L spectra - see attachment 5 - nnaida17 FWHM 63 ch
      n+n FEE64s 1.8.L spectra - see attachment 6 - nnaida3 FWHM 78 ch
      per FEE64 rate spectra - see attachments 7 & 8

11.06 all spectra zero'd

17.28 Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 9 & 10
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 11
      DAQ statistics OK - see attachment 12
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration

18.46 per PJCS request two screenshots of nnaida21:8015/AIDA/MONLOCK/MONLOCK.tml
      see attachments 13 & 14

23:52 Statistics still good - Attachment 15
      Leakage and bias ok - Attachment 16
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 4.png
Attachment 5: 5.png
Attachment 6: 6.png
Attachment 7: 7.png
Attachment 8: 8.png
Attachment 9: 10.png
Attachment 10: 11.png
Attachment 11: 12.png
Attachment 12: 13.png
Attachment 13: 20.png
Attachment 14: 21.png
Attachment 15: 021117_2351_stats.png
Attachment 16: 021117_2352_bias.png
  694   Wed Nov 1 02:24:20 2017 OHWednesday 1 November
11:24 DAQ running OK - data transfer not enabled

      BNC PB-4
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
      - polarity
      frequency range 25Hz
      delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref

      ASIC settings 2017Oct23-14.38.03
      *all* FEE64s slow comparators 0xa *except* nnaida13 0xe, nnaida19-22 0xc

      Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 2
      DAQ statistics OK - see attachment 3
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration
Attachment 1: 011117_1120_bias.png
Attachment 2: 011117_1122_feetemps.png
Attachment 3: 011117_1123_stats.png
  693   Tue Oct 31 05:57:33 2017 TDOffline analysis RIBF128/R5_124-R5_148 and Oct17/R31_17-R17_34
Offline analysis of the AIDA Oct17/R17_31 to R17_34 data "84Ge setting"
compared to an equivalent analysis of the AIDA RIBF128/R5_124 to R5_148
data from the 130Ag setting of the June 2017 RIBF128 experiment.

1) no software thresholds
2) no PID correlation
3) unless otherwise stated, all implant energies are the stopping layer implant energies

Attachment 1 - implantation energy (20MeV/ch, range 20.48GeV)
               per pixel implant-decay correlation time (163.84us/ch, range 16.78ms)

               The 130Ag data (lower) clearly shows the "20ms bump", there is no
               evidence for a "20ms bump" in the "84Ge" data (upper).

               Note the non-observation of the "20ms bump" in the "84Ge" data
               is not explained by the larger range of implant energies of the
               130Ag data ( see attachment 7 )
Attachments 2-3 - per pixel implant-decay times (163.84us/ch)

                  upper 130Ag setting
                  lower "84Ge setting"

Attachments 4-5 - per pixel implant-decay times (163.84us/ch)

                  red 130Ag setting
                  yellow "84Ge setting"

Attachment 6 - *total* implant energy for AIDA DSSSD stack (5.6MeV/channel)

               yellow 130Ag setting
               red "84Ge setting"

Attachment 7 - implant energy for stopping DSSSD layer (20MeV/channel)

               red 130Ag setting
               yellow "84Ge setting"

Attachment 8 - per pixel decay-decay correlation time (163.84us/ch, range 16.78ms)
               per pixel implant-decay correlation time (163.84us/ch, range 16.78ms)

               upper "84Ge setting"
               lower 130Ag setting

Attachment 9 - x and y-axis projections for 130Ag setting spectrum

               @x per pixel implant-decay correlation time (163.84us/ch, range 16.78ms)
               @y per pixel decay-decay correlation time (163.84us/ch, range 16.78ms)

Attachment 10 - x and y-axis projections for "84Ge setting" setting spectrum

               @x per pixel implant-decay correlation time (163.84us/ch, range 16.78ms)
               @y per pixel decay-decay correlation time (163.84us/ch, range 16.78ms)
Attachment 1: 100.png
Attachment 2: 101.png
Attachment 3: 102.png
Attachment 4: 103.png
Attachment 5: 104.png
Attachment 6: 105.png
Attachment 7: 106.png
Attachment 8: 107.png
Attachment 9: 108.png
Attachment 10: 109.png
  692   Tue Oct 31 00:34:10 2017 TD, OHTuesday 31 October
09.34 DAQ running OK - data transfer not enabled

      BNC PB-4
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
      - polarity
      frequency range 25Hz
      delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref

      ASIC settings 2017Oct23-14.38.03
      *all* FEE64s slow comparators 0xa *except* nnaida13 0xe, nnaida19-22 0xc

      Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 3
      DAQ statistics OK - see attachment 4
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration

15.02 Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 5 & 6
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 7
      DAQ statistics OK - see attachment 8
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration
      Ambient temperature +24.3 deg C, d.p. -0.2 deg C, RH 19.8%
      Julabo FL11006 recirculating chiller set point +20 deg C, actual +20.0 deg C, water level OK c. mid-point
middle-upper marker
Attachment 1: 20.png
Attachment 2: 21.png
Attachment 3: 22.png
Attachment 4: 23.png
Attachment 5: 200.png
Attachment 6: 201.png
Attachment 7: 202.png
Attachment 8: 203.png
  691   Mon Oct 30 01:10:28 2017 TD, OHMonday 30 October
10.10 DAQ running OK - data transfer not enabled

      BNC PB-4
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
      - polarity
      frequency range 25Hz
      delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref

      ASIC settings 2017Oct23-14.38.03
      *all* FEE64s slow comparators 0xa *except* nnaida13 0xe, nnaida19-22 0xc

      Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 3
      DAQ statistics OK - see attachment 4
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration

15.56 Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 5 & 6
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 7
      DAQ statistics OK - see attachment 8
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 4.png
Attachment 5: 10.png
Attachment 6: 11.png
Attachment 7: 12.png
Attachment 8: 13.png
  690   Sun Oct 29 05:16:35 2017 TD, OHSunday 29 October
14.16 DAQ running OK - data transfer not enabled

      BNC PB-4
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
      - polarity
      frequency range 25Hz
      delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref

      ASIC settings 2017Oct23-14.38.03
      *all* FEE64s slow comparators 0xa *except* nnaida13 0xe, nnaida19-22 0xc

      Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 3
      DAQ statistics OK - see attachment 4
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration
      Julabo FL11006 recirculating chiller set point +20 deg C, actual +20.0 deg C
      Ambient temperature +23.9 deg C, d.p. +10.8 deg C, RH 43.2%

15.05 per FEE64 Rate, 1.8.L and 1.8.W spectra - note common x & y scales
      Peak width nnaida5 63 ch FWHM
      Peak width nnaida8 82 ch FWHM

15.09 All histograms zero'd

18.25 Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 11 & 12
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 13
      DAQ statistics OK - see attachment 14
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration
Attachment 1: 10.png
Attachment 2: 11.png
Attachment 3: 12.png
Attachment 4: 13.png
Attachment 5: 21.png
Attachment 6: 22.png
Attachment 7: 23.png
Attachment 8: 24.png
Attachment 9: 27.png
Attachment 10: 28.png
Attachment 11: 30.png
Attachment 12: 31.png
Attachment 13: 32.png
Attachment 14: 33.png
  689   Sat Oct 28 06:25:07 2017 TDWaveforms
For comparison with waveforms shown in and

Note; nnaida21 ADC did not calibrate during setup therefore no waveforms for this FEE64

Current configuration

p+n junction strips FEE64 adaptor PCB rev D -> FEE64 adaptor PCB rev E
ac coupling 10n/100V/X7R -> 33n/100V/X7R
detector bias RC filter 3.3k/10n added
ASIC setting Ibias LF feedback 0x8 -> 0xf *except* nnaida2 ->0xc

n+n ohmic strips FEE64 adaptor PCB rev C *no change*
ASIC setting Ibias LF feedback 0xb *no change*

Attachments 1-5 waveforms for n+n ohmic strips

Attachment 1 - per FEE64 1.8.W, 20us range
Attachment 2 - per FEE64 1.8.W, 20us range, expanded y=scale
Attachment 3 - per FEE64 1.8.W, 200us range, expanded y=scale
Attachment 4 - per FEE64 1.8.W, 2ms range, expanded y=scale
Attachment 5 - per FEE64 1.8.W, 20ms range, expanded y=scale

Attachments 6-10 waveforms for p+n junction strips

Attachment 6 - per FEE64 1.8.W, 20us range
Attachment 7 - per FEE64 1.8.W, 20us range, expanded y=scale
Attachment 8 - per FEE64 1.8.W, 200us range, expanded y=scale
Attachment 9 - per FEE64 1.8.W, 2ms range, expanded y=scale
Attachment 10 - per FEE64 1.8.W, 20ms range, expanded y=scale
Attachment 1: 54.png
Attachment 2: 55.png
Attachment 3: 56.png
Attachment 4: 57.png
Attachment 5: 58.png
Attachment 6: 60.png
Attachment 7: 61.png
Attachment 8: 62.png
Attachment 9: 63.png
Attachment 10: 64.png
  688   Sat Oct 28 06:09:44 2017 TDOffline analysis Oct17/R17_31-R17_34
Attachment 1: 20.png
Attachment 2: 21.png
Attachment 3: 22.png
Attachment 4: 23.png
Attachment 5: 24.png
Attachment 6: 25.png
Attachment 7: 27.png
Attachment 8: 28.png
Attachment 9: 29.png
Attachment 10: 30.png
Attachment 11: 31.png
Attachment 12: 32.png
Attachment 13: 33.png
Attachment 14: 34.png
Attachment 15: 35.png
Attachment 16: 36.png
Attachment 17: 37.png
Attachment 18: 38.png
Attachment 19: 39.png
Attachment 20: 40.png
  687   Sat Oct 28 03:33:10 2017 TD, OHSaturday 28 October
11.33 DAQ running OK - date transfer not enabled

      BNC PB-4
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
      - polarity
      frequency range 25Hz
      delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref

      ASIC settings 2017Oct23-14.38.03
      *all* FEE64s slow comparators 0xa *except* nnaida13 0xe, nnaida19-22 0xc

      Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 3
      DAQ statistics OK - see attachment 4
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration
      Julabo FL11006 recirculating chiller set point +20 deg C, actual +20.0 deg C
      Ambient temperature +26.2 deg C, d.p. +6.2 deg C, RH 28.3%

14.40 Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 5 & 6
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 7
      DAQ statistics OK - see attachment 8
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration

14.50 DAQ starts
      AIDA data file Oct17/R18

14.53 per FEE64 rates (20us/channel) - see attachment 9
      No indication of c. 400us period noise as indicated by DAQ statistics attachment 8

15.46 DAQ stopped

      DAQ start - data tranfser disabled

19.40 Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 10 & 11
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 12
      DAQ statistics OK - see attachment 13
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 4.png
Attachment 5: 70.png
Attachment 6: 71.png
Attachment 7: 72.png
Attachment 8: 73.png
Attachment 9: 80.png
Attachment 10: 1.png
Attachment 11: 2.png
Attachment 12: 3.png
Attachment 13: 4.png
  686   Fri Oct 27 08:35:33 2017 TDOffline analysis Oct17/R17_31-R17_34
Offline analysis of High Energy Channel (HEC) 20GeV FSR data from AIDA data file Oct17/R17_31-R17_34

Degrader OUT

Attachment 1 - per DSSSD #1-6 m_p versus m_n
Attachment 2 - 2D spectra contour levels/colours
Attachment 3 - per DSSSD #1-6 x versus y 
Attachment 4 - per DSSSD #1-6 E_p versus E_n (20MeV/channel nominal)

Attachments 5-7 - as above but with all statistics from AIDA data files Oct17/R17_34

Attachment 8 - Sum of E_p energies for DSSSD #1-6 (5.6MeV/channel nominal)

               Peak at channel 1450 corresponds to an energy of 8.1GeV
               End of spectrum channel 1850 corresponds to 10.4GeV

               Note - HEC data not gain-matched
                      Using nominal HEC calibration accurate to ~ +/-20%

Attachment 1: 51.png
Attachment 2: 52.png
Attachment 3: 54.png
Attachment 4: 55.png
Attachment 5: 10.png
Attachment 6: 11.png
Attachment 7: 12.png
Attachment 8: 5.png
  685   Fri Oct 27 01:58:44 2017 TD, OHFriday 27 October
09.56 DAQ stopped OK yesterday

      BNC PB-4
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
      - polarity
      frequency range 25Hz
      delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref

      ASIC settings 2017Oct23-14.38.03
      *all* FEE64s slow comparators 0xa *except* nnaida13 0xe, nnaida19-22 0xc

      Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 3
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration
      Julabo FL11006 recirculating chiller coolant reservoir refilled - set point +20 deg C, actual +20.0 deg C
      Ambient temperature +23.6 deg C, d.p. +6.2 deg C, RH 32.2%

      AIDA withdrawn from (CH2)n matrix

      DAQ started - no data transfer
      good events statistics stable - see attachment 4
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration

13:30 System wide checks ok
      Stats - Attachment 6
      FEE temperatures ok - Attachment 7
      leakage and bias ok - Attachment 8

17.15 Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 9 & 10
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 11
      good events statistics stable - see attachment 12
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration
      Ambient temperature +25.2 deg C, d.p. +5.7 deg C, RH 28.5%
Attachment 1: 10.png
Attachment 2: 11.png
Attachment 3: 12.png
Attachment 4: 261017_0926_bias.png
Attachment 5: 13.png
Attachment 6: 271017_1329_stats.png
Attachment 7: 271017_1330_feetemp.png
Attachment 8: 271017_1331_bias.png
Attachment 9: 60.png
Attachment 10: 61.png
Attachment 11: 62.png
Attachment 12: 63.png
  684   Wed Oct 25 18:36:46 2017 TD, OHThursday 26 October
02.37 DAQ stalled - USB-controlled ac mains relay fuse blown
      Not writing to disk

      BNC PB-4
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
      - polarity
      frequency range 25Hz
      delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref

      ASIC settings 2017Oct23-14.38.03
      *all* FEE64s slow comparators 0xa

      Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration
      Ambient temperature +24.3 deg C, d.p. +8.7 deg C, RH 37.1%

02.54 Replace 250V/16A fuse and power up

      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 3
      good events statistics stable & OK - see attachments 4

03:30 Stats with nnaida13 slow comparator threshold raised to 140keV - Attachment 5

03:50 Pulser widths done, slow comparator threshold raised to 0xc ~120keV for  nnaida 19-22
      Statistics - Attachment 6

05:40 Beam now going into F11. Wasabi and YSol in front of AIDA
      AIDA is seeing light particles
      Waveforms look good
      Layout 7 - Attachment 7
      layout 8 - Attachment 8
      Statistics with light particles going through - Attachment 9
      Bias and leakage currents ok - Attachment 10

      We are taking the light ion data to file in R17_*

06:50 Light ion data continues
      System wide checks all ok

07:22 Bias and leakage ok - Attachment 11
      FEE Temperatures ok - Attachment 12
      Stats - Attachment 13

08:15 Light ions stop still writing file

08:27 Beam into aida run R17_30
      Zero degrader, just 4mm of WAS3ABI
      WAS3ABI run 120
      BRIKEN started run at 08:27 run 18
      BIGRIPS Run 8
      Timestamp reset at 08:27
      Stats with beam - Attachment 14

08:44 Waveforms with implants in the detector
      Layout 7 - Attachments 15 & 16
      Layout 8 - Attachments 17 & 18
      Layout 1  linear and log attachments 19 & 20 
      Leakage and bias ok - Attachment 21

09:14 Just noticed the stats in nnaida13 has dropped rate. Noise source may have been turned off
      Statistics - Attachment 22

      Spectra from the 0mm degrader run - Attachments 22-27

09:20 BRIKEN and WAS3ABI stop on run 162 aida on R17_35
      1mm degrader moved in
      BigRIPS on run 9
      BRIKEN run 19
      WAS3ABI start on 163
      AIDA on R17_35

      Rates similar to last screenshot of stats 09:14

09:26 Leakage and bias ok - Attachment 28

09:41 Beam stops
      AIDA on file R17_37
      BRIKEN stops running
      WAS3ABI on run 178

AIDA Files written
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2.0G Oct 26 08:22 R17_29
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2.0G Oct 26 08:31 R17_30
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2.0G Oct 26 08:40 R17_31
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2.0G Oct 26 08:50 R17_32
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2.0G Oct 26 09:00 R17_33
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2.0G Oct 26 09:10 R17_34
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2.0G Oct 26 09:21 R17_35
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2.0G Oct 26 09:31 R17_36
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 2.0G Oct 26 09:42 R17_37
-rw-rw-rw-. 1 npg npgstaff 329M Oct 26 09:44 R17_38
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 261017_0311_FEETEMP.png
Attachment 4: 261017_0313_stats.png
Attachment 5: 261017_0331_stats.png
Attachment 6: 261017_0350_stats19-22.png
Attachment 7: 261017_0538_layout7.png
Attachment 8: 261017_0539_layout8.png
Attachment 9: 261017_0540_stats.png
Attachment 10: 261017_0541_bias.png
Attachment 11: 261017_0721_bias.png
Attachment 12: 261017_0722_feetemp.png
Attachment 13: 261017_0722_stats.png
Attachment 14: 261017_0829_stats.png
Attachment 15: 261017_0834_layout7.png
Attachment 16: 261017_0835_layout7zoom.png
Attachment 17: 261017_0836_layout8.png
Attachment 18: 261017_0836_layout8zoom.png
Attachment 19: 261017_0838_layout1log.png
Attachment 20: 261017_0843_bias.png
Attachment 21: 261017_0915_stats.png
Attachment 22: 261017_0918_HECMult.png
Attachment 23: 261017_0918_HECXY.png
Attachment 24: 261017_0919_HECExEy.png
Attachment 25: 261017_0919_LECExEy.png
Attachment 26: 261017_0922_LECXY.png
Attachment 27: 261017_0923_LECMult.png
Attachment 28: 261017_0926_bias.png
  683   Wed Oct 25 03:26:55 2017 TD, OHWednesday 25 October
11.27 DAQ continues
      Not writing to disk

      BNC PB-4
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
      - polarity
      frequency range 25Hz
      delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref

      ASIC settings 2017Oct23-14.38.03
      *all* FEE64s slow comparators 0xa

      Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 3
      good events statistics stable & OK - see attachments 4
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration

11.47 Ambient temperature +23.9 deg C, d.p. +9.0 deg C, RH 39.0%

16:45 System wide checks all ok 
      FEE temps ok - Attachment 5
      Stats - Attachment 6
      Bias and leakage ok - Attachment 7
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 4.png
Attachment 5: 251017_1644_feetemp.png
Attachment 6: 251017_1644_stats.png
Attachment 7: 251017_1645_bias.png
  682   Tue Oct 24 03:16:07 2017 TD, OHTuesday 24 October
11.16 DAQ continues
      AIDA file Oct17/R8_107

      BNC PB-4
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
      - polarity
      frequency range 25Hz
      delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref

      ASIC settings 2017Oct23-14.38.03

11.20 Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 1 & 2
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 3
      good events statistics stable & OK - see attachments 4 & 5
      no merger/tapeserver errors reported since start of run - see attachments 6 & 7
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration

11.30 Ambient temperature +23.3 deg C, d.p. +4.1 deg C, RH 28.7%

11.30 analysis file Oct17/R7_108 - zero deadtime, 6x MBS and zero ts timewarps - see attachment 8

11.39 DAQ stop

11.44 DAQ start
      AIDA file Oct17/R9

      Pulser walkthrough

      BNC PB-4
      Amplitude 90,000-10,000 @ 10,000 step
      x5 attenuator IN
      t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
      - polarity
      frequency range 250Hz
      delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref

11.53 DAQ stop
      See attachment 8

11.44 DAQ start
      AIDA file Oct17/R10

      Pulser walkthrough

      BNC PB-4
      Amplitude 12,000-2,000 @ 2,000 step
      x5 attenuator IN
      t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
      - polarity
      frequency range 250Hz
      delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref

11.53 DAQ stop
      See attachment 9

12.06 DAQ starts
      AIDA file Oct17/R12

      BNC PB-4
      Amplitude 90,000
      x5 attenuator IN
      t_r 100ns tau_d 50us
      - polarity
      frequency range 25Hz
      delay MIN, tail pulse, INT ref

      ASIC settings 2017Oct23-14.38.03

14.41 online analysis 
      ADC synchronised - see attachment 10

17.12 DAQ starts
      AIDA file Oct17/R13

      Background for LuckyDoll automatic threshold determination

      BNC PB-4 OFF

      ASIC settings 2017Oct23-14.38.03
      Slow comparator nnaida13 0xc, nnaida19-22 0xb, all other FEE64s 0xa

      DAQ statistics - see attachment 11

17.27 DAQ stop
18.03 DAQ starts
      AIDA file Oct17/R16

      Background for LuckyDoll automatic threshold determination

      BNC PB-4 OFF

      ASIC settings 2017Oct23-14.38.03
      Slow comparator *all* FEE64s 0xa

      DAQ statistics - see attachment 12

18.22 DAQ stop

18.48 DAQ statistics
      Slow comparator *all* FEE64s 0xa - see attachment 13
      Slow comparator *all* FEE64s 0x9 - see attachment 14
      Slow comparator *all* FEE64s 0x8 - see attachment 15
      Slow comparator *all* FEE64s 0x7 - see attachment 16

18.53 Detector biases & leakage currents OK - see attachments 13 & 14
      FEE64 Temperatures OK - see attachment 15
      *all* system wide checks OK *except* nnaida21 fails ADC calibration
Attachment 1: 1.png
Attachment 2: 2.png
Attachment 3: 3.png
Attachment 4: 4.png
Attachment 5: 5.png
Attachment 6: 6.png
Attachment 7: 7.png
Attachment 8: R8_107.txt
 *** TDR format 3.3.0 analyser - TD - June 2017
 ***     MBS information: block:   212 ptr:     7 data: 0x868201AE module:  6 information type:  8 information field: 0x000201AE ts: 0x06F895A120B1 OLD ts: 0x06F895A120B1 MBS 0x:01AE0000B645 OLD MBS 0x:01AED070E5B2
 ***     MBS information: block:  9365 ptr:     7 data: 0x868201AF module:  6 information type:  8 information field: 0x000201AF ts: 0x06FC84A92C6D OLD ts: 0x06FC84A92C6D MBS 0x:01AF0000B934 OLD MBS 0x:01AFCC32E8A2
 ***     MBS information: block: 17747 ptr:  9837 data: 0x86820000 module:  6 information type:  8 information field: 0x00020000 ts: 0x07001C3112D1 OLD ts: 0x07001C3112D1 MBS 0x:000000008343 OLD MBS 0x:01B0B214E23A
 ***     MBS information: block: 18521 ptr:     7 data: 0x86820000 module:  6 information type:  8 information field: 0x00020000 ts: 0x07006E53E9E1 OLD ts: 0x07006E53E9E1 MBS 0x:000000003907 OLD MBS 0x:000014856874
 ***     MBS information: block: 24082 ptr: 14701 data: 0x86820000 module:  6 information type:  8 information field: 0x00020000 ts: 0x0702BF75C679 OLD ts: 0x0702BF75C679 MBS 0x:0000000300EB OLD MBS 0x:0000A8CDDF9A
 ***     MBS information: block: 30871 ptr:  1637 data: 0x86820000 module:  6 information type:  8 information field: 0x00020000 ts: 0x070595461241 OLD ts: 0x070595461241 MBS 0x:000000015FB2 OLD MBS 0x:0000B573434A
 *** ERROR: READ I/O error:       5002
                   blocks:      32000
          ADC data format:  255122417 (  437645.8 Hz)
        Other data format:    5965583 (   10233.6 Hz)
 Sample trace data format:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
         Undefined format:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
   Other data format type:      PAUSE:         18 (       0.0 Hz)
                               RESUME:         18 (       0.0 Hz)
                              SYNC100:    5336295 (    9154.1 Hz)
                           FEE64 disc:     454385 (     779.5 Hz)
                             MBS info:     174867 (     300.0 Hz)
                           Other info:          0 (       0.0 Hz)

   ADC data range bit set:       4998 (       8.6 Hz)

                Timewarps:        ADC:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                                PAUSE:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                               RESUME:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                              SYNC100:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                           FEE64 disc:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                             MBS info:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                            Undefined:          0 (       0.0 Hz)
                         Sample trace:          0 (       0.0 Hz)

 *** Timestamp elapsed time:      582.943 s
 FEE  elapsed dead time(s) elapsed idle time(s)
  1                0.000                0.000
  2                0.000                0.000
  3                0.000                0.000
  4                0.000                0.000
  5                0.000                0.000
  6                0.000                0.000
  7                0.000                0.000
  8                0.000                0.000
  9                0.000                0.000
 10                0.000                0.000
 11                0.000                0.000
 12                0.000                0.000
 13                0.000                0.000
 14                0.000                0.000
 15                0.000                0.000
 16                0.000                0.000
 17                0.000                0.000
 18                0.000                0.000
 19                0.117                0.000
 20                0.000                0.000
 21                0.000                0.000
 22                0.000                0.000
 23                0.001                0.000
 24                0.000                0.000
 25                0.000                0.000
 26                0.000                0.000
 27                0.000                0.000
 28                0.000                0.000
 29                0.000                0.000
 30                0.000                0.000
 31                0.000                0.000
 32                0.000                0.000

 *** Statistics
 FEE  ADC Data Other Data     Sample  Undefined      Pause     Resume    SYNC100       Disc        MBS      Other   HEC Data
  0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  1   20396615     238044          0          0          0          0     222341      15703          0          0         97
  2   20451515     247731          0          0          0          0     222354      25377          0          0          0
  3   16882812     241943          0          0          0          0     222352      19591          0          0          0
  4    3237099     237580          0          0          0          0     222345      15235          0          0        117
  5    4104478     245064          0          0          0          0     222348      22716          0          0          0
  6    4229035     412120          0          0          0          0     222352      14901     174867          0         52
  7    5134487     237195          0          0          0          0     222344      14851          0          0         90
  8    4480112     241717          0          0          0          0     222345      19372          0          0        620
  9    8300117     238182          0          0          0          0     222349      15833          0          0          0
 10   10363911     247272          0          0          0          0     222351      24921          0          0          0
 11    5259956     241617          0          0          0          0     222352      19265          0          0          0
 12    7379287     237100          0          0          0          0     222344      14756          0          0          0
 13   10037318     245039          0          0          0          0     222349      22690          0          0          0
 14    6412154     238574          0          0          0          0     222348      16226          0          0        164
 15    9773576     240826          0          0          0          0     222336      18490          0          0          0
 16    9245823     239767          0          0          0          0     222349      17418          0          0          0
 17    1322282     236263          0          0          0          0     222343      13920          0          0          0
 18    4248559     247360          0          0          0          0     222355      25005          0          0          0
 19   27082016     249362          0          0         17         17     222306      27022          0          0          4
 20   11108835     237935          0          0          0          0     222344      15591          0          0       3846
 21   13251113     247053          0          0          0          0     222349      24704          0          0          0
 22   12955580     238301          0          0          0          0     222347      15954          0          0          0
 23   18994482     237449          0          0          1          1     222354      15093          0          0          7
 24   20471255     242089          0          0          0          0     222338      19751          0          0          1
 25          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 26          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 27          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 28          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 29          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 30          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 31          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 32          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0

 *** Timewarps
 FEE       ADC      Pause     Resume    SYNC100       Disc        MBS  Undefined    Samples
  0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  1          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  2          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  3          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  4          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  5          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  6          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  7          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  8          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
  9          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 10          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 11          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 12          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 13          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 14          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 15          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 16          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 17          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 18          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 19          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 20          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 21          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 22          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 23          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 24          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 25          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 26          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 27          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 28          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 29          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 30          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 31          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0
 32          0          0          0          0          0          0          0          0

 *** MBS Timewarps
  0          0
  1          0
  2          0
  3          0
  4          0
  5          0
  6          6
  7          0
  8          0
  9          0
 10          0
 11          0
 12          0
 13          0
 14          0
 15          0
 16          0
 17          0
 18          0
 19          0
 20          0
 21          0
 22          0
 23          0
 24          0
 25          0
 26          0
 27          0
 28          0
 29          0
 30          0
 31          0
 32          0

 *** Program elapsed time:   18.035s ( 1774.312 blocks/s, 110.895 Mb/s)
Attachment 9: 8.png
Attachment 10: 10.png
Attachment 11: 11.png
Attachment 12: 11.png
Attachment 13: 12.png
Attachment 14: 20.png
Attachment 15: 21.png
Attachment 16: 22.png
Attachment 17: 23.png
Attachment 18: 30.png
Attachment 19: 31.png
Attachment 20: 32.png
  681   Mon Oct 23 11:50:09 2017 TD, OHMon 23 Oct - further information please.
> 10:18 Leakage and bias ok - Attachment 1
>       FEE temperatures ok - Attachment 2
>       Statistics - Attachment 3
>       DAQ continues ok
> 10:23 DAQ stopped on R7_10
>       Alpha run through night
> 10:28 MIDAS Sort spectra from the alpha run
>       Ep versus En - Attachment 4
>       x versus y 2D hit pattern - Attachment 5
>       Front versus back multiplicity - Attachment 6
>       2D Hit pattern indicates detection of alphas in all 4 regions of each of the 6 detectors
>       indicates cabling is ok
> 11:55 FEEs turned off after being unable to recover after crash
Please could you define this 'crash' to allow a better understanding of problems with the system. 
For example.... what is unresponsive.... does a parse of the FEE64 log files ( before doing anything ) reveal a panic that is new? Does a STOP of the Tape work ? Does a Toggle of the MERGE pause state 
work ? 
Thus it will be possible to say that ..... FEE # is always the one responsible for DAQ failure or by < ???? > or the MERGE has found < ??? > problem.
Thanks in advance ;-)))

> 13:49 FEEs powered on again
>       Pi monitor indicates panic on nnaida22 the FEE that crashed
>       ReSync done on setup except for 23 and 24
>       Master ReSync done succesfully
>       ASIC settings loaded default to 2017Mar27
>       Restoring 2017Oct22
>       System wide checks ok
>       Leakage and bias ok - Attachment 7
>       FEE temperatures crashed - Attachment 8
>       Upon reboot all rates across the FEEs appear lower
>       In particular 13 and 14. Thresholds have been reduced back to 0xa for all ASICs on both FEEs
>       Layout 1 linear common y of 2000 - Attachment 9
>       Layout 1 log common y of 10 - Attachment 10
>       All front side FEE64 1.8.W waveforms - 20us range - Attachment 11
>       All back side FEE64 1.8.W waveforms - 20us range - Attachment 12
>       All front side FEE64 1.8.W waveforms - 2ms range - Attachment 13
>       All back side FEE64 1.8.W waveforms - 2m range - Attachment 14
>       FEE64 nnaida13 1.*.W waveforms - Ibias LF 0xf - 2ms range - Attachment 15
>       Statistics after switch and thresholds lowered - Attachment 16
>       Pulser widths measured. On boards changed 10 out of 12 FEEs show greater than 10% improvements
>       11 out of 24 total show greater than 10%
>       FEE stats post pulser width - Attachment 17
>       New ASIC settings DB key: 2017Oct23-14.38.03
>       Slow comparator 0xa for all FEE64s and all ASICs
>       IBias LF feedback at 0xf for all front side FEEs except nnaida 2 which is at 0xc
>       IBias LF feedback at 0xb for all back side FEEs
>       ASIC settings DB file checked OK
>       Ambient temperature +23.3 deg C, D.P +7.1 deg C,  R.H. 35.2%
>       Julabo FL11006 set point +20.0 deg C, water le
> 15:38 Merger and TapeServer screenshots - Attachments 17-18
  680   Mon Oct 23 02:24:14 2017 TD, OHMonday 23 October
10:18 Leakage and bias ok - Attachment 1
      FEE temperatures ok - Attachment 2
      Statistics - Attachment 3
      DAQ continues ok

10:23 DAQ stopped on R7_10
      Alpha run through night

10:28 MIDAS Sort spectra from the alpha run
      Ep versus En - Attachment 4
      x versus y 2D hit pattern - Attachment 5
      Front versus back multiplicity - Attachment 6

      2D Hit pattern indicates detection of alphas in all 4 regions of each of the 6 detectors
      indicates cabling is ok

11:55 FEEs turned off after being unable to recover after crash

13:49 FEEs powered on again
      Pi monitor indicates panic on nnaida22 the FEE that crashed

      ReSync done on setup except for 23 and 24
      Master ReSync done succesfully
      ASIC settings loaded default to 2017Mar27
      Restoring 2017Oct22
      System wide checks ok
      Leakage and bias ok - Attachment 7
      FEE temperatures crashed - Attachment 8

      Upon reboot all rates across the FEEs appear lower
      In particular 13 and 14. Thresholds have been reduced back to 0xa for all ASICs on both FEEs

      Layout 1 linear common y of 2000 - Attachment 9
      Layout 1 log common y of 10 - Attachment 10

      All front side FEE64 1.8.W waveforms - 20us range - Attachment 11
      All back side FEE64 1.8.W waveforms - 20us range - Attachment 12

      All front side FEE64 1.8.W waveforms - 2ms range - Attachment 13
      All back side FEE64 1.8.W waveforms - 2m range - Attachment 14

      FEE64 nnaida13 1.*.W waveforms - Ibias LF 0xf - 2ms range - Attachment 15

      Statistics after switch and thresholds lowered - Attachment 16
      Pulser widths measured. On boards changed 10 out of 12 FEEs show greater than 10% improvements
      11 out of 24 total show greater than 10%
      FEE stats post pulser width - Attachment 17

      New ASIC settings DB key: 2017Oct23-14.38.03
      Slow comparator 0xa for all FEE64s and all ASICs
      IBias LF feedback at 0xf for all front side FEEs except nnaida 2 which is at 0xc
      IBias LF feedback at 0xb for all back side FEEs
      ASIC settings DB file checked OK

      Ambient temperature +23.3 deg C, D.P +7.1 deg C,  R.H. 35.2%
      Julabo FL11006 set point +20.0 deg C, water le

15:38 Merger and TapeServer screenshots - Attachments 17-18
Attachment 1: 231017_1017_BIAS.png
Attachment 2: 231017_1019_stats.png
Attachment 3: 231018_1018_FEETEMP.png
Attachment 4: 231017_1027_EpvsEn.png
Attachment 5: 231017_1028_2DHit.png
Attachment 6: 231017_1028_hitMult.png
Attachment 7: 231017_1359bias.png
Attachment 8: 231017_1359_feetemp.png
Attachment 9: 231017_1408_layout1lin.png
Attachment 10: 231017_1409_layout1log.png
Attachment 11: 231017_1410_layout7zoom.png
Attachment 12: 231017_1412_layout8zoom.png
Attachment 13: 231017_1413_layout8_100x.png
Attachment 14: 231017_1414layout7_100x.png
Attachment 15: 231017_1417_waveform13_LF0xf.png
Attachment 16: 231017_1418_BestStatsYet.png
Attachment 17: 231017_1429_stats.png
Attachment 18: 231017_1537_merger.png
Attachment 19: 231017_1538_tapeserver.png
  679   Sun Oct 22 02:10:03 2017 OHSunday 22 October
10:10 DAQ found crashed
      Stopped writing to file at 05:31
      System wide checks ok
      Statistics - Attachment 1
      FEE temperatures - Attachment 2

      Error message when stopping the DAQ - Attachment 3

      Bias and leakage currents ok - Attachment 4

10:18 Error when trying to reset and setup DAQ - Attachment 5

      Followed by:
STATE for nnaida1 returned with an error
connect failed 
connect failed 
    while executing
"::http::geturl http://nnaida1:8015/DataAcquisitionControlServer -headers {} -type text/xml -timeout 20000
-query {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval [list ::http::geturl $url] $args"
    (procedure "::http::geturl_followRedirects" line 4)
    invoked from within
"::http::geturl_followRedirects http://nnaida1:8015/DataAcquisitionControlServer -headers {} -type text/xml
-timeout 20000 -query {<?xml version="1.0" ..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval ::http::geturl_followRedirects [list $url]  -headers [list $local_headers]  -type text/xml  -timeout
$timeout  -query [list $request]  $local_pro..."
    (procedure "::SOAP::Transport::http::xfer" line 61)
    invoked from within
"$transport $procVarName $url $req"
    (procedure "::SOAP::invoke" line 18)
    invoked from within
"::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval ::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState $args"
    (procedure "DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState" line 1)
    invoked from within
STATE for nnaida2 returned with an error
connect failed 
connect failed 
    while executing
"::http::geturl http://nnaida2:8015/DataAcquisitionControlServer -headers {} -type text/xml -timeout 20000
-query {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval [list ::http::geturl $url] $args"
    (procedure "::http::geturl_followRedirects" line 4)
    invoked from within
"::http::geturl_followRedirects http://nnaida2:8015/DataAcquisitionControlServer -headers {} -type text/xml
-timeout 20000 -query {<?xml version="1.0" ..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval ::http::geturl_followRedirects [list $url]  -headers [list $local_headers]  -type text/xml  -timeout
$timeout  -query [list $request]  $local_pro..."
    (procedure "::SOAP::Transport::http::xfer" line 61)
    invoked from within
"$transport $procVarName $url $req"
    (procedure "::SOAP::invoke" line 18)
    invoked from within
"::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval ::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState $args"
    (procedure "DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState" line 1)
    invoked from within
STATE for nnaida3 returned with an error
connect failed 
connect failed 
    while executing
"::http::geturl http://nnaida3:8015/DataAcquisitionControlServer -headers {} -type text/xml -timeout 20000
-query {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval [list ::http::geturl $url] $args"
    (procedure "::http::geturl_followRedirects" line 4)
    invoked from within
"::http::geturl_followRedirects http://nnaida3:8015/DataAcquisitionControlServer -headers {} -type text/xml
-timeout 20000 -query {<?xml version="1.0" ..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval ::http::geturl_followRedirects [list $url]  -headers [list $local_headers]  -type text/xml  -timeout
$timeout  -query [list $request]  $local_pro..."
    (procedure "::SOAP::Transport::http::xfer" line 61)
    invoked from within
"$transport $procVarName $url $req"
    (procedure "::SOAP::invoke" line 18)
    invoked from within
"::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval ::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState $args"
    (procedure "DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState" line 1)
    invoked from within
STATE for nnaida4 returned with an error
connect failed 
connect failed 
    while executing
"::http::geturl http://nnaida4:8015/DataAcquisitionControlServer -headers {} -type text/xml -timeout 20000
-query {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval [list ::http::geturl $url] $args"
    (procedure "::http::geturl_followRedirects" line 4)
    invoked from within
"::http::geturl_followRedirects http://nnaida4:8015/DataAcquisitionControlServer -headers {} -type text/xml
-timeout 20000 -query {<?xml version="1.0" ..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval ::http::geturl_followRedirects [list $url]  -headers [list $local_headers]  -type text/xml  -timeout
$timeout  -query [list $request]  $local_pro..."
    (procedure "::SOAP::Transport::http::xfer" line 61)
    invoked from within
"$transport $procVarName $url $req"
    (procedure "::SOAP::invoke" line 18)
    invoked from within
"::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval ::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState $args"
    (procedure "DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState" line 1)
    invoked from within
STATE for nnaida5 returned with an error
connect failed 
connect failed 
    while executing
"::http::geturl http://nnaida5:8015/DataAcquisitionControlServer -headers {} -type text/xml -timeout 20000
-query {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval [list ::http::geturl $url] $args"
    (procedure "::http::geturl_followRedirects" line 4)
    invoked from within
"::http::geturl_followRedirects http://nnaida5:8015/DataAcquisitionControlServer -headers {} -type text/xml
-timeout 20000 -query {<?xml version="1.0" ..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval ::http::geturl_followRedirects [list $url]  -headers [list $local_headers]  -type text/xml  -timeout
$timeout  -query [list $request]  $local_pro..."
    (procedure "::SOAP::Transport::http::xfer" line 61)
    invoked from within
"$transport $procVarName $url $req"
    (procedure "::SOAP::invoke" line 18)
    invoked from within
"::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval ::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState $args"
    (procedure "DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState" line 1)
    invoked from within
STATE for nnaida6 returned with an error
connect failed 
connect failed 
    while executing
"::http::geturl http://nnaida6:8015/DataAcquisitionControlServer -headers {} -type text/xml -timeout 20000
-query {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval [list ::http::geturl $url] $args"
    (procedure "::http::geturl_followRedirects" line 4)
    invoked from within
"::http::geturl_followRedirects http://nnaida6:8015/DataAcquisitionControlServer -headers {} -type text/xml
-timeout 20000 -query {<?xml version="1.0" ..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval ::http::geturl_followRedirects [list $url]  -headers [list $local_headers]  -type text/xml  -timeout
$timeout  -query [list $request]  $local_pro..."
    (procedure "::SOAP::Transport::http::xfer" line 61)
    invoked from within
"$transport $procVarName $url $req"
    (procedure "::SOAP::invoke" line 18)
    invoked from within
"::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval ::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState $args"
    (procedure "DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState" line 1)
    invoked from within
STATE for nnaida7 returned with an error
connect failed 
connect failed 
    while executing
"::http::geturl http://nnaida7:8015/DataAcquisitionControlServer -headers {} -type text/xml -timeout 20000
-query {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval [list ::http::geturl $url] $args"
    (procedure "::http::geturl_followRedirects" line 4)
    invoked from within
"::http::geturl_followRedirects http://nnaida7:8015/DataAcquisitionControlServer -headers {} -type text/xml
-timeout 20000 -query {<?xml version="1.0" ..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval ::http::geturl_followRedirects [list $url]  -headers [list $local_headers]  -type text/xml  -timeout
$timeout  -query [list $request]  $local_pro..."
    (procedure "::SOAP::Transport::http::xfer" line 61)
    invoked from within
"$transport $procVarName $url $req"
    (procedure "::SOAP::invoke" line 18)
    invoked from within
"::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState"
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval ::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState $args"
    (procedure "DataAcquisitionControlClient__GetState" line 1)
    invoked from within
STATE for nnaida8 returned with an error
connect failed 
connect failed 
    while executing
"::http::geturl http://nnaida8:8015/DataAcquisitionControlServer -headers {} -type text/xml -timeout 20000
-query {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval [list ::http::geturl $url] $args"
    (procedure "::http::geturl_followRedirects" line 4)
    invoked from within
"::http::geturl_followRedirects http://nnaida8:8015/DataAcquisitionControlServer -headers {} -type text/xml
-timeout 20000 -query {<?xml version="1.0" ..."
    ("eval" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"eval ::http::geturl_followRedirects [list $url]  -headers [list $local_headers]  -type text/xml  -timeout
$timeout  -query [list $request]  $local_pro..."
    (procedure "::SOAP::Transport::http::xfer" line 61)
    invoked from within
"$transport $procVarName $url $req"
    (procedure "::SOAP::invoke" line 18)
    invoked from within
"::SOAP::invoke ::SOAP::_DataAcquisitionControl

10:26 Unable to recover from crash by restarting the merger
      FEEs turned off. Will leave off whilst changing the adapter boards

11.28 Power up all FEE64s - 20s between each relay 

11.46 Pi Monitor Browser reports all FEE64s 'Finished OK', all FEE64s '0 panics'

15:12 Waveforms of FEEs 5,6,9,10,17,18,13,14 showing the change in Ibias LF feedback value
      First attachment will be waveform with LF 0x8 and second will be 0xF
      FEE13 has only one as was on the rails at anything above 0x8 - Attachments 6-20

      Waveforms for FEEs 19 and 20 for comparisons - Attachments 21 & 22

      Attachment      FEE       Change
           6           5        default
           7           5        LF 0xf
           8           6        default
           9           6        LF 0xf
           10          9        default
           11          9        LF 0xf
           12          10       default
           13          10       LF 0xf
           14          17       default
           15          17       LF 0xf
           16          18       default
           17          18       LF 0xf
           18          13       default
           19          14       default
           20          14       LF 0xf
           21          19       default
           22          20       default

16:02 New ASIC settings folder 2017Oct22-15.59.25
      Settings changed related to A and C FEEs in which Ibias LF Feedback has been changed to LF0x8 for all
      with the exception of FEE 2 which is set to 0xC and 14 which is set to 0x8
      ASIC 1 of nnaida14 has a SC threshold of 0x20
      All of nnaida 13 has a SC threshold of 0xf

      Stats running in these setting - Attachment 23
      System wide checks ok
      FEE temperatures ok - Attachment 24
      Leakage and bias ok - Attachment 25

16.16 Start Oct17/R7

      Background alpha activity

      BNC PB-4 Pulser OFF

      ASIC settings per 2017Oct22-15.59.25
Attachment 1: 221017_1010_stats.png
Attachment 2: 221017_1011_feetemp.png
Attachment 3: 221017_1013_error.png
Attachment 4: 221017_1015_bias.png
Attachment 5: 221017_1018_errorsetup.png
Attachment 6: 221017_1439_waveform5.png
Attachment 7: 221017_1440_waveform5LF0xf.png
Attachment 8: 221017_1441_waveform6.png
Attachment 9: 221017_1442_waveform6LF0xf.png
Attachment 10: 221017_1443_waveform9.png
Attachment 11: 221017_1444_waveform9LF0xf.png
Attachment 12: 221017_1445_waveform10.png
Attachment 13: 221017_1447_waveform10LF0xf.png
Attachment 14: 221017_1450_waveform17.png
Attachment 15: 221017_1452_waveform17_LF0xf.png
Attachment 16: 221017_1454_waveform18.png
Attachment 17: 221017_1455_waveform18LF0xf.png
Attachment 18: 221017_1457_waveform13.png
Attachment 19: 221017_1503_waveform14lfx08.png
Attachment 20: 221017_1504_waveform14LF0xf.png
Attachment 21: 221017_1508_waveform19.png
Attachment 22: 221017_1511_waveform20.png
Attachment 23: 221017_1558_stats.png
Attachment 24: 221017_1607_feetemp.png
Attachment 25: 221017_1608_bias.png
  678   Sat Oct 21 02:48:17 2017 OH, TDSaturday 21st October
10:48 Adapter boards replaced for DSSD 1 &2 (FEEs 1,2,22 and 21)
      Previous boards were Rev D new boards are Rev E

      System wide checks ok
      FEE Temperatures ok - Attachment 1

10:54 DSSDs biased up. Note that after new boards installed DSSD 1 and 2 had leakage currents of around 9uA
during ramp up
      Leakage currents appear to have dropped as they reach 100V set point
      T = 23.8 H = 45% D.P = +11.1
      Leakage and Bias ok - Attachment 2

11:11 Waveforms for FEEs 22, 21, 11 and 13 - Attachments 3 - 10
      Statistics - Attachment 11

14:00 System wide checks all ok 
      Leakage and bias ok - Attachment 12
      FEE temperatures ok - Attachment 13

14:26 Spectra comparing the values for nnaida waveforms for different Ibias LF Feedback values
      Values are indicated in image title. If not mentioned value 0x8 - Attachments 14 - 23

14:37 Spectra showing the effect of different slow comparator values on the sawtooth signal in the waveforms
      Spectra are all nnaida22 and slow comparator values in image titles - Attachments 24 - 26

      Attachment      FEE     Change
           14          1      default
           15          1      LF 0xf
           16          2      default
           17          2      LF 0xf
           18          2      LF 0xc
           19          21     default
           20          21     default
           21          21     LF 0xf
           22          22     default
           23          22     LF 0xf
           24          22     LF 0xf SC 0xf
           25          22     LF 0xf SC 0xd
           26          22     LF 0xf SC 0xb

15:09 Raised slow comparator threshold to 0x40 ~ 640keV for all FEEs and all ASICs
      Hit pattern in attachment 27
      Statistics - Attachment 28

      New adapter boards appear to have improved the amount of white noise at default ASIC settings
      This is shown with the decrease in statistics and also in the waveforms.
      At default settings the saw tooth patterns still appear in the waveforms though attenuated
      with lower frequencies and lower amplitudes.
      Further improvements can be gained in reducing the amplitude and frequency of the saw tooth
      patterns by changing the Ibias LF feedback value though care has to be taken that the pre-amp
      signal is not taken to the rails. Hence FEE 2 has a value of 0xc rather than 0xf like the others.
      Hit pattern checked for the pulser by raising the slow comparator threshold to 640keV. The boards that
      have been changed show a much more believable rate than those that haven't which are still showing
      higher than pulser rates.

16:09 The effect of changing the shaping time on the pulser widths was checked.
      Optimum still appears to be at around 8us

16:50 DAQ started writing to Oct17/R5 @ 8Mb/s
      nnaida 13 SC threshold at 0x20
      System wide checks ok
      Leakage and bias ok - Attachment 29
      FEE Temp ok - Attachment 30
      Statistics - Attachment 31
Attachment 1: 211017_1050_feetemp.png
Attachment 2: 211017_1056_bias.png
Attachment 3: 211017_1106_22waveform.png
Attachment 4: 211017_1108_wavform20zoom.png
Attachment 5: 211017_1109_waveform22zoom.png
Attachment 6: 211017_1110_waveform11zoom.png
Attachment 7: 211017_1111_waveform13zoom.png
Attachment 8: 211017_1114_waveform13.png
Attachment 9: 211017_1115_waveform11.png
Attachment 10: 211017_1115_waveform20.png
Attachment 11: 211017_1112_stats.png
Attachment 12: 211017_1357_bias.png
Attachment 13: 211017_1358_temp.png
Attachment 14: 211017_1402_waveform1zoom.png
Attachment 15: 211017_1406_waveform1zoomLF0xf.png
Attachment 16: 211017_1410_WAVEFORM2ZOOM.png
Attachment 17: 211017_1413_waveform2zoomLF0xf.png
Attachment 18: 211017_1415_waveformzoomLF0xc.png
Attachment 19: 211017_1421_waveform21.png
Attachment 20: 211017_1421_waveform21zoom.png
Attachment 21: 211017_1422_WAVEFORM21zoomLF0xf.png
Attachment 22: 211017_1424_waveform22zoom.png
Attachment 23: 211017_1425_waveform22zoomLF0xF.png
Attachment 24: 211017_1431_waveform22zoom_slowcomp0xF.png
Attachment 25: 211017_1432_waveform22zoom_slowcomp0xd.png
Attachment 26: 211017_1435_waveform22_slowcomp0xb.png
Attachment 27: 211017_1508_hitpatter_JustPulser_SC640keV.png
Attachment 28: 211017_1509_statsJustPulser_SC640keV.png
Attachment 29: 211017_1651_bias.png
Attachment 30: 211017_1653_feetemp.png
Attachment 31: 211017_1653_stat.png
ELOG V3.1.4-unknown