ID |
Date |
Author |
Subject |
Mon Oct 7 14:07:26 2024 |
AR | Zn update slides 04/10 | Models Vs Resonance amp spectra |
Attachment 1: update_zn68.pdf
Mon Sep 9 11:06:19 2024 |
AR | Zn update slides 06/08/2024 | |
Attachment 1: update_zn68.pdf
Fri Jun 7 15:58:24 2024 |
CLW | ISOFLEX Certificates for enriched Si samples | Isoflex certificates for enriched silicon samples |
Attachment 1: Si30_isoflex.pdf
Attachment 2: 231226-01_-_Shipping_Documents(1).pdf
Tue Apr 16 15:24:45 2024 |
AR | Zn68 Analysis: Au resonance SAMMY fits | |
Attachment 1: Au_4ev_yield_sammy_fit_det1.pdf
Attachment 2: Au_45-48ev_sammy_fit_det1.pdf
Attachment 3: Au_59-62ev_sammy_fit_det1.pdf
Attachment 4: Au_78ev_sammy_fit_det1.pdf
Attachment 5: Au_107ev_sammy_fit_det1.pdf
Thu Apr 4 09:50:36 2024 |
CLW | First Si analysis 2024 run | Au and Si29 runs normalised by proton number show consistency (dedicated pulses, example detector 4). Plots for tof spectra zooming on one resonance and histogram of counts in this resonance divided by protons with statistical errors.
Plots were produced with the macros attached. |
Attachment 1: au_counts.pdf
Attachment 2: au.pdf
Attachment 3: si29_counts.pdf
Attachment 4: si29.pdf
Attachment 5: consistency.C
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TBrowser.h"
#include "TH2F.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
#include "TGraphErrors.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include <fstream>
#include "TFrame.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TLegend.h"
#include "TLegendEntry.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TBox.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TObject.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "TLine.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TBrowser.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include <TStyle.h>
#include <THStack.h>
#include <TPad.h>
#include "TRandom.h"
void plot(){
// replace this with name of your singles file
TFile *f=new TFile("Single_Si29_ded.root","read");
TString histo, norm, protons;
///file with a list of the histogram names for one detector
// format Zn_T_u3_C6D6_runxxxxxx Zn_A_u3_SILI_runxxxxxx Zn_h_info_C6D6_runxxxxxx
ifstream inni("Si29_C6D64_HistList.dat");
TCanvas *c=new TCanvas();
/// replace this with the tof around a resonance, i.e. binlow is the start of the resonance, binhigh is the end of the resonance
// you can choose any resonance, best is a large one which is usally at big tof values
/// this will be different for Au and for Zn.
float binlow=2250000;
float binhigh=2400000;
TLegend *legend = new TLegend(0.65, 0.38, 0.89, 0.89);
int count2=0;
int count_protons=0;
//// replace this with the number of lines in your file "list"
int lines=59;
float value[lines];
float value2[lines];
float valuesili[lines];
float valuepkup[lines];
float staterror[lines];
if ( ! inni ) break;
char *s;
if(count2==0) s="hist";
if(count2>0)s="hist same";
cout<<histo<<" "<<norm<<endl;
TH1F *h=(TH1F*)f->Get(histo);
//TH1F *hnorm=(TH1F*)f->Get(norm);
TH1F *hpro=(TH1F*)f->Get(protons);
int bin1=h->FindBin(binlow); //Ge70Bins
int bin2=h->FindBin(binhigh);
// this gives the total number of count in the resonance
int counter2=h->Integral(bin1,bin2);
legend->AddEntry(h,histo, "l");
float sum=0;
float weight=0;
float weightsum=0;
for(int i=0;i<count2;i++){
cout<<value[i]<<" "<<weight<<" "<<i<<endl;
cout<< sum/weightsum <<endl;
float deviation=0;
double stddev=0;
for(int i=0;i<count2;i++){
cout<<" "<<deviation<<" % "<<sqrt(value2[i])/value2[i]*100<<" % counting "<<deviation/(sqrt(value2[i])/value2[i]*100)<< " "<<i<<endl;
cout<<count2<<" "<<sum/count2<<endl;
double stddev2=sqrt(1/(float(count2-1))*stddev);
cout<<"std dev is "<<stddev2/(sum/weightsum)*100<<" %"<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
for(int i=0;i<count2;i++){
cout<<" "<<valuesili[i]<<" Prot/SILI "<<valuepkup[i]<<" Prot/PKUP "<<valuesili[i]/valuepkup[i]<<" SILI/PKUP"<<endl;
TH1F *hprosi=new TH1F("","",50,0,50);
TH1F *hprook=new TH1F("","",50,0,50);
TH1F *hsipk=new TH1F("","",50,0,50);
TH1F *hcounts=new TH1F("","",50,0,50);
for(int i=0;i<count2;i++){
TCanvas *c3=new TCanvas;
TCanvas *c5=new TCanvas;
void plotau(){
// replace this with name of your singles file
TFile *f=new TFile("Single_Au_ded.root","read");
TString histo, norm, protons;
///file with a list of the histogram names for one detector
// format Zn_T_u3_C6D6_runxxxxxx Zn_A_u3_SILI_runxxxxxx Zn_h_info_C6D6_runxxxxxx
ifstream inni("Au_C6D64_HistList.dat");
TCanvas *c=new TCanvas();
/// replace this with the tof around a resonance, i.e. binlow is the start of the resonance, binhigh is the end of the resonance
// you can choose any resonance, best is a large one which is usally at big tof values
/// this will be different for Au and for Zn.
float binlow=12000000;
float binhigh=14000000;
TLegend *legend = new TLegend(0.65, 0.38, 0.89, 0.89);
int count2=0;
int count_protons=0;
//// replace this with the number of lines in your file "list"
int lines=59;
float value[lines];
float value2[lines];
float valuesili[lines];
float valuepkup[lines];
float staterror[lines];
if ( ! inni ) break;
char *s;
if(count2==0) s="hist";
if(count2>0)s="hist same";
cout<<histo<<" "<<norm<<endl;
TH1F *h=(TH1F*)f->Get(histo);
//TH1F *hnorm=(TH1F*)f->Get(norm);
TH1F *hpro=(TH1F*)f->Get(protons);
int bin1=h->FindBin(binlow); //Ge70Bins
int bin2=h->FindBin(binhigh);
// this gives the total number of count in the resonance
int counter2=h->Integral(bin1,bin2);
legend->AddEntry(h,histo, "l");
float sum=0;
float weight=0;
float weightsum=0;
for(int i=0;i<count2;i++){
cout<<value[i]<<" "<<weight<<" "<<i<<endl;
cout<< sum/weightsum <<endl;
float deviation=0;
double stddev=0;
for(int i=0;i<count2;i++){
cout<<" "<<deviation<<" % "<<sqrt(value2[i])/value2[i]*100<<" % counting "<<deviation/(sqrt(value2[i])/value2[i]*100)<< " "<<i<<endl;
cout<<count2<<" "<<sum/count2<<endl;
double stddev2=sqrt(1/(float(count2-1))*stddev);
cout<<"std dev is "<<stddev2/(sum/weightsum)*100<<" %"<<endl;
cout<<" "<<endl;
for(int i=0;i<count2;i++){
... 36 more lines ...
Attachment 6: List_Formatter.cpp
// g++ -Wall -O3 -g List_Formatter.cpp -o List_Formatter && ./List_Formatter
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
int main(){
string sample_name = "Au"; //A prefix for the TTOFSort output file histogram names, e.g. Zn1 is the first block of zinc runs
int runlist[]={118026, 118027, 118028, -1};
for(int detn = 1; detn <= 4; detn++){ //Loop over 4 C6D6 detectors
string outname = sample_name; //Create output file name in the format Sample_C6D6#_HistList.dat
outname += "_C6D6";
stringstream formatter;
formatter << detn;
outname += formatter.str(); //This string stream now contains detector name integer converted to string
outname += "_HistList.dat";
ofstream ofile;;
if(!ofile.is_open()){cout << "ERROR: Cannot open output file " << outname << endl; return 0;}
for(int run_index = 0; run_index < (int)(sizeof(runlist) / sizeof(int)); run_index++){ //Loop over each of the runs
if(runlist[run_index] != -1){
stringstream run_str;
run_str << runlist[run_index]; //Save run number as string
string histname1 = sample_name;
histname1 += "_T_u";
histname1 += formatter.str();
histname1 += "_C6D6_run";
histname1 += run_str.str();
string histname2 = sample_name;
histname2 += "_A_u";
histname2 += formatter.str();
histname2 += "_SILI_run";
histname2 += run_str.str();
string histname3 = sample_name;
histname3 += "_h_info_C6D6_run";
histname3 += run_str.str();
run_str.str(""); //Clear the stringstream
ofile << histname1 << " " << histname2 << " " << histname3 << endl;
formatter.str(""); //Clear the stringstream
return 0;
Tue Mar 26 11:04:29 2024 |
AR | Si-29 and Si-28 sample images and info | Sample information Excel sheet attached below.
Images 1-6: Si-29 sample
Images 6-10: Si-28 sample
Image 11: screenshot from Excel sheet for Si-29
Image 12: screenshot from Excel sheet for Si-28
Image 13: screenshot from Excel sheet for Dummy
Both samples were only able to be weighed inside the capsule as they were very crumbly and unable to be weighed alone (see images). The capsule was weighed before the sample was put in it and thus the mass of Si can be found by subtracting the capsule mass from the measured mass.
Average mass Si-29: 0.8568g pm 0.0002
Average mass Si-28: 0.9551 pm 0.0002
Average mass Dummy: 0.0765 pm 0.0001
Attachment 1: IMG_8947.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_8934.jpg
Attachment 3: IMG_8932.jpg
Attachment 4: IMG_8936.jpg
Attachment 5: IMG_8933.jpg
Attachment 6: IMG_8940.jpg
Attachment 7: IMG_8960.jpg
Attachment 8: IMG_8959.jpg
Attachment 9: IMG_8957.jpg
Attachment 10: IMG_8953.jpg
Attachment 11: Silicon_2024_Samples.xlsx
Mon Mar 25 09:07:53 2024 |
Nick | Proton Monitoring | |
Sat Mar 23 15:06:44 2024 |
Nick | Detector Setup - 28/29Si Campaign 2024 | Campaign started yesterday. C6D6s placed at 9 cm distance, angle 125 degrees w.r.t beamline.
Measured calibration sources: Cs137, Y88, AmBe, CmC. Measuring Si-nat over the weekend.
Detector Voltage
C6D6_D_1 |
1550 |
C6D6_E_2 |
1590 |
C6D6_H_3 |
1460 |
C6D6_L_4 |
1450 |
Attachment 1: 20240322_145150.JPG
Attachment 2: 20240322_144319.JPG
Attachment 3: 20240322_144309.JPG
Attachment 4: 20240322_144304.JPG
Attachment 5: 20240322_144251.JPG
Attachment 6: 20240322_144247.JPG
Attachment 7: 20240322_144243.JPG
Attachment 8: 20240322_144239.JPG
Attachment 9: 20240322_144234.JPG
Fri Mar 1 14:35:04 2024 |
AR | Zn updated wartime v weighted plots | Updated plots with new WFs. Rebinned by 10. |
Attachment 1: det1_deadcorr_v_weighted_d_Zn.pdf
Attachment 2: det1_deadtime_corr_pvd_Zn.pdf
Attachment 3: det1_dedcorr_v_weighted_p_Zn.pdf
Attachment 4: det1_weighted_pvd_Zn.pdf
Attachment 5: det2_deadcorr_v_weighted_d_Zn.pdf
Attachment 6: det2_deadcorr_v_weighted_p_Zn.pdf
Attachment 7: det2_deadtime_corr_pvd_Zn.pdf
Attachment 8: det2_weighted_pvd_Zn.pdf
Attachment 9: det3_deadcorr_v_weighted_d_Zn.pdf
Attachment 10: det3_deadcorr_v_weighted_p_Zn.pdf
Attachment 11: det3_deadtime_corr_pvd_Zn.pdf
Attachment 12: det3_deadtime_correction_pvd_Zn.pdf
Attachment 13: det3_weighted_pvd_Zn.pdf
Tue Feb 27 11:37:39 2024 |
AR | Updated Au Deadtime Corrected Spectra & Weighted Spectra Plots | Plots made with new weighting functions. All rebinned by 10.
Attatchments 1-4: Detector 1.
Attatchments 5-8: Detector 2.
Attatchments 9-12: Detector 3. |
Attachment 1: Det1_Deadtime_Corr_pvd_Au.pdf
Attachment 2: Det1_DedCorr_v_Weighted_d_Au.pdf
Attachment 3: Det1_DedCorr_v_Weighted_p_Au.pdf
Attachment 4: Det1_Weighted_pvd_Au.pdf
Attachment 5: Det2_Deadtime_Corr_pvd_Au.pdf
Attachment 6: Det2_DedCorr_v_Weighted_d_Au.pdf
Attachment 7: Det2_DedCorr_v_Weighted_p_Au.pdf
Attachment 8: Det2_Weighted_pvd_Au.pdf
Attachment 9: Det3_Deadtime_Corr_pvd_Au.pdf
Attachment 10: Det3_DedCorr_v_Weighted_d_Au.pdf
Attachment 11: Det3_DedCorr_v_Weighted_p_Au.pdf
Attachment 12: Det3_Weighted_pvd_Au.pdf
Fri Dec 1 15:34:01 2023 |
AR | Corrected BG Subtraction plots for Zn and Au | Updated plots for Zn and Au |
Attachment 1: Au_BG_correction_comp_weighted_det3_zoomed_rebinned5.pdf
Attachment 2: Au_BG_correction_comp_weighted_det2_zoomed_rebinned5.pdf
Attachment 3: Au_BG_correction_comp_weighted_det1_zoomed_rebinned5.pdf
Attachment 4: Zn_BG_Correction_Comp_Weighted_det3.pdf
Attachment 5: Zn_BG_Correction_Comp_weighted_det2.pdf
Attachment 6: Zn_BG_Correction_Comp_Weighted_det1.pdf
Thu Nov 30 14:43:28 2023 |
AR | Zn + Au Background subtraction: Plots | Plots for Zn and Au with Empty subtracted, and compared to weighted spectra.
Note: Au are logged x and y, Zn is only logged x. |
Attachment 1: Au_BG_correction_det3_inc_uncorr.pdf
Attachment 2: Au_BG_correction_det2_inc_uncorr.pdf
Attachment 3: Au_BG_Correction_det1_inc_uncorr.pdf
Attachment 4: Zn_BG_Correction_det3_R3_inc_uncorr.pdf
Attachment 5: Zn_BG_Correction_det3_R2_inc_uncorr.pdf
Attachment 6: Zn_BG_Correction_det3_R1_inc_uncorr.pdf
Attachment 7: Zn_BG_Correction_det2_R3_inc_uncorr.pdf
Attachment 8: Zn_BG_Correction_det2_R2_inc_uncorr.pdf
Attachment 9: Zn_BG_Correction_det2_R1_inc_uncorr.pdf
Attachment 10: Zn_BG_Correction_det1_R1_inc_uncorr.pdf
Attachment 11: Zn_BG_Corrected_det1_R3_inc_uncorr.pdf
Attachment 12: Zn_BG_Correction_det1_R2_inc_uncorr.pdf
Attachment 13: Au_BG_Correction_Comp_weighted_det3_zoom.pdf
Attachment 14: Au_BG_Corection_Comp_Weighted_det2_Zoom.pdf
Attachment 15: Au_BG_Correction_Comp_Weighted_det1_Zoom.pdf
Attachment 16: Zn_BG_Correction_Comp_Weighted_det3_zoom.pdf
Attachment 17: Zn_BG_Correction_Comp_Weighted_det3.pdf
Attachment 18: Zn_BG_Correction_Comp_Weighted_det2_zoom.pdf
Attachment 19: Zn_BG_Correction_Comp_weighted_det2.pdf
Attachment 20: Zn_BG_Correction_Comp_Weighted_det1_zoom.pdf
Attachment 21: Zn_BG_Correction_Comp_Weighted_det1.pdf
Wed Nov 15 13:40:50 2023 |
Claudia | Determination of neutron capture yield and related corrections | Here are all the files needed for calculation of the yield. There is some information that still needs to be added to the energyandyield.c file, for example the atomic mass of your target in amu, the neutron separation energy for the compound nucleus in MeV (this is needed due to using the Weighting technique). Also, you need to add some lines to read the tof histogram, which will then be converted in a neutron energy hisogram and then divided by the flux.
For the conversion to neutron energy we assume an approximate flight path for now. We will determine this more accurately once we have the yields and fit resonances. Emma will need to use a different flux than Annie, because we have a different spallation target. Emma's flux is preliminary, so we also should look at the SILI detectors at some point.
There are some more instances where names for rootfiles and ascii files need to be added. In the first instance, please try and add the missing information and try running the code. I haven't tested it so there may be still problem. To run it you will need to download the 3 rootfiles into the same folder (or move somewhere else and adjust the path name in the .c file.
PLEASE set variable THRESHSCALER to 1 for now. We dont know yet what it is :-) |
Attachment 1: evalFlux_prelim.root
Attachment 2: nTOF-Ph2_fluence_2009-2011_6Dec2011.root
Attachment 3: BIF_2011_norm.root
Attachment 4: energyandyield.c
#include "TCanvas.h"
#include "TBrowser.h"
#include "TH2F.h"
#include "TH1F.h"
#include "TGraph.h"
#include "TGraphErrors.h"
#include "TMath.h"
#include <fstream>
#include "TFrame.h"
#include "TSystem.h"
#include "TLegend.h"
#include "TLegendEntry.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TStyle.h"
#include "TBox.h"
#include "TRandom.h"
#include "TObject.h"
#include "TObjString.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include "TLine.h"
#include "TTree.h"
#include "TBrowser.h"
#include "TF1.h"
#include <TStyle.h>
#include <THStack.h>
#include <TPad.h>
#include "TRandom.h"
using namespace std;
TH1F *toftoene_fixedbin(TH1F *htof,Double_t L,Double_t offset,Int_t binoffset);
void WriteHistogramFile(TString filename,TH1F *h);
float Sn= 0 ; // neutron separation energy in MeV
float Amass= 0; // mass of your nucleus in atomic mass units
/// L flight path in cm, assumed
/// offset ... any offset in time of flight from daq (N/A here, hence 0)
/// binoffset this is just to exclude very low tof bins which are at too high energy to be of interest 10000 should be ok
void run(){
TH1F *hene=toftoene_fixedbin(NAMEOFTOFSPECTRUM,18500,0,10000);
hene->Draw(); /// draw tof histogram concerted to energy
TH1F *h_me=(TH1F*)hene->Clone();
//// NOW moving on to division by flux
/// the neutron flux is given per bunch assuming a standard proton intensity of 7E12 protons / bunch. Hence the division is by no of protons and then multiplied by 7E12 to get to the number of standard bunches
/// file that contains the neutron flux. We are looking at the flux in isolethargic units
TFile *fflux = new TFile("nTOF-Ph2_fluence_2009-2011_6Dec2011.root", "read"); //for EMMA: evalFlux_prelim.root
TH1F *sim = (TH1F*)fflux->Get("hNFluenceEVALUATED2011"); // FOR EMMA: hEval_Abs
//Neutron flux that is independent of the binning of the histogram. The number of neutrons between E1 and E1 can be found by multiplying the value in the histogram by the logarithmic bin width, i.e. log(E2)-log(E1)
TH1F *yield1 = (TH1F*)h_me->Clone();
cout<<"DIVIDE BY FLUX"<<endl;
for(Int_t i=1; i<=h_me->GetNbinsX(); i++)
float auxbin1 = sim->FindBin(h_me->GetBinCenter(i)); // find the bin in the flux histogram
float scaler1 = TMath::Log(h_me->GetBinLowEdge(i+1)/h_me->GetBinLowEdge(i)); // determine the binwidth of count histogram
// this is the division by the flux. The number of coutns gets divided by the number of neutrons in that particular bin
if(sim->GetBinContent(auxbin1)<=0)yield1->SetBinContent(i,0); // this is in case the flux histgram has a content <=0, so we do not divide by a negative or 0
float binerr_rel=sqrt(pow(h_me->GetBinError(i)/h_me->GetBinContent(i),2) + pow(sim->GetBinError(auxbin1)/sim->GetBinContent(auxbin1),2));
// this calculates the relative uncertainty taking into consideration the sample uncertainties and the uncertaities in the flux histogram
float binerr=binerr_rel*yield1->GetBinContent(i);
// calculation of absolute uncertainty
/// this is again to avoid divition by 0
for(int g=1;g<=h_me->GetNbinsX();g++)
yield1->SetBinContent(g,yield1->GetBinContent(g)*threshscaler/(Sn+ Amass/(1.0086649+Amass)*yield1->GetBinCenter(g)/1e6));
yield1->SetBinError(g,yield1->GetBinError(g)*threshscaler/(Sn+ Amass/(1.0086649+Amass)*yield1->GetBinCenter(g)/1e6));
// this is an additional correction since the neutron beam size varies slightly with neutrom energy. Emma, you can skip that for now as it will be different for you, and we dont have that information yet.
cout << "BIF CORRECTION" <<endl;
TFile *bif=new TFile("BIF_2011_norm.root","read");
TH1F *hbif=(TH1F*)bif->Get("histo");
for(int f=1;f<=yield1->GetNbinsX();f++){
float center=yield1->GetBinCenter(f);
int binni=hbif->FindBin(center);
float binerr_rel=sqrt(pow(yield1->GetBinError(f)/yield1->GetBinContent(f),2) + pow(hbif->GetBinError(binni)/hbif->GetBinContent(binni),2));
float binerr=binerr_rel*yield1->GetBinContent(f);
cout <<"BIF CORRECTION DONE"<<endl;
yield1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("energy (eV)");
cout <<"WRITE FILE"<<endl;
// we are writing the yield as root file and as a data file, since that is the input for resonance fitting.
TFile *gefinalyield= new TFile(NAME, "update");
cout <<"ROOT FILE WRITTEN"<<endl;
cout <<"TEXT FILE WRITTEN"<<endl;
TH1F *toftoene_fixedbin(TH1F *htof,Double_t L,Double_t offset,Int_t binoffset){
int number=htof->GetNbinsX();
float lowedge;
float eneedge[number-binoffset];
const double Mass=939565560.81; //Neutron Mass
const double c0=29.972458; // speed of light
for(int i=binoffset;i<=number;i++){
if(i==30000)cout<<lowedge<<" "<<eneedge[number-i]<<" "<<number-i<<endl;
TH1F *hene =new TH1F("Counts","Counts",number-binoffset-1,eneedge);
for(int i=1;i<=hene->GetNbinsX();i++){
return hene;
void WriteHistogramFile(TString filename,TH1F *h){
FILE * fout;
fout = fopen(filename,"w");
for(Int_t i=1;i<=h->GetNbinsX();i++)
double bincenternew=h->GetBinCenter(i);
double binContent=h->GetBinContent(i);
double binError=h->GetBinError(i);
cout << "*************************************"<< endl;
cout << " File " << filename <<" written, with format: E_center_bin, Content, error "<<endl;
cout << "*************************************"<< endl;
Wed Nov 8 11:47:44 2023 |
AR | Zn68 TTOFSort codes | |
Attachment 1: Process_Au_31-10.C
// g++ -Wall -O3 -g `root-config --cflags --ldflags --glibs` process_runs_Zn_full.cpp -o process_runs_Zn_full && ./process_runs_Zn_full
#include <iostream>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TPad.h>
#include <TAxis.h>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TF1.h>
#include <TLegend.h>
#include <TLegendEntry.h>
#include <TDirectory.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.h"
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.cxx"
using namespace std;
Double_t caldet1(Double_t x){return(-0.0126844 + 0.000250511 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1b(Double_t x){return(0.0300862 + 0.000239789 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1c(Double_t x){return(-0.00982159 + 0.000243208 * x);}
Double_t caldet2(Double_t x){return(0.00933879 + 0.000223045 * x);}
Double_t caldet3(Double_t x){return(0.0448306 + 0.000295976 * x);}
Double_t caldet4(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet5(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet6(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t wfzn1(Double_t x){return(52.4331 - 15.7227 * x + 129.696 * x * x - 21.3173 * x * x * x + 1.23419 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn2(Double_t x){return(54.8656 - 23.9266 * x + 136.114 * x * x - 22.9382 * x * x * x + 1.36142 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn3(Double_t x){return(55.0448 - 24.1592 * x + 135.662 * x * x - 22.6676 * x * x * x + 1.32807 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn4(Double_t x){return(53.7253 - 20.1490 * x + 133.263 * x * x - 22.2370 * x * x * x + 1.30748 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau1(Double_t x){return(33.0459 - 14.2600 * x + 79.6741 * x * x - 12.5454 * x * x * x + 75.7094 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau2(Double_t x){return(31.1978 - 8.63083 * x + 76.0325 * x * x - 11.7987 * x * x * x + 71.1593 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau3(Double_t x){return(30.1989 - 5.58729 * x + 74.0714 * x * x - 11.4009 * x * x * x + 68.8028 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau4(Double_t x){return(30.0116 - 5.09782 * x + 73.9204 * x * x - 11.4115 * x * x * x + 69.3298 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t dummy_function(Double_t x){return 0.;}
int Zn68(){
Char_t prefix[] = "root://";
Char_t suffix[] = ".root";
//Int_t runlist_ZnP[]={108570, 108569, 108568, 108567, 108566, 108565, 108560, 108558, -1};
//Int_t runlist_Zn[]={108347,108348,108349,108350,108351,108352,108353,108354,\
108570, 108569, 108568, 108567,108566, 108565, 108560, 108558,-1};
Int_t runlist_E[]={108393,108392,108391,108390,108389,108388,108387,108495,108494,108493,108492,108491,-1};
Int_t runlist_Au[]={108339,108340,108343,108344,108345,108346,108403,108404,108405,108490,108489,-1}; // isue with 108341? remove?
TTOFSort *a = new TTOFSort();
a->SetEnableMonitorPerBunch(); // include information on monitors per bunch
a->AddDetector(kC6D6, 4);
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp"); // use instead of variable amp
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI ,"amp");
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kPKUP ,"amp");
//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>5E12"); a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>2E12",&&,"PulseIntensity<5E12");
//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>5E12 && detn!=1 && detn!=4 && detn!=5 && detn!=6");
a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 7000, 70000); // CLW: CHANGED BINNING
a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 7000, 70000); // CLW: CHANGED BINNING
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");
a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kC6D6, 50.0); // fixed deadtime of 30 ns
a->SetNewCoincidencetime (kC6D6, 40.0); // Coincidences between 30 ns
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wfau1, wfau2, wfau3, wfau4); //Zero the additonal two C6D6s
a->UseCalibration(kC6D6, caldet1, caldet2, caldet3, caldet4);
a->SetNewCutsEg(kC6D6, 0.200, 10.0);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_Au, suffix, "Au_single.root", "Au", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Au_single.root", "E", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_Au, suffix, "Au_sum.root", "Au", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Au_sum.root", "E", "UPDATE");
return 0;
Attachment 2: Process_Au_dedicated_31-10.C
// g++ -Wall -O3 -g `root-config --cflags --ldflags --glibs` process_runs_Zn_full.cpp -o process_runs_Zn_full && ./process_runs_Zn_full
#include <iostream>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TPad.h>
#include <TAxis.h>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TF1.h>
#include <TLegend.h>
#include <TLegendEntry.h>
#include <TDirectory.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.h"
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.cxx"
using namespace std;
Double_t caldet1(Double_t x){return(-0.0126844 + 0.000250511 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1b(Double_t x){return(0.0300862 + 0.000239789 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1c(Double_t x){return(-0.00982159 + 0.000243208 * x);}
Double_t caldet2(Double_t x){return(0.00933879 + 0.000223045 * x);}
Double_t caldet3(Double_t x){return(0.0448306 + 0.000295976 * x);}
Double_t caldet4(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet5(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet6(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t wfzn1(Double_t x){return(52.4331 - 15.7227 * x + 129.696 * x * x - 21.3173 * x * x * x + 1.23419 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn2(Double_t x){return(54.8656 - 23.9266 * x + 136.114 * x * x - 22.9382 * x * x * x + 1.36142 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn3(Double_t x){return(55.0448 - 24.1592 * x + 135.662 * x * x - 22.6676 * x * x * x + 1.32807 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn4(Double_t x){return(53.7253 - 20.1490 * x + 133.263 * x * x - 22.2370 * x * x * x + 1.30748 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau1(Double_t x){return(33.0459 - 14.2600 * x + 79.6741 * x * x - 12.5454 * x * x * x + 75.7094 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau2(Double_t x){return(31.1978 - 8.63083 * x + 76.0325 * x * x - 11.7987 * x * x * x + 71.1593 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau3(Double_t x){return(30.1989 - 5.58729 * x + 74.0714 * x * x - 11.4009 * x * x * x + 68.8028 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau4(Double_t x){return(30.0116 - 5.09782 * x + 73.9204 * x * x - 11.4115 * x * x * x + 69.3298 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t dummy_function(Double_t x){return 0.;}
int Zn68(){
Char_t prefix[] = "root://";
Char_t suffix[] = ".root";
//Int_t runlist_ZnP[]={108570, 108569, 108568, 108567, 108566, 108565, 108560, 108558, -1};
//Int_t runlist_Zn[]={108347,108348,108349,108350,108351,108352,108353,108354,\
108570, 108569, 108568, 108567,108566, 108565, 108560, 108558,-1};
Int_t runlist_E[]={108393,108392,108391,108390,108389,108388,108387,108495,108494,108493,108492,108491,-1};
Int_t runlist_Au[]={108339,108340,108343,108344,108345,108346,108403,108404,108405,108490,108489,-1}; // isue with 108341? remove?
TTOFSort *a = new TTOFSort();
a->SetEnableMonitorPerBunch(); // include information on monitors per bunch
a->AddDetector(kC6D6, 4);
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp"); // use instead of variable amp
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI ,"amp");
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kPKUP ,"amp");
//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>5E12"); a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>2E12",&&,"PulseIntensity<5E12");
//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>5E12 && detn!=1 && detn!=4 && detn!=5 && detn!=6");
a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 7000, 70000); // CLW: CHANGED BINNING
a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 7000, 70000); // CLW: CHANGED BINNING
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");
a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kC6D6, 50.0); // fixed deadtime of 30 ns
a->SetNewCoincidencetime (kC6D6, 40.0); // Coincidences between 30 ns
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wfau1, wfau2, wfau3, wfau4); //Zero the additonal two C6D6s
a->UseCalibration(kC6D6, caldet1, caldet2, caldet3, caldet4);
a->SetNewCutsEg(kC6D6, 0.200, 10.0);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_Au, suffix, "Au_single_dedicated.root", "Au", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Au_single_dedicated.root", "E", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_Au, suffix, "Au_sum_dedicated.root", "Au", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Au_sum_dedicated.root", "E", "UPDATE");
return 0;
Attachment 3: Process_Au_parasitic_31-10.C
// g++ -Wall -O3 -g `root-config --cflags --ldflags --glibs` process_runs_Zn_full.cpp -o process_runs_Zn_full && ./process_runs_Zn_full
#include <iostream>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TPad.h>
#include <TAxis.h>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TF1.h>
#include <TLegend.h>
#include <TLegendEntry.h>
#include <TDirectory.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.h"
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.cxx"
using namespace std;
Double_t caldet1(Double_t x){return(-0.0126844 + 0.000250511 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1b(Double_t x){return(0.0300862 + 0.000239789 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1c(Double_t x){return(-0.00982159 + 0.000243208 * x);}
Double_t caldet2(Double_t x){return(0.00933879 + 0.000223045 * x);}
Double_t caldet3(Double_t x){return(0.0448306 + 0.000295976 * x);}
Double_t caldet4(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet5(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet6(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t wfzn1(Double_t x){return(52.4331 - 15.7227 * x + 129.696 * x * x - 21.3173 * x * x * x + 1.23419 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn2(Double_t x){return(54.8656 - 23.9266 * x + 136.114 * x * x - 22.9382 * x * x * x + 1.36142 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn3(Double_t x){return(55.0448 - 24.1592 * x + 135.662 * x * x - 22.6676 * x * x * x + 1.32807 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn4(Double_t x){return(53.7253 - 20.1490 * x + 133.263 * x * x - 22.2370 * x * x * x + 1.30748 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau1(Double_t x){return(33.0459 - 14.2600 * x + 79.6741 * x * x - 12.5454 * x * x * x + 75.7094 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau2(Double_t x){return(31.1978 - 8.63083 * x + 76.0325 * x * x - 11.7987 * x * x * x + 71.1593 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau3(Double_t x){return(30.1989 - 5.58729 * x + 74.0714 * x * x - 11.4009 * x * x * x + 68.8028 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau4(Double_t x){return(30.0116 - 5.09782 * x + 73.9204 * x * x - 11.4115 * x * x * x + 69.3298 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t dummy_function(Double_t x){return 0.;}
int Zn68(){
Char_t prefix[] = "root://";
Char_t suffix[] = ".root";
//Int_t runlist_ZnP[]={108570, 108569, 108568, 108567, 108566, 108565, 108560, 108558, -1};
//Int_t runlist_Zn[]={108347,108348,108349,108350,108351,108352,108353,108354,\
108570, 108569, 108568, 108567,108566, 108565, 108560, 108558,-1};
Int_t runlist_E[]={108393,108392,108391,108390,108389,108388,108387,108495,108494,108493,108492,108491,-1};
Int_t runlist_Au[]={108339,108340,108343,108344,108345,108346,108403,108404,108405,108490,108489,-1};
TTOFSort *a = new TTOFSort();
a->SetEnableMonitorPerBunch(); // include information on monitors per bunch
a->AddDetector(kC6D6, 4);
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp"); // use instead of variable amp
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI ,"amp");
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kPKUP ,"amp");
//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>5E12"); a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>2E12",&&,"PulseIntensity<5E12");
//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>2E12 && PulseIntensity<5E12 && detn!=1 && detn!=4 && detn!=5 && detn!=6");
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>2E12 && PulseIntensity<5E12");
a->SetPriorCut(kSILI,"PulseIntensity>2E12 && PulseIntensity<5E12");
a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP,"PulseIntensity>2E12 && PulseIntensity<5E12");
a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 7000, 70000); // CLW: CHANGED BINNING
a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 7000, 70000); // CLW: CHANGED BINNING
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");
a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kC6D6, 50.0); // fixed deadtime of 30 ns
a->SetNewCoincidencetime (kC6D6, 40.0); // Coincidences between 30 ns
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wfau1, wfau2, wfau3, wfau4); //Zero the additonal two C6D6s
a->UseCalibration(kC6D6, caldet1, caldet2, caldet3, caldet4);
a->SetNewCutsEg(kC6D6, 0.200, 10.0);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_Au, suffix, "Au_single_parasitic.root", "Au", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Zn_single_ALL_parasitic.root", "E", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_Au, suffix, "Au_sum_parasitic.root", "Au", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Zn_sum_ALL_parasitic.root", "E", "UPDATE");
return 0;
Attachment 4: Process_Zn_inc_prob_dedicated.C
// g++ -Wall -O3 -g `root-config --cflags --ldflags --glibs` process_runs_Zn_full.cpp -o process_runs_Zn_full && ./process_runs_Zn_full
#include <iostream>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TPad.h>
#include <TAxis.h>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TF1.h>
#include <TLegend.h>
#include <TLegendEntry.h>
#include <TDirectory.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.h"
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.cxx"
using namespace std;
Double_t caldet1(Double_t x){return(-0.0126844 + 0.000250511 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1b(Double_t x){return(0.0300862 + 0.000239789 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1c(Double_t x){return(-0.00982159 + 0.000243208 * x);}
Double_t caldet2(Double_t x){return(0.00933879 + 0.000223045 * x);}
Double_t caldet3(Double_t x){return(0.0448306 + 0.000295976 * x);}
Double_t caldet4(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet5(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet6(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t wfzn1(Double_t x){return(52.4331 - 15.7227 * x + 129.696 * x * x - 21.3173 * x * x * x + 1.23419 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn2(Double_t x){return(54.8656 - 23.9266 * x + 136.114 * x * x - 22.9382 * x * x * x + 1.36142 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn3(Double_t x){return(55.0448 - 24.1592 * x + 135.662 * x * x - 22.6676 * x * x * x + 1.32807 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn4(Double_t x){return(53.7253 - 20.1490 * x + 133.263 * x * x - 22.2370 * x * x * x + 1.30748 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau1(Double_t x){return(33.0459 - 14.2600 * x + 79.6741 * x * x - 12.5454 * x * x * x + 75.7094 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau2(Double_t x){return(31.1978 - 8.63083 * x + 76.0325 * x * x - 11.7987 * x * x * x + 71.1593 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau3(Double_t x){return(30.1989 - 5.58729 * x + 74.0714 * x * x - 11.4009 * x * x * x + 68.8028 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau4(Double_t x){return(30.0116 - 5.09782 * x + 73.9204 * x * x - 11.4115 * x * x * x + 69.3298 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t dummy_function(Double_t x){return 0.;}
int Zn68(){
Char_t prefix[] = "root://";
Char_t suffix[] = ".root";
//Int_t runlist_ZnP[]={108570, 108569, 108568, 108567, 108566, 108565, 108560, 108558, -1};
Int_t runlist_Zn[]{108347,108348,108349,108350,108351,108352,108353,108355,108357,108359,108360,108361,108362,\
Int_t runlist_E[]={108393,108392,108391,108390,108389,108388,108387,108495,108494,108493,108492,108491,-1};
//Int_t runlist_Au[]={108339,108340,108342,108343,108344,108345,108346,108403,108404,108405,108490,108489,-1};
TTOFSort *a = new TTOFSort();
a->SetEnableMonitorPerBunch(); // include information on monitors per bunch
a->AddDetector(kC6D6, 6);
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp"); // use instead of variable amp
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI ,"amp");
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kPKUP ,"amp");
//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>5E12"); a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>2E12",&&,"PulseIntensity<5E12");
a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 7000, 70000); // CLW: CHANGED BINNING
a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 7000, 70000); // CLW: CHANGED BINNING
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");
a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kC6D6, 50.0); // fixed deadtime of 30 ns
a->SetNewCoincidencetime (kC6D6, 40.0); // Coincidences between 30 ns
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wfzn1, wfzn2, wfzn3, wfzn4); //Zero the additonal two C6D6s
a->UseCalibration(kC6D6, caldet1, caldet2, caldet3, caldet4);
a->SetNewCutsEg(kC6D6, 0.200, 10.0);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_Zn, suffix, "Zn_single_ALL_dedicated.root", "Zn", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Zn_single_ALL_dedicated.root", "E", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_Zn, suffix, "Zn_sum_ALL_dedicated.root", "Zn", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Zn_sum_ALL_dedicated.root", "E", "UPDATE");
return 0;
Attachment 5: Process_Zn_inc_prob_parasitic.C
// g++ -Wall -O3 -g `root-config --cflags --ldflags --glibs` process_runs_Zn_full.cpp -o process_runs_Zn_full && ./process_runs_Zn_full
#include <iostream>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TPad.h>
#include <TAxis.h>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TF1.h>
#include <TLegend.h>
#include <TLegendEntry.h>
#include <TDirectory.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.h"
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.cxx"
using namespace std;
Double_t caldet1(Double_t x){return(-0.0126844 + 0.000250511 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1b(Double_t x){return(0.0300862 + 0.000239789 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1c(Double_t x){return(-0.00982159 + 0.000243208 * x);}
Double_t caldet2(Double_t x){return(0.00933879 + 0.000223045 * x);}
Double_t caldet3(Double_t x){return(0.0448306 + 0.000295976 * x);}
Double_t caldet4(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet5(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet6(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t wfzn1(Double_t x){return(52.4331 - 15.7227 * x + 129.696 * x * x - 21.3173 * x * x * x + 1.23419 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn2(Double_t x){return(54.8656 - 23.9266 * x + 136.114 * x * x - 22.9382 * x * x * x + 1.36142 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn3(Double_t x){return(55.0448 - 24.1592 * x + 135.662 * x * x - 22.6676 * x * x * x + 1.32807 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn4(Double_t x){return(53.7253 - 20.1490 * x + 133.263 * x * x - 22.2370 * x * x * x + 1.30748 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau1(Double_t x){return(33.0459 - 14.2600 * x + 79.6741 * x * x - 12.5454 * x * x * x + 75.7094 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau2(Double_t x){return(31.1978 - 8.63083 * x + 76.0325 * x * x - 11.7987 * x * x * x + 71.1593 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau3(Double_t x){return(30.1989 - 5.58729 * x + 74.0714 * x * x - 11.4009 * x * x * x + 68.8028 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau4(Double_t x){return(30.0116 - 5.09782 * x + 73.9204 * x * x - 11.4115 * x * x * x + 69.3298 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t dummy_function(Double_t x){return 0.;}
int Zn68(){
Char_t prefix[] = "root://";
Char_t suffix[] = ".root";
Int_t runlist_Zn[]={108347,108348,108349,108350,108351,108352,108353,108355,108357,108359,108360,108361,108362,\
Int_t runlist_E[]={108393,108392,108391,108390,108389,108388,108387,108495,108494,108493,108492,108491,-1};
//Int_t runlist_Au[]={108339,108340,108342,108343,108344,108345,108346,108403,108404,108405,108490,108489,-1};
TTOFSort *a = new TTOFSort();
a->SetEnableMonitorPerBunch(); // include information on monitors per bunch
a->AddDetector(kC6D6, 6);
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp"); // use instead of variable amp
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI ,"amp");
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kPKUP ,"amp");
//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>5E12"); a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>2E12",&&,"PulseIntensity<5E12");
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>2E12 && PulseIntensity<5E12");
//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>5E12 && detn!=1 && detn!=4");
a->SetPriorCut(kSILI,"PulseIntensity>2E12 && PulseIntensity<5E12");
a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP,"PulseIntensity>2E12 && PulseIntensity<5E12");
a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 7000, 70000); // CLW: CHANGED BINNING
a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 7000, 70000); // CLW: CHANGED BINNING
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");
a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kC6D6, 50.0); // fixed deadtime of 30 ns
a->SetNewCoincidencetime (kC6D6, 40.0); // Coincidences between 30 ns
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wfzn1, wfzn2, wfzn3, wfzn4); //Zero the additonal two C6D6s
a->UseCalibration(kC6D6, caldet1, caldet2, caldet3, caldet4);
a->SetNewCutsEg(kC6D6, 0.200, 10.0);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_Zn, suffix, "Zn_single_ALL_parasitic.root", "Zn", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Zn_single_ALL_parasitic.root", "E", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_Zn, suffix, "Zn_sum_ALL_parasitic.root", "Zn", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Zn_sum_ALL_parasitic.root", "E", "UPDATE");
return 0;
Attachment 6: Process_Zn_inc_prob.C
// g++ -Wall -O3 -g `root-config --cflags --ldflags --glibs` process_runs_Zn_full.cpp -o process_runs_Zn_full && ./process_runs_Zn_full
#include <iostream>
#include <TFile.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
#include <TPad.h>
#include <TAxis.h>
#include <TH1D.h>
#include <TF1.h>
#include <TLegend.h>
#include <TLegendEntry.h>
#include <TDirectory.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <math.h>
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.h"
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.cxx"
using namespace std;
Double_t caldet1(Double_t x){return(-0.0126844 + 0.000250511 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1b(Double_t x){return(0.0300862 + 0.000239789 * x);}
//Double_t caldet1c(Double_t x){return(-0.00982159 + 0.000243208 * x);}
Double_t caldet2(Double_t x){return(0.00933879 + 0.000223045 * x);}
Double_t caldet3(Double_t x){return(0.0448306 + 0.000295976 * x);}
Double_t caldet4(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet5(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t caldet6(Double_t x){return(0.039253 + 0.000228249 * x);}
Double_t wfzn1(Double_t x){return(52.4331 - 15.7227 * x + 129.696 * x * x - 21.3173 * x * x * x + 1.23419 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn2(Double_t x){return(54.8656 - 23.9266 * x + 136.114 * x * x - 22.9382 * x * x * x + 1.36142 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn3(Double_t x){return(55.0448 - 24.1592 * x + 135.662 * x * x - 22.6676 * x * x * x + 1.32807 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfzn4(Double_t x){return(53.7253 - 20.1490 * x + 133.263 * x * x - 22.2370 * x * x * x + 1.30748 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau1(Double_t x){return(33.0459 - 14.2600 * x + 79.6741 * x * x - 12.5454 * x * x * x + 75.7094 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau2(Double_t x){return(31.1978 - 8.63083 * x + 76.0325 * x * x - 11.7987 * x * x * x + 71.1593 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau3(Double_t x){return(30.1989 - 5.58729 * x + 74.0714 * x * x - 11.4009 * x * x * x + 68.8028 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t wfau4(Double_t x){return(30.0116 - 5.09782 * x + 73.9204 * x * x - 11.4115 * x * x * x + 69.3298 * x * x * x * x);} //Coeff 0.0810697 0.0604489 0
Double_t dummy_function(Double_t x){return 0.;}
int Zn68(){
Char_t prefix[] = "root://";
Char_t suffix[] = ".root";
Int_t runlist_Zn[]{108347,108348,108349,108350,108351,108352,108353,108355,108357,108359,108360,108361,108362,\
Int_t runlist_E[]={108393,108392,108391,108390,108389,108388,108387,108495,108494,108493,108492,108491,-1};
//Int_t runlist_Au[]={108339,108340,108342,108343,108344,108345,108346,108403,108404,108405,108490,108489,-1};
TTOFSort *a = new TTOFSort();
a->SetEnableMonitorPerBunch(); // include information on monitors per bunch
a->AddDetector(kC6D6, 6);
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp"); // use instead of variable amp
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI ,"amp");
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kPKUP ,"amp");
//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>5E12"); a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6,"PulseIntensity>2E12",&&,"PulseIntensity<5E12");
a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 7000, 70000); // CLW: CHANGED BINNING
a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 7000, 70000); // CLW: CHANGED BINNING
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");
a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kC6D6, 50.0); // fixed deadtime of 30 ns
a->SetNewCoincidencetime (kC6D6, 40.0); // Coincidences between 30 ns
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wfzn1, wfzn2, wfzn3, wfzn4); //Zero the additonal two C6D6s
a->UseCalibration(kC6D6, caldet1, caldet2, caldet3, caldet4);
a->SetNewCutsEg(kC6D6, 0.200, 10.0);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_Zn, suffix, "Zn_single_ALL.root", "Zn", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Zn_single_ALL.root", "E", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_Zn, suffix, "Zn_sum_ALL.root", "Zn", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_E, suffix, "Zn_sum_ALL.root", "E", "UPDATE");
return 0;
Tue Nov 7 13:21:51 2023 |
Emma Walker | Si-30: Comparison between background corrected and uncorrected | Below are graphs for the comparison between background corrected and uncorrected spectra (weighted) for Si-30, Au20, Au22 and Sinatgood.
This is just for C6D6 detector 1 but all detectors are consisitent. All histograms have been rebinned by 100 for clarity. |
Attachment 1: Comp_backgroundsub_Si_1.pdf
Attachment 2: Comp_backgroundsub_Au20_1.pdf
Attachment 3: Comp_backgroundsub_Au22_1.pdf
Attachment 4: Comp_backgroundsub_Sinatgood_1.pdf
Mon Nov 6 11:13:11 2023 |
Emma Walker | Comparison of empty, ambient and sample- Si-30 | Below are graphs for each sample (weighted) showing the comparison between ambient spectra, empty/dummy holder and sample spectra.
All four detectors are shown for each sample (Si-30, Au20, Au22, Sinatgood).
All histograms have been rebinned by 50. |
Attachment 1: Si-30_Background_comp_1.png
Attachment 2: Si-30_Background_comp_2.png
Attachment 3: Si-30_Background_comp_3.png
Attachment 4: Si-30_Background_comp_4.png
Attachment 5: Au20_Background_comp_1.png
Attachment 6: Au20_Background_comp_2.png
Attachment 7: Au20_Background_comp_3.png
Attachment 8: Au20_Background_comp_4.png
Attachment 9: Au22_Background_comp_1.png
Attachment 10: Au22_Background_comp_2.png
Attachment 11: Au22_Background_comp_3.png
Attachment 12: Au22_Background_comp_4.png
Attachment 13: Sinatgood_Background_comp_1.png
Attachment 14: Sinatgood_Background_comp_2.png
Attachment 15: Sinatgood_Background_comp_3.png
Attachment 16: Sinatgood_Background_comp_4.png
Fri Oct 27 17:13:58 2023 |
Emma Walker | Si-30: Dedicated vs Parasitic before and after removal of ambient | Below are histograms for the weighted spectra (with deadtime correction) with and without ambient for C6D6 detector 1.
For each sample the histogram with ambient is first and then without ambient (please ignore histogram titles).
The Dummy, Empty and C-nat have been rebined by combining 100 to 1.
The Au20, Au22, Si-30 and Sinatgood have been rebined by combining 10 to 1.
Si-30 WF used for: Si-30, Dummy, Empty, C-nat
Au20 WF used for: Au20
Au22 WF used for: Au22
Sinatgood WF used for: Sinatgood |
Attachment 1: DvsP_1_rebin.pdf
Attachment 2: DvsP_1_amb.pdf
Attachment 3: DvsP_1_dummy.pdf
Attachment 4: DvsP_1_dummyamb.pdf
Attachment 5: DvsP_1_empty.pdf
Attachment 6: DvsP_1_emptyamb.pdf
Attachment 7: DvsP_1_C.pdf
Attachment 8: DvsP_1_Camb.pdf
Attachment 9: DvsP_1_Au20.pdf
Attachment 10: DvsP_1_Au20amb.pdf
Attachment 11: DvsP_1_Au22.pdf
Attachment 12: DvsP_1_Au22amb.pdf
Attachment 13: DvsP_1_Sinatgood.pdf
Attachment 14: DvsP_1_Sinatgoodamb.pdf
Tue Oct 24 11:29:46 2023 |
AR | Weighted Histograms Vs Deadtime*Corrected: 68Zn | |
Attachment 1: combined_vs_weighted_parasitic_det3.pdf
Attachment 2: combined_vs_weighted_parasitic_det2.pdf
Attachment 3: combined_vs_weighted_parasitic_all_dets.pdf
Attachment 4: combined_vs_weighted_dedicated_det3.pdf
Attachment 5: combined_vs_weighted_dedicated_det2.pdf
Attachment 6: combined_vs_weighted_dedicated_all_dets.pdf
Attachment 7: combined_parasitic_all_dets.pdf
Attachment 8: corrected_dedicated_both_dets.pdf
Attachment 9: weighted_para_vs_ded_det3.pdf
Attachment 10: weighted_para_vs_ded_det3_R3.pdf
Attachment 11: weighted_para_vs_ded_det3_R2.pdf
Attachment 12: weighted_para_vs_ded_det3_R1.pdf
Attachment 13: Weighted_para_vs_ded_det2.pdf
Attachment 14: weighted_para_vs_ded_det2_R3.pdf
Attachment 15: weighted_para_vs_ded_det2_R1.pdf
Attachment 16: weighred_para_vs_ded_det2_R2.pdf
Attachment 17: corrected_para_vs_ded_det3.pdf
Attachment 18: corrected_para_vs_ded_det3_R3.pdf
Attachment 19: corrected_para_vs_ded_det3_R2.pdf
Attachment 20: corrected_para_vs_ded_det3_R1.pdf
Attachment 21: corrected_para_vs_ded_det2.pdf
Attachment 22: corrected_para_vs_ded_det2_R3.pdf
Attachment 23: corrected_para_vs_ded_det2_R2.pdf
Attachment 24: corrected_para_vs_ded_det2_R1.pdf
Mon Oct 23 12:47:16 2023 |
Emma Walker | Si-30 weighted and corrected spectra and deadtime correction histograms (parasitic) | Si-30:
Histograms for deadtime correction for all 4 C6D6 detectors for parasitic beam.
Histograms for weighted and deadtime corrected parasitic spectra. |
Attachment 1: Si_1_corr_pb.pdf
Attachment 2: Si_2_corr_pb.pdf
Attachment 3: Si_3_corr_pb.pdf
Attachment 4: Si_4_corr_pb.pdf
Attachment 5: Si_1_wcorr_pb.pdf
Attachment 6: Si_2_wcorr_pb.pdf
Attachment 7: Si_3_wcorr_pb.pdf
Attachment 8: Si_4_wcorr_pb.pdf
Mon Oct 23 12:39:33 2023 |
Emma Walker | Si-30 corrected weighted and dead time corrections histograms (dedicated) | Si-30:
Histograms for dead time corrections for all 4 C6D6 detectors.
Histograms for weighted and deadtime corrected dedicated spectra. |
Attachment 1: Si_1_corr_db.pdf
Attachment 2: Si_2_corr_db.pdf
Attachment 3: Si_3_corr_db.pdf
Attachment 4: Si_4_corr_db.pdf
Attachment 5: Si_1_wcorr_db.pdf
Attachment 6: Si_2_wcorr_db.pdf
Attachment 7: Si_3_wcorr_db.pdf
Attachment 8: Si_4_wcorr_db.pdf
Wed Oct 18 12:14:09 2023 |
Emma Walker | Processing file for EAR-1 with WF applied, Si-30 | Weighting function for Si-30, Au22, Au20 and Sinatgood applied for parasitic and dedicated beams. |
Attachment 1: Weighting_processing.c
/// 23.6.23, 9:30 edit CLW - process also other runlists
// g++ -Wall -O3 -g `root-config --cflags --ldflags --glibs` Process_Si.C -o Process_Si && ./Process_Si
// includes header, and source only in compiled script
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.h"
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.cxx"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Double_t a2e_c6d61(Double_t x) { // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
return (3.71330E-02+ 2.78468E-04* x );
Double_t a2e_c6d62(Double_t x) { // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
return (1.21071E-02+ 2.82656E-04* x);
Double_t a2e_c6d63(Double_t x) { // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
return (2.74746E-02+ 2.64094E-04* x);
Double_t a2e_c6d64(Double_t x) { // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
return (2.96214E-02+ 2.73633E-04* x );
Double_t wf_Si(Double_t x) { //WF for silicon 30
return (9.65464 - 6.83768 * x + 26.4596 * x * x - 5.02546 * x * x * x + 0.372149 * x * x * x * x);
Double_t wf_Sinatgood(Double_t x) { //WF for silicon natural
return (8.86824 - 1.26346 * x + 18.4828 * x * x - 2.25899 * x * x * x + 0.106017 * x * x * x * x);
Double_t wf_Au20(Double_t x) { //WF for 20mm-gold
return (7.93383 + 1.02633 * x + 16.9180 * x * x - 1.95645 * x * x * x + 0.0918222 * x * x * x * x);
Double_t wf_Au22(Double_t x) { //WF for 22mm-gold
return (7.93673 + 1.00093 * x + 16.9408 * x * x - 1.96542 * x * x * x + 0.0923510 * x * x * x * x);
int main() {
Char_t prefix[] = "/eos/experiment/ntof/processing/official/done/run";
Char_t suffix[] = ".root";
Int_t runlist_co[] = {116215, 116216, 116217, 116218, -1};
Int_t runlist_ba[] = {116208, 116209, 116210, 116211, 116212, 116213, 116214, -1};
Int_t runlist_mn[] = {116203, 116204, 116205, 116206, 116207, -1};
Int_t runlist_bi[] = {116193, 116194, -1};
Int_t runlist_cs[] = {116093, 116159, 116160, 116161, 116296, 116384, 116385,116445,116476,116567 ,-1};
Int_t runlist_y[] = {116094, 116162, 116163, 116164, 116297, 116298, 116380, 116381, 116382,116446,116475,116568, -1};
Int_t runlist_ambe[] = {116095, 116096, 116097, 116165, 116166, 116167, 116168, 116169, 116170, 116171, 116172, 116173, 116174, 116299, 116301, 116302, 116375, 116376,116467,116468,116469,116470,116569 ,116570,116571,-1};
Int_t runlist_cmc[] = {116179, 116180, 116181, 116182, 116183, 116184, 116185, 116186, 116187, 116188, 116189, 116190, 116191, 116192, 116219, 116220, 116221, 116222, 116303, 116304, 116305, 116377,116378, 116379,116447,116448, 116449,116450, 116451,116471,116472,116473,116474, -1};
Int_t runlist_cnat[]={116284, 116285, 116286, 116287, 116288, 116308, 116309, 116310, 116311,
116312,116313,116314,116315,116316,116317,116318,116319,116320, -1};
Int_t runlist_au20mm[] = {116100, 116101, 116102,116322,116548, -1};
Int_t runlist_au22mm[] = { 116226, 116227, 116229, 116231, 116232, 116234, 116235, 116321,116507,116508,116509,116510,-1};
//116225 116505 116506was 'BAD'
Int_t runlist_amb[] = {116103, 116104, 116106, 116108, 116109, 116110, 116111, 116119, 116120, 116121, 116122, 116123, 116127, 116128, 116129, 116130, 116131, 116132, 116133, 116134, 116135, 116141, 116143, 116154, 116155, 116156, 116157, 116158, 116175, 116176, 116177, 116178,116197, 116198, 116199, 116200, 116201, 116202, 116248, 116249, 116250, 116251, 116252, 116253, 116254, 116255, 116257, 116258, 116259,116374, 116386, 116387, 116388, 116389, 116390, 116391, 116392, 116393,116405,116444,116443,116452,116453,116454,116455,116456,116457,116458,116459,116460,116461,116462,116463,116464,116465,116466,116477,116478,116479,116480,116481,116483,116485,116487,116488,116490,116491,116492,116493,116494,116495,116496,116498,116499,116501,116503,116519,116520,116521,116522, -1}; // no beam and no calibration source
Int_t runlist_dummy[] = {116237, 116241, 116242, 116243, 116244, 116245, 116246, 116247, 116253, 116260, 116261, 116420, 116421, 116422, 116423, 116424, 116425, 116426, 116427, 116428, 116429, 116430, 116431, 116432, 116433, 116434, 116435, 116436, 116437, 116438,116439,-1};
//, 116418 too slow 116240 is bad
Int_t runlist_empty[] = {116323, 116324, 116325,116326,116327,116328, -1};
Int_t runlist_30si[] = {116105, 116112, 116113, 116114, 116115, 116116, 116117, 116118, 116124, 116125, 116126, 116136, 116137, 116138, 116139, 116140, 116142, 116144, 116145, 116146, 116147, 116148, 116149, 116150, 116151, 116152, 116153, 116263, 116264, 116265, 116266, 116268, 116269, 116270, 116271, 116272, 116273, 116274, 116275, 116276, 116277, 116278, 116279, 116280, 116281, 116282, 116283, 116358, 116359, 116360, 116361, 116362, 116363, 116364, 116367, 116368, 116369, 116371, 116372, 116373, 116394, 116395, 116396, 116397, 116398, 116399, 116400, 116401, 116402, 116403, 116404, 116406, 116407, 116408, 116409, 116411, 116412, 116413, 116415,116440,116441,116482,116484,116486,116489,116502,116504, -1};
//116365, 116466 are empty (should be Si run) , 116370,116442,116414 (116262 this one was 'bad')
Int_t runlist_sinat[] = {116330, 116331, 116332, 116333, 116335, 116337, 116339, 116341, 116342, 116343, 116344, 116345, 116346, 116347, 116348, 116349, 116350, 116351, 116352, 116353, 116354, 116355, 116356, 116357,116511 ,116512 ,116513 ,116514 ,116517 ,116518 ,116523 ,116524 ,116525 ,116526 ,116527 ,116528 ,116532 ,116533 ,116534 ,116535 ,116536 ,116537 ,116538 ,116539 ,116540 ,116541 ,116542 ,116543 ,116544 ,116545 ,116546 ,-1};
//bad 116529, 116530,116531
Int_t runlist_sinat_good[] = { 116549 ,116551 ,116552 ,116553 ,116554 ,116555 ,116556 ,116557 ,116558 ,116559 ,116560 ,116561 ,116562,116563,116564,116565,116566, -1 };
TTOFSort *a = new TTOFSort();
a->AddDetector(kC6D6, 4);
//a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 6500, 6500000.0);
a->SetNewBinParsT(kC6D6, -10.0, 2.0, 1e3, 5000, 1e9); //Double the nbins (10k here becomes 20k bpd spec)
a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kC6D6, 30.0);//fixed deadtime of 30 ns
a->SetNewCoincidencetime(kC6D6, 30.0);//Coincidences between 30 ns
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");
a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 6500, 70000);
a->SetNewCutsAmp_all(kC6D6, 600, 50000);
a->UseCalibration(kC6D6, a2e_c6d61, a2e_c6d62, a2e_c6d63, a2e_c6d64);
a->SetNewCutsEg(kC6D6, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0);
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity<1e7");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_co, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Co", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_bi, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Bi", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_ba, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Ba", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_mn, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Mn", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cs, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Cs", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_y, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Y", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_ambe, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Ambe", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cmc, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Cmc", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_amb, suffix, "Sum_Amb.root", "Amb", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_co, suffix, "Co.root", "Co", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_bi, suffix, "Bi.root", "Bi", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_ba, suffix, "Ba.root", "Ba", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_mn, suffix, "Mn.root", "Mn", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_cs, suffix, "Cs.root", "Cs", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_y, suffix, "Y.root", "Y", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_ambe, suffix, "Ambe.root", "Ambe", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_cmc, suffix, "Cmc.root", "Cmc", "RECREATE");
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Si);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_amb, suffix, "Amb_sum_SiWF.root", "Amb", "RECREATE");
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Au20);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_amb, suffix, "Amb_sum_Au20WF.root", "Amb", "RECREATE");
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Au22);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_amb, suffix, "Amb_sum_Au22WF.root", "Amb", "RECREATE");
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Sinatgood);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_amb, suffix, "Amb_sum_SinatgoodWF.root", "Amb", "RECREATE");
// dedicated >5E12, parasitic 1-5 E12
//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
a->AddDetector(kSILI, 4);
//a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 1e4, 1e5);
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI, "amp");
//a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 6500, 70000);
a->SetNewCutsAmp_all(kSILI, 8000, 40000);
a->SetNewCutsTime_all(kSILI, 1E4, 1E9);
a->AddDetector(kPKUP, 1);
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kPKUP, "amp");
a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP,"amp>5000 && amp<50000");
//a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
//a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf, wf, wf, wf);
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");
//For dedicated pulse
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Si);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Dedicated_Si_weighting.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Dedicated_Si_weighting.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Dedicated_Si_weighting.root", "C", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Dedicated_Si_weighting.root", "E", "UPDATE");
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Au20);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "Dedicated_Au20_weighting.root", "Au20", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Dedicated_Au20_weighting.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Dedicated_Au20_weighting.root", "C", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Dedicated_Au20_weighting.root", "E", "UPDATE");
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Au22);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "Dedicated_Au22_weighting.root", "Au22", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Dedicated_Au22_weighting.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Dedicated_Au22_weighting.root", "C", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Dedicated_Au22_weighting.root", "E", "UPDATE");
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Sinatgood);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat_good, suffix, "Dedicated_Sinatgood_weighting.root", "Sinatgood", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Dedicated_Sinatgood_weighting.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Dedicated_Sinatgood_weighting.root", "C", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Dedicated_Sinatgood_weighting.root", "E", "UPDATE");
//For parastic pulse
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Si);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Parasitic_Si_weighting.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Parasitic_Si_weighting.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Parasitic_Si_weighting.root", "C", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Parasitic_Si_weighting.root", "E", "UPDATE");
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Au20);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "Parasitic_Au20_weighting.root", "Au20", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Parasitic_Au20_weighting.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Parasitic_Au20_weighting.root", "C", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Parasitic_Au20_weighting.root", "E", "UPDATE");
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Au22);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "Parasitic_Au22_weighting.root", "Au22", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Parasitic_Au22_weighting.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Parasitic_Au22_weighting.root", "C", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Parasitic_Au22_weighting.root", "E", "UPDATE");
a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf_Sinatgood);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat_good, suffix, "Parasitic_Sinatgood_weighting.root", "Sinatgood", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Parasitic_Sinatgood_weighting.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Parasitic_Sinatgood_weighting.root", "C", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Parasitic_Sinatgood_weighting.root", "E", "UPDATE");
//For total pulse
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Au20", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Au22", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "C", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "E", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Sinat", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat_good, suffix, "Beam.root", "Sinatgood", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Single_30Si.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "Single_Au20.root", "Au20", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "Single_Au22.root", "Au22", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Single_Dummy.root", "Dummy", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Single_C.root", "C", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Single_E.root", "E", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "Single_Sinat.root", "Sinat", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_sinat_good, suffix, "Single_Sinatgood.root", "Sinatgood", "RECREATE");
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "tflash>10000");
a->SetNewCutsAmp_all(kC6D6, 1800, 50000);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Sum_30Si_hithresh.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
return 0;
Wed Aug 30 12:08:45 2023 |
Michael Donnachie | Processing files | Here are the Processing files for EAR1 and EAR2 with calibrations. |
Attachment 1: Process_Si_beam.C
/// 23.6.23, 9:30 edit CLW - process also other runlists
// g++ -Wall -O3 -g `root-config --cflags --ldflags --glibs` Process_Si.C -o Process_Si && ./Process_Si
// includes header, and source only in compiled script
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.h"
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "/eos/experiment/ntof/codes/TTOFSort/TTOFSort_nTOF.cxx"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Double_t a2e_c6d61(Double_t x) { // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
return (3.71330E-02+ 2.78468E-04* x );
Double_t a2e_c6d62(Double_t x) { // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
return (1.21071E-02+ 2.82656E-04* x);
Double_t a2e_c6d63(Double_t x) { // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
return (2.74746E-02+ 2.64094E-04* x);
Double_t a2e_c6d64(Double_t x) { // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
return (2.96214E-02+ 2.73633E-04* x );
Double_t wf(Double_t x) {
return (0.468282 + 36.0785 * x + 9.54532 * x * x + 0.202353 * x * x * x - 0.0352043 * x * x * x * x);
int main() {
Char_t prefix[] = "/eos/experiment/ntof/processing/official/done/run";
Char_t suffix[] = ".root";
Int_t runlist_co[] = {116215, 116216, 116217, 116218, -1};
Int_t runlist_ba[] = {116208, 116209, 116210, 116211, 116212, 116213, 116214, -1};
Int_t runlist_mn[] = {116203, 116204, 116205, 116206, 116207, -1};
Int_t runlist_bi[] = {116193, 116194, -1};
Int_t runlist_cs[] = {116093, 116159, 116160, 116161, 116296, 116384, 116385,116445,116476,116567 ,-1};
Int_t runlist_y[] = {116094, 116162, 116163, 116164, 116297, 116298, 116380, 116381, 116382,116446,116475,116568, -1};
Int_t runlist_ambe[] = {116095, 116096, 116097, 116165, 116166, 116167, 116168, 116169, 116170, 116171, 116172, 116173, 116174, 116299, 116301, 116302, 116375, 116376,116467,116468,116469,116470,116569 ,116570,116571,-1};
Int_t runlist_cmc[] = {116179, 116180, 116181, 116182, 116183, 116184, 116185, 116186, 116187, 116188, 116189, 116190, 116191, 116192, 116219, 116220, 116221, 116222, 116303, 116304, 116305, 116377,116378, 116379,116447,116448, 116449,116450, 116451,116471,116472,116473,116474, -1};
Int_t runlist_cnat[]={116284, 116285, 116286, 116287, 116288, 116308, 116309, 116310, 116311,
116312,116313,116314,116315,116316,116317,116318,116319,116320, -1};
Int_t runlist_au20mm[] = {116100, 116101, 116102,116322,116548, -1};
Int_t runlist_au22mm[] = { 116226, 116227, 116229, 116231, 116232, 116234, 116235, 116321,116507,116508,116509,116510,-1};
//116225 116505 116506was 'BAD'
Int_t runlist_amb[] = {116103, 116104, 116106, 116108, 116109, 116110, 116111, 116119, 116120, 116121, 116122, 116123, 116127, 116128, 116129, 116130, 116131, 116132, 116133, 116134, 116135, 116141, 116143, 116154, 116155, 116156, 116157, 116158, 116175, 116176, 116177, 116178,116197, 116198, 116199, 116200, 116201, 116202, 116248, 116249, 116250, 116251, 116252, 116253, 116254, 116255, 116257, 116258, 116259,116374, 116386, 116387, 116388, 116389, 116390, 116391, 116392, 116393,116405,116444,116443,116452,116453,116454,116455,116456,116457,116458,116459,116460,116461,116462,116463,116464,116465,116466,116477,116478,116479,116480,116481,116483,116485,116487,116488,116490,116491,116492,116493,116494,116495,116496,116498,116499,116501,116503,116519,116520,116521,116522, -1}; // no beam and no calibration source
Int_t runlist_dummy[] = {116237, 116241, 116242, 116243, 116244, 116245, 116246, 116247, 116253, 116260, 116261, 116420, 116421, 116422, 116423, 116424, 116425, 116426, 116427, 116428, 116429, 116430, 116431, 116432, 116433, 116434, 116435, 116436, 116437, 116438,116439,-1};
//, 116418 too slow 116240 is bad
Int_t runlist_empty[] = {116323, 116324, 116325,116326,116327,116328, -1};
Int_t runlist_30si[] = {116105, 116112, 116113, 116114, 116115, 116116, 116117, 116118, 116124, 116125, 116126, 116136, 116137, 116138, 116139, 116140, 116142, 116144, 116145, 116146, 116147, 116148, 116149, 116150, 116151, 116152, 116153, 116263, 116264, 116265, 116266, 116268, 116269, 116270, 116271, 116272, 116273, 116274, 116275, 116276, 116277, 116278, 116279, 116280, 116281, 116282, 116283, 116358, 116359, 116360, 116361, 116362, 116363, 116364, 116367, 116368, 116369, 116371, 116372, 116373, 116394, 116395, 116396, 116397, 116398, 116399, 116400, 116401, 116402, 116403, 116404, 116406, 116407, 116408, 116409, 116411, 116412, 116413, 116415,116440,116441,116482,116484,116486,116489,116502,116504, -1};
//116365, 116466 are empty (should be Si run) , 116370,116442,116414 (116262 this one was 'bad')
Int_t runlist_sinat[] = {116330, 116331, 116332, 116333, 116335, 116337, 116339, 116341, 116342, 116343, 116344, 116345, 116346, 116347, 116348, 116349, 116350, 116351, 116352, 116353, 116354, 116355, 116356, 116357,116511 ,116512 ,116513 ,116514 ,116517 ,116518 ,116523 ,116524 ,116525 ,116526 ,116527 ,116528 ,116532 ,116533 ,116534 ,116535 ,116536 ,116537 ,116538 ,116539 ,116540 ,116541 ,116542 ,116543 ,116544 ,116545 ,116546 ,-1};
//bad 116529, 116530,116531
Int_t runlist_sinat_good[] = { 116549 ,116551 ,116552 ,116553 ,116554 ,116555 ,116556 ,116557 ,116558 ,116559 ,116560 ,116561 ,116562,116563,116564,116565,116566, -1 };
TTOFSort *a = new TTOFSort();
a->AddDetector(kC6D6, 4);
//a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 6500, 6500000.0);
a->SetNewBinParsT(kC6D6, -10.0, 2.0, 1e3, 5000, 1e9); //Double the nbins (10k here becomes 20k bpd spec)
a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kC6D6, 30.0);//fixed deadtime of 30 ns
a->SetNewCoincidencetime(kC6D6, 30.0);//Coincidences between 30 ns
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");
a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 6500, 70000);
a->SetNewCutsAmp_all(kC6D6, 600, 50000);
a->UseCalibration(kC6D6, a2e_c6d61, a2e_c6d62, a2e_c6d63, a2e_c6d64);
a->SetNewCutsEg(kC6D6, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0);
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity<1e7");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_co, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Co", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_bi, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Bi", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_ba, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Ba", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_mn, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Mn", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cs, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Cs", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_y, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Y", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_ambe, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Ambe", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cmc, suffix, "Sum_Cal.root", "Cmc", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_amb, suffix, "Sum_Amb.root", "Amb", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_co, suffix, "Co.root", "Co", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_bi, suffix, "Bi.root", "Bi", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_ba, suffix, "Ba.root", "Ba", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_mn, suffix, "Mn.root", "Mn", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_cs, suffix, "Cs.root", "Cs", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_y, suffix, "Y.root", "Y", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_ambe, suffix, "Ambe.root", "Ambe", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_cmc, suffix, "Cmc.root", "Cmc", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_amb, suffix, "Amb.root", "Amb", "RECREATE");
// dedicated >5E12, parasitic 1-5 E12
//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
a->AddDetector(kSILI, 4);
//a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 1e4, 1e5);
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI, "amp");
//a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 6500, 70000);
a->SetNewCutsAmp_all(kSILI, 8000, 40000);
a->SetNewCutsTime_all(kSILI, 1E4, 1E9);
a->AddDetector(kPKUP, 1);
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kPKUP, "amp");
a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP,"amp>5000 && amp<50000");
//a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
//a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf, wf, wf, wf);
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");
//For dedicated pulse
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Au20", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Au22", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "C", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "E", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Sinat", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat_good, suffix, "Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Sinatgood", "UPDATE");
//For parastic pulse
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Au20", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Au22", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "C", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "E", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Sinat", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat_good, suffix, "Parasitic_Beam.root", "Sinatgood", "UPDATE");
//For total pulse
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Au20", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Au22", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "C", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "E", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "Sum_Beam.root", "Sinat", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat_good, suffix, "Beam.root", "Sinatgood", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Single_30Si.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "Single_Au20.root", "Au20", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "Single_Au22.root", "Au22", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "Single_Dummy.root", "Dummy", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_cnat, suffix, "Single_C.root", "C", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_empty, suffix, "Single_E.root", "E", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "Single_Sinat.root", "Sinat", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_sinat_good, suffix, "Single_Sinatgood.root", "Sinatgood", "RECREATE");
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "tflash>10000");
a->SetNewCutsAmp_all(kC6D6, 1800, 50000);
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "Sum_30Si_hithresh.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
return 0;
Attachment 2: Process_Si_EAR2.C
/// 23.6.23, 9:30 edit CLW - process also other runlists
// g++ -Wall -O3 -g `root-config --cflags --ldflags --glibs` Process_Si_EAR2.C -o Process_Si_EAR2 && ./Process_Si_EAR2
// includes header, and source only in compiled script
#include "/afs/"
#ifndef __CINT__
#include "/afs/"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
Double_t a2e_c6d61(Double_t x) { // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
return (4.9826533509E-02 + 1.6440658945E-05 * x - 1.0434771608E-12 * x * x);
Double_t a2e_c6d62(Double_t x) { // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
return (3.4169825864E-02 + 1.4076790089E-05 * x - 7.9765434038E-13 * x * x);
Double_t a2e_c6d63(Double_t x) { // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
return (3.9177392253E-02 + 1.7015644773E-05 * x - 4.0083807516E-13 * x * x);
Double_t a2e_c6d64(Double_t x) { // from amplitude (channel) to MeV
return (4.1835244811E-02 + 1.0673010868E-05 * x - 5.3279014370E-14 * x * x);
Double_t wf(Double_t x) {
return (0.468282 + 36.0785 * x + 9.54532 * x * x + 0.202353 * x * x * x - 0.0352043 * x * x * x * x);
First calibrations
Double_t a2e_sted1(Double_t x) {
return (6.25345e-02 + 3.04647e-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted2(Double_t x) {
return (6.41447e-02 + 3.62458e-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted3(Double_t x) {
return (4.83878e-02 + 3.19258e-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted4(Double_t x) {
return (5.72867e-02 + 3.85617e-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted5(Double_t x) {
return (4.61653e-02 + 3.09576e-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted6(Double_t x) {
return (6.01178e-02 + 3.25993e-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted7(Double_t x) {
return (5.37046e-02 + 3.19335e-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted8(Double_t x) {
return (5.37046e-02 + 3.19335e-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted1(Double_t x) {
return (6.88457E-02+ 3.07383E-03* x);
Double_t a2e_sted2(Double_t x) {
return (6.30046E-02+ 3.64816E-03* x);
Double_t a2e_sted3(Double_t x) {
return (6.16885E-02+ 3.21011E-03* x);
Double_t a2e_sted4(Double_t x) {
return (5.76290E-02+ 3.91348E-03* x);
Double_t a2e_sted5(Double_t x) {
return (5.48915E-02+ 3.12774E-03* x);
Double_t a2e_sted6(Double_t x) {
return (6.94109E-02+ 3.30446E-03* x);
Double_t a2e_sted7(Double_t x) {
return (7.06719E-02+ 3.18890E-03* x);
Double_t a2e_sted8(Double_t x) {
return (7.06719E-02 + 3.18890E-03 * x);
Double_t a2e_sted1(Double_t x) {
return (8.49569E-02+ 3.02467E-03* x+ 5.01828E-08*x*x);
Double_t a2e_sted2(Double_t x) {
return (6.63359E-02+ 3.62838E-03* x+ 6.36851E-09*x*x);
Double_t a2e_sted3(Double_t x) {
return (6.90246E-02+ 3.17091E-03* x+ 4.80934E-08*x*x);
Double_t a2e_sted4(Double_t x) {
return (5.83187E-02+ 3.93397E-03* x+ 1.38546E-08*x*x);
Double_t a2e_sted5(Double_t x) {
return (7.26372E-02+ 3.03107E-03* x+ 6.15236E-08*x*x);
Double_t a2e_sted6(Double_t x) {
return (6.63090E-02+ 3.34231E-03* x+ -4.15391E-08*x*x);
Double_t a2e_sted7(Double_t x) {
return (7.39348E-02+ 3.21695E-03* x+ -3.38091E-08*x*x);
Double_t a2e_sted8(Double_t x) {
return (7.39348E-02 + 3.21695E-03 * x + -3.38091E-08 * x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted1(Double_t x) {
return (6.12436E-02+ 2.99626E-03* x + 1.45286E-09* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted2(Double_t x) {
return (3.54473E-02+ 3.66036E-03* x + -1.02808E-07* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted3(Double_t x) {
return (5.41069E-02+ 3.10199E-03* x + 3.61722E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted4(Double_t x) {
return (5.82907E-02+ 3.73851E-03* x + 6.26526E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted5(Double_t x) {
return (5.99435E-02+ 2.93709E-03* x + 7.71012E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted6(Double_t x) {
return (6.55392E-02+ 3.18712E-03* x + 1.44503E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted7(Double_t x) {
return (5.01775E-02+ 3.15280E-03* x + -1.29076E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted8(Double_t x) {
return (7.39348E-02 + 3.21695E-03 * x + -3.38091E-08 * x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted1(Double_t x) {
return (5.67257E-02+ 2.98739E-03* x + 5.53612E-09* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted2(Double_t x) {
return (3.28429E-02+ 3.65244E-03* x + -1.00906E-07* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted3(Double_t x) {
return (4.94516E-02+ 3.09050E-03* x + 4.55854E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted4(Double_t x) {
return (5.28963E-02+ 3.72607E-03* x + 8.07590E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted5(Double_t x) {
return (5.72747E-02+ 2.91606E-03* x + 9.73475E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted6(Double_t x) {
return (6.56951E-02+ 3.15511E-03* x + 3.41401E-08* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted7(Double_t x) {
return (4.66976E-02+ 3.12827E-03* x + 7.80229E-09* x * x);
Double_t a2e_sted8(Double_t x) {
return (7.39348E-02 + 3.21695E-03 * x + -3.38091E-08 * x * x);
int main() {
Char_t prefix[] = "/eos/experiment/ntof/processing/official/done/run";
Char_t suffix[] = ".root";
Int_t runlist_cs[] = {216090, 216091, 216104, -1};
Int_t runlist_cmc[] = { 216162,216160,216164,216165,216166,216167,216168, -1 };
Int_t runlist_y[] = {216092, 216103, -1}; //Detector mounting changed between runs 216092 and 216103
Int_t runlist_ambe[] = {216099, 216100, 216101, 216137, 216138, 216139, -1};
Int_t runlist_au20mm[] = {216108, 216157, -1};
Int_t runlist_au22mm[] = {216109, 216158, -1};
Int_t runlist_dummy[] = {216105, 216106, 216107, 216110, 216111, 216112, 216113, 216114, 216115, 216116, 216117, 216118, 216119, 216120, 216121, 216122, -1};
Int_t runlist_30si[] = {216123, 216124, 216125, 216126, 216127, 216128, 216129, 216130, 216131, 216132, 216133, 216134, 216135, -1};
Int_t runlist_sinat[] = {216159, 216160,216161,216169,216170,216171,216172,216173, -1};
Int_t runlist_amb[] = { 216203,216206,216206,216209,216212,216220,216222,216223,216228,216250,216251,216252,216253,216254,216255,216261,216265,216269,216270,216286,216287,216288,216295,216296,216297,216301,216302,216303,216306,216307,-1 };
TTOFSort *a = new TTOFSort();
a->AddDetector(kC6D6, 2);
//a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 6500, 6500000.0);
//a->SetNewBinParsT(kC6D6, -10.0, 2.0, 1e3, 5000, 1e9); //Double the nbins (10k here becomes 20k bpd spec)
a->AddDetector(kSTED, 8);
a->AddDetector(kSILI, 4);
a->AddDetector(kPKUP, 1);
a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kSTED, 30.0);//fixed deadtime of 30 ns
a->SetNewCoincidencetime(kSTED, 30.0);//Coincidences between 30 ns
a->SetNewFixedDeadtime(kC6D6, 50.0);//fixed deadtime of 30 ns
a->SetNewCoincidencetime(kC6D6, 50.0);//Coincidences between 30 ns
//a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI, "amp");
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");
a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSTED, "amp");
a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 10000, 5000);
//a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 6500, 5000);
a->SetNewBinParsA(kSTED, 0.0, 10000, 5000);
//a->SetHandleTgamma(kC6D6, kUsePkup, 0.0);
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "amp>50");
a->SetPriorCut(kSTED, "amp>50");
a->UseCalibration(kSTED, a2e_sted1, a2e_sted2, a2e_sted3, a2e_sted4, a2e_sted5, a2e_sted6, a2e_sted7, a2e_sted8);
//a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kC6D6, "amp");
//a->SetNewBinParsA(kC6D6, 0.0, 6500, 70000);
//a->SetNewCutsAmp_all(kC6D6, 600, 50000);
//a->UseCalibration(kC6D6, a2e_c6d61, a2e_c6d62, a2e_c6d63, a2e_c6d64);
//a->SetNewCutsEg(kC6D6, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0, 0.200, 8.0);
//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
//a->SetNewBinParsA(kSILI, 0.0, 1e4, 1e5);
//a->SetNewVariableNames_amplitude(kSILI, "amp");
//a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e12");
//a->UseWeightingFunction(kC6D6, wf, wf, wf, wf);
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity<1e7");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cs, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Cal.root", "Cs", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_y, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Cal.root", "Y", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_ambe, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Cal.root", "AmBe", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_cmc, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Cal.root", "CmC", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_amb, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Amb.root", "Amb", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_ambe, suffix, "EAR2/Single_Cal.root", "Ambe", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_cs, suffix, "EAR2/Single_Cal.root", "Cs", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_y, suffix, "EAR2/Single_Cal.root", "Y", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_cmc, suffix, "EAR2/Single_Cal.root", "CmC", "UPDATE");
//Deticated pulse
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kSTED, "PulseIntensity>5e+12");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "EAR2/Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "EAR2/Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Au20", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "EAR2/Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Au22", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "EAR2/Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "EAR2/Dedicated_Sum_Beam.root", "Sinat", "UPDATE");
//parasitic pulse
a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");
a->SetPriorCut(kSTED, "PulseIntensity>1e+12 && PulseIntensity<5e+12");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "EAR2/Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "EAR2/Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Au20", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "EAR2/Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Au22", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "EAR2/Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "EAR2/Parasitic_Sum_Beam.root", "Sinat", "UPDATE");
//a->SetPriorCut(kSILI, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");
//a->SetPriorCut(kPKUP, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");
//a->SetPriorCut(kSTED, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");
//a->SetPriorCut(kC6D6, "PulseIntensity>1e+12");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Beam.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Beam.root", "Au20", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Beam.root", "Au22", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Beam.root", "Dummy", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Sum(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "EAR2/Sum_Beam.root", "Sinat", "UPDATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_30si, suffix, "EAR2/Single_30Si.root", "Si", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_au20mm, suffix, "EAR2/Single_Au20.root", "Au20", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_au22mm, suffix, "EAR2/Single_Au22.root", "Au22", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_dummy, suffix, "EAR2/Single_Dummy.root", "Dummy", "RECREATE");
//a->ProcessListOfRuns_Single(prefix, runlist_sinat, suffix, "EAR2/Single_Sinat.root", "Sinat", "RECREATE");
return 0;
Tue Aug 29 10:32:35 2023 |
Michael Donnachie | EAR1 Parasitic vs Dedicated runs | Below are the histograms of parasitic vs dedicated runs for EAR1. Also included are histograms with ambient background removed which closes the gap between parasitic and dedicated histograms. This was preformed by scaling the ambient by counts by a multiplication of (dedicated or parasitic) bunch number/ambient bunch number. There are no legends but the dedicated counts are in black and parasitic counts in red. Only included are C6D6 1 detectors but the other three detectors were equivelant.
Attachment 1: Au22_large_range_ambrem_A.pdf
Attachment 2: Au22_large_range.pdf
Attachment 3: Dummy_large_range.pdf
Attachment 4: Si_large_range.pdf
Attachment 5: Si_Resonance_ambrem_B.pdf
Attachment 6: Dummy_large_range_ambrem.pdf
Mon Aug 28 14:07:23 2023 |
Michael Donnachie | EAR2 Experiment vs Simulated Amplitude Spectrums | Attatched are the overlayed compton edges for the calibrated experimental and the GEANT4 simulations. Note p1 and p2 denotes the lower and higher energy compton edges for Yttrium.
The experimental and simulated histograms are shifted in quite a few of these plots suggesting the calibration was not fully successful. The compton edge for AmBe was difficult to locate and may have contributed to the poor calibration. |
Attachment 1: YP2_STED5_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 2: YP2_STED6_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 3: YP2_STED7_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 4: AmBe_STED1_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 5: AmBe_STED2_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 6: AmBe_STED3_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 7: AmBe_STED4_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 8: AmBe_STED5_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 9: AmBe_STED6_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 10: AmBe_STED7_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 11: Cs_STED1_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 12: Cs_STED2_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 13: Cs_STED3_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 14: Cs_STED4_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 15: Cs_STED5_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 16: Cs_STED6_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 17: Cs_STED7_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 18: YP1_STED1_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 19: YP1_STED2_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 20: YP1_STED3_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 21: YP1_STED4_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 22: YP1_STED5_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 23: YP1_STED6_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 24: YP1_STED7_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 25: YP2_STED1_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 26: YP2_STED2_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 27: YP2_STED3_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Attachment 28: YP2_STED4_Experiment_vs_Simulated.pdf
Mon Aug 28 12:21:09 2023 |
Michael Donnachie | EAR2 STED Calibration Parameters | Calibration parameters for each STED detector: With function f=p0+p1*x+p2*x*x
p0 Value |
p0 Error |
p1 Value |
p1 Error |
p2 Value |
p2 Error |
5.67257E-02 |
6.80573E-08 |
STED 2 |
7.35018E-08 |
STED 3 |
5.55624E-08 |
STED 4 |
7.71976E-08 |
STED 5 |
5.75051E-08 |
STED 6 |
5.06241E-08 |
STED 7 |
5.79147E-08 |
A quadratic function was fitted to the reference point channel (from experimental histogram) and reference point energy (from simulation histogram). The reference point 'r' was r=mean+(FWHM/2) for a gaussian fitted to each compton edge. A quadratic function was used as it fitted the higher energy AmBe reference point better than a linear function. This is highlighted by the comparisson of "STED 2 Calibration" and "STED 2 Example Linear Fit Calibration" plots below. The p0 error is quite large and p2 error very large (larger than the parameter value in STED1) - however the parameters are highly correlated which may have inflated the error.
CmC histograms were not used as the compton edge could not be located.
For reference the STED 1 correlation matrix:
p0 |
p1 |
p2 |
p0 |
1 |
-0.92473 |
0.78779 |
p1 |
-0.92473 |
1 |
-0.91714 |
p2 |
0.78779 |
-0.91714 |
1 |
Attachment 1: Example_STED2_calibration.pdf
Attachment 2: STED1_calibration.pdf
Attachment 3: STED2_calibration.pdf
Attachment 4: STED3_calibration.pdf
Attachment 5: STED4_calibration.pdf
Attachment 6: STED5_calibration.pdf
Attachment 7: STED6_calibration.pdf
Attachment 8: STED7_calibration.pdf
Fri Aug 4 10:45:05 2023 |
Annie | Zn Plots: Normalised Spectra, Ratio Plots, Integral/Protons vs Cut (all dets) | All plots in the ratios all look pretty contstant. Zn1 for all detectors seems to have some strange spike in the integral, and a dip in the SILI measurements (and therefore in the SILI/PKUP ratio).
Det1 & Det4 dont look great for the Integral/Proton plots, im planning to make these plots with the PKUP protons and SILI and then comapre all of those errors and ratios that come from those, so we'll see what that comparison brings.
Nothing has been seperated by dedicated or paracitic beam yet, so those comparisons need to be made too. |
Attachment 1: Norm_spec_zn3_det4_singles.pdf
Attachment 2: Norm_spec_zn3_Det3_singles.pdf
Attachment 3: Norm_spec_zn3_det2_singles.pdf
Attachment 4: Norm_spec_zn3_det1_singles.pdf
Attachment 5: Norm_spec_zn2_det4_singles.pdf
Attachment 6: Norm_spec_zn2_det3_singles.pdf
Attachment 7: Norm_spec_zn2_det2_singles.pdf
Attachment 8: Norm_spec_zn2_det1_singles.pdf
Attachment 9: Norm_spec_zn1_det4_singles.pdf
Attachment 10: Norm_spec_zn1_det3_singles.pdf
Attachment 11: Norm_spec_zn1_det2_singles.pdf
Attachment 12: Norm_spec_zn1_det1_singles.pdf
Attachment 13: Ratio_plot_zn3_det4.pdf
Attachment 14: Ratio_plot_zn3_det3.pdf
Attachment 15: Ratio_plot_zn3_det2.pdf
Attachment 16: Ratio_plot_zn3_det1.pdf
Attachment 17: Ratio_plot_zn2_det4.pdf
Attachment 18: Ratio_plot_zn2_det3.pdf
Attachment 19: Ratio_plot_zn2_det2.pdf
Attachment 20: Ratio_plot_zn2_det1.pdf
Attachment 21: Ratio_plot_zn1_det4.pdf
Attachment 22: Ratio_plot_zn1_det3.pdf
Attachment 23: Ratio_plot_zn1_det2.pdf
Attachment 24: Ratio_plot_zn1_det1.pdf
Attachment 25: zn_res3_vs_protons.pdf
Attachment 26: zn_res2_vs_protons.pdf
Attachment 27: zn_res3_vs_protons.pdf
Mon Jul 31 12:00:02 2023 |
Nikolay Sosnin | EAR2 Silicon Samples | |
Attachment 1: EAR2_30Si.JPG
Attachment 2: EAR2_Sinat_Closeup.JPG
Attachment 3: Goodfellow_Sinat_Sample.JPG
Attachment 4: Laser_Alignment.JPG
Fri Jul 28 12:19:10 2023 |
Michael Donnachie | EAR2 consistency checks, PKUP BCT SILI and normalised counts | The EAR2 ratios of BCT/PKUP, BCT/SILI and PKUP/SILI plotted for each run for samples Si, Sinat, Au20, Au22 and Dummy.
Also included is the normalised counts (counts/BCT) with 7 detectors on one plot (STED8 was ommited). 'counts' for Si was integreated over the Si resonance, for Au it was integrated over the largest resonance. For Dummy and Sinat the counts were integrated over a large range of 1e+4 to 1e+6ns. The Sinat resonance was too small for adequate statistics to only integrate over the resonance hence why a large range was used. The C6D6 normalised counts were not plotted as there seems to be issues with this detector in EAR2.
Attachment 1: Au20_Ratios.pdf
Attachment 2: Au20_STED_normalised_counts.pdf
Attachment 3: Au22_Ratios.pdf
Attachment 4: Au22_STED_normalised_counts.pdf
Attachment 5: Dummy_Ratios.pdf
Attachment 6: Dummy_STED_normalised_counts.pdf
Attachment 7: Si_Ratios.pdf
Attachment 8: Si_STED_normalised_counts.pdf
Attachment 9: Sinat_Ratios.pdf
Attachment 10: Sinat_STED_normalised_counts.pdf
Fri Jul 28 12:07:33 2023 |
Michael Donnachie | EAR2 C6D6 timeshift issues | There seems to be issues with the EAR2 C6D6 T histograms. For Au the earlier run seems to be shifted for detector 2 compared to the rest.
For Si plotted is 3 different runs 216123, 216128 and 216135 for both detectors. The histogram is messy but highlights that there is a problem. The single Si resonace should be around 20 000ns and this is only the case for run216128.
Apologies for no legend on plots.
det1 run216158 black
det1 run216109 red
det2 run216158 green
det2 run216109 blue
det1 run216157 black
det1 run216108 red
det2 run216157 green
det2 run216108 blue
Attachment 1: Au20_C6D6_both_det_timeshift.pdf
Attachment 2: Au22_C6D6_both_det_timeshift.pdf
Attachment 3: Si30_C6D6_bothdet_3runs.pdf
Mon Jul 24 10:32:39 2023 |
Michael Donnachie | Consistency Checks BCT PKUP SILI | The EAR1 ratios of BCT/PKUP, BCT/SILI and PKUP/SILI plotted for each run for samples Si, Sinat goodfellow, Au20, Au22, Empty and Dummy. |
Attachment 1: Si_Ratios.pdf
Attachment 2: Au22_Ratios.pdf
Attachment 3: Au20_Ratios.pdf
Attachment 4: Dummy_Ratios.pdf
Attachment 5: Sinat_Goodfellow_Ratios.pdf
Attachment 6: Empty_Ratios.pdf
Fri Jul 21 10:45:22 2023 |
Michael Donnachie | Consistency Checks BCT PKUP comparrisons | The ratios for BCT/PKUP for Si, Au20, Au22, Dummy, Empty and Sinat goodfellow have been plotted. Also included is the normalised counts (counts/BCT) with all 4 detectors on one plot. Apologies there is not a legend, however det1 is red, det2 is green, det3 black and det4 blue. 'counts' for Si was integreated over the Si resonance, for Au it was integrated over the largest resonance. For Dummy, Empty and Sinat the counts were integrated over a large range of 1e+5 to 1e+7ns. The Sinat resonance was too small for adequate statistics to only integrate over the resonance hence why a large range was used.
Attachment 1: Au20NormalisedCounts.pdf
Attachment 2: Au22NormalisedCounts.pdf
Attachment 3: DummyNormalisedCounts.pdf
Attachment 4: EmptyNormalisedCounts.pdf
Attachment 5: SinatgoodNormalisedCounts.pdf
Attachment 6: SiNormalisedCounts.pdf
Attachment 7: Sinat_Goodfellow_det1_Detector_Ratios.pdf
Attachment 8: Au20_det1_Detector_Ratios.pdf
Attachment 9: Au22_det1_Detector_Ratios.pdf
Attachment 10: Dummy_det1_Detector_Ratios.pdf
Attachment 11: Empty_det1_Detector_Ratios.pdf
Attachment 12: Si_det1_Detector_Ratios.pdf
Mon Jul 17 14:49:16 2023 |
Nikolay Sosnin | Mounted Si-nat Sample | Goodfellow Si-nat mounted at EAR1. First run: 116551 |
Attachment 1: Sinat_Back.JPG
Attachment 2: Sinat_Front.JPG
Attachment 3: Sinat_Sample.JPG
Mon Jul 17 12:30:28 2023 |
Nikolay Sosnin | Si-nat Goodfellow Sample Properties | Goodfellow sample has been deposited on a single Mylar foil and glue is drying.
mass = 2.932 g
diameter = 20.0 mm
thickness = 3.98 mm |
Attachment 1: Sinat_Sample_Properties.JPG
Mon Jul 17 11:30:54 2023 |
Claudia | Properties Silicon powder samples | 30Si
Mass: 0.9925(1) g; Diameter: 22.22(1) mm; Thickness: 1.77(4) mm;
Mass: 1.0653(2)g; Diameter: 19.94(2) mm; Thickness: 1.91(3) mm;
Mass of sample pre-treatment (sintering ...)
natSi 1.0238 g
30Si: 0.75034 g |
Mon Jul 17 10:06:35 2023 |
Nikolay Sosnin | State of the Union: Campaign Update 17.07.2023 | EAR1: Si-nat sample fell off the holder during maintenance (before run 116544), appears intact and undamaged. Placed it back in-beam for further EAR1 measurements and subsequent transfer to EAR2.
EAR2: Replaced DUMMY with 30Si. Photo during alignment and photo of sample in holder attached. |
Attachment 1: Sinat_PostFall.JPG
Attachment 2: EAR2_30Si_Alignment.JPG
Attachment 3: EAR2_30Si.JPG
Sat Jul 15 07:33:32 2023 |
Nikolay Sosnin | 30Si EAR2 | 8 sTED + 2 C6D6
C6D6: distance = 14 cm, angle = 135 degrees
sTED horizontal ring, distance for each detector from target = 4.5 cm. sTED labeled 8 in the DAQ is actually sTED #9 at n_TOF (actual sTED #8 showed no signal)
sTED1 809V, sTED2 793V, sTED3 813V, sTED4 779V, sTED5 785V, sTED6 800V, sTED7 791V, sTED8 837V
C6D61 (labeled C6D6_M in HV log) 854V, C6D62 (labeled C6D6_N in HV log) 871V |
Attachment 1: C6D6_sTED.JPG
Attachment 2: sTED_Ring_Cs137.JPG
Attachment 3: C6D6_sTED_Side.JPG
Attachment 4: Beam_Kapton_Setup.JPG
Attachment 5: EAR2_Setup2.JPG
Attachment 6: EAR2_Setup.JPG
Thu Jul 13 14:19:37 2023 |
Claudia | dead time 30Si run | Default TTOFSort dead time setting of 30 ns is ok. |
Attachment 1: consecutiveau22.pdf
Thu Jul 13 12:27:44 2023 |
Michael Donnachie, CLW | Calibration Parameters | Calibration parameters for each detector:
detector |
y-intercept (value) |
y-intercept (error) |
gradient (value) |
gradient (error) |
1 |
1.56343E-06 |
2 |
1.96751E-06 |
3 |
1.33883E-06 |
4 |
1.22941E-06 |
A linear function was fitted to the reference point channel (from experimental histogram) and reference point energy (from simulation histogram). The reference point 'r' was r=mean+(FWHM/2) for a gaussian fitted to each compton edge.
The comparrisons between the calibrated experimental and simulation histograms has been attached. P1 (left) and P2 (right) on the Y88 hisograms indicate whether the histograms were scaled with respect to the leftmost or rightmost compton edge (only to allow easier comparrison).
Broadening parameters applied to the simulations
float a1 = 0.004947965;
float b1 = 0.005227974;
float a2 = 0.007163802;
float b2 = 0.007549987;
float a3 = 0.001256462;
float b3 = 0.006410511;
float a4 = 0.003907402;
float b4 = 0.004033837;
sigma= sqrt(axE+bxE^2) |
Attachment 1: det1.pdf
Attachment 2: det2.pdf
Attachment 3: det3.pdf
Attachment 4: det4.pdf
Attachment 5: Ydet2p1.pdf
Attachment 6: Ydet2p2.pdf
Attachment 7: Ydet3p1.pdf
Attachment 8: Ydet3p2.pdf
Attachment 9: Ydet4p1.pdf
Attachment 10: Ydet4p2.pdf
Attachment 11: AmBedet1.pdf
Attachment 12: AmBedet2.pdf
Attachment 13: AmBedet3.pdf
Attachment 14: AmBedet4.pdf
Attachment 15: CmCdet1.pdf
Attachment 16: CmCdet2.pdf
Attachment 17: CmCdet3.pdf
Attachment 18: CmCdet4.pdf
Attachment 19: Csdet1.pdf
Attachment 20: Csdet2.pdf
Attachment 21: Csdet3.pdf
Attachment 22: Csdet4.pdf
Attachment 23: Ydet1p1.pdf
Attachment 24: Ydet1p2.pdf
Thu Jun 29 09:21:13 2023 |
Annie | Info on Samples | Both Au samples (20mm and 22mm) are single mylar.
Both Si30 (22mm) and natSi (20mm) are double mylar.
Empty is single mylar ONLY
Dummy is double mylar + glue |
Attachment 1: IMG_2242.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_2248.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_2247.JPG
Attachment 4: IMG_2246.JPG
Thu Jun 22 10:37:39 2023 |
Annie | Gold 22mm Sample Images | New 22mm sample compared to old 20mm sample used at the beginning of the campaign + picture of dummy target in the setup. |
Attachment 1: IMG_2187.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_2186.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_2185.JPG
Thu Jun 15 09:57:01 2023 |
Annie | Si Set Up | Si Set up images and documentation.
Detector 1 - C6D6D: Distance= 9 cm, Angle= 135 deg relative to BL (check set up pdf for drawing if unsure), Voltage= 1550 V
Detector 2 - C6D6E: Distance= 9 cm, Angle= 135 deg relative to BL, Voltage= 1590 V
Detector 3 - C6D6H: Distance= 9 cm, Angle= 135 deg relative to BL, Voltage= 1450 V
Detector 4 - C6D6L: Distance= 9 cm, Angle= 135 deg relative to BL, Voltage= 1460 V
Note: Voltages were increased by 30V after the first few runs, these voltages are titled as "new voltages" in the DAQ when they were being tried out, and are now the final voltages.
Attachment 1: IMG_2101.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_2103.JPG
Attachment 3: IMG_2109.JPG
Attachment 4: IMG_2114.JPG
Attachment 5: IMG_2116.JPG
Attachment 6: IMG_2122.JPG
Attachment 7: IMG_2122.JPG
Attachment 8: IMG_2131.JPG
Attachment 9: IMG_2132.JPG
Attachment 10: IMG_2124.JPG
Attachment 11: IMG_2120.JPG
Attachment 12: Si_Set_Up_final.pdf
Tue Apr 11 14:07:43 2023 |
Claudia | Photos of the Zn68 measurement setup | Photos of the 68Zn(n,gamma) measuremement setup at n_TOF EAR-1. |
Attachment 1: IMG_20180409_204846530_LL.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_20180409_204854032_LL.jpg
Attachment 3: IMG_20180410_180042179_LL.jpg
Attachment 4: IMG_20180411_140834699_LL.jpg
Attachment 5: Zn68measurement.jpg
Fri Jul 29 17:21:47 2022 |
Ragan | Enriched Si-30 | Attached are the pictures of enriched Si-30 metal pieces. |
Attachment 1: IMG_2692.jpg
Attachment 2: IMG_2693.jpg
Sat Mar 19 17:29:43 2022 |
Nikolay Sosnin | Al26 Experimental Inventory at n_TOF | Three aluminium crates contain 26Al(n, alpha) kit from EAR2, and was in the barracks (building 6547) near detector lab by EAR1 entrance. A list is attached and photos can be found on Dropbox: |
Attachment 1: Al26_Inventory.pdf
Mon Jan 25 16:11:54 2021 |
Nikolay Sosnin | 25.01.2021: Cross-section Calculation Update | |
Attachment 1: Unresolved_Normalization_1.pptx
Mon Oct 5 15:01:04 2020 |
RG | Monday meeting slides: 05 Oct | Summary of work done so far. |
Attachment 1: 2020_10_05_SummarySoFar.pdf
Mon Oct 5 14:54:55 2020 |
Nikolay Sosnin | Overall Progress: Monday Meeting 05.10.2020 | |
Attachment 1: Selenium_Data.pptx
Fri Oct 2 14:01:24 2020 |
RG | Monday meeting slides: 28 Sep | Further investigation into dedicated and parasitic discrepancy. |
Attachment 1: 2020_09_28.pdf
Fri Oct 2 13:59:05 2020 |
RG | Monday meeting slides: 21 Sep | Dedicated and parasitic discrepancy (Au 5eV resonance plateau) - quantified.
Flux and E_exc numalisation after sum WF. |
Attachment 1: 2020_09_21.pdf
Fri Oct 2 13:55:52 2020 |
RG | Monday meeting slides: 14 Sep | Discrepancy between dedicated and parasitic pulses histograms in the 5eV gold resonance plateau region.
Corrected tof to En conversion.
E_excitation and flux normalisation of yield. |
Attachment 1: 2020_09_14.pdf
Fri Oct 2 13:47:59 2020 |
RG | Monday meeting slides: 07 Sep | Proton consistency test (BCT, SiMon, weighted, unweigted, dedicated, parasitic) - Au cal1 and Se78
BG subtraction
TOF to En conversion
Attachment 1: 2020_09_07.pdf
Tue Sep 29 18:36:03 2020 |
Nikolay Sosnin | SAMMY Fits to Known Se77 Resonances: Meeting 28.09.2020 | |
Attachment 1: SAMMY_Fits_Se77.pptx
Mon Sep 14 13:47:26 2020 |
Nikolay Sosnin | Summed WF: Monday Meeting 14.09.2020 | |
Attachment 1: Sum_Spectra.pptx
Mon Sep 7 13:57:28 2020 |
Nikolay Sosnin | SAMMY Fits Au197: Monday Meeting 07.08.2020 | |
Attachment 1: SAMMY_Gold.pptx
Fri Aug 7 10:57:10 2020 |
Ruchi | Monday meeting slides: 03 Aug | |
Attachment 1: 2020_08_03.pdf
Fri Aug 7 10:56:03 2020 |
Ruchi | Monday meeting slides: 27 Jul | |
Attachment 1: 2020_07_27.pdf
Fri Aug 7 10:55:43 2020 |
Ruchi | Monday meeting slides: 20 Jul | |
Attachment 1: 2020_07_20.pdf
Fri Aug 7 10:53:14 2020 |
Ruchi | Monday meeting slides: 13 Jul | |
Attachment 1: 2020_07_13.pdf
Fri Aug 7 10:50:57 2020 |
Ruchi | Monday meeting slides: 06 Jul | |
Attachment 1: 2020_07_06.pdf
Fri Aug 7 10:39:18 2020 |
Ruchi | TTOFSort processing macro and files path | /eos/user/r/rugarg/public/2017_10_ng_ZnSe/
Latest 4 processing scripts:
1. process_runs_Au1_Jul20.C = Au runs (Se78 part), empty holder runs (Se78 part), and beam-off runs (Se78 part) processed with Au weighting function and set1 of calibration parameters.
2. process_runs_Au2_Jul20.C = Au runs (Se77 part), empty holder runs (Se77 part), and beam-off runs (Se77 part) processed with Au weighting function and set2 of calibration parameters.
3. process_runs_Se78_Jul20.C = Se78 runs, empty holder runs, beam-off runs, C runs, and filter runs processed with Se78 weighting function and set1 of calibration parameters.
4. process_runs_Se77_Jul20.C = Se77 runs, empty holder runs, beam-off runs, and filter runs processed with Se77 weighting function and set2 of calibration parameters. |
Mon Aug 3 14:27:18 2020 |
Nikolay Sosnin | Dead-time and BG Subtraction Meeting Slides | My TTOFSort macro is located in
/afs/ |
Attachment 1: Subtracted_Spectra.pptx
Attachment 2: Deadtimes.pptx
Mon Jul 27 17:40:41 2020 |
Nikolay Sosnin | Meeting Slides (Calibrations + WFs) | |
Attachment 1: Broadening_Round1.pptx
Attachment 2: Weighting_Gold.pptx
Fri Jul 3 14:01:38 2020 |
Claudia | Link to Ruchi's list of runs + description | |
Mon Oct 28 16:15:32 2019 |
Ruchi | Zn68 measurement setup | |
Attachment 1: IMG_3009.JPG
Attachment 2: IMG_3010.JPG
Fri Nov 3 15:06:51 2017 |
Claudia | Measurement Schedule updated | |
Attachment 1: measurementplan_new.pdf
Fri Nov 3 11:22:43 2017 |
Claudia | Detector Configuration | Distance Sample to Detector: Det1: ~10.5 cm, Det2: 11 cm, Det3: 11 cm, Det4: 11 cm
Attachment 1: fig1.jpg
Attachment 2: fig2.jpg
Attachment 3: fig3.jpg
Fri Nov 3 11:19:53 2017 |
Claudia | Sample Preparation | 77Se: m=0.9916 g; D= 20 mm
OLD: 77Se: m=0.919 g according to ntofdaq page. D~ 20 mm NEEDS TO BE CONFIRMED
78Se: m=1.989/pm0.001 g; D=20.09mm; t~1.7 mm
68Zn: m=1.998/pm0.001 g; D=20.02mm; t~1.39 mm |
Attachment 1: Se-77.pdf
Attachment 2: Se-78.pdf
Attachment 3: Zn-68.pdf