Wed Jun 19 05:10:15 2019, Alvaro, Aida plastic - gain change
TAC AIDAPL - CryA changed
After increasing the gain, x2 peaks in TAC |
Mon Jun 17 19:12:33 2019, Victor, Total SUM in coincidence with AIDA Plastic 
Also TAC DTAS-Plastic AIDA |
Mon Jun 17 19:11:06 2019, Victor, TAC slowest module vs fastest module DTAS
Inside events of 320ns window |
Mon Jun 17 06:28:06 2019, Victor, MC number of implants
Counts in DTAS
Proposal 2730
4 days 888
5 days 1102
10 days 2196 |
Sun Jun 16 23:37:47 2019, Ela, Victor, root file 5:30-7:30
Sun Jun 16 23:37:18 2019, Ela, Victor, root file 3:30-5:30
Sun Jun 16 22:56:41 2019, Victor, rates modules in coincidence with F11
Module Rate cps Rate coin. F11 cps Difference cps
1 36.8868 13.4045 23.4824
2 11.9046 1.16338 10.7412
3 35.5992 12.8111 22.7881
4 12.114 1.2723 10.8417
5 37.6139 13.2296 24.3843
6 12.793 1.33943 11.4536
7 37.7954 13.4383 24.3571
8 12.4813 1.3365 11.1448
11 29.6067 7.84707 21.7597
12 12.0162 0.859941 11.1563
13 28.9357 7.5685 21.3672
14 11.4407 0.825287 10.6154
15 29.7828 7.77872 22.0041
16 11.4512 0.847232 10.604
17 29.7826 8.0374 21.7452
18 11.3122 0.850505 10.4617 |
Sun Jun 16 22:02:45 2019, Victor, Sum in coincidence with F11  
TAC DTAS (slowest module of the sum) and F11
Total sum in coincidence with F11
Forward sum in coincidence with F11 (only 1-8 modules)
Backward sum in coincidence with F11 (only 11-18 modules) |
Sun Jun 16 21:44:38 2019, Ela, Victor, root file 3:30-5:30
Sun Jun 16 21:43:36 2019, Ela, Victor, root file 1:30-3:30
Sun Jun 16 19:18:15 2019, Ela, Victor, root files from run 30 to run 45 6x
Sun Jun 16 07:31:01 2019, Victor, The bump in the mutiplicities 8x
We have calculated the spectra of the module multiplicity for each side (careful! the maximum is 8, since it is
not the total multiplicity but the multiplicity of each side). |
Sun Jun 16 07:08:10 2019, Ela, Sonja, Victor, Alejandro, problems in coincidence crystals-F11 
We have noticed that there is a problems in the coincidence Crystals-F11. The TAC shows a lot of counts. The
Crystals spectrum in coincidence with F11 do not. The time window of this coincidence is from-50 to 50 samples
and it should be from -180 to 300 samples to be centered in the peak of the TAC.
We will change it at soon as possible |
Sun Jun 16 06:55:31 2019, Ela, Sonja, Victor, root file 12:30-14:30
Sun Jun 16 04:44:05 2019, Ela, Sonja, Victor, root file 10:30-12:30 
The beam stopped a couple of times due to problems before RRC |
Sun Jun 16 03:42:17 2019, Ela, Sonja, Victor, root file 8:30-10:30
Sun Jun 16 02:07:29 2019, Victor, Total sum (black) and anodes 
Different cuts at high energy in individual spectra (anodes) and effect in the total sum |
Sun Jun 16 01:36:08 2019, Victor, Mm 100Sn beam   
Sun Jun 16 00:52:27 2019, Ela, Sonja, Victor, root file 6:30-8:30
Sat Jun 15 22:43:20 2019, Pancho & Kike, root file data 4:30 - 6:30  
corresponding to runs .dlt 15-17
EAn01: All anodes energies overlay. EAn12 shows a bump between 50-100 keV and a peak between 100-120 keV
LAn01: all anodes lights overlayed. In LAn06 a peak is seen between 20-30 au (keV?); for LAn12 two bumps are seen between 80-120 au (keV?) and between 130-150 au (keV?) |
Sat Jun 15 20:43:50 2019, Pancho & Kike, root file data 2:30 - 4:30
corresponding to runs .dlt 12-14 |
Sat Jun 15 18:39:07 2019, Pancho & Kike, root files 
100Sn root files corresponding to runs 06,07,08 (190616_0030_100Sn_008.root) and runs 09,10,11 (190616_0230_100Sn_011.root) two hours each |
Sat Jun 15 18:38:15 2019, Pancho & Kike, run 12
Shifters: Pancho & Kike
Degrader: none
Comments :
Last configuration file: 190615_1935_Conf_DTAS.xlsx
Date: 2019-06-16
Start: 02:33
DTAS run: 012
AIDA run: 43
BigRIPS run: 2007
Listmode DLT: 190616_0233_100Sn_012.dlt
----> TODO LIST during shift (check it!)<----
LSUMA (hist. 3), LSUMD (hist. 4), LCryA (hist. 7), LCryD (hist. 8) - OK
F11PLR (and *L) (hist. 65 and 66) - OK
AIDAPL (hist. 69) - OK
ERefAn (hist. 70) - OK
Group Dynodes, Anodes, Ancilliaries - OK
DTAS Rate-dynodes: 4.0kHz
DTAS Rate-anodes: 3.3kHz
F11 Rate (hist. 27 or 28): 180 cps
AIDA Veto Plastic Rate (hist. 26): 12 cps
Beam current: 6886 enA (132 pnA, = enA/Zet(Xe), Zet(Xe)=52)
Date: June-16th
DTAS run:
AIDA run:
BigRIPS run:
Online ROOT file:
Note: |
Sat Jun 15 18:15:08 2019, Pancho& Kike, run 9 9x
Shifters: Pancho & Kike
Degrader: none
Comments :
Last configuration file: 190615_1935_Conf_DTAS.xlsx
Date: 2019-06-16
Start: 00:35
DTAS run: 009
AIDA run: _26
BigRIPS run: 2006
Listmode DLT: 190616_0035_100Sn_009.dlt
----> TODO LIST during shift (check it!)<----
LSUMA (hist. 3), LSUMD (hist. 4), LCryA (hist. 7), LCryD (hist. 8) - OK
F11PLR (and *L) (hist. 65 and 66) - OK
AIDAPL (hist. 69) - OK
ERefAn (hist. 70) - OK
Group Dynodes, Anodes, Ancilliaries - OK
DTAS Rate-dynodes: 3.8kHz
DTAS Rate-anodes: 3.3kHz
F11 Rate (hist. 27 or 28): 180 cps
AIDA Veto Plastic Rate (hist. 26): 13 cps
Beam current: 6965 enA (134 pnA, = enA/Zet(Xe), Zet(Xe)=52)
Date: June-16th
DTAS run:
AIDA run:
BigRIPS run:
Online ROOT file:
Image entitled EDy01 corresponds to Energy of Crystal Dynod 01 (black) and 11 (red)
Image entitled EDy02 corresponds to Energy of Crystal Dynod 02 (black) and 12 (red)
Image entitled EDy03 corresponds to Energy of Crystal Dynod 03 (black) and 13 (red) .. and so on
Image entitled ECryA corresponnd to the sum of anode signal of all crystals (black) and the TAS sum (red) |
Fri Jun 14 16:22:25 2019, AT, OH, JA, CG, TD, AIDA Sync
Problem with the sync checker appeared AIDA was not its notmal 14us out from DTAS.
Check with source shows we are in sync still
AIDA files R34_1 and R34_2 |
Wed Jun 12 02:04:07 2019, AA, EN, PM, AT, background during in-beam exp.
In-beam experiment going on. Only 12h of beam in the last 21h.
Start: ~1pm (11th-June)
Stop: ~10am (12th-June) |
Tue Jun 11 01:45:55 2019, Pancho, Ale, background
Start: 09:46
Stop: 13:49
Background, Aida in, no sources around, no beam
Root file: 20190611_1349_background_AIDA_in.root |
Mon Jun 10 13:02:16 2019, Jose, Pancho, Ale, background, Aida in 8x
Start: 21:03
Stop: 09:30
Comment: no sources around
Root: 20190611_0930_background_AIDA_in.root
Figures: alignment of first half(1), alignment of second half(2), then comparison of detectors 1,11; 2,12;3,13; 5,15; 7,17
Clearly the contamination of the side of AIDA is seen (detectors 5,3)
Mon Jun 10 12:48:01 2019, Ale, Jose, New Config file 6x
Conf file with new calibration:
Check root file:
See screen shots: |
Mon Jun 10 12:31:52 2019, Ale, Jose, New calibration
New calibration with more statistics
File: 20190610_2030_60Co_137Cs_AIDA_in.root
An01_EFIR 306750 536250 606750
An02_EFIR 281250 489750 554250
An03_EFIR 282750 492750 558750
An04_EFIR 263250 456750 518250
An05_EFIR 270750 471750 534750
An06_EFIR 308250 537750 609750
An07_EFIR 290250 506250 572250
An08_EFIR 284250 494250 560250
An11_EFIR 365250 636750 720750
An12_EFIR 263250 459750 519750
An13_EFIR 321750 560250 635250
An14_EFIR 327750 572250 648750
An15_EFIR 299250 521250 590250
An16_EFIR 287250 500250 566250
An17_EFIR 296250 516750 585750
An18_EFIR 273750 479250 542250
Dy01_EFIR 34296.9 59609.4 67578.1
Dy02_EFIR 33828.1 59140.6 66953.1
Dy03_EFIR 34140.6 59453.1 67421.9
Dy04_EFIR 34140.6 59453.1 67265.6
Dy05_EFIR 34453.1 59921.9 67890.6
Dy06_EFIR 33984.4 59453.1 67421.9
Dy07_EFIR 34453.1 60078.1 68046.9
Dy08_EFIR 33828.1 58984.4 66796.9
Dy11_EFIR 34453.1 60078.1 68046.9
Dy12_EFIR 34296.9 59921.9 67890.6
Dy13_EFIR 34296.9 59609.4 67578.1
Dy14_EFIR 34296.9 59921.9 68046.9
Dy15_EFIR 33984.4 59453.1 67421.9
Dy16_EFIR 34296.9 59921.9 67578.1
Dy17_EFIR 34296.9 59921.9 67734.4
Dy18_EFIR 33984.4 59453.1 67265.6
An01_EFIR 306750 536250 606750 0.00223435 -23.9647
An02_EFIR 281250 489750 554250 0.00245634 -29.3018
An03_EFIR 282750 492750 558750 0.00243187 -25.7883
An04_EFIR 263250 456750 518250 0.00263384 -31.3306
An05_EFIR 270750 471750 534750 0.00254201 -26.4752
An06_EFIR 308250 537750 609750 0.00222596 -24.3613
An07_EFIR 290250 506250 572250 0.00237623 -28.3674
An08_EFIR 284250 494250 560250 0.00243187 -29.4361
An11_EFIR 365250 636750 720750 0.00188632 -27.4314
An12_EFIR 263250 459750 519750 0.00261235 -26.3813
An13_EFIR 321750 560250 635250 0.00214105 -27.0487
An14_EFIR 327750 572250 648750 0.00209042 -23.3901
An15_EFIR 299250 521250 590250 0.00230503 -28.1551
An16_EFIR 287250 500250 566250 0.00240375 -28.9034
An17_EFIR 296250 516750 585750 0.00231789 -24.9283
An18_EFIR 273750 479250 542250 0.00249619 -21.9428
Dy01_EFIR 34296.9 59609.4 67578.1 0.0201694 -29.8925
Dy02_EFIR 33828.1 59140.6 66953.1 0.0202412 -23.2189
Dy03_EFIR 34140.6 59453.1 67421.9 0.0201694 -26.741
Dy04_EFIR 34140.6 59453.1 67265.6 0.0202412 -29.5443
Dy05_EFIR 34453.1 59921.9 67890.6 0.020068 -29.6613
Dy06_EFIR 33984.4 59453.1 67421.9 0.020068 -20.2545
Dy07_EFIR 34453.1 60078.1 68046.9 0.0199676 -26.3096
Dy08_EFIR 33828.1 58984.4 66796.9 0.0203445 -26.6048
Dy11_EFIR 34453.1 60078.1 68046.9 0.0199676 -26.3096
Dy12_EFIR 34296.9 59921.9 67890.6 0.0199676 -23.1897
Dy13_EFIR 34296.9 59609.4 67578.1 0.0201694 -29.8925
Dy14_EFIR 34296.9 59921.9 68046.9 0.0198974 -20.435
Dy15_EFIR 33984.4 59453.1 67421.9 0.020068 -20.2545
Dy16_EFIR 34296.9 59921.9 67578.1 0.0201077 -28.6651
Dy17_EFIR 34296.9 59921.9 67734.4 0.0200376 -25.9333
Dy18_EFIR 33984.4 59453.1 67265.6 0.020139 -23.0111 |
Mon Jun 10 10:44:36 2019, Ale, Jose, New Conf file with new calibration
File: 20190610_1835_Conf_DTAS.xlsx |
Mon Jun 10 10:01:17 2019, Jose, Ale, Co and Cs for new calibration
Start: 17:57 ?
Comment: We put Co and Cs on top of each other below AIDA in the center of the DTAS with the help of the plastic
Root: 20190610_1815_60Co_137Cs_AIDA_in.root
To calibrate use the
[dacq@IFICdaq DRikenPreparation]$ root -l
root [0] .L calibrateEFIR_new.cxx
root [3] calibrateEFIR("20190610_1815_60Co_137Cs_AIDA_in.root")
An01_EFIR 306750 536250 606750
An02_EFIR 281250 489750 554250
An03_EFIR 282750 491250 557250
An04_EFIR 263250 458250 518250
An05_EFIR 270750 471750 534750
An06_EFIR 308250 537750 609750
An07_EFIR 290250 506250 572250
An08_EFIR 284250 495750 560250
An11_EFIR 365250 636750 722250
An12_EFIR 263250 459750 521250
An13_EFIR 321750 560250 635250
An14_EFIR 327750 572250 648750
An15_EFIR 300750 522750 591750
An16_EFIR 287250 500250 567750
An17_EFIR 296250 516750 585750
An18_EFIR 273750 479250 542250
Dy01_EFIR 34296.9 59765.6 67578.1
Dy02_EFIR 33828.1 59140.6 66953.1
Dy03_EFIR 34140.6 59296.9 67109.4
Dy04_EFIR 34140.6 59453.1 67265.6
Dy05_EFIR 34453.1 59921.9 67890.6
Dy06_EFIR 34140.6 59453.1 67421.9
Dy07_EFIR 34453.1 60078.1 68046.9
Dy08_EFIR 33828.1 59140.6 66796.9
Dy11_EFIR 34453.1 60078.1 68203.1
Dy12_EFIR 34296.9 59765.6 67890.6
Dy13_EFIR 34296.9 59765.6 67578.1
Dy14_EFIR 34296.9 59921.9 67890.6
Dy15_EFIR 34140.6 59765.6 67578.1
Dy16_EFIR 34296.9 59765.6 67578.1
Dy17_EFIR 34296.9 59921.9 67734.4
Dy18_EFIR 33984.4 59453.1 67265.6
An01_EFIR 306750 536250 606750 0.00223435 -23.9647
An02_EFIR 281250 489750 554250 0.00245634 -29.3018
An03_EFIR 282750 491250 557250 0.00244617 -29.701
An04_EFIR 263250 458250 518250 0.0026289 -30.6075
An05_EFIR 270750 471750 534750 0.00254201 -26.4752
An06_EFIR 308250 537750 609750 0.00222596 -24.3613
An07_EFIR 290250 506250 572250 0.00237623 -28.3674
An08_EFIR 284250 495750 560250 0.00242761 -28.7476
An11_EFIR 365250 636750 722250 0.00188032 -24.9273
An12_EFIR 263250 459750 521250 0.00260091 -22.9409
An13_EFIR 321750 560250 635250 0.00214105 -27.0487
An14_EFIR 327750 572250 648750 0.00209042 -23.3901
An15_EFIR 300750 522750 591750 0.00230503 -31.6127
An16_EFIR 287250 500250 567750 0.002394 -25.7022
An17_EFIR 296250 516750 585750 0.00231789 -24.9283
An18_EFIR 273750 479250 542250 0.00249619 -21.9428
Dy01_EFIR 34296.9 59765.6 67578.1 0.020139 -29.3045
Dy02_EFIR 33828.1 59140.6 66953.1 0.0202412 -23.2189
Dy03_EFIR 34140.6 59296.9 67109.4 0.0203445 -32.9624
Dy04_EFIR 34140.6 59453.1 67265.6 0.0202412 -29.5443
Dy05_EFIR 34453.1 59921.9 67890.6 0.020068 -29.6613
Dy06_EFIR 34140.6 59453.1 67421.9 0.0201694 -26.741
Dy07_EFIR 34453.1 60078.1 68046.9 0.0199676 -26.3096
Dy08_EFIR 33828.1 59140.6 66796.9 0.020313 -25.9882
Dy11_EFIR 34453.1 60078.1 68203.1 0.0198974 -23.544
Dy12_EFIR 34296.9 59765.6 67890.6 0.0199969 -23.7359
Dy13_EFIR 34296.9 59765.6 67578.1 0.020139 -29.3045
Dy14_EFIR 34296.9 59921.9 67890.6 0.0199676 -23.1897
Dy15_EFIR 34140.6 59765.6 67578.1 0.0200376 -22.8024
Dy16_EFIR 34296.9 59765.6 67578.1 0.020139 -29.3045
Dy17_EFIR 34296.9 59921.9 67734.4 0.0200376 -25.9333
Dy18_EFIR 33984.4 59453.1 67265.6 0.020139 -23.0111 |
Mon Jun 10 09:58:42 2019, Jose, Ale, Gain matching 
We have corrected small gain changes by changing the HV of detectors. Attached are the new values |
Mon Jun 10 08:07:17 2019, Ale, Jose, Test of pulser count rates
File: 20190610_1602_background_AIDA_in.root
SyncPulse: 61777
DTPulser: 61277
LP_out: 61289 (!!!?)
EDy01: 61247
EDy13: 61226
LP_out counts more now |
Mon Jun 10 04:18:24 2019, Ale, Jose, New Configuration File
File: 20190610_1145_Conf_DTAS.xlsx
Several changes and corrections
Naming: V2A8C1 -> Aux01, ...
New or corrected
Aux13 -> LP_out (puse out of light pulser)
Aux15 -> DTpulser (Out of GSI clock triggering LP)
Aux16 -> SyncPulser (Out of GSI clock send out for synchronization with AIDA & BigRIPS)
Ranges changed
Aux09, ERefAn
We observed that LP_out was counting less than the other two
so we tried to check DACQ parameters. We basically change nothing
Only activated "CFD time"
Note that pulse out is a very strange signal:
Negative(?),-400mV offset, 200mV high
In the DACQ is treated as positive signal with a large negative offset. |
Mon Jun 10 04:14:39 2019, Ale, Jose, Background measurement overnight
Start:~14:00 (June 9)
File: 201906101030_background_AIDA_in.root |
Sun Jun 9 04:03:38 2019, Jorge, Jose, Pancho, Alvaro, Kike, Ale, effect of the pulser in the low energy part of the anodes 
There is an effect if the pulser is at higher frequency in the low energy part of the anodes (apart from the funny situation that the scaler shows an increase from 1.7 Khz to 8.5 kHz and the dynodes rate remain with the same rate)
The effect can be seen in the spectrum of the anodes. See screenshots in the attachment. First attachment (pulser at 10 Hz, second attachment pulser at 100 Hz) |
Sun Jun 9 03:59:40 2019, Many, some cable changes
The cable of detector 8 was changed (long cable) to reduce the noise. The cable (long) of the reference detector was also changed. |
Sat Jun 8 04:38:30 2019, Nacher, Algora, Tain, Molina, source top and bottom  
137Cs top and bottom test... to check differences we positiones the source at the top and bottom of AIDA respectively.
Furthermore, we have changed the LED rate. Source reference: Cs401 - 4763
Root files:
201906081252_137Cs_AIDA_in_top.root (pulser 100 Hz) (Attachment 2)
201906081228_137Cs_AIDA_in_bottom.root (pulser 10 Hz) (Attachment 3)
For each detector (An & Dy), the peak is plotted when the source is at top & bottom (Attachment 1).
Sat Jun 8 04:22:39 2019, Jorge Alvaro, AIDA TAS correlation with 137Cs 
Files at mars /home/briken/190607AidaTasTest137Cs
For this experiment TAS Signal is stored |
Fri Jun 7 12:35:14 2019, Jorge, Alvaro, Correlation time AIDA_DTAS for 60Co source
Files at mars /home/briken/190607AidaTasTest60Co |
Fri Jun 7 09:37:15 2019, The same team, Cs for the AIDA synch test
Start: 17:41
Stop: 18:17
AIDA files: R19_1 (@17:57)
Dtas files: 201906071738_137Cs_AIDA_248.dlt
Comment: 137Cs (ID: XXXX) put in the centre of the DTAS on top of AIDA, with the help of the plastic ruler |
Fri Jun 7 08:47:17 2019, Jorge, Alvaro, Tom, Sunghan, Ale, Co source, test of AIDA/TAS syncronization  
Start: 16:50
Stop: 17:28
Root: 201906071728_60Co_AIDA_in.root
Comment: 60Co source on top of AIDA (red box, key 3). It is positioned on a plastic ruler in the center of the DTAS.
File Number Aida: R18 (_0 should not be used, reset of the time stamp was done during this file). R18_1 started at 16:57, last file R18_4
File Number DTAS: 245,247
201906071650_60Co_AIDA_245.dlt,... 201906071650_60Co_AIDA_247.dlt
After checking the shifts in gain, it seems that for most of the detectors the dynode and anode signal moved in the same direction with the exception of detector 13 (dynode and anode do not move
equally, so probably there is a cable problem here, probably in the Dynode 13 or preamp problem)
Edit 13/06/19 Oscar Hall
The low energy channels of AIDA have been gain matched. Attached is the energy plot of the x and y side strops in AIDA. |
Fri Jun 7 02:50:40 2019, SN, AA, test of 24Na 7x
Start: 10:49
Stopt: 11:04
Lmd: 201906071049_24Na_AIDA_242.dlt
Root: 201906071117_24Na_AIDA_in.root
Comment: After irradiation of approximately 7 days, we extracted one Alu plate. It shows 24Na activity and also probably some beta+ activity.
The sample was not irradiated in the last 10 hours or so. It is positioned roughly in the center of the detector side in front of AIDA, using the frame prepared in Valencia.
It is not in the geometrical centre of the DTAS
Rates: 4.5 kHz (Dynodes), 4.5 (Anodes) (Background level was at approximately 1.6-1.7 in both Dynodes, Anodes)
We need to check the alignment properly with Cs, but it looks that after one week some of the detectors have moved.
Group 1,3,5,7 (all seem to move with respect to detector 1)
Group 2,4,6,8 (detector 6 moved)
Group 11,13,15,17 (11 and 1 seem aligned, detector 13 moved)
Group 12, 14,16, 18 (12 and 2 not aligned, they seem aligned)
Fri Jun 7 01:55:24 2019, CA, JA , AT, merger test
Setup: On 17th-May (11:18 - 11:38), AIDA was inside DTAS. Measurement of 60Co source.
AIDA: R6_{3..7}.gz
1,2G may 17 11:21 R6_3.gz
982M may 17 11:25 R6_4.gz
926M may 17 11:28 R6_5.gz
1,1G may 17 11:32 R6_6.gz
1,2G may 17 11:38 R6_7.gz
20M may 17 11:39 R6_8.gz
DTAS: AidaMergerTest_2_0{23..29}.dlt
955M may 17 11:21 AidaMergerTest_2_023.dlt
955M may 17 11:24 AidaMergerTest_2_024.dlt
956M may 17 11:27 AidaMergerTest_2_025.dlt
956M may 17 11:31 AidaMergerTest_2_026.dlt
955M may 17 11:33 AidaMergerTest_2_027.dlt
956M may 17 11:36 AidaMergerTest_2_028.dlt
732M may 17 11:38 AidaMergerTest_2_029.dlt
Working dir: ~/Corrigan
Test 1: merge R6_5 with AidaMergerTest_2_025.dlt |
Thu Jun 6 09:36:52 2019, Alvaro, Jorge, Ale, new config file 
New config file: 20190606_Conf.xlsx
Changed with respect to the earlier file (20190605_Conf.xlsx):
-The threshold of the Reference detector was changed from 2800 to 3500.
-A new gated histogram was added: ECryA gated by F11PLR in the energy range of the implanted ions, named as
Issue in AIDA PL (see screenshot). A lot of small signals; top, samples, bottom output of EFIR (picture taken
when integration = 50 samples; value in configuration = 20) |
Tue Jun 4 06:27:55 2019, A. Algora (++Jorge,++ Alvaro), background with no beam    
Start: 14:25
Stop: 14:39 (partial, no beam, not erased), 14:58 (partial, no beam, not erased), 15:16 (partial, no beam, not erased),
Stop: 14:39 (next day, a new spectrum was added, AIDAGF11)
Root: 201906041439_background_AIDA_in.root, 201906041458_background_AIDA_in.root, 201906041516_background_AIDA_in.root
Comment: They enter to change the F3, F7 plastics. So the beam was stopped.
Beam from approximately 15:25, syncronization pulse was sent. Rate at F7 9.4 kHz |
Tue Jun 4 06:25:51 2019, A. Algora, Lead shielding was "upgraded"
With the help of Tom the additional lead pieces were put. So now the hole in the lead shielding matches the hole in the polyethylene shielding.
The hole is 11 cm x 11 cm approximately
Mon Jun 3 12:59:31 2019, A. Algora, Background, beam on, 102Sn coulex
Start: 21:00
Stop: 14:24 (next day)
Root: 201906041423_background_AIDA_in.root
Comments: Beam on, rate at F7 8.9 kHz, the beam was stopped before 14:00 to change the plastic detectors at F3, F7, they are burning them |
Mon Jun 3 12:56:06 2019, A. Algora, New configuration file
The E range of the AIDA plastic for the construction of the TAIDA plastic spectrum has been changed. Also the range of the TAC_AIDAPL_CryA has been changed.
The estimated range of AIDA was based on the file 201906011624_background_AIDA_in.root, which was with no beam. But I am not sure is the calibration of
AIDAPL is fine. |
Mon Jun 3 03:37:10 2019, A. Algora, Background, beam on
Stop: 20:47
Root: 2019060312047_background_AIDA_in.root
102Sn beam, empty target run, Rate at F7 9 kHz |
Mon Jun 3 01:45:31 2019, A. Algora, Background, no beam for a period
Start: 09:45
Stop (partial save): 09:55, 10:00, 10:14,10:29,10:37,10:46
Root: 201906030955_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, not erased), 201906031000_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, not erased),
201906031014_background_AIDA_in.root(no beam, not erased), 201906031029_background_AIDA_in.root(no beam, not erased),
201906031037_background_AIDA_in.root(no beam, not erased),201906031046_background_AIDA_in.root(no beam, not erased)
201906031135_background_AIDA_in.root (with beam at the end)
At 10:43 or so, a Synch pulse was sent
Intensity of the beam has been increased. There is a clear increase of the background. Rates 3.2 kHz (dynodes), 3.3 (anodes).
9 kHz at F11 plastic, 9 kHz at F7 |
Sun Jun 2 12:31:45 2019, A. Algora, Background, beam on
Start: 20:32
Stop: 09;44
Root: 201906030944_background_AIDA_in.root
Comment: beam until 09;00 |
Sun Jun 2 11:23:23 2019, A. Algora, Background, beam on
Start: 19:24
Stop: 20:27
Root: 201906022028_background_AIDA_in.root
Lmd:201906021924_background_AIDA_beam_on_234.dlt ..201906021924_background_AIDA_beam_on_237.dlt
Comments: For a short period lmd file will be collected as well, to have correlations in case it is needed. Rate at F7 4 kHz |
Sat Jun 1 14:31:24 2019, A. Algora, Background, beam on
Start: 22:32
Stop: 19:18 (next day)
Comments: According to Tom, the number of ligth particles in AIDA is small
Root:201906021918_background_AIDA_in.root |
Sat Jun 1 10:04:54 2019, A. Algora, background with beam 
Start: 18:05
Stop: 22:27
Comments: Rate at F7: 3,3 kHz, rate at F11 (according to the in-beam team approx. 2.4 kHz)
Root: 201906012227_background_AIDA_in.root
In the graph: F11PL R and L, below Aida pl, below TCryA |
Sat Jun 1 08:25:47 2019, A. Algora, Background, without and with beam 7x
Start: 16:26
Stop: 17:20 (until then no beam),
Root1: 201906011720_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, saved 17:20), nor erased
Root2: 201906011729_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, saved 17:29), nor erased
Root3:201906011741_background_AIDA_in.root (no beam, saved 17:41), nor erased
Root4: 201906011800_background_AIDA_in.root (with beam at the end, saved 18:00), not erased
Comment: At the begining there was no beam, to see the difference. The lead bricks blocking the way to AIDA has been removed as well as the
polyethylene blocks. The lead wall after F11 plastic remains, and of course the lead shielding and the polyethylene shielding before the DTAS is not removed.
Only the blocks that were inside the holes were removed.
Beam arrived around 17:47, intensity at F7 is 3.3 kHz, at F11 of the order of 2.4 kHz, at Aida plastic of the order of 2 kHz after substracting. The beam is centered at 102Sn, but there are a lot of other staff comming through
the noise level.
The increase in the counting rate of the NaI is very small.
Rates with NO BEAM: Dynodes 1.6 kHz, Anodes 1.9 kHz
Rates with BEAM: Dynodes 1.7 kHz, Anodes 1.9 kHz
File with guaranted no beam saved at 17:20 (201906011720_background_AIDA_in.root)
Another one saved at 17:29 (201906011729_background_AIDA_in.root), no beam also, still waiting, similarly saved at 17:41
Attachment 7 shows the rates of TF11PL (black), TCryA (blue), and TAIDAPL (the other color ?). it shows the "noise" level of the AIDA PL, and the increase in the counting
rate of the crystals.
Sat Jun 1 07:59:20 2019, A. Algora, Background, no beam
Start: approximate 15:54
Stop: 16:23
Root: 201906011624_background_AIDA_in.root
Comment: No beam. AIDA in place
Fri May 31 14:29:34 2019, A. Algora, Background with beam
Start: 22:29
Stop: 15:44 (next day)
Root: 201906011544_background_AIDA_in.root
Comments: |
Fri May 31 14:17:13 2019, A. Algora, New config file 
A new config file provided by Jose and Alvaro is loaded
cp 20190531_Conf_JLTAT.xlsx 20190531_Conf_2.xlsx
Comments: I have modified it afterwards to have TAIDAPL, the threshold in E was too high. The TAC_F11R_CryA was also modified. It is shifted in time and cut as it was.
It remains cut.
Short root file is attached as example
*Update*: some of the histograms saved from DACQ online are duplicated (same name, but different cycles: ";1" and ";2"), and the second copy is empty. When you open the ROOT file and write the name of the histogram, the last copy ("cycle") is called, so the empty histogram is displayed.
$ root -l 201905312230_background_AIDA_in.root
root [0]
Attaching file 201905312230_background_AIDA_in.root as _file0...
(TFile *) 0x238ac70
root [1] ESumA->Draw() //empty!
So, there are two options: delete the second copy of the histograms, or create a newer copy of the filled histograms. In order to perform the second option, please write this line,
$ root -l 201905312230_background_AIDA_in.root
root [0]
Attaching file 201905312230_background_AIDA_in.root as _file0...
(TFile *) 0x238ac70
root [1] for (auto&& keyAsObj : *(_file0->GetListOfKeys())){auto key = (TKey*) keyAsObj; if( 1 == key->GetCycle())_file0->Get(Form("%s;%d",key->GetName(),1))->Clone(Form("%s;%d",key->GetName(),3)); }
root [2] ESumA->Draw() //copy of ESumA;1!
The changes will not persist unless the file is opened with "update" mode and the changes are saved at the end.
Alvaro. |
Fri May 31 09:49:08 2019, A. Algora, Backgroun, beam on
Start: 17:49
Stop: 22:11
Root: 201905312211_background_AIDA_in.root
Comments: |
Fri May 31 07:03:37 2019, A. Algora, Background, beam on, rates at F11PL and AIDAPL
Start: 15:04
Stop: partial (17:43), 201905311743_background_AIDA_in.root (file corrupt again), system will be restarted
Comment: Figure shows the rate of F11PLR (black), F11PLL (lighter color, ??) and AIDAPL (blue). There are different counting rates in left and right of F11 plastic |
Fri May 31 06:48:58 2019, A. Algora, T spectra for AIDA and F11 plastics
T spectra for AIDAPL and F11PLL and F11PLR are defined from now on. The ancilliary card was not saving the CFD values for all channels.
It was modified in order to have those spectra. A new configuration file will be saved. See in the attachment |
Fri May 31 02:41:55 2019, A. Algora, Background, beam on 7x
Start: 10:42
Stop: 11:49
Root: 201905311149_background_AIDA_in.root
Thu May 30 12:08:01 2019, A. Algora, background, dacq restarted before the measurement 
Start: 20:09
Stop: 10:17
Root: 201905311017_background_AIDA_in.root
Comments: before this measurement the system was restarted.
LED in EDy16 looks wider
The TACS were recovered. Probably all the files of today (until now) and generated after the configuration file change do not have the calibrated spectra. |
Thu May 30 08:57:34 2019, A. Algora, Background, no beam + beam, file not saved
Start: 16:57
Comments: first part no beam, but later with beam
Root: File not saved |
Thu May 30 08:43:29 2019, A. Algora, Background no beam
Start: 16:43
Stop: 16:56
Root: 201905301656_background_AIDA_in.root
Comment: no beam, AIDA in
Rates: 1.5 kHz (Dynodes), 1.8 kHz (Anodes) |
Thu May 30 07:21:41 2019, A. Algora, Background with beam on
Start: 15:21
Stop: 16:41
Root: 201905301642_background_AIDA_in.root
Comments: they stopped the beam to put the target in |
Thu May 30 06:46:10 2019, A. Algora, Background with beam 
Again a new test with the beam on. At the begining the beam was off and it can be noticed.
There is a lead wall after F11 plastic and in the polyethilene block there are two lead bricks to block the beam to AIDA.
201905301457_background_AIDA_in.root (beam was stopped for a short period)
Rates with the beam: 2.2 kHz (Dynodes), 2.3 (anodes)
I will not erase it and continue to collect root files (no lmd for the moment), they are still optimizing things. Rate at F11 should be similar to
the rate at F7 according to Pieter. Rate at F7 plastik is 5 kHz. The plastik spectra (F11, our plastik) shows some spikes. |
Thu May 30 06:41:18 2019, A. Algora, Background with the beam
There was an small increase in the counting rate of the detectors after the beam was delivered. The rate at
F7 was of the order of 5 kHz. But remember that there is a lead wall protecting the detector. Root file saved. Look at TSumA for example
Root: 201905301442_background_AIDA_in.root |
Thu May 30 02:44:56 2019, A. Algora, Background, just a test
Start: 11:01
Stop: 13:37
Root: 201905301337_background_AIDA_in.root
Comments: Some of the TAC spectra have desapeared with the new configuration file. To be explored.
I have tried with both configuration files that were sent. |
Thu May 30 02:03:33 2019, A. Algora, Ref detector position changed, AIDA plastik HV changed
The position of the reference detector in the ancilliary card was changed from channel 10 to channel 9. Remember that this is important
in relation to all files saved until now.
The HV of AIDA plastic was changed from 1300 V back to 1000 V.
A new configuration file provided by Alvaro and Jose, with some small changes will be loaded.
cp 20190529_Conf_ATJLT.xlsx 20190530_Conf.xlsx
The new configuration file has been uploaded. Reference detector appears in channel V2A8C9. It was necessary to change the range of the histogram, and to recalibrate it.
With the new configuration parameters the pulser appears at 1360 keV in the calibrated spectra of the reference detector.
The threshold of the Ref detector has also been changed. From 4400 to 2800. |
Wed May 29 10:01:10 2019, A. Algora, Background, no lmd, AIDA in 
Start: 18:02
Stop: 18:33, partial file (201905291833_background_AIDA_in.root), Stop: 09:53 saved also next day (30/05) 201905300953_background_AIDA_in.root
Comments: AIDA in, Bigrips is doing settings (105Te to my best knowledge). There is a lead wall before our setting. No apparent change in the rate of background
Root: 201905300953_background_AIDA_in.root
Wed May 29 09:49:25 2019, A. Algora, New configuration file
New configuration file after a few small changes in thresholds. |
Wed May 29 09:08:11 2019, A. Algora, AIDA plastic setting changed
AIDA plastic changed.
HV was at 1000 V, it was changed to 1300 V
Coarse gain was changed to x5, Fg remains as it was.
I had only two minutes to enter (it was a rush). Better to verify it again |
Wed May 29 08:29:26 2019, A. Algora, latest conf file
Latest configuration file from 28 of May |
Wed May 29 07:04:19 2019, A. Algora, F11 plastic connected
F11 plastic has been connected to our dacq as it was in the earlier BRIKEN setting.
The detector cables were followed and connections checked.
The outputs of the detector (L and R) go through an Ortec TFA 474 with the following settings:
Coarse gain: x4
Fine gain: looks minimal
Integrate (ns): 200
Diff (ns): 100
Non-inv setting
After the TFA, the Right signal is plugged in channel 1 of our card, and an attenuated signal (50 Ohm) is
plugged in channel 3. Similarly the Left signal after the TFA is plugged in channel 2 and the attenuated
signal is plugged in channel 4.
Parameters of the channels of the dacq have to be checked.
Wed May 29 02:07:20 2019, A. Algora, Irradiation for 24Na
Irradiation of two pieces of aluminium of 80 mm x 40 mm x 10 mm will be performed at the second BigRips dipole.
The pieces were placed with the help of Fukuda and Nishimura san. |
Tue May 28 07:49:51 2019, A. Algora, Background, no lmd
Start: 15:50
Stop: 10:09 (next day)
Root: 201905291009_background_AIDA_in.root
Comments: background, Aida in |
Tue May 28 06:13:27 2019, A. Algora, Background, Aida in
Start: 14:13
Stop: 15:47
Lmd: Background_AIDA_in_201905281413_231.dlt .. Background_AIDA_in_201905281413_233.dlt
Root: 201905281547_background_AIDA_in.root
Rates: 2.1 kHz (Dyn), 1.8 kHz (Anodes) |
Tue May 28 05:43:41 2019, A. Algora, 133Ba source. (IR052 from the third floor)
Start: 13:43
Stop: 14:05
Comments: The source looks also too strong. Rates: 39 kHz (Dynodes), 40 kHz (anodes).
Source ID: IR052 from the third floor, small plastic rectangular form
RefAn: 180 Hz
Dy01: 3.7 kHz
Dy02: 0.4 kHz
Dy11: 0.5 kHz
Dy12: 0.13 KHz
AIDA in. The source is put at the extreme of the source holder, at 16.5 cm from the edge of the detectors. Almost touching AIDA.
Lmd: 133Ba_source_AIDA_in_201905281343_227.dlt ..133Ba_source_AIDA_in_201905281343_230.dlt
Root: 201905281405_133Ba_AIDA_in.root |
Tue May 28 05:30:03 2019, A. Algora, Reference detector threshold changed
Again the Reference detector was firing mainly in the noise. Threshold increased to 5000 !!!!
New config file was saved, rate of Ref detector now: aprox. 400 kHz |
Mon May 27 13:58:03 2019, A. Algora, Background, no lmd, AIDA in, no sources around
Start: 21:59
Stop: 13:15 (next day, 28/05)
Rates: 1.9-2.3 (dynodes), 1.8-1.9 kHz (anodes)
Root: 201905281315_background_AIDA_in.root
Comments: Aida inside. No sources around |
Mon May 27 13:50:54 2019, A. Algora, preparation directory moved
The preparation directory was moved to /data/DRikenPreparation (from its first place /home/dacq/DRikenPreparation) because the lack of space. |
Mon May 27 12:54:48 2019, A. Algora, Reference detector
The reference detector was very noisy. The threshold has been changed from 2000 to 3200. We should look at this more carefully.
The position of the fiber was also changed. It moved too close to the Cs peak. Probably it has to do with the flexibility of the plastik screw that fixes it.
Mon May 27 09:12:22 2019, A. Algora, Background, with AIDA  
Start: 17:13
Stop: 18:03
Rates: 1.8 kHz (Dynodes), 1.8 kHz Anodes
Lmd: Background_AIDA_201905271711_210.dlt ... Background_AIDA_201905271711_226.dlt
Root: 201905271803_background_AIDA_in.root
Comments: AIDA in, in the same conditions as the earlier entry. Some asymetry in the spectra is seen. See EDy05 vs EDy15 and similarly EDy03 vs EDy13 |
Mon May 27 08:26:20 2019, A. Algora, Co source on top of Aida
Start: 16:28
Stop: 17:03
Rates: 14.4 kHz (Dinodes), 12.8 kHz (Anodes)
Lmd: 60Co_source_AIDA_201905271627_196.dlt .... 60Co_source_AIDA_201905271627_209.dlt
Root: 201905271703_60Co_AIDA_in.root
Comments: AIDA in, sligthly less deeper than before. It is 17 mm less deeper. So from the other side we measure 17.7 mm to the nose of AIDa.
The source is on top of AIDA with a help of a plastic ruler, that it is lying on top of it. The other extreme of the ruler is attached with tape to the edge
of the frame on the beam side. The source is positioned on top of the detectors 3, and 4, in practical terms in the geometrical center, but on top of
AIDA. 60Co source from source box (key 3). No sources around, the sources are kept inside BELEN. |
Mon May 27 07:34:58 2019, A. Algora, HV status
EMPTY00 │ 0.0 V 1500.0 uA 0.5 V 0.5 uA Off │00.0000
DET01 │ 599.0 V 1500.0 uA 598.5 V 90.0 uA On │00.0001
DET02 │ 548.5 V 1500.0 uA 548.0 V 82.5 uA On │00.0002
DET03 │ 530.5 V 1500.0 uA 530.0 V 80.0 uA On │00.0003
DET04 │ 697.5 V 1500.0 uA 697.5 V 105.0 uA On Admi4
DET05 │ 451.5 V 1500.0 uA 451.0 V 67.5 uA On 05
DET06 │ 820.0 V 1500.0 uA 820.5 V 123.0 uA On Status Ch06
DET07 │ 560.0──────────────560.0 V 84.0 uA On ────────────────┬─0.0007
DET08 │ 486.0 V 1500.0 uA 486.0 V 73.0 uA On │00.0008
EMPTY09 │ 0.0 V 1500.0 uA 1.0 V 0.5 uA Off │00.0009
EMPTY10 │ 0.0 V 1500.0 uA 0.5 V 0.0 uA Off │00.0010
EMPTY11 │ 0.0 V 1500.0 uA 1.0 V 0.5 uA Off │00.0011
EMPTY12 │ 0.0 V 1500.0 uA 0.0 V 0.0 uA Off │00.0000
DET11 │ 579.0 V 300.0 uA 579.5 V 86.5 uA On │00.0001
DET12 │ 506.0 V 300.0 uA 506.5 V 76.0 uA On │00.0002
DET13 │ 623.5 V 300.0 uA 623.5 V 92.5 uA On │00.0003
DET14 │ 649.5 V 300.0 uA 649.5 V 96.5 uA On │00.0004
DET15 │ 656.5 V 300.0 uA 656.5 V 97.5 uA On │00.0005
DET16 │ 530.5 V 300.0 uA 530.0 V 78.5 uA On │00.0006
EMPTY12 │ 0.0 V 1500.0 uA 0.0 V 0.0 uA Off │02.0000
DET11 │ 578.0 V 300.0 uA 578.0 V 86.5 uA On │02.0001
DET12 │505.5 V 300.0 uA 506.0 V 76.0 uA On │02.0002
DET13 │ 624.5 V 300.0 uA 624.5 V 92.5 uA On │02.0003
DET14 │ 650.0 V 300.0 uA 650.0 V 96.0 uA On │02.0004
DET15 │ 657.0 V 300.0 uA 657.0 V 98.0 uA On │02.0
DET16 │ 530.5 V 300.0 uA 530.0 V 78.5 uA On │00.0006
DET17 │ 462.0 V 300.0 uA 461.5 V 68.0 uA On │00.0007
DET18 │ 518.5 V 300.0 uA 518.5 V 77.5 uA On │00.0008
EMPTY19 │ 0.0 V 300.0 uA 0.0 V 0.0 uA Off │00.0009
EMPTY20 │ 0.0 V 300.0 uA 0.0 V 0.0 uA Off │00.0010
REF01 │ 800.0 V 300.0 uA 800.0 V 174.0 uA On │00.0011
EMPTY12 │ 0.0 V 1500.0 uA 0.0 V 0.0 uA Off │02.0000
Mon May 27 07:18:26 2019, A. Algora, AIDA Plastik
Nishimura san found the module used for the AIDA plastik in the last BRIKEN run. We put it instead of the TFA. It was kept in the same
setting conditions as in the earlier experiment.
AIDA plastic module configuration (Ortec 671 Amplifier)
Coarse gain: 20
Fine gain: ?
Shaping time (us): 0.5
Type: Gaus
Signal pos
The configuration of the digitizer might need to be updated (5) |
Mon May 27 07:15:06 2019, A. Algora, 137Cs run, AIDA out, source in the center
Start: 15:15
Stop: 15:31
Lmd: 137Cs_source_201905271514_187.dlt .. 137Cs_source_201905271514_195.dlt
Root: 201905271531_137Cs.root
Rates: 7.9 kHz (Dynodes), 7.9 kHz (Anodes)
Comments: Aida out, source in the center. As in earlier measurements 5 mm deeper.
Reference detector might require repositioning of the optical fiber. It appears too close to the Cs peak and it is very noisy.
Mon May 27 07:11:22 2019, A. Algora, detectors realigned with Cs
Small alignment corrections were needed, of the order of 0.5-1V.
All detectors were realigned |
Sat May 25 07:04:52 2019, A. Algora, Ancilliary card used channels until now
For the moment there are three channels connected.
Channel 5 is AIDA plastic,
Channel 10 is the anode of the Ref detector
Channel 16 is the pulser. |
Sat May 25 06:53:35 2019, A. Algora, Background, no dlt files, last config file
Start: 14:53 (May 25)
Stop: 14: 37 (May 27)
Root: 201905271437_background.root
Comment: there is small assymetry between one side and the other. Probably it is determined by the closeness of the big wall in the direction of the beam |
Sat May 25 03:42:12 2019, A. Algora, Background, no sources around, Aida out
Start: 11:42
Stop: 14:45
Lmd: Background_201905251141_182.dlt ..Background_201905251141_186.dlt
Root: 201905251445_background.root
Comments: No sources around. All were taken back. Only doubful sources might be there, that I need to ask Nishimura san.
AIDA is out |
Sat May 25 02:11:09 2019, A. Algora, 60Co source, red box, no sources around, No AIDA 
Start: 10:27
Stop: 11:31
Root: 201905251131_60co.root
Lmd: 60Co_source_201905251027_176.dlt ...60Co_source_201905251027_181.dlt
Comments: possitioned as the measurements of yesterday. 5 mm deeper than earlier.
Red box with the other sources inside BELEN, far away from the DTAS
A few detectors have moved, but for the moment I will not correct it.
Reference detector in channel 10. It is very noisy now. I changed the threshold from 1400 to 1600 but still noisy. It requires further attention
New Config file saved. |
Fri May 24 12:32:48 2019, A. Algora, Background measurement, no sources around 
Start: 20:32
Stop: 10:05
Lmd: Background_201905242032_111.dlt ...Background_201905242032_114.dlt
removed the rest of the files. Ocupying too much space
Root: Background_201905242032_111.dlt (temporary) to play (until 21;11),
full: 2019052521005_background.root
Comment: all sources were taken back. Check for assymetry. |
Fri May 24 10:57:37 2019, A. Algora, 60Co, AIDA out, possitioned 5 mm deeper
Start: 18:58
Stop: 20:20
Lmd: 60Co_source_201905241858_095.dlt ...60Co_source_201905241858_106.dlt
Root: 201905242020_60Co.root
Comments: AIDA out. The source is possitioned 5 mm deeper as in the earlier Cs measurement (same position as the earlier entry)
To check asymmetry effects |
Fri May 24 09:43:49 2019, A. Algora, 137Cs source, AIDA out, to check assymetry
Start: 17:43
Stop: 18:51
Root: 201905241851_137Cs.root
Lmd: 137Cs_source_201905241744_087.dlt...137Cs_source_201905241744_094.dlt
Comments: AIDA out. The source is positioned 5 mm deeper than before from the holder side (the arm is 5 mm longer).
To check if the assymetry is reduced. |
Fri May 24 08:33:52 2019, A. Algora, background, AIDA is out
Start: 16:35
Stop: 17:30
Rates: 1.5 kHz (Dynodes), 1.8 kHz (Anodes)
Listmode: Background_201905241635_082.dlt ...Background_201905241635_086.dlt
Root: 201905241730_background.root |
Fri May 24 07:57:51 2019, A. Algora, Lead shielding heigth increased
The aluminium plate of 3 cm thickness arrived and the lead shielding was dismounted and mounted again. We left a narrower hole in it.
Special thanks to Tom, who helped with the hard physical work. |
Fri May 24 06:25:14 2019, A. Algora, Background assymetry  
Some pictures after the background during the nigth. The front and back side looks asymetric. To be checked again with a 137Cs source.
AIDA is in. Root file is saved, after one night.
Root: 201905241444_background_with_Aida.root
Thu May 23 04:18:57 2019, A. Algora, SY2527 fixed
Following the instructions of CAEN, the SY2527 is working again. Some pushing, massaging appear to solve the situation |
Thu May 23 03:06:15 2019, A. Algora, 133Ba source of red box too strong
The Ba source of the red box is too strong. We can not use it. I need to identify the other one, which does not appear to be in RIBF.
The counting rate was 74 kHz in the DTAS. |
Thu May 23 02:48:29 2019, A. Algora, 137Cs short run with AIDA in
Start: 10:48
Stop: 10:58
Root: 201905231058_137Cs_with_Aida.root
Comment: Aida in, source in the position as in the earlier entries. Just to check if there is any jump. No lmd, only root.
No large displacements. Det Dyn1 seems to have slightly larger statistics. The assymetry of the two sides is clear, as it should be.
Wed May 22 09:44:57 2019, A. Algora, Background with AIDA in
Start: 17:46
Stop: 10:14 (next day)
Lmd: Background_AIDA_201905221746_075.dlt ..Background_AIDA_201905221746_081.dlt
Root: 201905231014_background_with_Aida.root
Rates: 1.6 kHz (Dyn), 1.8 kHz (Anodes)
Comments: Background with AIDA in
Individual rates at the end of the measurement (kHz), remember the source is not at the center, so we expect assymetry in the counting rates):
Dy01 0.08 An01 0.12
Dy02 0.07 An02 0.09
Dy03 0.08 An03 0.11
Dy04 0.08 An04 0.07
Dy05 0.12 An05 0.11
Dy06 0.11 An06 0.11
Dy07 0.08 An07 0.10
Dy08 0.11 An08 0.08
Dy11 0.09 An11 0.14*
Dy12 0.08 An12 0.09
Dy13 0.08 An13 0.12
Dy14 0.10 An14 0.11
Dy15 0.11 An15 0.15
Dy16 0.12 An16 0.11
Dy17 0.09 An17 0.14
Dy18 0.09 An18 0.10 |
Wed May 22 09:01:43 2019, A. Algora, 60Co (source CD 395) with AIDA in
Start: 17:00
Stop: 17:40
Lmd: Co60_source_AIDA_201905221700_072.dlt ..Co60_source_AIDA_201905221700_074.dlt
Root: 201905221740_60co_with_Aida.root
Rates: 13.2 kHz (Dyn), 12.6 kHz (Anodes)
Comments: 60Co source with AIDA in, red box, CD 395 . The source is not centered. It is positioned (the center of the source) at 14.6 cm
from the beam side external edge of the frame (lower NaI numbers). The holder is touching the nose of AIDA.
The nose of AIDA is 16 cm from the external edge of the frame (down stream). In that position Si # 3 is at the center of the DTAS according to Tom.
We have to be very careful when AIDA is moved in. Some of the AIDA flat connector cables are touching the connectors of our NaI cables.
Individual rates (kHz), remember the source is not at the center, so we expect assymetry in the counting rates):
Dy01 2.2 An01 2.27
Dy02 0.88 An02 0.91
Dy03 2.08 An03 2.20
Dy04 0.87 An04 0.86
Dy05 2.10 An05 2.17
Dy06 0.90 An06 0.89
Dy07 2.01 An07 2.13
Dy08 0.93 An08 0.93
Dy11 0.60 An11 0.68
Dy12 0.36 An12 0.33
Dy13 0.57 An13 0.62
Dy14 0.35 An14 0.33
Dy15 0.58 An15 0.65
Dy16 0.35 An16 0.33
Dy17 0.54 An17 0.62
Dy18 0.32 An18 0.31 |
Wed May 22 07:55:23 2019, A. Algora, Background with Aida in
Start: 15:55
Stop: 16:55
Lmd: Background_AIDA_201905221555_071.dlt
Root: 201905221655_background_with_Aida.root
Rates: 1.7 kHz (Dyn), 1.9 kHz (Anodes)
Comments: Background with AIDA in
Individual rates (kHz), remember the source is not at the center, so we expect assymetry in the counting rates):
Dy01 0.07 An01 0.12
Dy02 0.07 An02 0.09
Dy03 0.07 An03 0.11
Dy04 0.08 An04 0.07
Dy05 0.11 An05 0.11
Dy06 0.10 An06 0.12*
Dy07 0.08 An07 0.10
Dy08 0.10 An08 0.08
Dy11 0.08 An11 0.14
Dy12 0.08 An12 0.09
Dy13 0.08 An13 0.12
Dy14 0.10 An14 0.10
Dy15 0.09 An15 0.16
Dy16 0.10 An16 0.10
Dy17 0.09 An17 0.14
Dy18 0.11 An18 0.10 |
Wed May 22 07:15:00 2019, A. Algora, 137Cs (4763) with AIDA in
Start: 15:15
Stop: 15:50
Lmd: Cs137_source_AIDA_201905221515_069.dlt ..Cs137_source_AIDA_201905221515_070.dlt
Root: 201905221550_137Cs_with_Aida.root
Rates: 7.5 kHz (Dyn), 7.8 kHz (Anodes)
Comments: 137Cs source with AIDA in, Source CS401, 4763. The source is not centered. It is positioned (the center of the source) at 14.6 cm
from the beam side external edge of the frame (lower NaI numbers). The holder is touching the nose of AIDA.
The nose of AIDA is 16 cm from the external edge of the frame (down stream). In that position Si # 3 is at the center of the DTAS according to Tom.
We have to be very careful when AIDA is moved in. Some of the AIDA flat connector cables are touching the connectors of our NaI cables.
Individual rates (kHz), remember the source is not at the center, so we expect assymetry in the counting rates):
Dy01 1.1 An01 1.2
Dy02 0.35 An02 0.36
Dy03 0.97 An03 1.0
Dy04 0.34 An04 0.36
Dy05 1.1 An05 1.1
Dy06 0.4 An06 0.41
Dy07 1.0 An07 1.1
Dy08 0.37 An08 0.37
Dy11 0.27 An11 0.33
Dy12 0.15 An12 0.16
Dy13 0.25 An13 0.28
Dy14 0.15 An14 0.16
Dy15 0.28 An15 0.33
Dy16 0.15 An16 0.15
Dy17 0.25 An17 0.31
Dy18 0.16 An18 0.15
Wed May 22 06:31:54 2019, A. Algora, 137Cs quick test of alignment
Start: 14:32
Stop: 14:37
Source: 137Cs
Comments: Detectors show small drifts, of the order of the precision of the HV (we could apply 0.5 V corrections to align some of them, but I will not touch them now)
Dy16 looks quite off in the background measurement, but not with the Cs one !!!.
Calibrated spectra: Dy3 an An3 moved a little in the same direction, An12 looks also a little displaced.
Now I plan to measure some sources with AIDA in. It means that the sources will not be centered. The available distance from the oposite side to
the nose of AIDA is 16 cm. |
Tue May 21 12:04:10 2019, A. Algora, background without listmode
Start: 20:04
Stop: 14:11
Rates: 1.8 (Dynodes) 2.0 kHz (anodes) |
Tue May 21 10:54:24 2019, A. Algora, Background
Start: 18:55
Stop: 20:01
Lmd: Background_201905211855_068.dlt
Rates: 1.7 kHz (Dyn), 1.9 kHz (Anodes)
Comment: all measurements of today can be used to characterize the full detector.
Sources were possitioned in the center of the spectrometer, with the piece created at Ific |
Tue May 21 09:52:43 2019, A. Algora, Background
Start: 17:53
Stop: 18:53
Rates: 1.8 kHz (dynodes), 1.9 kHz (anodes)
Lmd: Background_201905211753_067.dlt
Root: 201905211853_background.root
Comments: We will continue measuring, but only for a while with Listmode |
Tue May 21 08:55:20 2019, A. Algora, 152Eu, source ID 272
Start: 16:56
Stop: 17:46
Rates: 12.6 kHz (dynodes), 12 kHz (anodes)
Lmd: Eu152_201905211656_064.dlt ... Eu152_201905211656_066.dlt
Root: 201905211746_152Eu.root
Source details: 152Eu, ID: EU401, 272, 1.06x10**4 Bq (2010/03/16), key 9
Comments: |
Tue May 21 07:50:03 2019, A. Algora, Background
Start: 15:49
Stop: 16:49
Lmd: Background_201905211549_063.dlt
Root: 201905211649_background.root
Rates: 1.7 kHz (dynodes) 1.9 kHz (anodes)
Comment: All measurements have been done with the pulser set to 10 Hz. We should think if this have to be increased |
Tue May 21 07:07:36 2019, A. Algora, 22Na, source 700
Start: 15:08
Stop: 15:42
Rates: 19 kHz (Dynodes), 16 kHz (anodes)
Lmd: Na22_source_201905211508_059.dlt ...Na22_source_201905211508_062.dlt
Root: 201905211543_22Na.root
Source details: 22Na, ID NA 401, 700, 1.038 x 105 Bq (2010/03/16), key 5,
It appears in the Sunflower home page as 09-7007 with an estimated activity of 8.9 Bq/s today
Comment; seems dynode 4 moved a little up. Most detectors keep a reasonable alignment
When overlay was marked, it did not save the root file. Root attached and tested |
Tue May 21 06:44:18 2019, A. Algora, identified useful sources
This is a short list of the identified useful sources:
60Co, key 3, red box, CD 395, already used
137Cs, key 8, 4753, CS401, activity ???, already used
22Na, key 5, 700, NA401, activity 8.9 kBq/s
152Eu, key 9, 272, EU401, activity 6.6 kBq/s
The activities are according to the Sunflower homepage. It was wrong for the Cs source which is under key 8 |
Tue May 21 06:12:13 2019, A. Algora, Co again, to have a root file, source CD395
Start: 14:11
Stop: 15:01
Lmd: Co60_source_201905211411_055.dlt ...Co60_source_201905211411_058.dlt
Root: 201905211501_60Co.root
Rates: 13.8 kHz (Dynodes), 12.4 kHz (anodes)
Source details: Taken from the red box. No CD395, 1 mm plastic (1.23 g/cm3)
338.4 kBq (1 July 1990). Type ASSET81 to drawing VZ-477/1E
Root file tested and attached |
Tue May 21 03:35:10 2019, A. Algora, Background
Start: 11:34
Stop: 13:52
Rates: 1.7 kHz (Dynodes) 2.0 kHz (Anodes)
Root: 201905211352_background.root
Lmd: Background_201905211134_054.dlt
After a fantastic shower, since it is raining cats and dogs .... |
Tue May 21 02:20:26 2019, A. Algora, Cs measurement, Cs401, 4763
Start: 10:25
Stop: 11:26
lmd: Cs137_source_201905211025_052.dl ...Cs137_source_201905211025_053.dlt
root: 201905211126_137Cs.root
Rates: 8.0 kHz (Dynodes), 8.1 kHz (Anodes)
Comment: detector 3 HV was increased by 1 V ( from 529 to 530 V). Used source CS401, 4763 as in earlier measurements.
The red box Cs source is too strong. We had 150 kHz in the cards.
Details of the source:137Cs, 8.23x 10**3 Bq at 2010/03/16, ID: CS401, 4763
Root file attached, and tested |
Mon May 20 12:29:05 2019, A. Algora, background 
Start: 20:30
Stop: 09:54
Lmd: Background_201905202030_046.dlt ...Background_201905202030_051.dlt
Root: 201905210954_background.root
Root and Conf file attached |
Mon May 20 10:02:43 2019, A. Algora, 60Co again, with better threshold settings
Start: 18:06
Stop: 20:20
Rates: 14 kHz (Dynodes) 12.7 kHz (anodes)
Lmd: Co60_source_201905201806_037.dlt ...Co60_source_201905201806_045.dlt
Root: 201905202020_60Co.root |
Mon May 20 09:39:23 2019, A. Algora, Dynode 08 threshold changed
Dynode 08 threshold was changed from 675 to 790. Now the rate in this detector is fine.
The global rates for the cards (dynodes and anodes) are similar. |
Mon May 20 08:15:24 2019, A. Algora, background  
Start: 16:25
Stop: 17:25
Background in the same conditions as before (right after the Co measurement)
Listmode: Background_201905201614_035.dlt .... Background_201905201614_036.dlt
Root file: 201905201725_background.root
Dynodes: 8.5 kHz
Anodes: 1.8 kHz
Anod1: 120 Hz
Anod15: 173 Hz
Dynod1: 80 Hz
Dynod 15: 166 Hz
Pulser set to 10 Hz
Rate of Dynode 5, 15, 17 seem a little higher than the others. The same for Anode 11, 15, 17
Not clear why the Dynodes rate is so high compared with the anodes. There is not such a big
difference in rate of the individual detectors.
(Dynodes and Anodes rates are taken from the Python script written by Jorge, that correspond to the full card)
Later it become evident that probably we need to increase the threshold of detector 8 again (Dy08).
Before it was not like that, but now seems to be triggering in the noise.
Mon May 20 07:07:59 2019, A. Algora, Co source (CD 395)
Start: 15:10
Stop: 16:08
Positioned in the center, with the source holder.
List mode files: Co60_source_201905201510_030.dlt ... Co60_source_201905201510_034.dlt
Root file: 201905201608_60Co.root
Source: 60Co, red box, source number: CD395. 1 mm plastic (density 1.23 g/cm3)
Dynodes: 20.5 kHz
Anodes: 12.5 kHz
Mon May 20 06:55:15 2019, A. Algora, New config file after calibration
A file with Co and Cs was collected for 10 min
after a minimal correction of the voltages (mentioned in the earlier entry). After this a new calibration was performed.
Rates per detector of the order of 1.7 kHz, Ref det rate 63 Hz, with the pulser set to 10 Hz
Now a check on the other available sources will be performed.
Until now the used Co source was CO401(2530) , which is rather strong (corresponds to key 6)
and the Cs source was CS401 (4763) (key 8). This Cs is fine.
Now the sources on the red box (color ?) will be explored.
Configuration file: 20190520_Conf.xlsx
Mon May 20 06:31:53 2019, A. Algora, gain correction
Only a very small correction was needed (at the level of 0.5 V) for the raw spectra of det 6,12,13,17 (raw Dynodes)
New voltages
DET01 │ 599.0 V 1500.0 uA 598.5 V 89.5 uA On │00.0001
DET02 │ 548.5 V 1500.0 uA 548.0 V 82.5 uA On │00.0002
DET03 │ 529.0 V 1500.0 uA 529.0 V 79.5 uA On │00.0003
DET04 │ 699.0 V 1500.0 uA 698.5 V 105.0 uA On │00.0004
DET05 │ 452.0 V 1500.0 uA 451.5 V 67.5 uA On │00.0005
DET06 │ 820.5 V 1500.0 uA 821.0 V 123.0 uA On │00.0006
DET07 │ 559.0 V 1500.0 uA 559.0 V 83.0 uA On │00.0007
DET08 │ 486.0 V 1500.0 uA 486.0 V 73.0 uA On │00.0008
EMPTY09 │ 0.0 V 1500.0 uA 1.0 V 7.5 uA Off │00.0009
EMPTY10 │ 0.0 V 1500.0 uA 0.5 V 0.0 uA Off │00.0010
EMPTY11 │ 0.0 V 1500.0 uA 1.0 V 0.5 uA Off │00.0011
EMPTY12 │ 0.0 V 1500.0 uA 0.0 V 0.0 uA Off │02.0000
DET11 │ 578.0 V 300.0 uA 578.0 V 86.5 uA On │02.0001
DET12 │505.5 V 300.0 uA 506.0 V 76.0 uA On │02.0002
DET13 │ 624.5 V 300.0 uA 624.5 V 92.5 uA On │02.0003
DET14 │ 650.0 V 300.0 uA 650.0 V 96.0 uA On │02.0004
DET15 │ 657.0 V 300.0 uA 657.0 V 98.0 uA On │02.0005
DET16 │ 529.5 V 300.0 uA 529.0 V 78.5 uA On │00.0006
DET17 │ 462.5 V 300.0 uA 462.0 V 68.0 uA On │00.0007
DET18 │ 518.0 V 300.0 uA 518.0 V 77.5 uA On │00.0008
EMPTY19 │ 0.0 V 300.0 uA 0.0 V 0.0 uA Off │00.0009
EMPTY20 │ 0.0 V 300.0 uA 0.0 V 0.0 uA Off │00.0010
REF01 │ 800.0 V 1500.0 uA 800.0 V 174.0 uA On │00.0011
EMPTY12 │ 0.0 V 1500.0 uA 0.0 V 0.0 uA Off │02.0000
Mon May 20 06:04:41 2019, A. Algora, Co and Cs short file   
Short file with the strong Co source and Cs source. To test stability
Stop: 14:04
Root file: 201905201404_137Cs60Co_calib.root
Rates; 53 kHz (Dynodes), 47 kHz (anodes) So thresholds should be checked
Anode 12 (calibrated) has a large jump, because the cable in the digitizer was not fully plugged.
We need to recalibrate them. The alignment was done originally with Dynodes. |
Mon May 20 03:18:03 2019, A. Algora, Co and Cs after two days
We have been running with Co and Cs for the weekend to check the overall stability.
Seems that the detectors did not move too much. Please note that the Ref detector was plugged incorrectly in channel 8
instead of channel 10 of the ancilliary card. A new run will be done to include the reference detector.
It looks that the calibration might be sligthly shifted for detectors 12, 13,17 (Dynodes) |
Sat May 18 01:41:45 2019, Nacher, Algora, gain check after the night
Only PM3 showed an small jump. It seems that it has moved. Even after changing the HV cable. We will pay attention to it in the next days.
The others seem stable.
File after the night with 137Cs and 60C
201905180939_137Cs60Co_calib.root |
Thu May 16 06:59:51 2019, Algora Kiss Nacher, Det 3
Det 3 moved, both Anode and Dynode. So we have changed the HV cable to test if there are no more jumps. We used cable 9 and it was not
relabeled. The HV of the detector was corrected. It was changed to 527.5 V |
Thu May 16 02:57:15 2019, Nacher, Algora, threshold dynode #13 increased
Threshold of dynode #13 changed from 500 to 700 because of a very high noise.
New configuration file: 20190516_Conf.xlsx (attached). |
Thu May 16 02:02:24 2019, Algora Kiss Nacher, detector 3 moved over night   
After the long background measurement we have measured 60Co to check alignment.
Everything looks fine except for detector #3 that has moved to lower gain (seen in dynodes and anodes).
See figures attached. |
Wed May 15 11:53:17 2019, Algora, Nacher, Kiss, Background
Start: 20:05
Stop: 09:44
Background rate 2.9 kHz (Dynodes), 2.3 (Anodes) (Threshold of detector 13 was increased)
Files: Background_20190515_006.dlt ... _014.dlt
Root file: 201905160944_bckg_overnight.root (attached)
Pulser self-triggered at 100Hz |
Wed May 15 11:50:04 2019, Algora, Nacher, 137Cs listmode, and rootfile
137Cs source in the center of the DTAS, with the IFIC holder
list mode files: Cs137_Source_20190515_000.dlt to Cs137_Source_20190515_005.dlt
Root file: 201905151942_137Cs.root
Wed May 15 09:57:54 2019, Nacher, root file with 60Co and 137Cs
For JL to play... |
Wed May 15 08:11:46 2019, Tolosa, Nacher, Algora, Kiss, Energy resolutions 
Using getSigmaCal.cxx macro to check energy resolutions...
root [3] getSigmaCal("201905151555_137Cs.root")
EAn01 660.978 20.4516 7.27122%
EAn02 662.018 21.8206 7.74577%
EAn03 654.685 21.2331 7.62164%
EAn04 664.496 21.7799 7.70251%
EAn05 661.188 21.3019 7.57112%
EAn06 663.225 22.609 8.01103%
EAn07 658.977 21.7486 7.75584%
EAn08 661.333 21.1595 7.51887%
EAn11 660.622 20.6158 7.33354%
EAn12 662.106 22.8196 8.09931%
EAn13 660.16 19.4654 6.92918%
EAn14 660.348 22.9705 8.17459%
EAn15 660.277 19.6762 7.00298%
EAn16 661.323 22.0482 7.83478%
EAn17 659.072 21.5303 7.6769%
EAn18 662.739 22.9924 8.15284%
EDy01 660.951 20.8514 7.41366%
EDy02 661.465 22.2272 7.89669%
EDy03 654.887 21.7742 7.81345%
EDy04 663.585 22.2593 7.88284%
EDy05 660.353 21.7962 7.75661%
EDy06 661.692 23.2316 8.25072% ***
EDy07 658.636 22.3986 7.99178%
EDy08 662.167 21.8422 7.75169%
EDy11 661.634 21.2086 7.53289%
EDy12 662.504 23.1784 8.22173% ***
EDy13 660.297 20.7076 7.36985%
EDy14 662.493 23.5084 8.33893% ***
EDy15 661.844 20.3493 7.22539%
EDy16 662.861 23.092 8.18665%
EDy17 661.152 22.215 7.89612%
EDy18 659.903 23.6411 8.41889% *** |
Wed May 15 07:48:08 2019, Kiss Algora Nacher, Saturation and pulser
Saturation and pulser position after calibration
EDy1 16801 25000
EDy2 18412 not seen
EDy3 25520 not seen
EDy4 15563 not seen
EDy5 22920 not seen
EDy6 13965 not seen
EDy7 17440 28000?
EDy8 17300 28000?
EDy11 14220 22293
EDy12 21824 not seen
EDy13 16750 not seen
EDy14 22230 not seen
EDy15 17505 not seen
EDy16 24955 not seen
EDy17 14250 29590
EDy18 26144 not seen |
Wed May 15 06:53:52 2019, Nacher Kiss Algora, HV setting
EMPTY00 │0.0 V 1500.0 uA 0.5 V 0.5 uA Off │00.0000
DET01 │ 597.0 V 1500.0 uA 596.5 V 89.5 uA On │00.0001
DET02 │ 548.5 V 1500.0 uA 548.0 V 82.5 uA On │00.0002
DET03 │ 526.0 V 1500.0 uA 526.0 V 79.0 uA On │00.0003
DET04 │ 697.0 V 1500.0 uA 696.5 V 105.0 uA On │00.0004
DET05 │ 449.5 V 1500.0 uA 449.0 V 67.0 uA On │00.0005
DET06 │ 820.0 V 1500.0 uA 820.5 V 123.0 uA On │00.0006
DET07 │ 558.0 V 1500.0 uA 558.0 V 84.0 uA On │00.0007
DET08 │ 486.0 V 1500.0 uA 486.0 V 73.5 uA On │00.0008
EMPTY09 │ 0.0 V 1500.0 uA 1.0 V 0.5 uA Off │00.0009
EMPTY10 │ 0.0 V 1500.0 uA 0.5 V 0.0 uA Off │00.0010
EMPTY11 │ 0.0 V 1500.0 uA 1.0 V 0.5 uA Off │00.0011
EMPTY12 │ 0.0 V 1500.0 uA 0.0 V 0.0 uA Off │02.0000
DET11 │ 576.5 V 300.0 uA 576.5 V 86.0 uA On │02.0001
DET12 │ 505.0 V 300.0 uA 505.5 V 75.5 uA On │02.0002
DET13 │ 620.0 V 300.0 uA 620.0 V 92.0 uA On │02.0003
DET14 │ 650.0 V 300.0 uA 650.0 V 96.5 uA On │02.0004
DET15 │ 653.5 V 300.0 uA 653.5 V 97.0 uA On │02.0005
DET16 │ 530.0 V 300.0 uA 529.5 V 78.5 uA On │02.0006
DET17 │ 462.5 V 300.0 uA 462.0 V 68.0 uA On │02.0007
DET18 │ 518.0 V 300.0 uA 518.0 V 77.5 uA On │02.0008
EMPTY19 │ 0.0 V 300.0 uA 0.0 V 0.0 uA Off │02.0009
EMPTY20 │ 0.0 V 300.0 uA 0.0 V 0.0 uA Off │02.0010
REF01 │800.0 V 300.0 uA 800.0 V 174.0 uA On │02.0011
Wed May 15 06:40:16 2019, Algora, Kiss, Nacher , DTAS aligned and calibrated   
Signal cables (long cables, from preamp to digitizer) of channels 13 and 16 were changed. For the moment they have not been relabelled.
We assumed that it was not a HV supply or cable problem, since the anods were aligned and only the dynodes moved.
After changing the cables we realigned the dynodes and recalibrated all signals. Screen shots are attached.
File (root file) with the two sources (Co and Cs) saved as 201905151432_137Cs60Co.root
Configuration file: 20190515_Conf.xlsx
Rate with two sources: 52 kHz (Dynodes), 47 kHz (Anodes)
Wed May 15 04:03:23 2019, JAR, Synchronization with AIDA working
Synchronization with AIDA is working, see attached document to proceed. |
Tue May 14 13:16:33 2019, JLT, Hardware setup 11x
Tue May 14 09:41:24 2019, TD, Welcome to the DTAS Elog