ID |
Date |
Author |
Subject |
Thu Jun 15 09:57:01 2023 |
Annie | Si Set Up |
Si Set up images and documentation.
Detector 1 - C6D6D: Distance= 9 cm, Angle= 135 deg relative to BL (check set up pdf for drawing if unsure), Voltage= 1550 V
Detector 2 - C6D6E: Distance= 9 cm, Angle= 135 deg relative to BL, Voltage= 1590 V
Detector 3 - C6D6H: Distance= 9 cm, Angle= 135 deg relative to BL, Voltage= 1450 V
Detector 4 - C6D6L: Distance= 9 cm, Angle= 135 deg relative to BL, Voltage= 1460 V
Note: Voltages were increased by 30V after the first few runs, these voltages are titled as "new voltages" in the DAQ when they were being tried out, and are now the final voltages.
Attachment 1: IMG_2101.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_2103.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_2109.JPG
Attachment 4: IMG_2114.JPG
Attachment 5: IMG_2116.JPG
Attachment 6: IMG_2122.JPG
Attachment 7: IMG_2122.JPG
Attachment 8: IMG_2131.JPG
Attachment 9: IMG_2132.JPG
Attachment 10: IMG_2124.JPG
Attachment 11: IMG_2120.JPG
Attachment 12: Si_Set_Up_final.pdf
Tue Apr 11 14:07:43 2023 |
Claudia | Photos of the Zn68 measurement setup |
Photos of the 68Zn(n,gamma) measuremement setup at n_TOF EAR-1. |
Attachment 1: IMG_20180409_204846530_LL.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_20180409_204854032_LL.jpg
Attachment 3: IMG_20180410_180042179_LL.jpg
Attachment 4: IMG_20180411_140834699_LL.jpg
Attachment 5: Zn68measurement.jpg
Fri Jul 29 17:21:47 2022 |
Ragan | Enriched Si-30 |
Attached are the pictures of enriched Si-30 metal pieces. |
Attachment 1: IMG_2692.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_2693.jpg
Sat Mar 19 17:29:43 2022 |
Nikolay Sosnin | Al26 Experimental Inventory at n_TOF |
Three aluminium crates contain 26Al(n, alpha) kit from EAR2, and was in the barracks (building 6547) near detector lab by EAR1 entrance. A list is attached and photos can be found on Dropbox: |
Attachment 1: Al26_Inventory.pdf
Mon Jan 25 16:11:54 2021 |
Nikolay Sosnin | 25.01.2021: Cross-section Calculation Update |
Attachment 1: Unresolved_Normalization_1.pptx
Mon Oct 5 15:01:04 2020 |
RG | Monday meeting slides: 05 Oct |
Summary of work done so far. |
Attachment 1: 2020_10_05_SummarySoFar.pdf
Mon Oct 5 14:54:55 2020 |
Nikolay Sosnin | Overall Progress: Monday Meeting 05.10.2020 |
Attachment 1: Selenium_Data.pptx
Fri Oct 2 14:01:24 2020 |
RG | Monday meeting slides: 28 Sep |
Further investigation into dedicated and parasitic discrepancy. |
Attachment 1: 2020_09_28.pdf
Fri Oct 2 13:59:05 2020 |
RG | Monday meeting slides: 21 Sep |
Dedicated and parasitic discrepancy (Au 5eV resonance plateau) - quantified.
Flux and E_exc numalisation after sum WF. |
Attachment 1: 2020_09_21.pdf
Fri Oct 2 13:55:52 2020 |
RG | Monday meeting slides: 14 Sep |
Discrepancy between dedicated and parasitic pulses histograms in the 5eV gold resonance plateau region.
Corrected tof to En conversion.
E_excitation and flux normalisation of yield. |
Attachment 1: 2020_09_14.pdf
Fri Oct 2 13:47:59 2020 |
RG | Monday meeting slides: 07 Sep |
Proton consistency test (BCT, SiMon, weighted, unweigted, dedicated, parasitic) - Au cal1 and Se78
BG subtraction
TOF to En conversion
Attachment 1: 2020_09_07.pdf
Tue Sep 29 18:36:03 2020 |
Nikolay Sosnin | SAMMY Fits to Known Se77 Resonances: Meeting 28.09.2020 |
Attachment 1: SAMMY_Fits_Se77.pptx
Mon Sep 14 13:47:26 2020 |
Nikolay Sosnin | Summed WF: Monday Meeting 14.09.2020 |
Attachment 1: Sum_Spectra.pptx
Mon Sep 7 13:57:28 2020 |
Nikolay Sosnin | SAMMY Fits Au197: Monday Meeting 07.08.2020 |
Attachment 1: SAMMY_Gold.pptx
Fri Aug 7 10:57:10 2020 |
Ruchi | Monday meeting slides: 03 Aug |
Attachment 1: 2020_08_03.pdf
Fri Aug 7 10:56:03 2020 |
Ruchi | Monday meeting slides: 27 Jul |
Attachment 1: 2020_07_27.pdf
Fri Aug 7 10:55:43 2020 |
Ruchi | Monday meeting slides: 20 Jul |
Attachment 1: 2020_07_20.pdf
Fri Aug 7 10:53:14 2020 |
Ruchi | Monday meeting slides: 13 Jul |
Attachment 1: 2020_07_13.pdf
Fri Aug 7 10:50:57 2020 |
Ruchi | Monday meeting slides: 06 Jul |
Attachment 1: 2020_07_06.pdf
Fri Aug 7 10:39:18 2020 |
Ruchi | TTOFSort processing macro and files path |
Latest 4 processing scripts:
1. process_runs_Au1_Jul20.C = Au runs (Se78 part), empty holder runs (Se78 part), and beam-off runs (Se78 part) processed with Au weighting function and set1 of calibration parameters.
2. process_runs_Au2_Jul20.C = Au runs (Se77 part), empty holder runs (Se77 part), and beam-off runs (Se77 part) processed with Au weighting function and set2 of calibration parameters.
3. process_runs_Se78_Jul20.C = Se78 runs, empty holder runs, beam-off runs, C runs, and filter runs processed with Se78 weighting function and set1 of calibration parameters.
4. process_runs_Se77_Jul20.C = Se77 runs, empty holder runs, beam-off runs, and filter runs processed with Se77 weighting function and set2 of calibration parameters. |