Tue Mar 18 13:28:30 2025, Emmanuel, B10 and LiF data with Fast Fourier Transform 
Attached is the B10 and LiF data with Fast Fourier Transform and varying time constants. |
Wed Feb 12 13:51:02 2025, CLW, expected counts B and Li 6x
The rootfiles countsB.root and countsLi.root contain histograms of count spectra that would be expected at n_TOF for a 10B and a 6Li target,
respectively. The units in y are arbitrary. This can be used to check, if we can reproduce the expected trend with our Li and B measurements. So the histograms
called "counts" can be directly compared to the histograms called "energy" in Sili_deed.c (they should have the same binning). You |
Mon Sep 16 12:36:45 2024, TD, 34-way IDC to 37-way D connector ribbon cables   
The 2x sets of 34-way IDC to 37-way D connctor ribbon cables used at GSI for the two-alpha decay measurement have been located - see attachments 1-4.
Sat Sep 14 09:30:40 2024, TD, Neutron beam profile
Neutron beam profile - film exposure overnight 12/13.9.24 |
Thu Sep 12 15:26:30 2024, Nick, EAR2 Periodic Noise
Thu Sep 12 11:07:29 2024, Nick, 40K Borrowed Items
We borrowed from n_TOF:
1x O-ring for circular side-flanges on the chamber (the borrowed part has a small green marker cross on it)
10x LIMO-to-BNC connectors (BNC female) from electronics lab outside EAR1 |
Tue Apr 16 12:24:01 2024, Emmanuel, MWD amplitude (dE and E)
Mon Mar 25 12:57:30 2024, Clw, Adapters for ntof setup 
10 new Adapters for lemo to bnc on my desk |
Thu Dec 7 09:48:23 2023, Emmanuel, MWDdetector and User Input 
MWDdetector and UserInput |
Mon Oct 2 08:53:06 2023, Emmanuel, Empty Frame
An empty frame (on the top) was placed on Friday night. |
Thu Sep 28 15:32:16 2023, Emmanuel, LiF sample in   
We switched from 10B target (number 1) to LiF target (number 3). We planned to take this measurement for one day. |
Wed Sep 27 09:54:06 2023, Emmanuel, 10B sample in    
We switched from Aluminium target to Boron Target (number 1) on Tuesday (26th of Sept.). The Aluminium target was placed in the material room
by the RP. We will change to LiF (number 3) on Thursday (28th of Sept.) |
Tue Sep 5 16:09:45 2023, Emmanuel, Drop in gain for DEED 14  
Dear all,
There was an issue with one of the strips of the deltaE detector (DEED 14), for run216644. The gain dropped to almost a factor of 3. Find attached.
Somehow, it was fixed, but still lags, when compared to other strips of deltaE. This was tested for a more recent run, run216651. Find attached. |
Mon Aug 21 12:08:59 2023, TD, RAL108 +/-15V PSU test - JCMB 21.8.23 13x
PSU Calex
Setup, PSU and ac mains filter - attachments 1-3
Sat Aug 19 14:14:26 2023, TD, RAL108 +/-15V PSU test - JCMB 18.8.23 10x
PSU Calex
Setup and PSU details - attachments 1-3
Thu Aug 17 10:26:51 2023, Nikolay Sosnin, Data Processing
To run raw2root on LXPLUS, you will need to add the following line to your .bashrc, performed using
gedit ~/.bashrc &
then paste
line at the bottome of the file |
Tue Aug 15 11:41:27 2023, TD, NS, Monday 14 August - vacuum chamber pressure
08.35 Vacuum chamber pressure OK - see attachment 1 |
Tue Aug 15 10:17:39 2023, TD, NS, RAL108 +/-15V PSU test at EAR2, n_TOF Monday 14 August 7x
On the morning of Monday 14 August 2x RAL108 +/-15V PSUs were borrowed from the Edinburgh equipment in the ISOLDE hall to check whether the same transient
noise is observed at the +/-15V PSU outputs.
Mon Aug 14 11:00:13 2023, TD, RAL108 +/-15V PSU test in ISOLDE hall 13x
This morning 2x RAL108 +/-15V PSUs were borrowed from the Edinburgh equipment in the ISOLDE hall to check whether the same transient noise is observed
at the +/-15V PSU
Sat Aug 12 09:24:19 2023, Nikolay Sosnin, 26Al Protons
Here is a Google spreadsheet for counting protons for the runs:
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1INX8G9GAu-M70SdZdz55qXnMZNXKXLW7xfFH-eaLuQw/edit?usp=sharing |
Fri Aug 11 16:50:58 2023, Nikolay Sosnin, EDET24 
After inserting aluminium target, previously-dead channel 24 on EDET was re-plugged into a 12-bit card SPD02872. It is the only EDET on 12-bit card,
the rest are on 14-bit. From pulsers, there appears to be a 90 ns offset from this EDET to others, with EDET24 preceeding the rest. The last channel on
14-bit cards was broken, hence havng to use 12-bit. |
Fri Aug 11 13:16:56 2023, Nikolay Sosnin, E Front Incorrect Cabling
E front 2x16-way to 1x34-way IDC cable from the Junction Box to the IDC-Lemo 00 adaptor was found to be inserted upside-down - the 16-way IDC connectors
did not have polarisation keys - meaning the E detector p+n junction strip signals collected with 26Al for the first night are not working. Signals
from the dE p+n junction strips and E n+n Ohmic strips will be OK. The mistake occurred at the conclusion of the noise tests yesterday - see https://elog.ph.ed.ac.uk/nToF/52 |
Fri Aug 11 13:06:54 2023, Annie, Signal Spreadsheet info  
Spreadhseet made for shifters to manually enter that they have checked each signal and that they can see gamma-flashes. It is saved as "26Al_EAR2_Signal_Checks.ods",
it is located on the second monitor on the right of the control room, next to the monitor used to see the beam intensity (same monitor used to see signals).
It will stay open throughout the campeign. Shifters have been told to check signals more than just the once to record that they're okay, |
Fri Aug 11 10:12:02 2023, Annie, Pressure, voltage and current check  
Thu Aug 10 16:11:57 2023, TD, NS, AR, Noise  
Observe c. 2mV p to p noise with DSO ( Z_in = 50 Ohm ) c. 60us period with HF structure. DSO connected to junction box via 34-way IDC - 16x Lemo-00 adaptor.
Fri Aug 11 10:02:08 2023, TD, NS, AR, Noise 
Check RAL108 +/-15V PSU
Fri Aug 11 09:17:28 2023, Annie, Li target scans  
Processed scans of both sides of the Li target showing the beam spot, and an image showing what it looks like to the eye. |
Fri Aug 11 09:11:04 2023, Annie, Pulse Settings   
Fri Aug 11 08:41:31 2023, Annie, Al target & chamber set up 15x
Phtotos of the front & back of the Al target and what it looked like once mounted and in the chamber. |
Thu Aug 10 11:30:32 2023, Nikolay Sosnin, Silicons and LiF3+Gafchromic Target 18x
Thu Aug 10 10:50:15 2023, Nikolay Sosnin, Al26 Chamber Cabling/Vacuum/NIM 23x
Thu Aug 10 10:05:48 2023, CLW, Gafchromics Foil  
Gafchromics foil was mounted on empty brass frame back to back with Li sample
Neutron beam goes well through the sample. Centered ~1 cm from sample center. Conclusion: no changes needed (too risky to make it worse and it
is ok now) |
Thu Aug 10 10:04:13 2023, CLW, Photos inside chamber Al26 run Aug2023 8x
Thu Aug 10 09:55:50 2023, CLW, Photos of Chamber, Al26 Run Aug23 13x
Thu Aug 10 09:20:37 2023, CLW, Detector Signal Cabling Al26 Aug 2023 8x
delta E detector Cabling
Lemo Box Output Number
Signal Cable Bunker
Patch Panel Number
Cable Rack Area
FADC Number
DAQ Channel
17 |
Thu Aug 10 09:10:02 2023, CLW, Detector Setup Al26 Run 2023   
dE Detector: W1-20 3186-9 20 um
E Detector: W1-150 3458-4 144 um
Voltages and Leakage Currents: |
Mon Jul 31 10:21:41 2023, Nikolay Sosnin, n_TOF Data and Filtering
Thu Jul 27 11:53:52 2023, TD, MSL type W1 detector data for 26Al(n,X) experiment EAR2, n_TOF
MSL type W1(SS)-20
3186-9 20um Depletion voltage 3V Operating voltage 6V
Thu Jul 27 11:25:35 2023, Claudia, Al-26 planning meeting summary 
Start 9th August, access to EAR-2 11 am earliest but can start in rack area before
Setup to be used: 1 dE (16 strips, 20 um thickness)
+ 1 E (16x16 strips, 150 um thickness. We have a spare for each thickness
Sample and detectors to be mounted on the same flange
to check: |
Mon Jul 3 13:01:30 2023, Emmanuel, Boxes for nTOF experiments to CERN
Box 1
1. RC412 Cables
2. Screws and parts for rails |
Sun Oct 9 21:07:02 2022, Nikolay Sosnin, Boron Sample 3 Measurement 14x
21:15 Changed from detectors in-beam to boron-10 sample 3 in-beam (in-beam measurement got 1000 triggers, 500 of which were dedicated). The sample was
mounted identically to LiF 3. An attempt was made to replace the 20-micron dE detector with a 50-micron one, but the screwholes on the 50-micron detector
did not match the 300-micron E-detector ones and therefore could not be mounted. 20-micron detector was therefore re-attached. Planning to run for 12 hours |
Sun Oct 9 20:57:54 2022, Nikolay Sosnin, Detectors in-beam, no target 12x
After long beam-off, changed detector mount by moving it 2 cm forward into the beam, after removing LiF 3. |
Sat Oct 8 11:57:36 2022, Nikolay Sosnin, Change of Detector-Target Separation 17x
Increased detector-target (LiF 3) separation by 1.5 cm. Had to replace the support strut under the detectors due to the previous one being fuly retracted
even for minimal target-detector separation. This change may affect detector rotation relative to the target. |
Sat Oct 8 11:56:49 2022, Nikolay Sosnin, Silicon Strips of Concern
DEED 6 and 9 no signal throughout the campaign.
EFED 27 high oscillations in baseline throughout the campaign. |
Fri Oct 7 20:04:30 2022, Nikolay Sosnin, Change of Pulser Setting
The pulser has been switched from triggering from beam trigger to running at a 10 Hz rate, and will now appear in random places in signal traces. Planned
to run overnight measuring LiF3, switch to empty + detector in beam in the morning. |
Fri Oct 7 17:17:08 2022, Nikolay Sosnin, Change of Pulser Delay
Still using pulser triggered from protons. 12 microsecond delay from protons to gamma-flash + 11 microsecond delay from gamma flash to pulser. 20 mV
pulser output into 50 ohm impedance (10 mV final output) of both polarities (using two pulsers, one NE pulser and one BNC PB5 pulser). Changed pulser setting
to run with 11 microsecond delay for approx. 2 hour, then change to an overnight run with pulser running NOT triggered from beam. |
Thu Oct 6 14:58:29 2022, Nikolay Sosnin, Change of Pulser Delay
Still using pulser triggered from protons. 12 microsecond delay from protons to gamma-flash + 1.75 microsecond delay from gamma flash to pulser. 20 mV
pulser output into 50 ohm impedance (10 mV final output) of both polarities (using two pulsers, one NE pulser and one BNC PB5 pulser). Changed pulser setting
to run with 5 microsecond delay for approx. 1 hour, then change to 10 microsecond delay. |
Thu Oct 6 11:45:39 2022, Nikolay Sosnin, Assembly Setup Days 1 and 2 25x
Photographs of assembly up to the first pulser test with LiF3. |
Thu Oct 6 11:07:47 2022, Nikolay Sosnin, Change of sample/Addition of pulser
Changed from LiF 4 to LiF 3 after running with LiF 4 overnight (run title on n_TOF DAQ was not updated to refelect the change, and still says LiF 4,
but the material setting of the run states correctly that hte run is with LiF 3).
Added pulser triggered from protons. 12 microsecond delay from protons to gamma-flash + 1.75 microsecond delay from gamma flash to pulser. 20 |
Thu Oct 6 09:34:30 2022, Claudia, Test setup Photos and cabling    
Setup 5.10.22
dE 20 um (ID 2837-33) and 494 um double sided (ID 1194-9)
46 channels (2 connectors missing) |
Thu Oct 6 09:28:33 2022, Claudia, Items to be replaced for next run
Missing/broken items identified
- long rails for fixing chamber on support
- vacuum valve (ours is broken) |
Thu May 26 09:20:32 2022, Nick / Claudia, Inventory of Items at n_TOF for (n,cp) experiments 
Detectors currently in the boxes:
2x MSL type W1(SS)-50, 2902-4 (53um), 2940-6 (55um)
1x MSL type W1(SS)-20 2837-33 (20um) |
Fri Sep 9 10:01:18 2016, Sarah, Leakage currents 09.09.16
EFED 0.04uA
DEED 0.05uA
PHDI 0.13uA |
Fri Sep 2 12:03:40 2016, Sarah, SPD card changed
14 bit card replaced for DEED 9-12, to prevent issue with pulser arriving before gamma flash. |
Fri Sep 2 12:01:57 2016, Sarah, Leakage currents 02.09.16
E 0.03
dE 0.05
PHDI 0.12 |
Tue Aug 23 15:34:38 2016, Claudia, Leakage currents 23.08.16
E = 0.03uA
dE = 0.04uA
PHDI = 0.09uA |
Wed Aug 17 15:10:05 2016, Sarah, Leakage currents 12.08.16
E = 0.03uA
dE = 0.04uA
PHDI = 0.06uA |
Thu Aug 11 08:19:37 2016, Sarah, Leakage currents 10.8.16
At lunchtime (12.45)
E = 0.03 uA
dE = 0.04 uA |
Tue Aug 9 15:57:52 2016, Sarah, Leakage currents 09.08.16
Morning - 9am
E= 0.03uA
dE= 0.04uA |
Mon Aug 8 11:02:13 2016, Sarah, Leakage currents 08.08.16
E 0.03 uA
dE 0.04 uA
PHDI 0.05 uA |
Wed Aug 3 14:48:09 2016, Sarah, Leakage currents 02.08 - 03.08
dE = 0.03 uA
E = 0.03 uA |
Wed Aug 3 09:48:31 2016, Sarah, EFED10 alpha calibration checks
Tue Aug 2 08:14:26 2016, Sarah, Leakage currents spreadsheet (26/07- 01/08)
Steady for dE, E. Possibly rising on PHDI- monitor closely. |
Sun Jul 31 15:56:32 2016, Sarah, DEED16 Alpha calibration checks (205169)
***note that DEED 16 was on old sampling rate for 205168- so use next run, also DEED 9-12 not plugged in***
Sun Jul 31 15:02:57 2016, Sarah, DEED6 Alpha calibration checks (205168)
DEED6: (1 bin = 2 ch)
Pulser (DAQ):
- Centroid = 5145.6(6) ch |
Sun Jul 31 14:32:34 2016, Sarah, DEED1 Alpha calibration checks (205168)
DEED1: (rebin x2 -> 1 bin = 4 ch)
Pulser (DAQ):
- Centroid = 5000(1) ch |
Sun Jul 31 13:43:56 2016, Sarah, Alpha spectra    
Pulser set to 100 pps.
Shaping amp:
Gain: 1x1.0x50 |
Thu Jul 28 16:00:43 2016, Sarah, List of to-dos
Process alpha data
- Compare pulser width and alpha width to calibration spectra (shaping amp with 1us and gain 50x)
- Does photodiode data process OK or is it a problem with the oscillations? |
Wed Jul 27 13:20:53 2016, Sarah, Gafchromic images 6x
Fri Oct 16 16:11:41 2015, Sarah Lonsdale, 09/10/15 Photos of detectors (reversed dE wiring) and upper level frame for future set up, leakage current    
Leakage before take down:
Fri Oct 16 16:01:41 2015, Sarah Lonsdale, 08/10/15 Removed source and sample, leakage current check
Removed source and removed Li sample for blank frame test
Fri Oct 16 15:56:01 2015, Sarah Lonsdale, 07/10/15 Alpha source in, change to pulser delay 6x
Alpha source in - containing 148Gd, 241Am, 239Pu, 244Cm (4x 1kBq)
Fri Oct 16 15:41:14 2015, Sarah Lonsdale, 06/10/15 Changes to DAQ and pulser settings 
Pulser out of 5,6,7 EFED- extended to 32ms
Fri Oct 16 15:36:13 2015, Sarah Lonsdale, 06/10/15 Leakage, dE signal problem solving and external pulser trigger 6x
Leakage tues am
Tue Oct 13 21:04:49 2015, Claudia Lederer, Photos of Test Setup 5-10 October 2015   
some photos in high resolution of the test setup 5-10 October 2015 |
Mon Oct 12 12:07:24 2015, Sarah Lonsdale, 05/10/15 Changes to DAQ settings
Note that detailed DAQ information available from project-ntof.cern.ch erunbook ear2.
As a rough guide: |
Mon Oct 12 12:04:51 2015, Sarah Lonsdale, 05/10/15 Photo of detector distances and layout 8x
Fairly self explanatory, note that images with time-stamps before 13.08.29 were taken before fitting the o-ring on the flange and therefore lateral positions
will be different to photos after 13.08.29. Individual detector heights were not changed. |
Mon Oct 12 11:50:52 2015, Sarah Lonsdale, 05/10/15 Pulser, Wiring information and DAQ initial set up   
600mV in 50ohm coax with 25 hz pulser (positive signal) - see 2015-10-05_15.19.54.jpg |
Mon Oct 12 11:27:02 2015, Sarah Lonsdale, 05/10/15 - Set up notes 8x
20 micron (see 2015-10-05_12.46.59.jpg |